Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Alliances ❯ Battle Sisters ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally published by me under the name Anduril at Anime Addventures, with the only changes being a few corrections in spelling, punctuation and the occasional word choice. If you like the beginning of my story but think I've gone off the rails, or have your own ideas for a great branch-off, or think I'm taking too long to update and want to continue the story yourself, come to Anime Addventures and join in the fun!
I claim no ownership rights to any of the works of Rumiko Takahashi.
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Two near-naked teenaged girls walked into the Cat Café, the purple-haired one blasé about her lack of dress, the brown-haired one holding a spatula trying to cover her breasts and crotch. Behind them, a diminutive wrinkled old woman pogoed in on her staff.
Once the three were inside, Ku Lon motioned for Shampoo and Ukyo to seat themselves at a nearby table, turned to lock the door, then joined the girls where they tensely sat.
For several minutes, the three simply sat in silence until Ku Lon finally said, “So, since the herbs used in Ranma's lunch came from my personal cupboard, and I doubt Ukyo even knew they existed, I assume Xian Pu is the primary instigator of that fiasco.”
The two girls exchanges glances, and Ukyo sighed. “Not exactly,” she responded. “Yes, Shampoo suggested the herbs, but she was responding to my suggestion that we needed a backup plan.”
Xian Pu nodded. “Is true!” she agreed. “Herbs needed to make Airen willing, eager to accept girls in bed, protect from crazy mother. And not total failure, Airen leave with Kitchen Destroyer.”
The two girls fell silent, and after a few minutes waiting Ku Lon said, “There is a good reason for that, the herb you used doesn't quite work the way common knowledge says it does — rather than enhancing lust in general, it enhances lust felt for the one that you are already most attracted to. Which means that Son-in- — Ranma's choice of Akane means a great deal.”
As the two stared at her in horrified silence, Ku Lon asked, “And the fertility potion?”
Xian Pu winced slightly, but Ukyo gathered her wits and soldiered on. “I didn't know about the potion until Shampoo met me during lunch, but I agreed that Ranma getting the two of us pregnant would make him seem even more `manly' to his mother.” Xian Pu nodded her continued agreement but stayed quiet this time.
Ku Lon's stern expression vanished, replaced by an ironic grin, and she chuckled. “Well, Xian Pu, not a bad piece of lawyering, you may have the makings of an Elder, after all!”
As the two girls' jaws dropped, the Amazon matriarch continued, “Now, what's the real reason behind this?”
“Uh ...” Ukyo glanced at Xian Pu, who shrugged. The chef sighed, and quickly explained their reasoning to a nodding Ku Lon.
“Not bad,” Ku Lon mused when she was done, nodding thoughtfully. “That might even have passed muster without the cover story—setting up a fallback plan in the event you fail to convince Ranma to marry you, or that he's already married in Xian Pu's case, isn't the same as using the herbs or potion to convince Ranma to marry you in the first place.
However,” she added when the two girls sagged in relief, “for both the cover and true stories to be credible, neither of you can attempt to use a pregnancy to convince Ranma to accept you, understood?”
The two girls quickly agreed, and Ku Lon hopped down from the table and headed for the kitchen.
“I'll get started on the afternoon cooking, perhaps we can salvage something for the day. Ukyo, you owe me in part for the lost lunch revenue, you're staying to help Xian Pu with the evening rush. And you two take a shower, you stink.”
Ukyo and Xian Pu again exchanged glances, shrugged, and headed for the stairs leading to the second floor.
As the two disappeared up the stairs toward the living quarters, Ku Lon shook her head ruefully. Almost a year of effort, gone just like that—a year I'll never get back, and I don't have all that many left. Still, it sounds like Xian Pu and the tribe will get Ukyo out of it — a skilled warrior, if not in Ranma's class, so it hasn't been a total waste. Especially if those two get to Ranma while the potion is still affecting them.
Sighing over dreams ended, the elderly Amazon bounced into the kitchen to resume her preparations.
Upstairs in Xian Pu's room, Ukyo slipped off the torn open blouse that was all that was left of the very sexy variation of a school uniform she'd worn to school that day, while Xian Pu slipped the shredded dress held together only by its collar over her head and tossed the rags aside.
The Amazon girl looked Ukyo up and down, then shrugged. “Spatula Girl not as big in chest, but about same size. Shampoo's clothes might fit, at least well enough.”
Ukyo bristled for a moment, then laughed. “I suppose there's no point being angry at the obvious. Grab your shower, Sugar, then I'll get mine.”
Xian Pu shook her head. “Spatula Girl soon member of tribe, join future sister in shower.”
Ukyo's jaw dropped, then she said uncertainly, “Uh, Shampoo, I don't really swing that way.”
Xian Pu tossed off Ukyo's objection with a shrug and began pulling her toward the bathroom. “That not important, when you Amazon sister. Come on, long time since Shampoo have sister soap back.”
Ukyo relaxed at that, and once in the bathroom grabbed the soap and shampoo as Xian Pu started the shower and adjusted the temperature, then the chef joined her new comrade.
Relaxing as the warm water washed over her, Ukyo shivered in pleasure at the feel of Xian Pu's hands roaming up and down her back, only to stiffen when those hands slid around her sides and up to cup her pert mounds.
“Shampoo, what are you doing? I said I don't swing that way!” Ukyo protested, then gasped as Xian Pu tweaked her hardening nipples.
“Body says different,” Xian Pu whispered in her ear, the feel of her breath making Ukyo shiver, then yelp as one of the Amazon's questing hands slipped down to cup her sex, then ran a finger along her rapidly moistening slit several times before slowly inserting it up into her hot tunnel and beginning to gently pump. “Body not care sex of hands giving pleasure — or mouth.”
“M-M-Mouth?” Ukyo panted, her hips beginning to pump in time to Xian Pu's thrusts.
Rather than answer, the Amazon pulled out her finger, then as Ukyo groaned in protest slipped around her to the front, turning Ukyo so that her back was to the shower wall. Dropping to her knees, Xian Pu gently widened Ukyo's stance then leaned forward and Ukyo sucked in her breath at the feel of her companion's tongue following the path her finger had already traveled, up and down, around and between her lower lips, then thrusting in as deep as it would go before circling inside her.
Ukyo's hands dropped to Xian Pu's head, holding her against her flowing cleft, and Xian Pu's hands rose, one to grasp Ukyo's buttocks, holding her sucking and licking mouth steady against the chef's now bucking hips, the other flicking a finger over Ukyo's clit.
Moans filled the shower stall, growing in volume as Ukyo felt the burning, glorious pressure building higher and higher. Then, Xian Pu pulled her mouth away from its repast, only to slide up and gently suck on the button at the top of the cleft, and Ukyo shouted as the pressure at her center exploded in a wave of pleasure that swept her away.
When Ukyo was again aware of where she was, she found herself sitting on the shower floor in Xian Pu's arms, head pressed into the Amazon's shoulder, warm water cascading over the two girls. “Wow!” she gasped out. “That was ... wow.”
“Shampoo happy Spatula Girl enjoy,” her companion whispered to her.
For a time the two simply sat, then hesitantly Xian Pu asked, “Spat — Ukyo, become Shampoo's battle sister, guard back in fight, raise Ai — Ranma babies together, share bed, stay together always?”
Ukyo stiffened, then slowly asked, “Shampoo, are you asking me to marry you?”
Shampoo shook her head. “Marriage for men, make babies, have someone keep house, raise children. With Ranma not coming to village, Shampoo never have husband. This not same, share life, not just make family. Though if Ukyo ever marry, Shampoo maybe share husband.”
For long minutes, Ukyo simply sat, memories of Ranma racing through her head — the same memories that had led to her alliance with Xian Pu, with the new one of a drugged redheaded girl leaping over the school wall, Akane in her arms.
Finally, with a half-laugh half-sob, the “cute fiancée” said, “Sure, why not? We're the founding members of the ex-fiancées club, after all.”
Xian Pu sighed with relief, then lifted Ukyo's head from its resting place and gently kissed her on the lips. “Shampoo glad. Now Ukyo give battle sister pleasure?”
“Uh ... Shampoo, I've never ... I don't have your ...”
Xian Pu lightly kissed her new battle sister again, cutting off Ukyo's babbling. “Shampoo know sister not have practice, only one way to learn. Shampoo help.”
“Okay, I'll try,” Ukyo said, then twisted where she sat, her head dipping as a hand rose, and Shampoo hissed as one nipple was gently sucked into Ukyo's mouth while the other tingled with the pleasure of being stroked by the thumb of the hand cupping her breast. Then the other hand worked its way between her thighs....
Downstairs, Ku Lon nodded with a bittersweet smile as her great-grandaughter's cry of release echoed down through the ceiling. And that is that. Welcome to the tribe, Ukyo, I'll do my best to make your decision a happy one.