Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Love ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Love

Chapter 4

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was BellaWaterFlower when I wrote this)


Rating: PG13


Ash - 15

Misty - 15

James - 17

Jessie - 17

Mrs. Ketchum - 35

Giovanni - 40

Notes: Make sure you read the last 3 parts before you read this one, because otherwise you won't understand. As you know in the last bit, Ash and Jessie put two and two together, and realised that they were brother and sister.

Misty, Pikachu, James and Meowth gasped, and Ash and Jessie just stared at each other.

"No way, how can it be true?" Misty asked.

"You and the twerp? It must be a mistake!" James said shockingly.

"It's the only thing that makes sense. How can the picture of my mother and the picture of his father fit together? All the pieces fit", Jessie said quietly.

"Well, how else can we find out if it's true?" Meowth said.

They were all silent for a few minutes.

"I know!" Ash said. "We can go ask my mum!"

"How is that going to help?" Jessie asked.

"Think about it, if we're related, that woman in the picture must be my mum. Then she can tell us if it's true."

They all agreed to this, and Team Rocket offered to give them a ride back to Ash's house in their balloon.

"Get Butch and Cassidy in my office now!" Giovanni yelled. Butch and Cassidy came running in.

"What is it Boss?" Butch asked in the horribly raspy voice of his.

"I need you to do something for me. Go find the boy Jessie and James have been chasing. I want you to kill him for me."

"Kill?" Cassidy said, stunned.

"That's what I said. And I want it done as soon as possible, is that clear?"

"Right. Anything you say Boss", Butch and Cassidy replied, running out the office with a determined look in their eyes.

When the others got to the Ketchum residence, Deliah came running out to Ash.

"Where have you been?" she asked. "I was so worried!"

"Mum, it's ok", Ash answered. "We kinda...ran into some trouble..." he said, directing his glance to Jessie, James and Meowth.

"Ash, what are Team Rocket doing with you?" Deliah asked.

"Mum, you remember that picture you gave me of my father, where was the other half?"

Deliah gave him a funny look. "Why would you want to know that?"

"Just tell me, mum! I need to know!"

Mrs. Ketchum was shocked. Ash never yelled, or looked so scared and nervous. "The, the other half was with your father."

Ash nodded, and then took the picture of the woman in the photo. He held it up for his mum to see. "Mum, is the woman in this picture you?"

Deliah gasped. "How did you find this?"

"Jessie had it", he said, pointing at the 17 year old standing behind him, holding onto her team-mate's hand.

"Oh my gosh. Jessica?" Deliah asked, with shock in her eyes.

Jessie gave her a funny look, then something came to her. "Mum?"

"I can't believe it. After so many years you're finally back!" Deliah cried, while running up to hug Jessie.

"Mum! I thought you were dead!" Jessie cried as she embraced her mother, whom she hadn't seen for so many years.

"What?" Deliah said. "Who told you that?"

Jessie let go of her mother. "Dad did. He said that you were dying and wanted to be left alone. Then he took me. He took me away, mum!"

"That insensitive moran. How could he!"

Ash, Misty and James looked on in puzzlement, until Ash finally spoke up. "Um, could somebody please explain what is going on here."

Deliah nodded. "I think you better all come inside so I can explain."

Jessie looked back at James. "Can James come too?"

"And Misty?" Ash added.

Mrs. K said they could, and they all walked inside.

Deliah paced the room as she spoke. Tears formed in her eyes as she recalled memories from her painful past.

"It was a long time ago when I met your father. We fell deeply in love very quickly, too quickly I guess. Everyone warned me. My family lost contact with me because they didn't trust him, and my friends backed away, probably for the same reason. But still I didn't listen to them. I was too infatuated with him to even notice. Later, we married and had our first child - Jessica", she pointed at Jessie, who nodded. She continued on. "Finally we had a family. We were happy for a while, everything was perfect. Then, one day, he got a job somewhere. He wouldn't tell me what he did; he just went away and hardly ever came home. The only time I saw him for an actual period of time was one Christmas Eve. Jess was about 6 or 7. About a week later, I found out I was pregnant again."

"With me, right?" Ash asked.

"That's right Ash. But I was too afraid to tell him. I was scared at what he might think. So I kept it a secret. However, he was cooking up a plan of his own at that moment. When I was about 3 months pregnant with Ash, and trying my hardest to hide it, he stole Jess away from me. I was so upset. I had practically raised her by myself and he just took her." Deliah started crying, and Jessie went and sat next to her to comfort her.

"Thankyou dear. But that's not all. I was smart, I figured that if he took our first child, he'd probably take our second one too. So I kept it hidden from him that I was pregnant, and I ran away. I came here. I knew nobody here, so I would be safe. I then changed my name back to my maiden name, which he had forgotten over the years, so he couldn't track me down. Months later I gave birth to Ash, and we've lived here ever since", she finished.

"So, that whole story you told me, it was all a lie?" Ash asked.

Deliah nodded. "I'm sorry honey, but I couldn't let you find out the truth. It was too horrible."

He nodded. "And Jessie is my sister?"

Deliah nodded again. "I wish you two could've grown up together. You were both such great children."

"I understand. But just one other thing", Ash said. He looked at his mother and sister. "Who is my father?"

Deliah looked to the floor. "His name is Giovanni. All I can tell you about him is that he's evil. I don't know where is right now, what he does. Even though, I'm not sure I want to know..."

"I know!" Jessie interrupted. "I know who our father is, I know where he works and where he is right now!"

Everyone turned to her. Jessie turned to her mother, and she nodded. She looked Ash in the eyes. "Our father is Giovanni, the Leader of Team Rocket. And he is in Viridian City, at the Team Rocket Headquarters."

James gasped. "The Boss! The Boss is your father?!" he yelled.

Jessie nodded, an ashamed look on her face. "I couldn't tell you, I was afraid you'd, you'd think I was just like him."

"Oh Jessie I could never think that. Never", he finished as he put his arm around her. They both blushed and James immediately took his arm away from her, seeing everyone's eyes on them.

"When I was little, I thought he was the best dad ever. Then, when I was 7, he took me away from mum, and told me she was dying. I was so upset, but he wouldn't let me show it. Everytime I cried, he yelled at me. So I stopped. From then on I promised myself I wouldn't cry any more. That I would always be tough and strong. I guess it got the better of me..." Jessie explained.

"But what happened to you after that? Why did you turn to Team Rocket?" Misty spoke up for the first time in a while.

"My father enrolled me in Pokémon Tech. You know, the school? And that was where I met James. I always got good grades in my own school, but without my mother, and with my father pushing me, I failed. I couldn't do it, so eventually I stopped trying. After James and I got kicked out for having the worst grades in the history of the school, we ran away. I didn't want to have anything to do with my evil father any more. We ended up at Sunny Town, and there joined a bike gang. But it didn't last too long. My father tracked me down, and took me away. James followed, we were best friends by then and didn't want to be torn apart. Giovanni forced me into joining Team Rocket. I didn't want to. I hated stealing and that type of stuff, but I had no choice. James and I were put into a team, along with Meowth, whom I already knew because he was my fathers favourite Pokémon, and here we are today."

"So Meowth knew about all this too?" James asked.

"Dat's right Jimmy boy. I knew all of it, that is except for da fact dat da twerp was Jessie's brudder. But I was given strict orders by da Boss not ta tell anybody. I dunno why."

Ash was silent for the whole story, excluding a few questions, but now he stood up, holding his fist out. "I know what we have to do", he piped up. "We have to go find Giovanni, and take him to the Police."

The others gasped.

"No, we can't do that", Jessie cried. "He's evil! He'll kill all of us for just entering his Headquarters."

"Jessie's right, you don't know how psycho he is", James backed up her argument.

"But we have to", Ash said. "If we don't, he's going to keep stealing Pokémon, and hurting people. It's the only way. We have no choice."

"Pika pikachu! [Yeah, we can do it!]"

Everyone was silent. They all knew he was right. But at the same time, they were scared half to death. Suddenly, Misty stood up. "Ok, I'm in if Ash is", she held out her hand for a pact.

Ash put his hand on hers. "I'm in."

Jessie and James both got up and placed their hands on Ash and Misty's. "I'm coming", Jessie said quietly.

"Me too", James replied.

Meowth and Pikachu followed suit and finally they had all agreed.

Ash walked up to Jessie and held out his hand. "Truce?" he asked.

Jessie smiled and shook. "Truce. I wish I'd know I had a little brother sooner. I'm sorry for being so mean to you in the past."

Ash was extremely surprised as the way Jessie was acting. "It's ok. I understand it was orders. I'm sorry for being mean to you aswell."

Jessie smiled, and Misty, James, Meowth and Pikachu came up to them, ready to go.

Deliah came up and gave her son and daughter a big hug. "You just make sure you're careful. I want you both back here in one piece, we have a lot of catching up to do". Then she looked from Jessie to James, and winked at him. "And besides, I have to get to know my future son-in-law."

James blushed and Jessie yelled. "We are not boyfriend and girlfriend! If you want a boyfriend and girlfriend, look at those two!" Jessie pointed to Ash and Misty, who immediately denied it.

With that, the 4 people and two Pokémon left for the Team Rocket Headquarters in Viridian City. Deliah walked back into her house. "Oh, I hope they're all right", she said as tears threatened to spill again.

One day later, the group arrived in Viridian City. Jessie, James and Meowth led them to a dark side of town, where a huge building was sitting. It was creepy just outside, they could only imagine what it was going to be like inside. Misty noticed that Ash had been quiet the whole way, not his usual cheery self. "Ash, are you ok?" she asked him.

He looked up from the floor. "Yeah, just a little disappointed."

"Huh? Why?"

"My father didn't just abandon me, he is the Leader of the group I hate so much, Team Rocket. My own father was the one who was trying to get my Pikachu. And what if I grow up to be just like him, Misty? I don't think I can handle that thought."

Misty put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, you could never turn out to be like him. You are a great Pokémon trainer, and you care for your Pokémon. There is no way that thought is possible."

He smiled at her. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks again, Misty."

She smiled back. "Don't mention it."

"So what's our plan?" James asked, interrupting the two.

"We walk inside to the Bosses office, and say we want out of Team Rocket. Then, when he tries to convince us otherwise, and starts to yell and threaten, we launch all our Pokémon on him. Then we call the Police", Jessie explained.

Everyone seemed to agree, and they walked into the TR HQ. As predicted, it was dark and dingy inside. They walked up stairs and got into lifts, having to swipe a Team Rocket membership card to get through every doorway. Finally, they got to the Boss's office. The secretary let them in, and there he was, sitting at his desk with a Persian beside him.

"Ahhh, Jessie, James and Meowth. Finally you decide to report back to me!" he snapped, and they all cringed at his voice. "And who are your friends? Future Team Rocket members?" he asked, as he stood up, not even noticing the Pikachu standing beside Ash.

"N-no Sir. This is Ash Ketchum. The boy we've been following for years", James said.

Giovanni gasped, but then regained his composure. "Well well well. You finally did something right. Maybe I should have sent you on that mission instead of Butch and Cassidy. But now I can do exactly what I'd planned."

"What?" Jessie said.

Giovanni pulled a gun out of his jacket, and aimed it at Ash. Jessie, James, Meowth and Pikachu yelled, "NO!" (A/N: Pikachu said it in Pikachu language).

Misty was shocked. She screamed out Ash's name and tried to jump in the way of the gun, but James stopped her.

"I have been wanting to kill you for sometime. And now I finally get my chance." Giovanni clicked back the gun and directed it at Ash's chest. Ash was frozen in fear. "No, please, don't do it", he said with tears welling up in his eyes. He was more scared than he had ever been in his life. Misty was struggling to get out of James' grip, and Pikachu was standing there, not knowing what to do.

"No, you can't do it!" Jessie suddenly yelled out.

"And why not?" Giovanni snapped at Jessie, not pointing the gun away from Ash.

"Because he's your son."

To be continued...

Another cliffhanger. Don't worry I have plenty more to go. ^_^

Ciao! Luv Sarah