Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Medical Inquiries by Dr. Tofu ❯ Marriage ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

In case you are wondering why it took me so long to update it is because there was a death in my family. I was naturally not in the mood to write. I am okay now, I suppose. Although it may be more somber perhaps I shall try to keep it light.
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To His Coy Mistress
Now let us sport us while we may;
And now, like am'rous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour,
Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power.
Let us roll all our strength, and all
Our sweetness, up into one ball;
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life.
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
By: Andrew Marvell written in the1600's
Locked in the Bathroom: Ranma's P.O.V
I do NOT like Dr. Tofu! He is my doctor for heaven's sake! And I am a MAN!
….Okay, I'm no longer a guy, BUT still! I do not like Dr. Tofu in that sense. Sure I can appreciate that he has lean hips, with corded sinewy muscles that ripple underneath his smooth bronzed skin, but it's completely neutral. I do not care nor give a whit.
Self-delusional as Ranma was she believed her own lie and trudged outside wearing skimpy boxers and nothing else.
“Well Dr. Tofu! I believe that massage got the kinks out of my back, I better be going, ja ne!” she called after herself as she hurried outside away from an almost nude Dr. Tofu. On second thought she WAS attracted and had to get out of there pronto before she did something unforgivable. Like attack his hot body.
Dr. Tofu stretched out lazily on his bed before calling out huskily to Ranma, “Aren't you forgetting something Ranma?”
Ranma turned around questioningly, thinking the only thing she forgot was to taste his lips but everything else seemed in order.
“The Tokyo police will pick you up and hold you and although you are a very good martial artist you cannot escape the law or rather that weird principal Kuno that has a pineapple sticking out of his head, has made as the law. He is a case that puzzles even me…” Dr. Tofu said zoning out.
“Oh,” Ranma said coming back into the room and diverting her eyes away from his scrumptious chest, “where shall I sleep? On the patients bed?”
Dr. Tofu smirked before smiling benignly at Ranma.
“I'm afraid I can't let you do that because it is not appropriate and has been put away, but we can share my bed. Hurry and turn off the lights, I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow for when Taro comes and collects you.” he said calmly- shrewdly waiting for the forgotten explosion.
Ranma perked up immediately.
“About that Dr. Tofu, I was kinda thinkin' that you could help me out of a little jam, not that you have to or anything but I would greatly value it!” she said while gazing down at the floor uncertainly, her long red hair hiding her face from view.
“Is that so Ranma?” Dr. Tofu replied nonchalantly turning off the lights before settling the covers around his lean waist.
Ranma looked away from him and didn't notice that he'd turned off the lights since her eyes were shut.
“You see, I ah, need you to um…marry me…JUST for a few um days…” Ranma squeaked out nervously, running her hands through her silky hair in agonized frustration. Her life could not become worse.
“You want to enjoy the married benefits with me for a couple of days and then dump me? Why Ranma all you had to do was ask!” Dr. Tofu said teasingly before wrapping his arms around Ranma and bringing her up to his lap.
“Now really, what's the matter?” he asked, rubbing her back in lilting circles until she arched her back in enjoyment. He took pleasure in the fact that she usually wore no bra and that her breasts loved to thrust out. Or maybe they only seemed that way with the way they Ranma arched so appreciatively. The kamis must really love him but he had to keep his composure. Ranma would unknowingly fall into his hands.
“Well, it's like this. Taro wants me to marry/mate him and he won't take no for an answer. Only if I'm married will I be left alone. And he doesn't leave me by myself at all. Except right now for this examination because he thinks he's paying you off. But I know you didn't need the dough and all. So what do you say?!” she asked finally stopping her mumbling.
Dr. Tofu raised an elegant eyebrow and gazed imperturbably back at the sultry redhead before asking, “What was that all about? I couldn't understand you after you said `well'” he said knowing full well what she said but wanting to anger her.
“I SAID WILL YOU MARRY ME!!” Ranma screamed in righteous fury.
Here she was prostrating herself to that damn arrogant asshole and he had the nerve to mock her? No way. She might not be a guy but she could still kick his ass. Now he understood why Akane was always beating him up. On second thought he didn't. She was just plain ol' crazy.
Dr. Tofu's smile widened and he pulled Ranma closer to him.
“Now, now, settle down, if you wanted me so badly all you had to do was ask…” he said patting her back reassuringly.
Ranma had had enough.
“DR. TOFU! My life is in danger here! I do NOT want to get married but I have to and between Taro and you YOU are the best bet. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” Ranma yelled causing Dr. Tofu to let her go, partially.
“My, yes, no need to yell honey-bun!” Dr. Tofu said teasingly with mock sincerity.
“Will you just answer the freakin' question or what? We will divorce after Taro moves on, and it will be a marriage in name only.” Ranma said gazing into Dr. Tofu eyes adamantly.
Dr. Tofu got up and started pulling on his pants.
Ranma turned to look at him quizzically and asked, “Watcha doin'?”
“Putting my clothes on.” He replied monotonously.
Ranma glared and demanded, “Why are you putting your clothes on?”
Dr. Tofu straightened up and looked Ranma straight in the eyes and said, “We're getting married, tonight.”
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo
Sucks. Gotta go so short chappie.