Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Love ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Love

Chapter 5

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was BellaWaterFlower when I wrote this)


Rating: PG13


Ash - 15

Misty - 15

James - 17

Jessie - 17

Mrs. Ketchum - 35

Giovanni - 40

Notes: Hi peeps. The only thing I have to say is this: I know this story isn't based on the real past of the Pokémon characters. Giovanni is not Ash's father, Ash and Jessie are not brother and sister and Mrs. Ketchum is not Jessie's mum. I purely made it all up for entertainment. Anyway, on with the story.

"What?" Giovanni said, lowering his gun and directing his glare to Jessie.

Ash crumpled to the floor and Misty and Pikachu ran over to him.

"Pika pi [Ash?]"

"Ash are you ok?" Misty asked in a concerned tone.

"Y-ye-yeah, I-I-I-I'm fine", he stammered. "Just a little shaken."

Misty noticed that he looked like he was about to cry, and she put her arms around him. Ash accepted her kindness and started to cry. "I thought he was gonna do it, Misty. I thought he was gonna kill me."

"It's ok. Please don't cry", she comforted, pulling away from the embrace. He dried his tears and Pikachu jumped into his lap.

'He's been really sensitive lately. Usually he'd laugh in the face of danger. I guess he's never thought of much of the danger he's been in as of that which could kill him...' Misty thought.

Giovanni watched the three with an amused look on his face. That look then turned to rage. "SHUT IT THE BOTH OF YOU!" he yelled.

Ash, Misty and Pikachu stood up immediately at his command.

Giovanni turned back to Jessie. "What is this you say about this boy being my son?"

Jessie gulped, then a look of anger flashed across her face. She remembered all the things her selfish arrogant father had done to her. Now it was time to show him that she wasn't under his power anymore. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, father!"

James gasped. "Jessie..."

Jessie looked back at him. "No James, I have to do this." She turned back to Giovanni. "Ash Ketchum is the boy, your own son, who you abandoned when you took me and forced me to be in Team Rocket. I can't believe you could have done something like that. I had a brother all these years and I didn't even know it. I've always thought you were a low, arrogant moran, but I never thought you'd go as low as this."

"Ahhh", Giovanni said quietly. He didn't appear to be too shocked. He always knew this day would come, when he would find his son. He never could have believed that it was the boy Jessie and James had been following. And to top it all off, he was the one with the Pikachu. Everything was turning out perfect for him. He pressed a button on his desk. Moments later, two guards came into the office.

"Take these two to the dungeon", he said, gesturing at James and Misty. Make sure you take all of their Pokémon away from them. The Meowth can go with them."

"What?" James, Meowth and Misty said.

The guards grabbed them and started to haul them away.

"No, Misty!" Ash cried, running up to her. The guard pushed him back.

"It's ok Ash. I'll be fine. Just be careful ok?" Misty told him.

Ash glared at the guard and nodded at his best friend.

James was struggling with the guard. "Hey, be careful will ya. Don't mess up my hair or else..."

"Shut it now", the guard stated. James kept quiet.

Jessie glared murder at Giovanni and walked over to James and the guard.

"You do anything to hurt them and don't think you'll be seeing daylight again, got it?"

The guard looked at Giovanni, then back at Jessie. He gave her daggers and pushed James out. The others guards followed suit with Misty and Meowth. Jessie gave James a helpless smile as he was forced out the door.

"Seems like you've developed an attitude Miss Rocket", Giovanni said.

"Yeah well I don't care any more. You've done enough to hurt my family and I. You can promote me, give me all the money in the world and give me everything I want, but I still won't think of you as my father."

Ash picked up Pikachu and held it tightly, just in case Giovanni tried anything.

"If only I had known what you were planning. I still can't believe you would sink so low..." Jessie mumbled.

"Ahh but it was the perfect plan", Giovanni exclaimed.

"Huh?" Ash said.

"I figured I'd come and find my son when he had grown up. I am a busy man, and I don't need to sit around watching kids grow up. I planned to use him as a Rocket member. But then I found out that your mother had disappeared. I was angry, but I knew that someday I'd find my son, and make him take his place in Team Rocket."

"You moron. You disgust me. I would never, ever get involved with Team Rocket. I'd rather die."

Giovanni glared at Ash.

"And I could never think of you as my father. I'm glad I didn't grow up with you."

Giovanni got up from his chair. "Oh is that so?"

Ash turned his back to him. Jessie still felt a little uneasy, thinking as the boy she had despised for so many years as her brother. But she went up and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I'll take that as a no then?" Giovanni said.

Ash nodded.

"Right." He pressed the guard button on his desk and two of the three burly men that had been there before entered the room.

"Take them to the dungeon with the other three. Take all of their Pokémon..."

"You're not getting Pikachu!" Ash said.

"Shut it, kid. You don't do as I ask so you pay the price."

Ash snarled at him. One of the guards grabbed Pikachu's Pokéball, and returned it. A little groan escaped from Pikachu's mouth as it was transported in as energy and stored in the tiny ball. The guard took all of Ash's other Pokémon, and Jessie's. He put them in a bag and carried it with him. He took both the trainers and pushed them out of the room. Ash glared at Giovanni as he was forced out.

Meanwhile, at the dungeon...

Misty, James and Meowth had been stripped of their Pokémon and put in a dark, dingy cell. Misty sat huddled in a corner. James could tell she was scared without Ash or her Pokémon to protect her. They sat in an awkward silence for about 10 minutes, until they heard a yell coming from down the corridor.

"Quit pushing me, I can walk you know."

James recognised the voice as Jessie's, and stood up to see. Sure enough, Jessie was coming down the corridor with a guard. Behind her was Ash. The two of them were thrown into the cell. Ash was thrown especially hard and landed on his back. He groaned as he hit the cold, hard floor. Misty ran over to him.

"Ash are you ok?"

Ash got up. "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm ok, I guess", she replied.

James and Jessie hugged.

"I'm glad you're back", they said in unison. Meowth nodded at them.

"So what happened?" James asked Jessie and Ash.

Ash lowered his head. "He wants me to join Team Rocket."

Misty gasped. "What?!"

James just sat there. He knew that was coming.

"I'm not doing it. I don't care if I have to stay down here for the rest of my life."

Misty looked at him worriedly. "What are we gonna do?"

"I dunno. I just don't know..."

To be continued...

Ok, in my opinion, that was real crap. It was a little boring to write, but the next part has a more action and excitement.

Ciao! Luv Sarah