Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Alliances ❯ A Good Life ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally published by me under the name Anduril at Anime Addventures, with the only changes being a few corrections in spelling, punctuation and the occasional word choice. If you like the beginning of my story but think I've gone off the rails, or have your own ideas for a great branch-off, or think I'm taking too long to update and want to continue the story yourself, come to Anime Addventures and join in the fun!
I claim no ownership rights to any of the works of Rumiko Takahashi.
Warning, high citrus content ahead, with some sister-squick! If you don't like, don't read.
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Kasumi came awake as the early morning sun came through the window of the room that had formerly been the Saotomes' guest room, and that she now shared with her two lovers. To make it official, she glanced over at the alarm clock on the stand beside the king-sized bed, and yes, it was almost time for her to get up. She briefly considered waking up Akane for a quick bit of fun, but regretfully decided against it. Since Nabiki had moved in with her fiancé at the Kuno mansion there was no one else on the second floor to be disturbed by the noise other than the deep-sleeping Ranma, and if he did wake up the result would hardly be a hardship — but it was her turn to take care of the early morning housework. Still, there was always tomorrow, when it would be Mother Nodoka's turn...
The night before it had been Akane's turn to take the middle location (and so be the focus for whatever fun happened), and now Kasumi carefully slid her sister's leg back from its resting place on top of her own, equally carefully pulled her sister's hand from where it gently cupped a breast, and slid out of bed. Akane murmured discontentedly at the loss of one of her bedwarmers but didn't wake up, and Kasumi quietly checked the clock to make sure the alarm was off so her lovers could remain so — if there wasn't any immediate fun in the offing, there was no point waking them up early on a Saturday morning.
Stepping over toward where her robe was hung up, Kasumi paused for a moment in front of the full-length mirror hanging on the wall to gaze contentedly at her reflection. Her eyes ran over smooth muscles (the result of months of light exercise — she would never be the equal of Ranma or Akane, but she was no longer embarrassed to be seen with them on their nights out), then focused on her abdomen above the trimmed rectangle of soft brown pubic hair. A hand rose to caress the slight bump growing there. Two-thirds of the way there — just a few more months, and her daughter would be in her arms.
For a moment her mood darkened as she remembered Akane's reaction when she'd learned her sister was pregnant, and Kasumi glanced back toward the bed. But of course the rings worn by Ranma and Akane that were the end result of Nabiki's suggestion of an unofficial wedding ceremony for the younger two of their little ménage à trois (thankfully replacing Akane's intention to get pregnant herself as soon as possible, after some serious fast-talking on Nabiki's part) were buried out of sight under the sheets. Kasumi thought wistfully of the little private ceremony, then shook her head. Stop that! You have no one to blame but yourself — you were as eager to shove Ranma off onto Akane as Nabiki, that first day. But maybe, after the two made it official and Akane had her first child, she could have her own private unofficial ceremony...
Pulling on her robe and grabbing a change of clothes, she quietly headed for the stairs. First step, get the furo filled, then start on the laundry while waiting for it to fill and heat up, get cleaned up from the previous night's fun, then on to breakfast.
Kasumi smoothed down her dress as she again looked herself over in a full-length mirror, this time in the bathroom. The dress was hardly the dowdy housedress she'd usually worn months ago, the new dress's hem ending at mid-thigh, tailored to cling to her curves — even the new ones. Again, she ran her hands across the bump in her abdomen, smiling ruefully. Right now, Ranma found that bump incredibly sexy, but she doubted that would continue as her girth continued to expand, however much he assured her otherwise.
Tying her hair up in a high ponytail, she headed for the door, and the corridor leading to the kitchen, and right by her father's — and now the elder Saotomes' — bedroom. Mother Nodoka had hesitated for a time, being part of a ménage à trois wasn't exactly traditional and it had taken her awhile to forgive her husband for what he'd done to her son in the name of training, but in the end she had come around. And when she had moved in, she'd insisted that they remain in Soun's bedroom. It was just a bit cramped, even with Genma-san's simple needs, but Kasumi hadn't had the heart to argue for long, even if she felt still guilty about it sometimes — the only real alternative without having them move upstairs and knocking out a wall was the room that had been Happosai's, directly beneath the teenagers' bedroom. Besides, Mother Nodoka assured her that the tight space just made things more interesting.
Pausing outside the bedroom door, Kasumi listened happily for a time to the sound coming from the room, the slurps, moans, gasps, wet slap of sweat-coated flesh against sweat-coated flesh — the three adults were definitely taking proper advantage of Mother Nodoka's morning to “sleep in,” and Kasumi just hoped that the fathers remembered to go a little easy on her unofficial mother-in-law — after all, Ranma's new sibling was in there as well. Finally, as the moans turned into a breathy feminine shriek, the broadly smiling girl continued on to the kitchen.
Apron tied on, Kasumi bustled about the kitchen: steamed rice, miso soup, pickles... she paused when opening one cupboard revealed the invitation she had taped on the inside of the door — taped up to remind her, and on the inside to hide it from the rest of the household. She wasn't looking forward to telling Ranma about the grand opening of the new Uc-chan's Cat Café, but she had to. However tense his relationship with Ukyo and Shampoo had become once he'd learned that they were both pregnant with his children — intentionally so — they were still his children even if unborn, and the opening would provide a perfect target for the Mousse/Kodachi partnership. And since their last attempt had been aimed at “the redheaded strumpet,” it was Ukyo's turn. Though now that she thought about it, that last attack had been just a bit half-hearted. Maybe their passion was cooling — or shifting aim?
“Ya can relax, Kasumi, ya don't hafta tell me about the opening, Cologne already did.”
Kasumi stiffened at the sound of Ranma's voice right behind her, and she started to turn only to be stopped by two masculine hands slipping around her arms. She gasped as those hands cupped her breasts, caressing her through the soft fabric of her dress and bra — one of the shelf bras that a smirking Nabiki had given her privately on her last birthday, that left the upper two-thirds of her breasts, including her nipples, uncovered for her dress's fabric to caress. Now, it was Ranma's fingers doing the caressing, rubbing and tweaking the tightening tits. Best present little sister ever gave me, Kasumi thought as she slumped back against the younger boy, feeling his stiffening manhood rubbing against her ass through the fabric of dress and pants. “Wh-why ... ?” she managed to gasped out.
Ranma pressed himself against her back and she felt Ranma shrug. “Kodachi an' Mousse aren't real threats ta Ukyo an' Shampoo, but they could be threats ta my kids.” One of his hands drifted south, and gently, hesitantly, caressed Kasumi's abdominal bulge, the other breaking off its attentions to a pleasure-tightened tit to cup her breast. “My kid,” he whispered, voice filled with wonder.
After a few minutes, Ranma's hand slipped away from their child to circle Kasumi's thigh and under her short dress. For a moment he stroked a firm buttock. “Have I mentioned yer exercisin' is payin' off?” he asked nonchalantly as his hand drifted between her legs.
“Y-y-yessss,” Kasumi managed to gasp out as she widened her stance. “What ab-b-bout ... Ryoga? A-a-any d-d-day ...”
Even as he shrugged, Ranma's fingers immediately took advantage of the greater access to softly stroke her dampening cleft through the fabric of her thong before pushing it to the side. “There's an empty lot not far from the new location. I made sure his girlfriends know about it, so if he shows they can take him there, or he can wait at the dojo. So, have you decided yet whether you're going to take Nabiki's suggestion?” he asked as he ran a finger between her folds and brushed it across her clit ... and again ... and again...
“Ahhh! N-n-not yet, I don't know if ... oooh ... if college is right f-f-f-for me ... I'll have our daughter to consider and d-don't want to j-j-just drop all the housework on M-M-Motherrrrrr!” The last came out in a shrieking hiss as her lover's finger broke off stroking her clit to slip back down between her now sopping folds to sink up into her hot sheath.
“I don't think Mom will mind lookin' after a baby or handlin' all the housework,” Ranma mused. “Actually, she enjoys the work, and is looking forward ta the little one's arrival almost more than we are. I think she's been lonely too long.” Another finger joined the one gently thrusting.
Kasumi had to fight to keep her knees from buckling. “Ranma, shut up and fuck me!” she demanded, and felt the hot breath of Ranma's chuckle on her neck.
“Gotcha,” he murmured happily. Both he and Akane had been shocked the first time Kasumi had slipped into vulgarity during their lovemaking, but delighted at her embarrassment. They had immediately turned it into a game, competing to see which one would be first to push her over the edge this time, and how quickly. Kasumi's embarrassment had faded over time, but she'd continued to play along — the results simply felt too good.
The fingers slipped out of her sheath as she felt Ranma step back, heard a faint rustling of cloth as Ranma dropped his pants, and ... yes! ... she felt the head of his engorged cock probing between her legs, seeking the sopping opening of her cleft as a hand pushed up the back of her dress's skirt. She reached down to help guide it in, gasping as she felt the rod stretch and fill her as it slowly sank in ... and in ... and in... Sighing contentedly, she leaned her head back and turned it toward Ranma. He was quick to accept her offer, and she shivered at the soft touch of his lips on hers, his hands again caressing their unborn child and a still-clothed breast.
The kiss quickly deepened as Ranma's hands roamed, until after a few minutes Kasumi broke away. “Ranma, my shining knight in rusty armor, I thought I ordered you to fuck me,” she murmured, and felt his chuckle rumble in his chest.
“As my lady commands,” he responded solemnly, his hands shifting to grasp her hips.
Kasumi leaned forward, hands on the counter, as her lover began to eagerly pump into her, pounding thrust after pounding thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through her as the kitchen echoed with the same sound of flesh slapping against flesh that she had been eavesdropping on just a little bit ago. She closed her eyes, moaning, murmuring encouragement, calling for more. Suddenly she felt a hand grasp one quivering breast. Her eyes flew open, and she twisted her head to find Akane standing beside her, dressed in a T-shirt and running shorts and her face shiny with sweat.
“Good morning, big sis,” Akane said with a grin. “Mind if I join in?”
“Of courssseee!” Kasumi squeaked out, as Ranma gave extra effort to a jackhammer plunge that seemed to peak in her chest before falling back to his previous steady rhythm.
Akane and Ranma laughed, and Akane levered Kasumi up straighter, slipping between her and the counter. Kasumi braced herself with her hands on Akane's shoulders, and her mouth eagerly sought that of the younger girl's even as Akane slipped a hand past the front of her dangling skirt, swinging with each slap of Ranma's groin against Kasumi's ass. Kasumi's moans into her sister's mouth increased in tempo as Akane's fingers found her sister's clit pushing out from under its hood.
Then Kasumi broke the kiss to bury her face in Akane's shoulder, panting and moaning from her building pleasure in time with the slaps of Ranma's increasingly rapid thrusts, until she stiffened and shrieked as her orgasm broke, smashing through her and leaving her shaking, only Akane's and Ranma's support keeping her on her feet. Ranma groaned as her sheath clamp down on his pistoning cock, and a few pumps later Kasumi felt his seed spurting into the depths of her spasming cleft.
Ranma thrust up into his lover once more, then lifted his hands from her hips to circle his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him. Akane stepped forward as Kasumi straightened, her own arms circling the other two, and Kasumi's own arms circled Akane's waist. Her ragged gasps steadied and eased and she felt Ranma's rod soften and shrink until it slipped limply out of her pussy.
When Kasumi felt that her legs were steady enough to keep her on her feet without help, she gave Akane a quick kiss and reluctantly broke off her hug to gently push her sister away. Turning, she gave Ranma a quick kiss in turn, then ripped a sheet off a roll of paper towels to wipe at the thick, milky liquid oozing down the inside of her thighs before pulling down and stepping out of her soaked panties. Stuffing the panties into an apron pocket, she smiled at the two teenagers as Ranma finished pulling up his pants. “That was a wonderful way to start the day, thank you, but you two need to get cleaned up and I have to finish breakfast,” she said reluctantly.
“Great, I could use a certain redhead's help scrubbing my back,” Akane enthused, grinning at Ranma for a moment before focusing again on Kasumi. “And you could use some cleaning, too. Care to join us?”
“I'm afraid I don't have time, you'll all just have to put up with the scent until after we eat — it isn't like we all haven't gotten used to the smell of sex over the last half-year, including the parents.” As Akane and Ranma chuckled their agreement, Kasumi added, “And scrubbing your back is all she can do, Akane. The parents are having their own pre-breakfast fun, and they'll need to get cleaned up as well. However ... Ranma, it's your turn in the middle tonight, and it's been awhile since Akane and I have enjoyed sharing our favorite redhead. Would that be all right?”
“Sure, why not?” Ranma replied with a shrug. “Come on, Tomboy, let's get cleaned up.”
Kasumi watched her two lovers leave the kitchen, then turned back to her breakfast preparation with a fond smile and a light heart. It certainly wasn't anything remotely like the dreams that had faded over the years since the death of her and her sisters' mother, and with Ranma in the mix it would never be quiet, at least not for long. But it was going to be a good life.
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And that does it for this story, thanks much for reading! Odds are that I won't be doing a sequel (I originally wrote it for a lark, stress relief, and lemon practice), but anyone that wants to give it a shot should feel free, either here or at Anime Addventures.
For anyone that wants a shot at AA, the options open for the previous chapter, Unlikely Alliance: New Lovers, are for Sayuri to take her turn at Ryoga, the Tendos starting to work out how to handle the new relationship's dynamics, what's going on at the Kuno's and/or with Mousse, and skipping down the road a bit to the Reversal Jewel story arc. For the options for this chapter, there's Ukyo and Shampoo and the preparations for the new café's opening, Mousse and Kodachi sort of planning to crash the party, Nabiki and Tatewaki dealing with his father and Happosai, Ryoga hanging with his girlfriends, or Ryoga stumbling across the some rather unusual mushrooms. And both chapters include an “anything goes” option, of course. One warning, unlike this site, AA episodes on many threads (including this one) are regularly screened for spelling, grammar and punctuation and episodes that offend too much are removed.
Just for fun, I've been thinking about the future of the three ménage à trois of the story if I ever do a continuation. While I think ménage à trois are inherently unstable for pretty much the same reasons as the ever-popular love triangle (though two women and a man not so much, women seem to have an easier time sharing than men do), of the three the most stable is likely to be the parents, simply because the relationship isn't based on romance and so unlikely to collapse unless Ranma and Akane break up. Second up is Ranma, Akane and Kasumi, that one will probably last so long as Kasumi is willing to go along with essentially second wife status. Third place, and almost inevitable to fail eventually, is the Ryoga-Yuka-Sayuri trio, mainly because this version of Sayuri is a player and doesn't consider Ryoga to be her ideal man, even if she is somewhat envious of her friend. Essentially, she's a “friend with benefits” for both of the others, happy to enjoy Ryoga's attentions when he's around and Yuka's when he isn't, but wouldn't dream of limiting herself to them. If she ever meets the right guy (or maybe girl), she's out of there.