Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Affairs of Heart ❯ Affairs of heart 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Affairs of the Heart
Fandom: Tenipuri/POT
Genre: General/Romance
Pairings: TezukaOC, OshitariOC
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Prince of Tennis.
Author's notes: This is something which came to me while watching television and thinking about one of my friend fic. ^_^
Summary: Angela and Amanda, a set of fraternal twins sisters transfered from New York to Seigaku and Hyoutei Gakuen respectively. Follow them as they lead you into their lives and entranced you with their latest happenings in Tokyo, as well as their love lives...

Chapter 1 - Angela's first day at Seigaku

Angela was nervous; she regretted the decision of not joining her sister at Hyoutei when they had first arrived in Japan to settle their school transferring issues. When they were choosing their new schools, she had looked over all aspects of Hyoutei and Seigaku before making her choice. Back then; she thought that Hyoutei would be more suitable for her sister. Seigaku's focus on academic results seemed more appealing to her than Hyoutei's emphasis on talent.

Angela excelled in both fields so she decided to join Seigaku instead of Hyoutei. Now, she was wondering if she made the right decision. It was the first time the two of them were to be separated since most of the time they were seen together. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into her new school 'Seishun Gakuen'.

Now as she faced her new class, she felt surprisingly at ease. She was reading a book when two of the boys approached her. Placing the book by the side, she looked at them expectantly. One of them smiled at her politely and introduced himself.

"Aa... McKenzie-san, I'm Fuji Syuusuke and this is my friend, Kikumaru Eiji," he said gesturing to the redhead standing beside him politely.

Angela blushed and replied. "Nice to meet you, you can just call me Angela. I'm aware that my surname is kind of difficult to pronounce by Asians."

Immediately, the redhead standing by the side; piped up. "Nyah! Really? We can just call you Angela?"

"Yeah... that's fine." Angela smiled at them politely.

"Aa... so how do you like it if we show you around the school?" Fuji suggested.

Angela pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement. 'Well... no harm done, since I'm pretty much alone in this school. Might as well take this chance to know my way around the school, who knows, we might even end up as friends.' she thought to herself.

"Saa... I guess we'll see you after school then." Fuji said as they headed back to their seats to prepare for their next lessons.

After school, Angela meet up with Fuji and Eiji outside the class. Smiling politely, she asked. "So where are we heading to?"

"Well... we are heading for the Tennis court, since we are both members of the school tennis team. Which club do you intend to join?" Fuji asked.

Angela blinked. "Oh... I'm joining the tennis club too."

Eiji stared at Angela with disbelief, "Eh... you played tennis too? Are you any good?"

Angela blushed. "Well...I know I looked like the type who only studied but I do played tennis. I used to represent my previous school team in American interschool tennis competition."

The three of them headed towards the tennis court with Fuji and Angela smiling each time when Eiji happily bounced down the hallway.

"Saa... so how do you think of the school so far?" Fuji asked Angela as they headed towards the direction of the tennis courts.

"I think it's fine, I haven't done much exploring yet." Angela smiled in response.

They were just coming around the corner when they heard Eiji calling for them to hurry. Sharing a smile, both of them picked up their steps and hurried after the hyperactive boy. Once they reached the tennis court, Fuji introduced Angela to the regular members of Seigaku Tennis Club.

"This is our buchou, Tezuka Kunimitsu." Fuji introduced.

Turning to Tezuka, Fuji gestured to Angela and said. "This is our new transfer student from America, Angela McKenzie."

Angela smiled politely in response, while Tezuka merely nodded in silent acknowledgement. A while later, only Tezuka and Angela was left standing by the side, while everyone went to practice on court. The situation was awkward and neither of them spoke. It was not in Angela's nature to start a conversation with someone she had no relations with. So, she simply focused her attention to the game, trying her best to ignore the uncomfortable silence between them.

Tezuka, on the other hand, was aware of the fact that the new girl was probably feeling uncomfortable. Yet, he could do nothing to ease the awkward silence since he had no idea on how to handle such a situation. Instead, he settled on observing his fellow teammates working out on court; ignoring the fact that Fuji was eyeing his every move from his place in the court.

As soon as practice came to an end, Angela excused herself from the company.

"Thank you for inviting me here, I'll drop by in future if I have the time. I'm afraid I'll have to leave now, my sister is probably waiting for me somewhere around now." Angela told Fuji apologetically, before swiftly heading to the school gate.

Fuji merely smiled at her politely before sending her on her way. He then headed towards the clubroom where he knew Tezuka was probably packing up for the day.

"Ne, Tezuka..." Fuji started.

Tezuka looked up at Fuji for a moment, before he zipped up his tennis bag.

"What do you think of Angela?" Fuji asked.

Raising an eyebrow at Fuji's question, Tezuka asked, "What exactly do you mean by saying that?"

Fuji smiled harmlessly as he reached for his bag, "Nothing much, just wanted to know what's your first impression of her."

Initially, Tezuka wanted to ignore Fuji but decided against it since he knew Fuji can be very persistent if the latter wanted to be.

"She's fine. Didn't have a chance to talk to her, so I don't know much." he replied simply.

Fuji continued to smile, totally unaffected by Tezuka's answer. "Saa... I think you have plenty of chances to talk to her, it's only that you don't know how to approach." Fuji responded with a smile.

"Fuji..." Tezuka prompted, eyeing Fuji warily.

Fuji remained unfazed and smiled warmly at Tezuka as he headed in the direction of his own home. Tezuka stared at Fuji's departing back for a moment, before heading towards the direction of the bus stop. 'I just hope Fuji won't poke his nose in people's business.' he sighed mentally to himself, knowing that Fuji always did what other people would not attempt to do.

~ to be continued~

date started: 25/05/05

date completed: 25/05/05