Reboot Fan Fiction ❯ Ulimate Sprites ❯ Part 3 - Dot ( Chapter 3 )

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“Ultimate Sprites”
Part 3 - Dot
Dot walked out. For the last few hours, she was checking the status of every place she owned in Mainframe. Dot had not relaxed for more then a few seconds' here and there in over since she was a teenage—they are many problems she wanted to forget.
Dot said, “I need a week off.”
Bob, Enzo and Anna looked at her--as if she just rebooted into the User's Avatar-but they hadn't been a game which she been in since “A Dungeon Deep II” was over.
Dot asked, “Was it something I said?”
Dot asked, “Why take you send me to Phong when I wasn't sick?”
Enzo said, “Slow down Dot, I can't process your information. I beside I'm a kid—I have to speak fast.”
Dot blushed. Her fast-talking embarrassed her. She had not done that since after her second birthday.
Anna said, “When you stated you need a month off, Bob wanted to scan you for a virus. He was just a little disappointed when your scan came up clean.”
Dot said, “I guess he knows me as Mr. Business-Woman-With-The-Plan. Enzo has the Kid-That-Talk-Much-For-His-Own-Good as his title.”
Enzo yelled, “HEY! I resent that!”
Anna retorted, “More like resemble.”
Much to their surprise, the game landed on the four of them.
They appeared to be looking at castle. It seems to medieval cause. They were an open coffin: “Here lies the dread Count Dracula. Beware, he is a vampire.”
Bob stated, “I don't need Glitch to tell me this is last level of Vampire Castle. We had to defeat the User before he kills Count Dracula.”
Anna asked, “Where's Count Dracula?”
Bob stated, “He's not a Game Boss Sprite—so I'm afraid one of us is going to reboot as him.”
As Dot hits her reboot button, she heard the other “Rebooting” she discovered that, she became a skeleton. Enzo and Bob become skeletons as well—while Anna rebooted into
“Count Dracula” himself.
Anna asked in a German-like accent, “Where is the User?
Hearing a sound of door being opening—they turned to see a middle-age User wearing medieval chain mail, and holding a whip in one hand.. Dot, Bob and Enzo started attacking the User—and then Anna decides to bite the User's neck, and drain his blood:
Anna said, “The User's blood tasted like a submarine---and I'm not talking about the sandwich.”
Dot asked, “Can a girl get a relaxing break with out any trouble?”
Anna said, “May be you and Bob can another date..”
Dot and Bob asked, “Last time, we had a date together—the User replayed Starship Alcatraz.”
Anna replied, “I called the adult Matrix and adult AndrAIra have no problems with that game. Totally basic—as Enzo puts it.”
Dot replied, “Basic or not—every game is dangerous.”
Enzo said, “You don't have to tell me. I know.”
Anna said, “Not again!”
Enzo said, “I have enough games for a month! Let's split!”
Dot said, “You own your own for this one, Bob.”
Bob said, “Thanks the Users for small favors.”
Thanks to Phong, Hack and Slash, Dot though her PDA saw the Game Cube. She knows Bob can handle any games that come his way. They is one question on her mind—“What game was it?”
Mike the TV and Remote, Mike's remote control thought the dinner's door. Mike asked, “What's up, Doc?”
“Nothing much, Mike.” Then Dot paused and asked, “Did the Mainframe Strolling Player do what you call, “Wizard, Warlock and a Word from Our Sponsor?”
Mike stated, “Searching TV data base—found old wav. Give me the world.”
Dot stated, “Play it.”
Mike played the episode. It was decent—Mike was better actor then the rest of the Mainframe Strolling Player—thought one playing herself was doing better then the others—but still a distant second place to Mike the TV.
The show ended up.
Dot stated, “Nice job.”
Mike the TV and Remote left—please that Dot was happy with the film. Enzo come around soon. The Game looked to huge then the rest—if Bob failed this game—the whole city could be with out power for a day. Soon, the voice stated, “GAME OVER”—being a sigh of relief to the city.
Bob entered—and Enzo rammed into him. Enzo asked, “What was the game?”

Bob stated, “Another air game. The user was a stealth bomber. I was a piloting an F-22 Raptor. It is tough when the User can hide from you. Lucky, the two ways wipe out the User in that game. Drestory the User or the User's base, I went the latter.”
It was a month later. Dot was running her Dinner as if she did not took a break from it for a month. Anna and Enzo were drinking some energy shakes. Dot had knowledge that revealed that Anna was really AndrAIra with her code changed by Katherine and Phong.
Though they have been a few other sprites, Anna and Enzo had been sticking together. Bob entered and got a surprise…he was rammed by Anna and Enzo.
Anna and Enzo said the following in unison: “What's up? Did you go into any games? Do you want to take me anywhere? Do you want to talk to Dot alone?”
Dot said, “Anna. Enzo is really starting to rub off on you.”
Anna said, “Enzo and I planned this as a way to kill boredom—until the kids sprites show up.”
Enzo said, “She's right. So far only the sprites I meet are adults.”
Bob stated, “Anyway, I meet a Cracker.”
Dot replied, “What's that?”
Before Bob can answer, Mouse entered the Dinner and asked, “Oh. What happen to me?”
Dot said, “Mouse, we wanted though a hard reformat and a hard reboot.”
Mouse asked, “Is that AndrAIra?”

Dot asked, “How did you know?”
Mouse replied, “I'm a Hacker. I know when a code been altered. I meet a new friend today. His name is Alexander. His format is Cracker. Crackers are hackers that protect systems—mostly from those hunters called Codemasters. He thinking of about setting up shop here.”
Enzo remarked, “That would totally help Old Man Pearson.”
Mouse stated, “Talon?”
Anna remarked, “How do you know that!”
Mouse removed one of her sword. “Bob take a peak about an own sword code—and find out who was the one before I own it.”
Bob said, “Glitch, code scanner.”
Glitch beeped and did what Bob wanted. Bob stated, “It's…..TALON.”
Enzo yelled, “Cool!”
Mouse said, “Ray is been exploring the Net thanks to the new modem. He hoping to find the Guardians' Super-Computer and see if it's finer then a Southern computer's holiday.”
Dot said, “In basic, seeing if the Super-Computer is back to normal after Daemon was defeated by Hexadecimal.”
Mouse nodded.
So, far—but I do have a virus for Bob to deal with. You find out more about this virus soon!
Logging off,
Dr. Thinker