Romance Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Admirer ❯ Adorable? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
First thing, as soon as I got to school, I checked my locker. They had taken my note already, but there was no note from them. I didn't check my locker again until lunch. I was so anxtious as I walked to my locker, but relief hit me when I found a note for myself placed on the top shelf. Taking the note, I went to lunch and placed myself at an empty table.


As I said before, I will not tell you anything that may give away my identity. I will answer some of your questions. We have never spoken before and I'm 17 years old.

Let's see.....the reason why I'm interested in just have this air about you. You don't seem as complicated as most. I could be wrong. I also find you very adorable. I just felt like getting to know you. I would like to start in this letter. What do you do outside of school?


I'm adorable? I pulled out pen and paper and quickly wrote back:

I'm adorable? one's ever told me that; except my mom. LOL. Ok.....Outside of school, I read, spend time with my animals and mom. Sorry, I'm pretty lame. I like to walk around. I don't really have any friends.

What about you?



I glanced up at the clock, I had five minutes of lunch left. I folded the note while I quickly walked to my locker and put the note on the top shelf. I took my time walking back to my class.

RIght after fifth hour, I had to walk by my locker so I checked for a note; I found one. 'That was fast.' I thought. Opening it, I read:


I pretty much like to do the same things: read, walk around, and spend time with animals. I also like to draw. Well, I love to draw. I used to be in orchestra, but dropped. I didn't care for the teacher.

No worries, I don't really have friends either. I just keep to myself.


I folded the note and slipped it into my back pocket. So, were they in art class? I decided to wonder by the art classroom to.....see if anyone was there.......I peered in through the small glass window in the door and saw the room was empty. I'm guessing the art kids were at lunch.

Just because they like to draw, doesn't mean they have art or art at lunch. With a sigh, I headed to the cafeteria so I could write back my admirer; had to be there anyway for study hall. Taking a seat at an empty table, I pulled out a blank, folded up, piece of paper and pen out of my back pocket; along with the note.

You like to draw? What kind of things do you draw? What is it you like to read? I'm really into fantasy novels. Hmm....what else to write...

I live with my mom and little sister (she's thirteen). My mom divorced our dad four years ago, so it's just us. She's a very sweet woman and I would have to say I'm pretty close with her. By the way, her name is Audrie. My sister, Kayla, she's pretty smart. For some reason, she can always figure me out. Who do you live with?

I guess I could tell you about my animals. I have seven cats, all outside, and two dogs indoors. What pets do you have?



Before lunch was over, I made sure to put the note in my locker.

Yaoi-Freak1990 - Hey guys, sorry it's taking me so long to update. I'm just sooo busy. I've actually been doing my school work these days. LOL and much of my time goes to my fiance, of course. ^.^ Ok, here's an update on my stuff. I'm writing the next chapter for Unnatural Love and I'm almost finished with the next A New Feeling. I'm half-way finished with the next His Rhythm, My Melody. Well, I think that's it. Thank you for being so patient!!!