Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss Diaries ❯ Irate Flirtations ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The next morning, Motoko rose up from her side, and opened the slide to a new dawn, a new day, and was feeling good. She had her orange kimono just like most days. But then she snorted a little when she found Sasuke sleeping naked by the door.
“Oh Sasuke, you idiot of a dark horse.” She giggled slightly, as she then looked down upon his chest, oh how speckles she thought. But then, she thought of a very, devious idea. She then woke Sasuke up hurriedly by dragging his arm back into the room, and flung his body back on the bed.
“Motoko what are you doing?!” She then braced herself onto his lap and rocked him a little.
“You son of a bitch! You got me addicted to you! And no, Ashitaka is not better than you, because I will never do it with him! Now shut up and enjoy this!”
Until he could finish his sentence, Motoko had already slammed her lips down on his, so hard it almost hurt. She then tried to smash his back down on the floor.
“Motoko there's no need to hit on me so hard! We're on the same team!”
“Come on Sasuke! I thought you're supposed to be on top of me!” Sasuke looked at her quite innocently, when until he winced a little as Motoko planned to suck on his neck. Until…
“Motoko have you kicked Sasuke out of the house or what?” Ashitaka then immediately walked into her room, only to see Motoko on top of Sasuke.
“A bit too early don't you think?” His sarcasm over came him as he slid the door shut again.
“Maybe next time eh?”
“Likewise.” Sasuke replied when Motoko got off of him, and then threw his clothes into his face as he rose up.
Ashitaka decided to have an early morning bath to refresh himself, WITHOUT anyone around to exploit his…weapon of genitalia. At last, there won't be any person surrounding him who will see him naked look down and *GASPS* with every second. Beside, I think they were more astonished about the size rather than the vulgarity of it. So there he was, nude and dipped into the crystal springs. The thermal heat stimulated him a little, as he gave out an exhilarating sigh and flicked his hair out from the water. His hands brushed on each arm to clear the dead skin away from them, and the current ran through his legs which gave him a quite sensational feel.
But then, Ashitaka heard a twig snap behind him. He twitched his eyes behind him and wondered a little, but then after a small while, he got back to his bathing. But then, another snap came from behind him, which made him twitch round even further, and stare deep into the forest.
“Sasuke? Motoko? Is it either of you?” But then he heard a sort of a squeaky sound, more bird-like. Squawking quite loudly, almost like a gull, when then he hear another squawky voice, only this time more humane; feminine to be precise, and recognizable.
“Argh! Get away from me you damn duck!”
“San?” She then came out from the bushes with her dagger swiping through the air as the bird shrieked out with feathers flying out. San was then hacking her way into the bid like a madwoman who scrubs cats with a washing board and chucks them in a basket.
“Ha! Now who's the dead bitch?!” She laughed too zanily; she then tripped on a rock and fell into the hot springs…on top of Ashitaka. She then rose up from the waters to see that her waist was a few inches away from the surface. “It's a miracle! I can float!” But then she heard a muffling with bubbles blowing up. “Don't tell me that bird's still alive!”
“Who's that?! Motoko?! Sasuke?! NOOOO…!” She was then lifted into the air and slammed back down through the surface of the water, with Ashitaka standing with his back straight, leg fairly spread, and his hands on his hips.
“Really San? Like slapping me for feeling exposed to my penis isn't enough for you, but trying to make me drown WITH your legs cross, does it make you feel any better?!”
“I didn't know you were in here, and would you mind covering your reproductive weapon?!”
“Damn it San! Why must you come at the most inappropriate time?!”
“Ugh! Me?!” San then rose back up standing on the pool bed. “Who's the one who should have worn a towel before opening the slide?!”
“Who was the one who shouldn't have asked about sex?!”
“Who was the one who collided into me with a thrust?!” Their bickering submissively made them walk closer and closer to each other.
“Who was the one who called human's jackasses?!”
“That's because they are jackasses!”
“So, ALL humans are jackasses?!”
“That's right!”
“Even me?!”
“Yes even you!”
“Well sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not human anymore!” San drew herself closer to Ashitaka's wet temple of a body.
“I don't care! That still makes you a jackass!”
“Well if I'm a jackass, why do you hang around with me?!”
“Why do you love me?!”
“Because I want for the rest of my life!” They stop in their tracks as they were just an inch away from each other. They suddenly stared into each other's eyes.
Next minute, they then slammed their lips extremely hard on each others and grope their tongues intensely. Their arms were latched around each other's bodies and their hands pressed down on their backs and shoulders. They couldn't stop moving around until they both suddenly stopped, and stared angrily at Sasuke who was in front of them.
“Ooooh…shit.” He then ran away back to the house with San chasing behind him.
“You little cun—
“San! Don't say that word; it's the worse!” But she was too busy running after Sasuke, when then she pounced onto his back like a leopard. She bolted her legs round his stomach and banged her fist on his head.
“Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!”
“Only because I heard the two of you arguing!”
That doesn't concern you!” Sasuke then grabbed her back from behind and sent her flying in the air.
“WOW! I'm flying—

She collided into a tree like George in the jungle; as she slid down slowly back onto the ground. Sasuke winced a little when he watched her painfully fall.
“Ouch…” He secretly whispered. But then a muffled reply came from her.
“I'll get youuuu…you son of a biiiiitch…”
“Stupid little wolf girl trying to overpower me.” Sasuke scoffed at her in a cheeky way. He then stopped as he saw San slowly, and quite painfully, brought herself to her feet again.
“I'll…get you Sasuke…when you least expect it!” She then sharply turned around, and put up a hysterical laugh that shook Sasuke in a cold worrying way. She took a few steps back, not realizing she was on the edge of a hill, and as she took another step…
“I'll get you—WHOA!”
But silent. Sasuke quickly looked down to see if she was alright, but he saw her flat once her face once more.
“I'll…get you!” she muffled, as she crawled back into the forest.
“I worry about that girl.”