Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Alliances ❯ New Lovers ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally published by me under the name Anduril at Anime Addventures, with the only changes being a few corrections in spelling, punctuation and the occasional word choice. If you like the beginning of my story but think I've gone off the rails, or have your own ideas for a great branch-off, or think I'm taking too long to update and want to continue the story yourself, come to Anime Addventures and join in the fun!
I claim no ownership rights to any of the works of Rumiko Takahashi.
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Ryoga's head whirled from more than the sake he'd drunk, as Yuka's kiss full on his lips continued and grew deeper. His mouth dropped open slightly in shock, and then his shock deepened as her tongue slipped through his parted lips to probe his mouth. Even through the towel-clad boy's shock, his own tongue responded, entwining with Yuka's for a brief moment before she broke the kiss and sat back, smiling.
“I ... y-you ... wh-what ... ?” Ryoga stammered incoherently.
“Ryoga, would you be my ... my boyfriend?” Yuka asked, even as her cheeks tinged red.
“Me?! But you ... why?” the Lost Boy asked. Even as the words escaped his mouth, his mind flashed back to the overheard conversation when he'd first woken up in the school yard — gentle ... caring ... pays attention ... strong ... skilled ... in spite of the way he'd treated Akane ... She really likes me, in spite of the way I acted! he thought in amazement. Before Yuka had a chance to respond to his question, with partially sake-inspired courage he hastily added, “Sure! Sure, I'd be happy to be your boyfriend.” Even as Yuka's face lit up, Ryoga reluctantly warned, “But with my sense of direction, I'm not going to be around very often.”
“Oh, that's fine! I know all about it, I don't mind,” Yuka hastily responded, then fell silent, her eyes dropping as her blush grew even deeper. She started to fidget, her fingers playing a bit with the fringe on the couch cover. Ryoga stared, baffled, then glanced over at Sayuri to find her now leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen entrance, the same gentle, bittersweet smile from earlier still on her face.
As if his glance was a signal, her smile turned into a grin and she straightened and began walking toward the two on the couch. “The reason your new girlfriend is acting so flustered is that she has a little problem that she'd like you to help her with, now that you're her boyfriend,” she said with a slight smirk.
“Wh-what problem is that?” Ryoga asked. He glanced over at Yuka, but her gaze was firmly fixed on her lap even as her cheeks blazed bright red.
Sayuri reached the couple and Ryoga glanced up at her as she leaned over. Loud enough to be heard by both, she whispered in his ear, “She's still a virgin, at least as far as guys are concerned.”
Ryoga jerked back and stared at the pony-tailed girl, then switched his gaze to his new girlfriend. She was actually shivering with nervousness, but she'd managed to lift her eyes to fix them on his face. She nodded silently, and now Ryoga's blush joined hers in trying to heat up the room.
“You really want this? Why so fast?” Ryoga asked Yuka.
“Because ... I've wanted you for a long time, now,” she managed to get out. “You were so obviously fixated on Akane, I didn't think it was possible, but I dreamed ... and with your direction sense, you aren't going to be around much, may not be back for a month or more ... only here for a day or two ... we can't really go through the usual weekend dates ... why wait?”
She fell silent, and Ryoga took a deep breath. “But ... but I haven't ...” he managed to get out before trailing off.
“Haven't actually slept with a girl, in all your travels?” Sayuri asked. Ryoga nodded jerkily, gaze still fixed on Yuka. “Well, it's a good thing I'm here, then,” she continued. “If you'd like to fix that, that is — for Yuka.”
After a moment Ryoga nodded again, as jerkily as the first time, and Yuka's face lit up with a broad if somewhat nervous smile and she leaned forward to kiss him again. This kiss started out as intense as the first one had grown to be, and when they finally broke apart Ryoga was light-headed and gasping.
Yuka glanced toward Sayuri, and the other girl nodded. “Get yourself ready and I'll handle Ryoga, like we discussed.” Yuka nodded back, then stood, hands reaching behind her back to pull the bow at her back loose, then going to the shoulder straps holding her blue overdress on. The overdress fell to her feet, and Ryoga stared, wide-eyed, as her hands now went to work on the buttons of her blouse.
“Hey, stud, over here!” Sayuri called, and the Lost Boy yanked his eyes over to see the ponytailed girl motion to the floor. “She's not the only one that needs some preparation. Lie down on the floor. He stood up and stepped over to the spot on the floor she'd indicated.
As he started to lie down, Sayuri reached out and whipped the towel away, leaving him naked. “You aren't going to need this,” she said with a smirk, overriding his blushing protests from where he now sat on the floor. “Hey, Yuka, you'll need this for the couch!” she called, tossing it to the other girl. Ryoga's eyes followed the towel, then widened as they saw the brown-haired girl that caught it, now dressed only in her panties, socks and shoes.
Blushing beet-red when she noticed him staring at her, Yuka stopped an instinctive more to cover her breasts, instead turning to spread the towel on the couch, then reaching to her hips and sliding her panties down her legs.
Ryoga felt his head whirling, sight beginning to lose focus. “Hey, none of that!” he dimly heard Sayuri shout, then felt her grasp his chin and turn his head to look at her. After a few moments the world steadied and his eyes cleared. Watching his face closely, Sayuri nodded. “Good, it looks like this is going to be serving more than one purpose. Lie down.”
Ryoga obeyed, hands instinctively covering his rapidly hardening erection as his eyes drifted back to his new girlfriend, then stiffened in shock at the sight. Yuka was now sitting on the towel, perched on the edge of the couch, knees spread and giving him a perfect view of the treasure where her legs joined. At least, they would have, if a hand wasn't in the way, fingers gently rubbing along the folds of her sex. Even as he watched, those fingers circled a spot up at the top of her nether lips, then slipped down and a finger disappeared up between her folds, withdrew most of the way, then plunged back in. As if feeling his gaze, Yuka glanced over and their eyes met. Her seemingly permanent blush deepened, but a hand rose to caress a breast and her finger's pace quickened.
Ryoga had completely forgotten the presence of Sayuri at the sight of Yuka masturbating, and was barely aware of his hands being pulled away from his groin. The feel of a wet warmth circling his cockhead and slipping part way down the length of his staff, though, shocked him out of his daze as his eyes shot down and forward to see Sayuri leaning down over his crotch, head bobbing as a hand cupped his balls. “Sayuri, what are you doing?!” he gasped, and the dark-haired girl looked up, letting his staff slip from her mouth.
“Getting you ready, like I said,” she replied. Then, at his confused look, added, “Guys tend to be quick — not to say premature — the first time, and that's not good enough for Yuka. So while she's getting ready,” — nodding to the girl on the couch — “I'm taking care of that little problem.”
Ryoga followed her nod to see Yuka still pumping away, now with two fingers inserted, other hand playing with a bare nipple, unfocused eyes staring off into space, lips slightly parted. He again felt the sucking sensation of Sayuri's mouth encircling his cock, tongue circling, a hand pumping him below her soft lips, but kept his eyes on his girlfriend. He felt his hips begin to flex, pushing upward even as the pace of her fingers picked up. Then he groaned and tried to clutch at the carpet as his cock stiffened even more, swelled, and Sayuri pulled up till her lips were around his cockhead, hastily swallowing as his seed filled her mouth.
Sayuri sat back as she wiped up a white stream running down from one corner of her mouth, smiling down at the Lost Boy, then looked up at her friend as her other hand continued to stroke Ryoga's semi-stiff cock (a state rapidly changing). “Hey, girlfriend,” she called, “your boyfriend's ready!”
For a moment, Yuka failed to respond. Then the pace of her pistoning fingers fell off and her eyes came back into focus. She glanced over at the two on the floor, cheeks still flushed if for a very different reason. “Ready?” she asked distantly.
Sayuri chuckled. :”Wow, you really got into that, didn't you? Yeah, Ryoga's ready to give you the real thing, are you ready to take it?” Rising to her feet, the ponytailed girl stepped over to her friend. Reaching down, she gently pulled her friend's juice-coated fingers from out of her cleft, revealing a light brown triangle of trimmed hair to Ryoga's gaze, and ran a finger up along her nether lips. “Oh, yeah, you're hot,” she murmured, then leaned forward and gently kissed Yuka full on the lips. “That's your boyfriend you're tasting,” she whispered just loud enough for Ryoga to understand. “Time to get the real thing.”
Yuka stared up at her friend's face for a moment, then turned to run her eyes along Ryoga's firm, muscular body. Her eyes widened as they reached his proudly erect cock. “That's ... that's ... is that going to fit?” she asked breathlessly.
Sayuri chuckled, turning to add her own appreciative gaze. “Yeah, if we take it slow. Come on!” Standing, she offered a hand and pulled Yuka to her feet and led her over to the now brightly blushing martial artist. Yuka allowed herself to be guided to kneel over Ryoga's groin, then at Sayuri's instruction grasped his erection and lowered her hips until she could run the cockhead along her moist folds. She gasped at the sensation and Ryoga's breath became slightly shaky.
Sayuri chuckled as she lay down alongside Ryoga. “Not quite the same as your own finger, or even mine, is it?” she murmured. Yuka shook her head, moaning slightly as she continued to run the cockhead up and down her cleft. “Well, don't keep your boyfriend waiting!” Sayuri ordered.
Yuka took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and slowly lowered her hips. Ryoga's eyes widened as he watched her folds surround him, felt the wet, tight heat of her sheath sink down over more and more of his erection. Then the tip of his cock came up against something, a barrier. Yuka stopped, held herself in place, her legs beginning to quiver slightly.
Sayuri had been watching Yuka intently. Now, she leaned over and breathed in Ryoga's ear, too low for Yuka to hear, “You've hit her maidenhead, haven't you?” Ryoga nodded slightly. “Good,” she continued. “When I give the word, thrust up hard, got it?” Ryoga nodded again. Sayuri turned her eyes back on her friend, waited, and when Yuka took a deep breath and lifted herself slightly, whispered “Now!”
Instantly, Ryoga thrust up even as Yuka dropped, and she gave a slight shriek as his cock ripped through her hymen to slam the rest of the way up into her depths, his balls slapping against her ass. Her legs went limp, dropping her down onto her boyfriend's hips. Sayuri was up in a flash, kneeling behind her friend and pulling her back to lean against her.
“That hurt!” Yuka gasped.
The blood drained from Ryoga's face and he started to babble an apology, only to stop instantly at Sayuri's sharp gaze. Sayuri leaned over to murmur in her friend's ear, “That's normal — it hurts more the first time for some girls than others, it won't hurt that much again. Just sit for a few minutes, wait for the pain to fade.” As Yuka nodded, Sayuri's hands rose to cup her breasts, stroking and tweaking the hardened nipples.
After a few minutes Yuka slowly relaxed, started panting slightly. “Good, that should do it,” Sayuri said, lying down beside Ryoga again. “Now take it slow, like I said.”
Yuka nodded and leaned down to brace herself on her outstretched arms, then began to undulate her hips, making Ryoga moan at the tight velvet friction. Slowly, she picked up the pace, sweat beading on her face and upper torso, breasts jiggling.
Sayuri watched for a few minutes, smiling, then murmured in Ryoga's ear, “Hey, you're letting her do all the work — not very gentlemanly.”
“What ... ?” Ryoga managed to get out, and Sayuri chuckled throatily. “Just push up as she pushes down, flex those hips! And you have two hands, she has two hips, what a coincidence!”
Ryoga flush an even brighter red than he was already, but his hands rose to grasp Yuka's hips, pulling her down even as Yuka yiped at his first thrust upward. After a moment she relaxed and let him do the work, her head thrown back, moaning. Suddenly her every muscle seemed to tense as she let out a long, thin shriek and Ryoga gasped as the shuddering walls of her sheath clamped down on his sword. That was all it took, as he thrust up and felt his cock swell and explode, pumping spurt after spurt of his seed into her womb.
Sayuri rolled away as Yuka's arms gave way, dropping her down onto Ryoga's chest, the hair of the top of her head brushing his chin. The two lay there for a time, his arms across her back. Finally, Yuka pushed herself up so she could look down at her lover's face. “Thank you,” she whispered.
At the sight of the happiness shining from her eyes, Ryoga felt something loosen deep inside, a tightness that he hadn't even realized had been there since getting carried at a run throughout the Tendo home by a naked redhead with a screaming Akane chasing them. “You're welcome,” he murmured back, then glanced over at the ponytailed girl now sitting up on the floor a few feet away and smiling at the two. “Sayuri ... thanks,” he said. Yuka followed his gaze then nodded her own agreement.
“Hey, anything for a friend,” the ponytailed girl said easily. “You two just take it easy while I get your clothes in the drier, then we can get to round two.”
Ryoga's eyes widened. Round two?!