Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Two Halfs Equal One Whole? ❯ Story of the Past ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ or its characters. I am just an aspiring writer who is into the Ranma universe. I do not mean to insult anyone with my writing. Also I do not make any money off of this story so please don't go through the trouble of sueing me. Thanks

A/N: An inspiration of writing hit me and I could not stay away from the fanfic. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Reviews are welcomed and flames just get my blood boiling.

Tendo Soun Towels himself off in the changing room. The bath did wonders to relieve stress and tension from his aching back. He ceremoniously put on his brown gi. Now dressed he makes his way into the kitchen. The smell of Kasumi's tempura puts a smile on his face. As he enters the kitchen he notices that the tempura is still in the kitchen yet Kasumi is not there. He shrugs and takes the tempura in his hands and walks over to the tearoom.

After setting the food down on the table he returns to the kitchen and fills three glasses full of cold water. On the way to the table he hears Kasumi cry out, “Oh my.” A curious Soun, still holding the trays of water, makes his way over to the front door.

Soun can not believe his eyes when he sees a girl holding an unconscious Kasumi. Rage fills his eyes as he charges the girl while yelling out, “How dare you hurt my daughter!.”

The girl holding Kasumi, also known as Akane, looks at the charging Soun, and then she hands Kasumi over to Ranma and then cries out, “Daddy.” Which stops Mr. Tendo in his tracks.

“A... Akane?” he asks confused. Though Soun has stopped the drinks in his hands keep one going, spilling their contents all over Akane and company.

It is well known in the Ranma universe that a water curse effects some of the cast. Once water is applied, cold water, the curses activate and change the person who was splashed into their cursed body. Akane when hit with cold water changes from a cute girl, to a handsome boy. Ranma changes from a handsome boy, to a very pretty girl. Ryoga, who was unlucky enough to be standing in the way of the water turns into a cute little black piglet. And Ukyo, another unlucky one to be hit with water, changes into a golden retriever.

Genma sighs with glee, as he was lucky enough to be standing behind the cursed teenagers, and was not hit with any water. His happiness wore off when Ukyo, the dog, shook most of the water off her fur, drenching Genma with hair and cold water.

“Grrrf.” Genma says, which translates to, 'why me?' as now he is a rather large panda.

Soun looks on at the cursed teenagers, and then his eyes linger on Akane-kun, who puts her hand on the back of her head, in a sheepish way. Soun's eyes roll up his sockets and he then crashes to the hard floor. Akane-kun ran over to his father, feeling terrible that he was the cause of two of his family member to faint dead to the ground.

Ranma-chan struggled under Kasumi's weight, now that he was a girl, her strength decreased, and she had a hard time dragging the taller woman back into the house. The cursed martial artists enters the house, while Genma hefts Ryoga and Ukyo's clothes and luggage, with his large panda claws, and brings them into the house.

“So what now?” Ranma-chan asks in a soprano voice.

“We should get them a pillow.” Akane-kun decides. “I think I remember where they are at,” she adds.

At this time Nabiki decides to enter from upstairs. She pauses as she sees her father and sister unconscious and the group of weirdos around them. “What the hell is going on?”

Akane-kun put up his hands as if she was warding and attack. “I can explain. I just need some hot water.”

Nabiki sceptically looks at them. Then she shrugs and calmly walks into the kitchen and puts on a tea kettle. She acted as if nothing fazed her, yet she was reeling on the inside. Who were those two people? Why are they here and why did they bring there pets? And Who has a pet panda? Those where some of the questions circling in her head. She barely noticed the whistle of the tea kettle, signaling that the water was hot.

Nabiki brings the heated water to the two with the three pets and hands it over to the boy. “Now tell me what is going on, or I will call the police.” Nabiki threatened.

“Please don't faint on me,” He pauses to pour the water over himself and then continues, “big sis.” and Akane-kun transformed into Akane-chan.

And as if to break the moment, Akane starts to dance around yelling, “Oh so hot! Too hot”

Nabiki couldn't believe her eyes. A boy just transformed into a girl right before her eyes, and not only that, she seemed to remember the girl, as if from a distant dream. “Akane? Is that you?”

After cooling off, Akane nodded with a smile. Tears welled up in her eyes as she rushed to hug her older sister. Nabiki awkwardly pads her little sister on the back, not knowing what else to do.

“How?” Nabiki asks.

“It's a long story. I want to wait till daddy and Kasumi awake.” Akane explained.

While Akane and Nabiki talked, Ranma-chan pours some water onto herself, changing back into a boy. He then takes Ukyo into the changing room, after a little while of searching, and pours some of the hot water onto her, and then he closed the door, leaving her clothes in with her.

“Ah, Its good to be human once again.” Says Ukyo as she left the changing room, fully dressed.

Ranma then repeats the process with Ryoga. After Ryoga changes back to human, Genma grabs the kettle and pours the hot water onto himself.

“Boy this water is too hot. You should be shamed for letting such hot water scold your father.” Genma complains.

“Maybe I should have left you as a panda. Huh?” Ranma retorts.

It took many minutes before Kasumi was revived, and even longer for Soun to awake from his fainting spell. When Kasumi was able to stand on her own feet once again she gave her little sister a quick hug and then hurries off to the kitchen to prepare more meals for the new guests. As she enters the kitchen she notices the envelope that was forgotten. As she studies it closer she also notices that it seemed to be bulging, as if filled with much writing, and though curious as she was, she decides to read it later.

The smell of home made cooking wafts from the kitchen, making Ranma's stomach growl with anticipation.

“Ranma!” Akane scorns him.

“What? Can't a guy show that he's hungry?” Ranma asked.

“N...” What Akane was about to say did not matter as all five of the travelers stomachs gave a great growl in stereo, making Akane blush a deep crimson.

“Well never mind!” Akane yelled in defeat. Then her mood brightens and she happily says, “I'll go help her.” And off she went towards the kitchen.

“No!”Yells Ranma.

“No you don't, sugar.” Ukyo ordered.

“Woe is me. My food shall surely be poisoned.” Cried Genma.

“Yum. I sure love Akane's cookin'.” Came Ryoga's reply.

Ranma, Genma, and Ukyo all fell face first into the wooden floor, making a loud thumping sound.

Ranma was the first to recover and told Ryoga, “Man you have the stomach of a garbage disposal.”

“Well at least I don't eat like one, unlike you.” Ryoga shot back.

Nabiki stood there content to watch the whole scene take place. She wonders why they think that Akane could poison them with food. You could tell that Nabiki lives a sheltered life when it came to food. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, was always made with all of Kasumi's loving care. She never once had to stomach food that would ever have made her queasy, or made her feel that she was being poisoned.

You could tell that she never tried to eat Akane's cooking. Ranma could not believe what foods Akane could destroy with limited ingredients. One of the times Akane had decided to cook for Genma and Ranma was when they first started their long journey. Akane had decided to cook some rice. She knew how to do that alright, but when she decided that they needed more protean in the rice, she found some pinecones and added it to the batch. As if that wasn't enough she found some wild mushrooms under a rock and to added it to the mixture. When Ranma and Genma eagerly dug in to the rice, Ranma began to choke on a pinecone and Genma turned purple from eating one of the wild mushrooms, which they learned later on that they were a very poisonous type of fungus. They both lived through her cooking and they learned a valuable lessen with Akane's Cooking, Never Ever Eat That, or NEET for short.

Akane almost made it to the kitchen when Genma and Ukyo is found blocking the door way. Akane's anger rose to unsteady heights and she bulldozed through the defenders of the kitchen with uneasyness because of the kimono.

Inside the kitchen Kasumi is busy putting on the finishing touches of the extra tempura. Akane took a moment to compose herself before asking sweetly if she could help with cooking dinner.

“No. You have just returned home from a long journey. It would be rude of me if I had you cooking at the moment.” Kasumi explained, then continued, “Besides I am almost finished. Maybe tomorrow.”

“Er no. Kasumi dear. I think it may take a while before Akane is allowed, I mean should cook.” Genma says in his most diplomatic voice, all the while praying that Akane would never cook, for him at least.

“Alright.” Kasumi put on her most innocent smiles and went back to cooking.

Right at that moment Soun bolts from his unconscious stupor, and quickly took in his surroundings. There is a young man with a yellow headband watching over him, and a girl with a white bow laying on the ground with a dazed look in her eyes. Another young man stood a few feet away from him and he had a pigtail style hair. Nabiki was a few feet from the pigtailed boy and she looked quite amused.

“Who are all these people, and what are they doing in my house?” Demands Soun.

“I have no Idea who all there names, but Akane is in the kitchen.” Nabiki chimes in.

“Akane?” Soun ask bewildered, then jumped to his feat and ran to the kitchen yelling, “My baby is back!”

Akane turned around and gave a charming smile as Soun ran and gave her a back breaking hug. Soun also begins to wail, crying that he missed her so much and would never let her leave his sights again.

Akane did her best to try and soothe her emotional father with, “Its ok daddy. I missed you to daddy. Don't cry daddy. Daddy your crushing me!” She yelled out and Soun released her.

He took a moment to study his daughter. She is a little shorter then Nabiki and her short hair is curled, almost spiky. She is very muscular without all the bulk, and she also is very skinny, as if she had not eaten a good meal in awhile. She also looked very lady like in the kimono, which she moved as if this was her first tine in the dress.

Kasumi took this awkward silence as a cue to yell out, “Dinners ready.”

There was a whooshing sound as Genma and Ranma appears at the table in an instant. Soun took one look at his training buddy noticing that he seemed a lot balder then before. Soun rushes over to Genma and they both gave each other a hug, though Genma's eyes the food behind Soun's back.

“I've missed you Genma.” Soun exclaims.

“As have I.” Genma replies.

Kasumi carefully balances the food in her hands as she makes her way to table and set the food on the table with out spilling a sing drop of food. Ranma, Genma, and Akane all looked at the food with hungry eyes. But they waited for everyone sit sit down before calmly taking their portions on tempura from the dish and into there bowls. After everyone's bowls where filled with food everyone began to eat slowly and with much grace. This of coarse was there first meal with the Tendo family, excluding Akane of coarse, and they wanted to make a good first impression.

Ukyo tasted the food and found it very delicious, though no where near as good as hers, she told herself. She was amazed at how the Saotomes, and Akane, calmly ate their meal, she also wondered how long the truce last, before the real fun began.

Genma began to sweat as he looked over at his son's food. I can't let him get away with eating like that, Genma thought. His chopstick slowly made it's way to Ranma's food, Ranma seems oblivious to it all. Genma's greed got the better of him and his chopstick flew towards Ranma's food. Ranma at the last second blocked Genma's wooden utensils with his own, and held them in place, and no matter how hard Genma tried to pull back, Ranma would not let go. Then it hit Genma, this was a ploy. He quickly turned to his own food and found an empty bowl, and then he peaks at Akane's bowl and found that it was twice the amount of food in it.

Though Genma's chopsticks where held hostage, he smiles confidently and says, “Saotome secret eating maneuver, back up chopsticks!.”

Genma pulls out anonther set of chopsticks, which then flies at Ranma's food. Ranma had to let go of Genma's other set of chopsticks to block his father's attack. Genma's chopsticks now free, he begins to attack both Ranma's food and Akane's food with both hands. Now the battle was on.

The Tendo's could only stare at the ferocious battle going on at the dinner table. Food went flying from one bowl to another, and then the same food was plucked from that bowl and put into another bowl. The process when on till no food was left. Though Ranma and Akane double teamed Genma in a battle for his food, Genma held his own.

“Oh my,” Kasumi exclaims.

“Akane!” Soun says in shock.

“Now that was an interesting dinner.” Nabiki smiles.

Now that Tendo's and the Okonomiyaki Crew(tm) are filled up with Kasumi's delicious cooking, Soun turns to Genma and asks, “Genma who are all these people?” he gestures to Ukyo and Ryoga.

“Well Soun my friend, these two are friends we met on the road.” As Genma says this a loud clang comes from his head, and a rather large spatula rests on his head.

“Tell him the truth about me.” Ukyo ordered him.

“Yeah pop. Tell him how you engaged me to Ukyo and almost left her behind.” Ranma added his two yens.

“Engaged? How could you Saotome?” Soun bewilderedly asks.

“Its not my fault. We were starving and Mr. Kuonji said that if I engage my son with his daughter, he would give me the Okonomiyaki cart, so that we could feed our selfs.” Genma explains.

“What happened with the money I sent you off with?” asks Soun.

“I uh, spent it.”

“Spent it? How could you spend two hundred thousand yen?” Asks a bewildered Soun.

“Well half of it went to a nice home for Nochan, and the rest went to a nice training book.” Genma mumbles the last part.

“What was this training book called?”

“The Nekoken.” As Genma says this both Akane and Ranma shudder from the memory.

“I specifically told you to spend it on supplies for the journey.” Soun is angry by now. He also felt a pang of guilt for letting his friend take his baby girl on a perilous journey.

“Sorry...” mumbles Genma.

“My poor girl suffered on this training journey of yours and all you can say is Sorry?” Soun is teetering on the edge of using his Demon Face.

“It's okay daddy.” Akane says trying to clam her father.

“Careful Daddy. You don't want to have to up your visits to the psychologist, now do you?” Nabiki asks in a calm collective way.

Soun's anger dissipated in an instant. “I am sorry for being so emotional. It's just that I haven't seen my little girl in a long time, and I have missed my her.”

Genma put a hand on Soun's shoulder and says “It is alright, I forgive you.”

Soun's eye twitched a little at Genma's forgiveness, but then he relaxed in his chair as if nothing happened.

“So tell me Genma, why is the other boy following you?”

“I can answer that.” Ryoga offers.

“Go ahead boy.” Genma orders.

“It all started in middle grade school...”

Flash back:

Ryoga arrived at his school just in time to here the bell ring. All the students filled out of the school and gave him a look of amusement, then a girl stopped right in front of him. She was very cute, with her hair short and almost spiky. She was dressed in the schools uniform and had a book bag slung over one arm.

“Hi my name is Tendo Akane.” She bowed.

“Hibiki Ryoga.” Ryoga bowed.

“It is nice to meet you Ryoga.”

“Same here Akane.” Ryoga blushed. No girl has ever stopped to talk with him and he felt kind of shy.

“Why are you arriving at school late?” Akane asks.

Ryoga's blush deepened. “Well I kinda...”

He was cut off by two people who sauntered in. One was another girl with long hair and a pink bow in her hair. She to was dressed in the school uniform. The other one was a boy around his age. He had the school uniform's shirt slung over his shoulder, showing off a white muscle shirt.

“Hey Akane. I wondered where ya wondered off to.” the boy show concern.

“Yeah sugar. Why did you leave us?” asked the girl.

“Guys I would like you to meet Hibiki Ryoga.” Akane introduced him, “Ryoga, this is Saotome Ranma, and this is Kuonji Ukyo.”

The all bowed in greeting. Then Akane stated, “You were going to tell me why you were late.”

“Well, uh, It's because,” Ryoga felt as if he did not know how to explain. “I get l... lost and I can not find my w... way.”

“How lost do ya get?” Ranma asked.

“I sometimes cannot find my way for days at a time. My mother and father are the same.” Ryoga said shamefully.

“Wow that's tough sugar.”

“Well where do you live?” Akane asked.

“I live a few blocks down south.” He pointed north.

“Dude thats north your pointing.” Ranma shook his head.

Ryoga just blushed.

“I know. How about Ranma takes you home and to school every day?”

“Hey why do I have ta do it?” Ranma asked.

“'Cause I said so.”

“Alright. I'll do it if only he wants me ta do it.” Said Ranma.

“Sure, I guess. If it will help me to more out of school then watching everyone leave.” Ryoga agreed.

For the next few days everything went smoothly, Ranma took Ryoga to school and back and Ryoga's grades improved greatly. Then one day in the lunch cafeteria Ryoga was in line to get some bread. The lunch lady yelled out that this was the last bread and through it up over the crowd of young boys, since the girls were allowed to get there food first. Ryoga knew a lot about martial arts and he knew that he could he the bread if he just used a few of the boys as spring boards. He jumped into the air, bounded off one of the students head, and reached for the bread. His fingers nearly wrapped around his head when someone else's foot landed on his head and used him to reach the last bread.

It was Saotome Ranma. This made Ryoga mad and he wanted to take revenge. Every day this feud for the last bread took place, that is until Ryoga challenged Ranma to a duel in an empty lot behind his house. With no one to guide him to the empty lot it took Ryoga many days to find it. When he reached the lot Ranma was not there. He cursed Ranma's name and was about to go stalking off to find him when Ranma entered the lot.

Ranma Zipped up his pants and rinsed his hands off in the creek near the lot. Near the lot was an Okonomiyaki cart with the girl, Ukyo cooking up Okonomiyaki for quite a crowd. And Akane was busy watching over the prone form of a rather large balding man.

“See now I told you, ya shouldn't have tried to take us to China right at this moment. Ranma has a duel of honor with Ryoga.” Akane chided the older man.

“So Ryoga. Want to get this over with?” Ranma asked.

All Ryoga could do was nod. He never really dueled anyone before, though he has been in many fights with the kids who teased him about his directional sense. He took in a deep breath and got in a defensive stance.

Ranma took up a loose stance and waited for Ryoga to make the first move, which he did. Ryoga charged in like a loose bull. He got in close with Ranma and threw a uppercut toward Ranma's face. Ranma leaned back and let the fist fly inches to his face. Ryoga growled and then tried a back hand punch to Ranma's, and once again Ranma barely dodged his fist.

Now Ranma took the cue and struck Ryoga with a left hook right in Ryoga's stomach, which barely fazed the boy like an ox. Ranm followed by a kick to the chest and a reverse kick to the head, both of which Ryoga shrugged off and leapt into action.

He kicked at Ranma's solar plexus which Ranma blocked, and was thrown back by the lost one's strength, Ryoga then followed up with a punch to Ranma's left shoulder an then he grabbed the other martial artest by the shoulders and kneed him in the stomach letting Ranma fall to the ground.

All the air was released from Ranma's stomach as his wind was knocked from him. Ranma rolled to the side, jumped to his feet, and gasped for air. Ranma realized that if he keeps on going like this, he would surely loose. Ranma changed his tactics, he ran at Ryoga and delivered a bone crushing punch to his face and followed up with uppercut to his chin.

Ryoga was launched in the air and landed five feet from where he once stood. He slowly got back to his feet, and wiped his mouth with his hands. Ryoga charged rage filled his eyes and threw a punch that would have cracked concrete.

Ranma ducked under his haymaker and slammed his fist into Ryoga's stomach, it felt like hitting a rock with his fist. Ryoga smile he knew that Ranma might do something like this so he wrapped his arms around Ranma and began to squeeze. It felt like Ranma was being hugged by a bear, a very strong and smothering bear. All Ranma could do was move his head, so he did the first thing that came to his head, use it.

Ranma slammed his head into Ryoga's head five times in a row until Ryoga released him. They staggered around the lot, shaking their head until the could see again. Ranma decided that he was going to finish off Ryoga in one last strike and, with fist raised in striking mode, he charged at Ryoga with all his might. Ryoga knew he had to finish this fight so he decided to give it one more punch and charged at Ranma, with fist held high in striking mode, with all his might.

The two martial artists met in the middle of the empty lot, fist slamming into each others faces, making a bone crunching sound. They stood there, with fists on faces, staring at each other, as if not wanting to pull away for fear of loosing touch on reality. For the longest time they did not move, until at last they both collapsed on each other, knocked out cold.

Akane and Ukyo ran to the two downed fighters. After checking if they were ok, they declared that this match was a tie. Akane scanned the empty lot, which by now was not so empty, as everyone began to clap and Ukyo made a quick retreat to her Okonomiyaki cart and began serving her pancake style pizza to customers. Some one tried to get away with out paying and was politely denied, with a large baker's peel slammed on his head.

After both Ranma and Ryoga were revived, Ryoga was impressed with Ranma's skill that he demanded to stay with him and go to China with him. Ranma tried to turn him down but Ryoga pleaded until Ranma decided that it would be nice to have another boy travailing with him.

End Flashback.

“So that's how I ended up with Ranma's group.” Ryoga explains.

“Interesting tale.” Soun says.

“Oh my, how nice of Ranma.” That was Kasumi of coarse.

Nabiki just stares at Ukyo and then calmly says, “Do you need a manager for your cart?” Nabiki can practically see yen signs instead of Ukyo.

Ukyo shake her head, “Not, right now. I have made it this far without needing one. Maybe if I expand I might need a manager.” for which Nabiki sighs.

Kasume excuses herself from the table to go clean the dishes. After a while of silence Genma starts to feel a little thirsty. Soun notices and asks if Kasumi could bring a couple of ice cold water. Kasumi complies and brings out the water on a tray. Nabiki, acting devious, drops a shiny yen piece in front of Kasumi's path. Kasumi quickly bends down to pick up the yen, and accidentally spills the trays of water onto the guests.

“I am so sorry.” Kasumi apologizes.

Ranma-chan sighs, Akane-kun sighs, a large panda sighs, a dog sighs, and a pig grunts in frustration. Soun starred wide eyed at them, Kasumi put her hand to her mouth, and Nabiki smiled to herself.

“Now would be a good time to explain your changes. Eh, little sis, or should I say little brother.” Nabiki says deviously.

“Eh heh.” Akane-kun says nervously.

The panda holds up a sign that said, “Do we have to?”

Soun begins to cry, “What happened to my little baby?”


A/N: I kept all the curses, except Ukyo's curse, the same. In a latter chapters I will tell more of there training and how Ukyo was brought along with them. Soun still has emotional problems, but he can keep most of them in check. He also goes to a shrink once every week, but it seems that he might need to go more often now. Also this seems to be my longest chapter, Yay for me!. I will try to keep them this long or maybe longer, though I can not make any promises. Reviews are nice and will be accepted, even “Your story is great” or “Needs more work.”

Peace, Seguh.