Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Alliances ❯ Questions ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally published by me under the name Anduril at Anime Addventures, with the only changes being a few corrections in spelling, punctuation and the occasional word choice. If you like the beginning of my story but think I've gone off the rails, or have your own ideas for a great branch-off, or think I'm taking too long to update and want to continue the story yourself, come to Anime Addventures and join in the fun!
I claim no ownership rights to any of the works of Rumiko Takahashi.
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“My mother?” For a long moment Ranma stared at Kasumi in stunned amazement, then looked around the table in the middle of the Cat Café at other Tendo sisters and Ku Lon.
Ku Lon nodded back. “Yes, Ranma, your mother.”
The room was silent for a time, except for a particularly loud squeal from where Ukyo and Xian Pu were enjoying their shower upstairs. Finally, Ranma shook his head. “It can't be — she's dead, she must be! Pop never talked about her, whenever I'd ask he'd just get an odd look and pile on the trainin'.”
Kasumi shook her head, reaching out to lay a comforting hand on Ranma's arm. “No, Ranma, she's alive. She visited the dojo yesterday. She must have still been in the family room with Father and Uncle Genma when you and Akane got home from school.”
The blood drained from Ranma's and Akane's faces as they exchanged glances. “The woman with Pop/Dad,” they chorused.
“You'd mentioned her before,” Akane continued, “but I didn't ... didn't realize ...”
“You had other concerns,” Nabiki said with a smirk, ignoring Akane's glare.
“I ... okay, so that was my mom, they got hit by the same drug as me an' Akane?” Ranma asked. Kasumi nodded. “So where is she now, why didn't she stay? Was Pop the only one she wanted ta see?”
“Oh my, no!” Kasumi instantly disagreed, “she asked for both of you when she arrived. I told her that you and Akane were on a training trip together, and after she, Father and Uncle Genma recovered from Kodachi-san's drug I suggested they spend the time waiting for you to return at Auntie Nodoka's home, renewing their acquaintance. They were ... happy to go along with my suggestion, and it gave gave us the time we needed to take you in bed.”
“Actually, Kodachi wasn't responsible for the drug this time,” Nabiki stated. “It was Shampoo, without Cologne's knowledge, right, Cologne?”
Ku Lon raised an eyebrow as everyone else except Ranma turned to stare at her. “You are right, child, the `drug' this time was a rare herb from the village. How did you know?”
Nabiki shrugged. “It was fairly obvious, once I had free time to think it over. Ukyo and Shampoo showed up at school dressed to kill, and Shampoo at least had to know by now that skimpy clothing wouldn't get them anywhere with Ranma, so they had to expect the drug. Only, it didn't work the way they must have expected, with Ranma focused totally on Akane, and Kasumi didn't end up sleeping with our parents — you would have known better. Am I right?”
Ku Lon nodded. “That was very well reasoned, child, you are right — the herb increases desire, but for one that one desires already. It is useless against someone that doesn't want you to begin with.”
Ranma had been ignoring the discussion, continuing to stare in bewilderment at the matronly Tendo sister. Breaking in, he asked, “Kasumi, why did ya lie? And what does keepin' me from meetin' my mother have to do with me sleepin' with all a' you girls?”
Ku Lon sighed. “Ranma, I'm afraid that your parents were romantic idiots when they were younger. Of course, `romantic idiot' and `youth' are fairly synonymous, but they took it to extremes.” The Amazon elder chuckled at Ranma's baffled look, and explained what she had learned from her meeting with the Saotome matriarch.
By the time she was finished, Ranma was shaking his head in hopeful disbelief. “Okay, so not just Pop is an idiot. But ya don't think she would really go through with it, do ya? I mean, a seppuku contract made so far back I can't even remember it?”
“Yes, Ranma, she would,” Kasumi said. “I spoke with her during lunch yesterday, before the drug set in. She was eager to see you, she loves you dearly and the regular letters Uncle Genma sent her have not filled the empty space in her life left by your absence. However, she was desperate for word of your `manliness', and Elder Cologne is right: while my descriptions of your strength, courage, and generosity of spirit were all welcome, it was your sexual prowess she most wanted to learn of. Of course, at the time you didn't have any so your father and I had to resort to hints and innuendos, but she latched onto those hints and my blushes like a lifeline.
“However, now hints and innuendos won't be necessary,” she added with a fresh blush. “Between me and Akane, Ukyo and Shampoo, you are everything she could hope for. Not even your Jusenkyo curse should be a problem.”
“So all a' you girls slept with me ta protect me from my mom?!” Ranma asked, outraged. “But ... but what about your own honor? It's not right givin' that up just ta —”
Breaking in, Nabiki asserted, “There's no `just' about it. Between an `honor' they were going to lose eventually anyway and your life, there's no contest. Besides, didn't you notice last night that Kasumi wasn't a virgin?” Ranma froze, and the middle Tendo nodded. “And while Akane probably was” — the youngest Tendo nodded vigorously — “your first time with her was because of Shampoo's addition to our lunch, so there's no dishonor on your part there. For the other two ...” Turning to Ku Lon, she asked, “do you know when Shampoo lost her virginity?”
Ku Lon shrugged. “No, not really, but I do know it was at least a year and a half ago, perhaps more.”
“And from the noise she and Ukyo were making just now, I'm guessing Ranma wasn't Ukyo's first, either?”
“No, the two had quite a time of it yesterday, probably about the time Akane and Ranma were,” Ku Lon said.
Kasumi nodded. “You see, Ranma, none of us were `dishonored' by you, if you want to call it that.” Blush deepening, she added, “And we didn't do it just to protect you. I've ... I've been daydreaming about you for some time, wishing ... and from the way Akane reacted to the herb, I'd say she's felt the same.” She quirked an eyebrow at her youngest sister, and Akane reluctantly nodded agreement. Turning back to a slowly relaxing Ranma, Kasumi said, “You see, Ranma, none of us did anything we didn't want to.
“So now, I can call and let our parents know you're home. Unless you'd rather wait for a bit?” she inquired with a concerned look.
“I ... no! Call her up, let her know I'll be home,” Ranma ordered.
* * * * *
Nodoka, on her knees straddling her husband, hissed at a mixture of pain and pleasure as she felt his cock once again slip between her petals and up into her love canal as she sank down onto his reclining body. As she bottomed out, her sweat-slicked upper thighs slipping against her husband's hips, she looked up and smiled at the second cock presented for her pleasure by a standing Soun also straddling his old friend. Leaning forward, the redhead licked around the now familiar cockhead, then let it slip past her lips as she took as much of Souns cock into her mouth as far as she comfortably could. Both men groaned as she simultaneously sucked and began undulating her hips in what was rapidly becoming one of her favorite positions out of all the ones they'd tried over the past twenty-four hours.
And a very exciting twenty-four hours it had been, too, with almost nonstop sex from the time they'd arrived at her home to now, with breaks only for sleep and eating, and the occasional rest break. It had been during the rest breaks that they'd had time to talk. She'd had Genma's letters, of course, so she knew much of what had happened on his training journey, but now she could actually ask the questions she'd wanted to before and couldn't, fill in the holes and get additional details. And of course, Soun's life since before the training trip began was unknown territory for the woman of the trio.
Even as Nodoka began bouncing her hips, the wet slaps of sex-slickened flesh meeting sex-slickened flesh echoing through her family room, a niggling thought rode the pain to intrude slightly through her gathering pleasure haze — in all the moments they'd talked, Genma and Soun had said almost nothing about her son. Whenever they'd get to the point of providing real details, the two men would be ready for another round, eager to prove yet again how manly they were.
And proven it they had, over and over, to the point that, even after her long years of drought, Nodoka was getting sated. And the two men's groans were beginning to sound a little odd....
Perhaps ... I should suggest ... we take a break ... and return ... to the Tendo home ... let me get ... acquainted with ... Soun's daughters, Nodoka thought through shots of pleasure radiating through her body. Then all coherent thought faded as long missed and once again familiar pleasure rose to wash it away.
As the pleasure-haze faded, a sound that had been at the edges of her awareness finally registered — her telephone, out in the hall! Levering herself up from where she'd collapsed onto her husband, Nodoka smiled down at him as she clambered to her feet, ignoring the liquid oozing down her legs. “You just relax, husband, I'll be right back,” she said, and staggered out toward the phone as Genma sat up and Soun fell back into a chair, the two men exchanging despairing glances.
“Moshi moshi.” Nodoka stiffened. “Kasumi-san, it is good to hear from you ... Yes, your father is very good, indeed ... My son has returned?! Wonderful! We will be there as soon as we can ... Good, I will see you soon, goodbye.”
Hanging up the phone, the middle-aged red-haired woman rushed back to the family room, (wincing slightly at the pull of overused muscles and slightly raw flesh in the process). “My son has returned!” she all but shouted in her happiness (carefully ignoring a niggling touch of worry). “We must return to the dojo now!”