Romance Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Admirer ❯ Telling Someone ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I was a little bummed at the end of the day to find that there was no note in my locker. I took my time walking home and was happy to see that my mom’s car was gone so that meant I would be home alone. I walked in to only discover I was wrong. My sister was up and walking around the kitchen.

“You’re home a little late.”

“Long day.” I stated while shrugging.

“Oh? Anything interesting happen at school?” she pried.

“Does anything interesting ever happen at school for me?” She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Actually,” she looked back at me, “something interesting did happen to me the other day.”

“Oh? What?”

“Somebody has been writing notes to me and been putting them in my locker.”

“Ooooh, a secret admirer.”

I laughed, “Yeah, but the weird part is…….I don’t know if it’s a girl….or a guy.”

“Did you write back and ask?”

“Yeah, but they said they didn’t want me to know.”

“Hmm…well it could be a girl just saying that to mess with you or a guy is just doing this as a joke.”

I thought about this, “This doesn’t seem like a joke.”

“Can I read the notes?” Excitement rose in her voice.

“Uh….I guess, but just the first one.” I went back to my room and got the note out of my drawer and went back to the kitchen and handed it to her. Unfolding it, she read the note with a small smile.

She looked up at me when she finished, “Wow that’s cute, but creepy.”

“So, do you think it’s serious?”


“Think it’s a guy?”

“I don’t know. It’s hard to tell. The handwriting is neat, so I would think it’s a girl. It’s either a really shy guy or a very shy weird girl.”

“Why a weird girl?”

“Come on. Why would a girl be this weird about meeting you?”

“I don’t know.” I snatched the note away from her and folded it back up.

“What will you do if it’s a guy?” She asked more curious.

“Does it really matter? If I end up liking them then it doesn’t matter. This may be a pretty good way of getting to know somebody.”

“Wow, so you’re into guys and girls?” Her smile was so big I thought it would tear her face.

“I didn’t say that! Weirdo….” Rolling my eyes, I went back to my room. After putting the note up, I laid down on my bed with my cat Rufus and thought about how for the first time ever, I wanted to get back to school.

Yaoi-Freak1990 - Hello everyone. It’s been awhile, I apologize. I know this chapter is short, but I’m already half way finished with the next one!! I had nothing else to do in detention lol. I also have written quite a bit for the next chapter of Denied Love and Unnatural Love. ^.^ I need to type what I have so far for A New Feeling…..Keep looking for my stories!!! I have a long weekend so writing time she comes! Thanks for waiting and reading! Please reviews. Makes me sooo happy.