Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ MIx ❯ what the fuck ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part 7
What the fuck
“ah many shadows good for hiding” Scythe said reaching in to his pockets and pulling out a that cape that looked like nothing and putting it on moving on down the hall way sliding agents the wall taking care to not go under the light sources a little ways down the hall way he heard the sound of metal feet coming his way Scythe just stopped making sure he was well in the shadows and waited for the guard or what ever it was to go on by and in a few minuets the guard did not even knowing Scythe was there “hen all right lets do this” Scythe ran up behind the guard and took the guard out with out making one sound and dragged the body in to the room that he was just in and took the armor that he was wearing and put it on weirdly enough it fit “all right now lets see if I can get close enough to who ever is in charge around here.” after much wandering around the place that he was in Scythe came upon what looked like a throne room with only one chair in the farthest part of the room, probably some thrown of some sort the emulation in this room was very well done no shadows at all but luckily there was no one in here but some one sitting on the thrown. Scythe walked in al casual like and straight up to the thrown where a woman with long blond hair was sitting her outfit said that she was of royalty she had a face that was very easy on the eyes but looked very bored as Scythe came up but brightened up as he walked closer, when Scythe got close enough to see every dental of her that is where he stopped.
“you there guard why are you not at your post?” the only what Scythe could assume was the queen asked.
“ I was my lady but have some rather urgent news for you.” Scythe said
“all right then out with it” said the queen curtly being bored with these formalities.
“well it seem that you are in danger there is some crazy guy going about the castle.” Scythe said pulling his arms out of the metal arms and unbuckling the chest plate.
“ oh really and did you see this crazy person your self?” the queen asked if you could see in side the helmet you could see Scythe evilly smiling.
“oh yes my queen.” Scythe said letting the chest plat fall “in fact I see him every day.” wile removing the helmet, Scythe got behind her before she could scream and put his hand over her mouth “ ok all I want is some info but I have to have your word that you wont scream or do any thing that would get me killed, now do I have your word if so nod once if not twice.” she nodded once Scythe let his hand drop away from her mouth.
“all right I wont do any thing to get you killed what do you want to know?” the queen inquired.
“all right fist of all what year is it, second were am I, third who is in charge around here I have more questions but answer those first.” Scythe said coning around to her front and taking of the metal legs and feet.
“ why it is the year 3020 a.d and you are in the kingdom of granjaya, and I am in charge around here.” Scythe looked a little shocked that it was the year 3020. (he defiantly thought there would be flying cars by now) “hey wait you look kind familiar' she then got up and clapped her hands together “ I know you look Scythe one of my royal knights form so very long ago.” Scythe upon herring his name looked over from his thoughts.
“that's my name but you cant mean me Scythe Amadeus Blade.” Scythe said with a bit of laughter at the end.
“oh but I do, don't you recognize me?” she asked looking very hopeful but when Scythe shook his head her body sagged with sadness “oh I know why you don't it the hair right' when she stop talking Scythe looked incredibly confused she the pulled some of it up in to those oh so famous meatballs when Scythe saw who she was he passed out from shock and to perplexity.