Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Alliances ❯ Meanwhile, back at the ranch ... ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally published by me under the name Anduril at Anime Addventures, with the only changes being a few corrections in spelling, punctuation and the occasional word choice. If you like the beginning of my story but think I've gone off the rails, or have your own ideas for a great branch-off, or think I'm taking too long to update and want to continue the story yourself, come to Anime Addventures and join in the fun!
I claim no ownership rights to any of the works of Rumiko Takahashi.
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Kasumi looked up from the last of her lunch preparation at the sound of someone at the door and waited for a moment, then sighed. Of course, there was no sound of movement from the family room indicating either her father or Uncle Genma was going to greet their unexpected visitor.
Setting aside the bowl in which she had been mixing a Western-style salad, Kasumi hurried out of the kitchen to the front door, only to freeze when she opened it, the blood draining from her face. “Oh, my!” the matronly Tendo gasped. Standing before her was a lovely middle-aged woman in a kimono carrying a long bundle, who looked like a grown version of Ranma's female side, with all Ranma's cuteness transformed into mature beauty.
The woman that could only be Nodoka Saotome blinked at Kasumi's reaction, then smiled uncertainly. “Good morning, I'm Mrs. Saotome,” she said quietly. “I know that my husband and Soun Tendo are old friends, and I heard a rumor that Genma and my son Ranma are currently living here.”
Gathering her scattered wits, Kasumi bowed low in greeting. “Welcome to the Tendo Dojo,” she said. “And you are right, Uncle Genma and Ranma are indeed living here, though only Uncle Genma is here at the moment. Ranma is on a short training trip ... with his fiancée.”
“Ah, that is good to hear,” Nodoka said, seeming to lose an indefinable tenseness. After a moment's silence, she asked, “May I at least see my husband?”
“Oh! Of course, I am so sorry!” Kasumi apologized. “Please, come in. I was just finishing preparations for lunch, you must join us.”
“Thank you, child, I will be happy to,” Nodoka agreed, and Kasumi led the older woman toward the family room.
“Father, Uncle Genma, we have a guest,” Kasumi said as she led Nodoka into the family room. The two men looked up from their usual game and Genma blanched at the sight. Even in her worry, Kasumi had to suppress a grin as she continued, “It's Mrs. Saotome, Ranma's mother. Oh, he will be so happy to see her when he gets back from his training trip with Akane!”
Soun glanced back and forth between Genma and Nodoka, confused, as Genma hastily rose to his feet. “No-chan, it's wonderful to see you!”
Nodoka smiled, eyes moist, as she stepped forward to take his hands. “It's good to see you as well, my husband. When your letters stopped coming after you left for China I started to worry.”
“Oh, I wanted to surprise you after putting a few finishing touches on Ranma's training, and those last touches ended up taking longer than I expected,” Genma hastily extemporized. “I'm just sorry that Ranma is on the training trip with Akane that Kasumi mentioned,” — shooting the oldest Tendo sister a quick look — “he will be so surprised to learn — to finally be able to meet you.”
“Oh, it's so good of you to give him a chance to be manly with his fiancée!” Nodoka gushed.
Soun twitched. He had no clue what was going on, but that he understood. Opening his mouth to bellow at his old friend, he caught Kasumi's frantic headshake from slightly behind Nodoka and froze.
“Mrs. Saotome will be joining us for lunch,” Kasumi said. “Father, can you help me bring it in?”
“Oh, let me help with that,” Nodoka said, turning to Kasumi. “And, please, call me Auntie — we are going to be family, after all.”
“I'll be happy to, Auntie Nodoka. But you've just reunited with your husband. Please, let me and Father handle this while you talk with Uncle Genma.”
Nodoka hesitated but finally nodded, and Kasumi led Soun toward the kitchen. As soon as they walked into the heart of Kasumi's domain, Soun demanded, “Kasumi, what is going on?”
“The seppuku contract that could threaten Ranma's life, Father, remember?” Then, as tears started flowing from his eyes and he opened his mouth to wail the failure of the schools to be joined, Kasumi cut it short by handing him the bowl of salad. “Now, Father, none of that — I, my sisters, Ukyo and the Amazons are working to fix this, Ranma will be fine. Just, when we get back to the family room leave the talking to me and Genma. Please?”
Shocked into silence at Kasumi's very unusual assertiveness (and the implications of Kasumi's inclusion of herself and Nabiki in the fix-it group), Soun simply nodded, then followed in his daughter's wake as she swept up the rest of the lunch and headed back toward the family room.
Kasumi looked around in satisfaction as she finished off the last of her salad. It had been a very interesting lunch — her father had actually had the good sense to stay quiet, though he had looked like he wanted to explode a few times at the innuendos she and Uncle Genma had worked into the conversation implying that Ranma was regularly sleeping with all three of the Tendo sisters and several other girls. Fortunately, Nodoka had hardly taken her eyes off of her husband the entire meal, and so had missed Soun's visible agitation.
Now, I just need to think of some way to get Auntie Nodoka away from the house before school gets out, the eldest Tendo sister thought. Perhaps a call to Elder Cologne, she could send Shampoo to pick up Ranma and Akane from school; if they stay at the Cat Café for a night or two that might give the others the opportunity to make Ranma `manly'.
A spike of envy shot through her but she firmly suppressed it, thinking of a handsome pigtailed boy and the need to protect him. Then, she found her thoughts drifting to just what was needed, thought of asking him into her room, of opening his shirt, slipping it off his shoulders, reaching for his pants ...
Blushing, Kasumi opened eyes she couldn't remember closing, trying to focus on the outside world rather than the daydream drifting through her mind, and the normally unflappable girl gasped, mouth dropping open at what she saw.
For Genma, it had been almost a year and a half — considering Nodoka's attitudes about `manliness' he hadn't been worried about sex with other women, had indulged when possible during the training journey, and had been sure to boast of his successes in his letters to his wife (and to make up stories during the lean times). But poverty combined with at best a poor grasp of Mandarin Chinese had limited his opportunities during the last phase in China. Then when the father and son had arrived at the Tendo Dojo he had found his opportunities even more limited for the simple reason that he was now staying in one place — “love `em and leave `em” works much better when you can actually leave.
But now, he was remembering again a large part of why he had chosen Nodoka as the mother of the next generation of the Saotome line. Her beauty, matured in the years since he'd last seen her but still luminous, took his breath away. Forgetting all about the presence of Soun and his eldest daughter as the conversation died away, Genma found himself leaning toward the woman sitting next to him, caressing her lightly on the shoulder, and then when she turned toward him putting his hand to the back of her head to gently pull her into their first kiss in well over a decade.
For Soun, it had been very long indeed. He was a man that had been very much in love with his wife, to the point that he had felt no temptation to wander, even during his wife's last illness after she had sickened to the point that making love was out of the question. Then after her death he had been so wounded by her loss that he had felt no attraction for another woman, no matter how beautiful.
But, as Xian Pu's seeded herbs coursed through his body, now he was remembering how stunned he had been by Nodoka's beauty when she had attended his wedding, how he had delighted in watching her when she had visited on occasion before Genma and Ranma left on their training journey, and with those memories long-extinguished passion reawoke. He stared as Nodoka gasped at her husband's kiss. Then, as she leaned forward into the kiss as Genma took advantage of that gasp to intertwine his tongue with hers, Soun rose as if in a dream and moved around behind the middle-aged redhead. Kneeling behind her, he leaned down to gently kiss the back of her neck as his hands circled her waist to loosen her sash.
For Nodoka, it had been the longest of all — since her husband and son had left. She would have had no objection to sleeping with a `manly' man other than her husband, if she had met one. But after all, irresistibility is an attribute of truly manly men, and while she had had many offers over the years she had been able to resist them all. Even before the herb's influence had impacted her, she had been finding it difficult to maintain proper decorum in the presence of her long-absent husband. Now that that influence was coursing through her, all thought of proper public behavior had fled and she moaned into her husband's mouth, hands slipping under the gi he habitually wore, as long pent up need was given free rein.
So intent was she on her husband, especially as his hands began caressing her breasts through the kimono's fabric, that she barely registered the gentle kisses on the back of her neck, and didn't feel Soun's hands at all until the sash fell away and they started to remove her outer layer of clothing. Nodoka stiffened for a moment, then gasped again as Soun's efforts gave Genma greater, though not yet open, access to her generous mounds and what little thought of resistance had entered her mind promptly fled. Instead she turned to the side, so that she could loosen the top of Soun's gi and run a hand over his firmly muscled chest.
Then Genma was on his feet and pulling her up as well, hands working frantically at her kimono, and Soun rose to help, pausing only long enough to slip out of his own gi before joining his friend in disrobing his wife. They quickly had her stripped down, and the two men paused to take in her voluptuous body — smooth, pale skin, generous breasts with only a slight sag from the years and the nipples hardened, pussy shaven bare and already glistening slightly from arousal. Then the three were sinking back to the floor on a pile of clothes, Genma discarding the last of his on the way down.
Nodoka immediately seized on the treasure she had missed so much, wrapping a hand around her husband's erect manhood, and Genma groaned as she leaned down and softly kissed its head then slid her mouth down over its length as far as she could get, swirling her tongue around it. Slowly she began to bob her head and suck as she pumped its lower length with her hand.
Soun watched for a few minutes, then moved behind where Nodoka knelt and reached in between her legs and ran a hand along her moistened lower lips, then slipped several fingers up inside her wet heat, causing her to moan around her mouthful. Then, pulling out his fingers and nudging her knees farther apart, he ran his erection along her folds and slowly nudged them open as he sank it up inside.
Nodoka's eyes widened as she felt herself stretch to accommodate Soun's length, and she pulled her mouth away from her husband's manhood, looking over her shoulder at his handsome friend. “Soun, please, not yet,” she said. “After all these years my husband should be first.”
“And he will be, I simply need some lubrication,” Soun replied, then looked at Genma. “A sandwich?” he asked.
Genma nodded, smiling broadly. “Of course. It does bring back memories, doesn't it?”
Soun chuckled. “It does indeed — not all the memories of our time with the Master are bad ones.” He pulled out of Nodoka's cleft, and her eyes widened as he simply shifted the head of his erection up slightly and pressed against her rosebud. Closing her eyes, she relaxed her sphincter as best she could and felt Soun's manhood press through and slowly up into her ass.
As his balls connected with Nodoka's skin, Soun nodded to Genma, and the balding martial artist gently lifted his wife up until her back rested along Soun's chest, eyes admiring her heaving chest. Soun grasped the inside of Nodoka's upper thighs, lifting her up slightly and pulling her legs apart, fully revealing her practically dripping cleft to her husband's view, a view quickly obscured as he moved up against her, rubbing his cock along her folds then sinking it into her burning depths.
The two men simply knelt there with Nodoka between them for a few moments, giving her time to grow used to being filled more than ever before in her life, then slowly started to pump, quickly finding the old, familiar rhythm, Nodoka moaning and gasping in time with their thrusts, her belly rippling as her burning need grew.
Soun was the first, unable to hold out in her tight ass, and he shouted and buried his cock as deep into her as he could get as he felt his seed boil up and out into her. Nodoka felt the spurts of Soun's seed filling her ass and froze, head thrown back and mouth open in a soundless shout, as she tipped over the edge and her own orgasm smashed through her. Her vaginal muscled clamped down on Genma's plunging cock, and he thrust up into her and also exploded with a gasp, his own pent-up seed spilling into her and out around his cock.
The three collapsed to the side and simply lay there, gasping for breath. Finally, the two men pulled their softening members out of their respective orifices, and pulled apart enough that Nodoka could flop on her back. Instantly, they cuddled up against her, hands finding her breasts and gently kneading as they lay there catching their breath.
“Oh, that was too fast!” Nodoka gasped out, and Genma chuckled.
“That was just the first, we have plenty of missing time to catch up on,” he murmured in her ear, and Nodoka smiled with a sigh of contentment, hand running through Soun's hair as he slid down to capture a nipple in his mouth.
Forgotten by the three adults, Kasumi sat frozen in place across the low table from the three. Finally, as hands again began to roam, she silently rose and left the room for her own bedroom. There, she quickly slipped out of her housedress and frowned slightly at the stain her own flowing juices has caused, then pulled off her bra and soaked panties and reached under her bed to pull out a box containing a large fake cock. In seconds she was stretched out on her bed, rubber cock buried deep in her pussy and pumping frantically as her mind returned to her Ranma-centered fantasy.
A redheaded Ranma dropped down inside the dojo compound by the koi pond and set Akane on her feet. Akane instantly grabbed Ranma's ass and pulled the smaller girl against her, and Ranma's knees went weak as their tongues resumed their duel, her own hands rising to run through Akane's hair.
After a few minutes, Akane reluctantly pulled away from her fiancé. “Still too public, what if Dad or Kasumi find us?” she gasped out. “Let's get to the dojo.”
Ranma nodded, and the two slipped into the house to make their way through to the dojo on the other side, only to freeze at the hallway junction that led toward the family room ... the oddest sound were coming from that way —
Looking at each other, the two nodded silent agreement and quietly moved down the hall past the kitchen and peeked around the doorway into the family room, eyes widening at the sight of Genma with his face buried in the crotch of an unknown woman, her face blocked from sight by Soun crouching over her chest as her head bobbed.
Pulling back, the two teenagers stared at each other. “Who's the lady? And where's Kasumi?” Akane whispered.
Ranma shrugged. “Don't know and don't care,” she replied. “Let me grab the hot water as we go through the kitchen, and let's get ta the dojo.”
Akane felt herself tighten slightly even through the haze of need that seemed to engulf her. “Uh, Ranma,” she murmured as the two slipped back up the hall and into the kitchen, “the dojo's fine, but ... can we skip the hot water this time ... please?”
Ranma stiffened and looked over at her fiancée. Something about that request bothered her, a lot, but her thoughts moved slowly through her own haze of passion and she couldn't remember why ...
Then Akane reached out pushed aside Ranma's still open shirt, hand caressing one of the red-haired girl's full breasts. Ranma gasped at the touch, thoughts scattering, hand rising of its own accord to pin Akane's hand in place for a moment. After a moment she nodded, and Akane smiled the smile that was enough to steal Ranma's heart even in normal circumstances and reached for Ranma's hand, and the two girls slipped out the kitchen door and ran for the dojo.
Kasumi gave a low shout, back arching, as yet another orgasm ripped through her body, then collapsed back onto her bed, gasping. She simply lay there for a few minutes, covered with sweat, pleasantly aching from her recent activities, but her mind finally clear.
Okay, we were obviously drugged somehow, she thought. But why ... of course, we weren't the targets at all — it must have been intended for Ranma. But if we got it ... She thought back to what she'd prepared for lunch, then grimaced at the thought of the bentos. I hope Ranma, Akane and Nabiki are all right, or at least not embarrassed too badly. Still, this should make Ranma `manly' if anything can.
Rising to her feet, she threw on her stained dress without bothering with the underwear and headed back down to the family room. As she'd expected, she found the three adults huddled together in a pile, asleep.
For a long moment, she gazed down at her father's face where it was pressed against one of Nodoka's generous orbs, smiling fondly. Maybe this will finally shake him out of his grief, she thought, long-dormant hope rising. And to encourage that, and protect Ranma just a little longer ...
With a sigh, the matronly Tendo reached down to shake the adults awake.
A few minutes later, three adults, clothes hastily thrown on were staring at a calm Kasumi as she poured fresh tea all around.
“Drugged?” Nodoka repeated, and Kasumi nodded.
“Yes, there is one girl that Ranma refuses to sleep with. She — isn't quite right in the head, and I suspect this was an attempt on her part to ... encourage ... Ranma to change his mind that missed its target.”
Setting down the teapot, she looked around and continued, “But don't worry about that, Ranma's been dealing with her for months, this time will be no different once he gets back. Instead, let's discuss plans for the next for few days. Auntie Nodoka, if you have enough room where you live, I suggest that the three of you stay there until Ranma and Akane get back. That will allow you to ... get reacquainted without worrying about me and Nabiki.”
The adults' eyes widened and they exchanged glances. Nodoka, a blush mounting her cheeks, nodded with a smile. “I think that is an excellent idea. It has been long years since the three of us last talked, some extra time to ... get reacquainted ...” Her voice trailed off as her eyes unfocused, and the two men grinned at each other and nodded.