Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ King of the asian sea ❯ an undesired sojurn ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
years later,

Tendo Akane adjusted her Obi and grumbled. She hated attending these formal functions; they were so stiff and formal. She would rather be back at the Tendo estate and away from these buffoons. Kuno Tatiwaki was being especially annoying tonight, hanging all over her trying to prove his manly prowess. It was getting to be rather sickening. Making a polite, yet forced excuse, she extracted herself from the overbearing display of testosterone. As Akane walked away she had to restrain the almost overbearing urge turn around and clobber him. She had done this once before, unfortunately while someone had been watching, and it had cost her father a verbal reprimand from one of emperor's ministers. Her father had never berated her for the action, but she had felt the shame never the less.

Just as she thought she was going to be able to get away, an ear-piercing laugh reached her ears. Hoping that maybe she was heading off to see someone else, she looked at where that distinctive laugh had come from. Hope faded fast as Kuno Kodachi walked up to her. Akane mentally sighed to herself. It was going to be a long evening.

It was close to midnight when Akane got home. Fortunately the Tendo estate was located near the palace, so she didn't have to wander through the village below. As usual her father was playing shogi and drinking sake with their permanent houseguest. She could never find out why he was living with them, but he had been there so long that she just kind of blurred him out. Akane had never liked the man with his boorish attitude, but as long as her father kept him as a guest all she could do was just had to grin and bear it.

The other thing that was weighing heavily on her mind that night was Kodachi's news about the pirate attacks, which seemed to have increased in the past few years. Just as she was about to reach her room, she was stopped by one of the house servants. She handed Akane a folded note and walked quickly away. She went into her room and opened it up.

A moment later a resounding "WHAT!!!!!!!" resonated throughout the estate. Nabiki, who was handling the accounts for the estate, looked up from her abacus and muttered to herself "looks like she found out".

Kasumi looked up from supervising the cooks on the nightly meal, as the scream disrupted the harmony of the room, and said "oh my!"

Akane stormed into the central room, her face a mask of unbridled fury and yelled in her father's face, "WHAT IN KAMI'S NAME DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? THERE IS NO WAY I AM GOING TO BE ENGAGED TO TATIWAKI KUNO!"

"Well at least go on the voyage that he has invited you on, and at least consider his offer? If anything else it will increase our standing a bit in court by sending a representative from our clan on this mission, after all it's not often one can be permitted to go to the court of the emperor of China" Soun Tendo said, while holding up his hands in a warding fashion. He watched as Akane looked like she was going to say something else, her face a bright crimson, when she spun around and headed off for the dojo section of the estate. Sighing to himself he looked at his shogi partner and said, "If only that tragedy had not befallen us old friend..."