Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Engaging Problems... ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"Thank you for everything, Akane-chan," Kodachi said as she kissed her lover good-night, "You were wonderful. I enjoyed ever second…"

"You weren't so bad yourself," Akane softly chuckled before returning another kiss, her arms around Kodachi's waist as the other woman continued to hold her, both savoring the warmth of their bodies and the musky smell of recent sex that clung to them both.

"All right you two," Keiko said with a grin, "Break it up before Aunt Nodoka sees us. Are we on for tomorrow night, your place?"

"Hai," Kodachi smiled, "And I will remember to pick up the items you suggested. It should make for a most…entertaining session."

"You sure you can keep your brother out of the way?" Akane asked with a note of caution.

"Akane-chan," Kodachi purred as she kissed her with deep affection, "I've been handling my brother since before the day we met. He wouldn't notice a herd of elephants storming through our gardens if I told him to be at a certain time and place, provided you do not mind distracting him for a while, Keiko-chan?"

"Hey, he seems like a nice enough guy when he's not spouting poetry and threatening to storm the gates of heaven," Keiko agreed, "Just as long as he doesn't try anything fancy I should be able to keep him out of your hair for a few hours. Just remember that I expect some compensation."

"And you will have it," Kodachi chuckled in wicked promise before turning back to Akane and sighing in blissful ardor, "It will be hard struggling through the hours until next we meet…"

"Likewise," Akane agreed as they gave each other another hug, then Kodachi exited the door as Akane leaned against the frame and watched her departure with a sigh.

"Now, wasn't that a lot more fun than fighting?" Keiko asked, "Not that fighting isn't my second favorite thing in the whole universe, of course…"

"Oh you," Akane chuckled, "Thank you for showing us how to deepen our friendship, Keiko-chan. I'd always wondered if there were any way for 'Dachi and me to become closer than we already are to one another…and now we know," she chuckled more deeply.

"You're welcome," Keiko grinned, "Just don't tell anyone about this. If Nab-chan finds out she'll probably accuse me of corrupting your morals, or some such nonsense."

"Like she should talk about morals," Akane giggled like a schoolgirl, which in fact she was, though this was one of the rare times she acted like it.

"Actually," Keiko sobered, "I'm more worried about Nodoka-san finding out, or maybe your father. They might kick me out of here if they thought I was teaching 'improper' behavior to their little Akane."

"Like I was a six year old who needed scolding," Akane closed the door in a huff, "Don't worry, Kei-Chan, Kodachi and I'll be discrete about this, and we won't let anyone know you coached us. This'll be our little secret."

"Good," Keiko smiled as they went back towards the stairs and headed for Akane's room, "You know, if you were like your sister, she'd probably use this to blackmail me into something or other. She never was one to give away her favors without expecting something in return."

"I'm not my sister," Akane huffed, no longer sounding very amused.

"So I noticed," Keiko smirked as she gave Akane a sidelong glance, grinning more broadly as she saw the youngest Tendo girl blush as scarlet as her namesake.

As they got to the door, however, Akane thrust her arm out in Keiko's way and turned around with a smirk of her own as she said, "Oh no you don't! I need to get dressed, and you need to take a shower. As a matter of fact, we both do…"

"Fine," Keiko grinned, "Then let's do it together!"

Akane laughed before she replied, "Now that I know what you see in a girl when she's undressed, I'm not giving anything away myself, or I never will get ready in time for dinner. In fact, I'm surprised we weren't called out by now. Kasumi never misses a dinner summons, you can set your watch by it."

"Good point," Keiko mused, "Maybe I should go back downstairs and see if she's all right."

"Not smelling like that, you don't," Akane chuckled once again, "We're not serving fish this time, as far as I know."

"Hey!" Keiko protested, "I've been told it smells more like Salmon!"

"Three days old?" Akane grinned, making a point of holding her nose, "Take your bath, or--better yet--a shower, then it'll be my turn. Let's not push our luck any farther than we have, shall we?"

"All right," Keiko sighed, "You win…this time."

"Next time I'll let you scrub my back, I promise," Akane smirked before she closed her door behind her.

"That's not all I'll scrub, you little minx," Keiko grinned in delight as she started to turn around, only to find Kasumi standing right behind her.

Keiko blinked, not just because she had failed utterly to hear the approach of the older Tendo daughter but because Kasumi was looking at her very strangely. It was not the happy smile Kasumi normally wore, or even the blandly oblivious smile she fixed on someone when playing the peacemaker. Kasumi was not smiling at all, nor was she frowning exactly, but one would have been very hard pressed to find her expression warm and friendly.

In a voice that carried no farther than a meter she murmured, "What have you been doing with my sister?"

For some reason Keiko swallowed, feeling very much in the spotlight. A simple denial was not likely to work here. There was something in Kasumi's accusatory stare that said plainly enough that the knew without doubt just what--in general terms--Keiko had been doing with Akane.

She tried weak humor first, "Well, you know the old expression about making love instead of war? I was just helping two close friends cement their friendship."

Kasumi continued to stare at her as she replied, "And what about Ryoga?"

Keiko lost her smile as she replied with a bland, "Nani?"

"The boy is infatuated with Akane," Kasumi spoke slowly, "You can see it in everything he does, but he's too shy to approach her with the knowledge. I thought he was your friend, yet here you are encouraging Akane to turn her affections elsewhere."

Keiko was impressed. She had long suspected that Kasumi had more on the ball than anyone gave credit, but the level cogency of that statement left no doubt that she was both intelligent and perceptive.

"I'm not trying to create a wedge or anything," Keiko said somewhat defensively, "Why do people like you always assume a girl has to go one way or the other? Let her live a little, explore her options, maybe decide if she likes it both ways at once. Who knows, maybe she and Kodachi might both take him on. I think Ryoga's man enough to handle that sort of action."

"And who gave you the right to decide this?" Kasumi asked just before the door to Akane's room opened and Akane herself looked outside in puzzlement.

"Are you talking to someone Keiko-san--Kasumi?" she gasped in surprise.

"Oh, Akane-chan," suddenly Kasumi's tone was its usual cheerful-bland manner, "Dinner is ready, if you and Keiko-san would care to come downstairs. Father and Auntie are worried that you might be sick…"

"Thank you, Oni-chan," Akane smiled affectionately, "Tell them I was just getting ready after seeing Kodachi on her way…"

"Oh, Kodachi-san was here?" Kasumi affected surprise, "Why didn't you invite her to stay for dinner?"

"She had to head on home," Akane replied, "Besides she…um…wasn't dressed for the occasion. I'll be down after I take a quick shower and get dressed, okay?"

"Hai, Akane-chan," Kasumi smiled in honest affection, but once Akane closed her door she turned a different look towards Keiko.

"You're tricky," Keiko said with raised eyebrows.

"Thank you," Kasumi replied, "Someone has to be the voice of sanity around here. Most times it's me."

"Unless Kaneda's in the picture?" Keiko asked and was rewarded by seeing Kasumi flinch away with a guilty start, "Guess I'm not the only hentai around here, ne?"

Kasumi did not instantly reply to that, but when she did she whispered, "What would you know about it? You don't even like men."

"Never had much reason to," Keiko said, "My father left me and my mother when I was only seven, and after I got taken by Pirates, well…you can pretty much imagine what sort of guys I had to deal with."

"You've also had rude encounters with women," Kasumi pointed out.

"True," Keiko conceded, "But after the first one I learned not to mind it very much. I don't suppose an innocent flower like you would be much interested in my shonan-ai adventures as a Slave in Madam Lao's dungeon?"

Kasumi did not answer, but her silence and posture as much as told Keiko that she was curious…if only a little.

Keiko took a deep breath and said, "Kasumi-chan…mind if I call you that? You're a bright, well educated girl, and anyone with half a brain can see that you're lonely…"

"I…" Kasumi reluctantly began, then did not continue.

Keiko's sigh was more heartfelt as she took Kasumi by the arm and led her, unresisting, back to the room Kasumi shared with Nodoka, then closed the door and said, "What do you think about me? I mean really, honestly, without all the pretense and niceness?"

Kasumi drew a ragged breath and said, "I think you are a basically nice girl, you've just had some very bad breaks. I'd not accusing you of corrupting my sister's morals…"

"Excuse me," Keiko sniffed, "I think you already did. Not that I take offense to that sort of thing, I hear it all the time. I never even pretended that I was a virtuous woman, Tendo-san."

Kasumi did not answer that, but her silence once again was telling.

"Look," Keiko sighed, "You're trying to look out for your sister, and I appreciate that, but learning how to love other women isn't going to ruin Akane for marriage. She's still just a kid, and I know you think she's way too young to be considering marriage, so what harm is it in allowing her to experiment a little? It's not like she'll catch an STD from hanging around with Kodachi…unless that Black Rose starts flirting with half of the other girls on her own campus."

"But…" Kasumi began, "A young woman should not fool around before marriage…"

"There speaks the wisdom of our elders," Keiko snorted derisively, "I beg to disagree. Virginity is overrated. Guys think a girl who's had experience is some kind of despoiled flower, and that's nonsense! As if they want to hold it in until they've said their vows at the altar! Well, maybe your adoptive Brother, Ranma, but he's an exception."

"Ranma is a very nice boy," Kasumi replied, "He would never take advantage of a woman…"

"And Nabiki thinks he's right for her?" Keiko could not help chuckling at the irony, "But seriously, if a boy and a girl enter marriage without knowing what they're getting involved with it can lead to just as many problems as anything you're afraid of. Not everybody out there has a Sexually Transmitted Disease, and not everyone gets pregnant from one or even a dozen times together…"

"But these things do happen," Kasumi reasoned, "I have read many books and magazine articles…"

"And they all compare it to Russian Roulette?" Keiko snorted in contempt, "A 2% chance is a lot more remote than one-in-six, Kasumi-san, and besides that we're human beings with given needs! We weren't meant to deny ourselves pleasure and live a celibate existence like nuns in a monastery…not even you! Thinking that way will drive you certifiably crazy!"

"There is nothing wrong with waiting," Kasumi argued.

"For how many years?" Keiko asked, "Or is what I hear true about you and a certain doctor?"

Kasumi swallowed and did not answer, but her glance down was all the answer Keiko needed.

"Kasumi-chan," Keiko began again, "It's none of my business, you have every right to be angry with me for bringing it up. How you run your life is not for me to dictate. I just hope you can accept that the same thing works both ways. Isn't Akane to be afforded to the right to choose her own way? I wasn't forcing this on her or Kodachi, I just let them know that I'd help them out if they wanted to explore that area of their friendship."

"You know that Kodachi is a very compulsive person," Kasumi replied, "What makes you think she will keep it at the level of harmless play? She could wind up monopolizing Akane's life…"

"In which case I intend to stick around and see that it doesn't happen," Keiko said firmly, "I've been there, done that, and I know where that leads. Believe me, I'm more qualified than you to know how to deal with this, and I knew from the start that Kodachi was going to require special handling. I think I've gained a trust with her, though, and maybe that's a start at getting to the bottom of her problems."

"I will hold you to this pledge," Kasumi said with dignity, "But if things turn out the wrong way, then I will see to it that Father and Auntie know what you have done with Akane."

"Fair enough," Keiko replied, "I've nothing better to do, and it's starting to look like I may not be able to come away with what I came for."

Kasumi looked at her in puzzlement, "Nabiki has told you this?"

"No," Keiko sighed, "But any fool with eyes can see that the field is getting crowded. Nab-chan is actually considering broadening her options, which is the most sensible thing anyone could do in her place. I'd expect nothing less from her, and I even approve a little, but…I'm not sure if I'm going to wind up a part of her equation."

"Broaden her…?" Kasumi asked, and then her eyes went wide, "Oh my!"

"Look, don't tell her I said anything, all right?" Keiko hastily urged, "It's Nabiki's right to decide how to manage her affairs, and I'll support whatever decision she makes. I'm not such an idiot that I'll insist on a share of the pie, not when I'm still young enough to pick up the pieces and move on to people who need me more than she does."

"Nabiki values your friendship," Kasumi assured her.

"Sure," Keiko sniffed, "As a friend. I'm only the first girl she ever actually slept with, why should I expect special consideration?"

She had not intended her tone to sound so bitter, but from the way Kasumi was looking at her Keiko knew that she had betrayed her inner feelings. In an attempt to lighten up she smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm a survivor, and so is Nabiki. I'll get by without her…somehow. But what about you? Are you going to go on surprising her from ambush with glasses of water?"

Kasumi flinched again then said, "You must think I'm some kind of…tease doing that to her, but…"

"No," Keiko smiled, "Just human. Look, you want my honest advice? Either get up the nerve and talk to Nabiki or find somebody else who'll be willing to help you out. Frankly, I think you two should just screw each other and get it over with, but you're both too prissy and hung up about the incest taboo for that to work out. Besides that, Shampoo would likely kill you."

"I couldn't…" Kasumi's expression registered her realization of the implications, "Oh my!"

"Why not?" Keiko almost said the word bitterly, "I think you'd make a cute couple. Hell, I'd almost do Kaneda myself if I were into that sort of thing. I'd much rather do you, if you'd let me."

"Me?" for some reason Kasumi found herself shaking at the concept, but not for the reasons that she would have previously imagined.

"Sure," Keiko grinned, "A cute honeypot like you? I'll bet you're like an exploding volcano that's ready to go off. Why if I so much as touched you right now…"

She extended a finger over one of Kasumi's breasts and without warning Kasumi felt her nipple stiffen. A low gasp escaped her.

"I thought as much," Keiko grinned, "Think it over. It might help calm you down and get you to thinking rationally about this whole mess. I'm sure you wouldn't mind consulting with a more experienced girl who's been where you are…oh, a couple zillion years ago, or so it feels like. If not me, then maybe we should go have a word with your friend, the doctor…"

"Ah, that…um…is not necessary…" Kasumi replied, looking more flustered than Keiko would have imagined.

"I need to get ready to go downstairs," Keiko smiled, "And Akane wants to shower after me, and you need to get downstairs if you're going to cover for us. I'm sure your dad and Aunt Nodoka are beginning to wonder what's taking us girls so long to get ready…"

"I…will speak to them," Kasumi looked down and murmured, "And I'll…think about what you said."

"Good," Keiko smiled, "And maybe on the side you can help me figure out what to do about Ryoga. The poor boy's even more shy and tongue tied than you."

She stepped out of the room and almost immediately ran into Akane, who leaned back as though she had been listening the whole time. Keiko hastily closed the door before Kasumi could see her and allowed Akane to drag her into the bathroom.

Once alone Akane looked at her hard and said, "First me and now my sister?"

Keiko wore a bland imitation of Kasumi's normal look as she replied, "Surely you don't think I'm some kind of female Casanova? Would I do a thing like that behind your back, Akane-chan?"

"Without question," Akane snorted then gave the game away with a soft chuckle, "Actually I was going to ask you about it anyway. You really think you can help her out?"

"I'll give it my best try," Keiko grinned, "Who knows, she might even go for me, what do you think? Should I rack up another Tendo on my belt-notch?"

"You're not wearing a belt," Akane pointed out.

"So you noticed," Keiko continued smiling.

Akane returned her smile and said, "What the hell, let's shower together. Think we can do it in time not to arouse suspicions?"

"I can't promise a quickie," Keiko grinned more mischievously, "But I promise you won't expire from boredom…"

"So you see," Nabiki smiled, "It finally occurred to me that this whole mess is based on the idea that I would either have to chose between Shampoo or Ranma. Obviously I can't make that choice, especially not yet or under these conditions. I've my promise to Ukyo's father to consider on the one hand, and my father on the other. The fact that Shampoo seems to want to stay with me for some reason just means that there's only one possible solution that I can think of."

"Marry them both?" Cologne said with a cagey expression, "I understood Polygamy was not legal in Japan…"

"But I could only legally marry Ranma," Nabiki replied, "While my marriage to Shampoo is not legal in this country. By your Amazon rules, however, my marriage to Shampoo is legitimate and any other exchange of vows is technically not recognized, except if we both agree to take Ranma on as our shared concubine. This way the laws on both sides are satisfied since there's no law in Japan that would prevent Shampoo from living with us, if she will agree to this arrangement. Since we're both willing to provide Ranchan with kids at some point in our relationship that part of Amazon tradition should be satisfied as well. We'll provide you with healthy heirs to preserve both Amazon and Anything Goes traditions and Shampoo will regain her status among her people."

"Very clever," Cologne remarked, then gave Ranma a studied look, "What do you say about this, boy? Think you're man enough for both Tendo Nabiki and my Great Granddaughter?"

Ranma looked at Nabiki before exchanging looks with Shampoo. If the question had been posed to him a few days earlier he would have rejected it out of hand. Now, given all the craziness they had just been through, Nabiki's proposal was starting to make crystal clear sense. Only one question remained in his mind as he replied, "I guess I'd be willing to try, provided Shampoo doesn't resent me too much. She a very nice girl, and I know she wants to spend time with Nabiki."

"Ah," Shampoo began before Cologne could prompt her, "Shampoo thinks…boy no bad…he good fighter, and he very loyal friend. Him side with person who is wronged, try do what is best. Shampoo think…he make good companion. Shampoo no think she resent Ranma."

"And what of your place as tribal Champion of the Nyuchizu, child?" Cologne asked her, "Would you be willing to concede your position?"

Shampoo lowered her gaze before replying, "Being Champion all Shampoo ever work for, but is lonely being best of tribe. No be lonely if Airen at Shampoo side. Shampoo no mind she better, she make good tribal leader."

"Hey, what about me?" Ukyo suddenly protested, ignoring the way Perfume was leaning her head upon her shoulder.

"You are a special case, Ucchan," Nabiki smiled, "By Amazon law one man can be shared by up to four women…isn't that right, Elder?"

"Yes," Cologne said as she drew herself up as tall as someone her size could manage, even balancing on her staff, "Kuonji Ukyo has just demonstrated to me that she has the potential to make a very good Amazon, and she is certainly an excellent fighter. Added to that is the obvious affection my other ward has displayed towards her, I would think it a most agreeable match, provided Miss Kuonji herself consent to sharing Ranma."

"I…" Ukyo blinked. Share Ranma? With Nabiki and this Shampoo person? The very idea was absurd, and yet…she hesitated, then said, "Well… I suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk about it…hypothetically, that is, not that I'm agreeing or anything like that…"

"It would also mean that you're obligated to see to Perfume's welfare, Ucchan," Nabiki said, "If we five combine into a group arrangement then all partners are mutually obligated and can equally share the attention of the other partners. That means you can spend time with Ranma and still be faithful to Perfume. It also means that we no longer have to be rivals."

"But…what about what you said to my father?" Ukyo asked.

Nabiki chuckled, "You don't expect I'm going to try explaining all this to him, do you? I'll think up some way of convincing him that your honor's satisfied and that you're technically married to Ranchan. Of course, that all depends on what Ranma thinks about this, eh, Ranchan?"

She smiled, and this time Ranma only hesitated for a fraction of a second, looking to Ukyo as he replied, "I can't promise anything, Ucchan. We've only met a short time ago, but…I do think that we could be very good friends. You don't mind waiting for me to decide if this is something I want, do you?"

Nabiki raised both eyebrows. The boy was learning! She'd half expected to have to put up some kind of an argument in private, yet here he was agreeing to her decisions!

Ukyo's smile was pure enchantment, "I suppose I could live with that…for a while, anyway. But you have to know, Ranchan, I'll still take full advantage of my share of the pie, if you'll have me."

Ranma's smile in reply was partly relief and partly nervousness, "Just great. I'll be a dead man by age thirty."

"Optimist," Nabiki chuckled, "Okay, Elder, so what do you think? Does this arrangement satisfy your concept of honor?"

"In so far as I have heard up to this point," Cologne remarked aloofly, "I take it that it is still your intention to delay the actual ceremony until you have all graduated from High School?"

"Try College," Nabiki said, "I, for one, am not sacrificing my education, and I intend to keep up my studies once these distractions are dealt with and we can get our lives back into some kind of order."

"Then I am afraid that there is one problem," Cologne replied, "I cannot dally for ever away from Joketsuzoku waiting for you children to firmly resolve your commitment. You will have to accompany me back to Joketsuzoku where we will perform a proper ceremony that will confirm your commitments to one another."

"Don't listen to her," groaned Mousse, who was starting to regain consciousness as he rose from the counter upon which Ukyo and Ranma had laid him, "Once she's got you in our village she'll…"

"That is enough!" Cologne snapped as she hopped to the boy and rapped him with her staff back into dreamland.

"So, you wanted us where you'd have a better shot at controlling us, eh?" Nabiki smiled, "I'm afraid I can't agree to that, Elder. We remain in Japan, you go back to China. Don't worry, I promise I'll do right by both of your Great Granddaughters."

"My students are needed at home," Cologne said gravely, "Shampoo is their champion while Perfume is my faithful servant. They are both the best of their generation…"

"Not your students any more," Nabiki rose from her chair to confront the elder, "If Shampoo becomes my wife then I'll see to it she learns the Anything Goes system, and she can teach me all that she knows in return. We'll honor each other's traditions and respect each other in the partnership we're forming. I'll even forge documents to make it seem like she really is married to Kaneda so that she can remain here legally and gain citizenship. In all respects I'll honor her as if I really were her husband, just as long as she abides by my similar commitment to Ranma."

"Perfume's not yours to order around either, you old crone," Ukyo growled, "Find someone else to train as your pet monkey."

"You both are becoming quite protective of my wards, I see," Cologne said with a pleasant smile, "Very well, then I propose a counter-offer, one that will satisfy me just as well. Since the linking element here is the boy, Ranma, then he must defeat my Champions to prove that he is worthy of being an Amazon. If he loses he must agree to come back to Joketsuzoku in their place and I will train him to become my new Enforcer."

"Boy Enforcer?" Perfume blinked, "Is possible?"

"He would have no more status than you possessed, my child," Cologne replied, then smiled wickedly as she added, "But he need not remain entirely Male. There is an alternative none of you have considered."

"Nani?" Ranma gasped, his voice suddenly tight with emotion.

"Ranma doesn't have to prove anything," Nabiki growled, "You want a challenge, fight me!"

"That would serve no purpose," Cologne replied, "You are formidable, but you are two hundred years too young to pose much of a challenge, no matter what that old goat may have taught you. Ranma must prove himself worthy of marrying into a clan of Amazons. What about it, boy? Are you man enough for such a challenge?"

"Hey," Ranma growled, "I'll take you on or anybody else for that matter! I just don't fight women, it's not…honorable."

Cologne laughed as she said, "Then you forfeit the challenge and must come with me to Jusenkyo! Don't worry, sonny boy, I'll make a real woman out of you and teach you to lose that silly notion you have about us being frail and helpless creatures…"

Ranma blanched, then said, "Even if I wanted to fight, there's no way Perfume and Shampoo are going to agree to a thing like this…"

"For the chance to come home and visit their families?" Cologne smiled, "Never forget that their status back home is tied intricately with the report that I shall make to my fellow Elders. This clod," she poked her staff at Mousse, "Will not be able to give testimony to the contrary. If I say otherwise, Perfume and Shampoo will be dead in the eyes of other Amazons and never be able to come back home to bring shame upon our tribe. If they give an honorable account of themselves, however, then I will be able to say that they are worthy daughters of our House and their names will be respected. What about it, girls? Think you can demonstrate to me that this Saotome Ranma is worth all the attention?"

Shampoo and Perfume exchanged looks, then stared at Ranma, and then Shampoo said, "If boy lose he no marry Airen?"

"His other betrothal to Kuonji Ukyo will similarly be ended," Cologne replied, "Thus ending the need for any sort of clan marriage."

"Perfume…no want hurt Ukyo by taking boy away," Perfume said slowly, "But if Airen still be Perfume's chosen…"

"That will not change," Cologne said, "Satisfy me that he is worth the both of you and I will step aside and permit this marriage to continue."

"Then…Perfume give best shot," Perfume looked towards Ukyo and said, "Perfume try no hurt Ranma. Perfume defeat Ranma, please Great Grandmother."

"Shampoo no like force boy to go to Jusenkyo," Shampoo said, "But Shampoo no be defeated. Shampoo do as Great grandmother say for last time."

"There you have it, Tendo Nabiki-san," Cologne smiled, "Step aside and let these girls show you the meaning of what it takes to be an Amazon, or do you concede this boy is too weak and thus unworthy of their efforts?"

Nabiki felt a sinking sensation as things were getting out of hand, her carefully laid plans in jeopardy, as the risk of losing Ranma was almost too much to bear. One look at the determination in Ranma's face, however, and her protests were muted. How could she come out and say that she was afraid for him without making him sound weak before the Elder?

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Nabiki sighed, half to herself, "It's up to you, Ranchan. You want to go through with this or back out? I'll support you either way."

Ranma took a deep breath to steady his own nerves and said, "How can I refuse now? I'll do what I have to if it means getting the old ghoul out of our lives. All right, who do I fight first? Perfume or Shampoo?"

Cologne's laughter was chilling, "This is a test of your manhood, boy! We won't settle for half-measures. I want to know how you stand up to having two women to deal with, so you're fighting both of them at the same time."

There was only a marginal pause before Ranma faintly murmured, "Nani…?"


Comments/Criticism/Complaints to the Moral Majority: