Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Love ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Love

Chapter 6

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was BellaWaterFlower when I wrote this)


Rating: PG13


Ash - 15

Misty - 15

James - 17

Jessie - 17

Mrs. Ketchum - 35

Giovanni - 40

Notes: This part is gonna be short. It's getting a little more exciting now I suppose.

It had been three days since Giovanni had asked Ash to join up and fight, or should I say steal, with Team Rocket. For three days they had been feeding off of food that wouldn't even be suitable for a Slugma. They hadn't seen Giovanni since the confrontation with him three days ago, but knew that he hadn't given up. Otherwise, why would he be keeping them down there? The four humans and Meowth seemed to be getting along. Jessie and Misty still had their issues with each other, but they try to keep it to themselves. Three days later, Ash woke up, painfully. He rolled over and discovered he'd slept on a rock. He moaned, then turned around to the place where Misty usually slept. She wasn't there.

"Misty?" he said quietly.

Ash sat up and looked around the small room. Misty wasn't anywhere to be seen. Jessie was just waking up. She rubbed her eyes groggily and looked over at her brother. "What's up?"

Ash was starting to get worried. "Have you seen Misty? She isn't here. I woke up and she was gone. Where is she?!" he said frantically.

"Now now, calm down. I'm sure we'll find her."

"But she couldn't have gotten out! She would've woken us up first."

"You think. Well I think that because of the selfish little brat that she is, she probably broke out of here and ran", Jessie said smugly.

Ash glared at her. "Jessie! Misty is my best friend. I've known her for 5 years and I know she wouldn't do something like that, so lay off ok?"

Jessie folded her arms across her chest. "Whatever."

"Grr... Look Jessie! I don't care what your stupid attitude is towards Misty, or what differences you have in that you hate each other, but can you just forget about it and help me find her!" Ash yelled.

Jessie was surprised at his sudden burst of anger. Through following him around she thought he was a gentle and quiet person. 'Guess he really does care for her', she thought.

Due to Ash's yelling, James and Meowth were beginning to get up. Ash was leaning out the bars, trying to see if Misty was out there. "Oh I can't find her anywhere", he said.

James and Meowth looked at Ash questioningly.

"Misty's gone!" Ash said.

"What?!" they both said in unison.

At that moment, more guards came. They opened the bars and took Ash, Jessie, James and Meowth roughly out of the cell.

Ash struggled with the guard. "What the hell have you done with Misty?" he yelled at the guard. The big, burly man ignored him. Ash kicked him in the shin, which made him stop.

"What did you do to her?" he asked once more.

The guard glared at him, then kneed him in the stomach. Ash wheeled over in pain, groaning.

"You'll find out soon enough you little runt", the guard told him.

Jessie, James and Meowth looked on in horror. They couldn't do anything. They were helpless against Team Rocket.

The guards took them to a large room. It was like an assembly hall for Team Rocket members. Ash, Jessie, James and Meowth were thrown into a corner, and they stayed there in fear of the guards. Moments later, Giovanni came into the room. Misty was behind him. Her hands were tied and her mouth was bounded. Giovanni was pulling her roughly. Ash rushed forward, trying to get to Misty. But one of the guards pulled him back, and threw him back where the others were. He fell to the floor, but got straight back up.

"Misty!" he called.

Misty looked to him helplessly. She looked like she'd had a rough night, and tears filled her eyes when she saw Ash. He eyes said: 'Please help me'. She tried to talk but her mouth was bound, and Giovanni was glaring at her. Ash yelled at Giovanni, not caring what he did anymore.

"Let Misty go right now, you, you…bastard…"

"Shut it young man. I have a proposal to make with you", Giovanni told him in a deep, untrusting voice.

Jessie and James gasped, and Meowth mumbled an 'oh no…' They knew what happened when Giovanni wanted to make a deal. It meant danger.

The 'Boss' took out a gun, and put it to Misty's head. She tried to scream through the piece of material tied around her mouth, but failed. She looked on helplessly as she faced certain death by just one trigger being pulled. Ash almost fainted. Jessie, James and Meowth cringed.

"You wouldn't…you wouldn't dare…" Ash stuttered out.

"Oh I would. You bet I would. But you have a decision to make."

Ash glared at him again.

Giovanni smirked. "You either join Team Rocket, or I kill your little girlfriend."

To be continued…

Ciao! Luv Sarah.

'In the middle of the madness, there's a place where quiet can be found.'