Romance Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Admirer ❯ Waiting ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The next morning, I made sure to get to school half an hour before school started. There was a note waiting for me! They got here early…..


You scared me! I thought you said you were kidding about coming in? it really shocked me….nice little surprise.

I did watch you put the note in the locker. I walked by and saw you. Is that weird? I don’t see you all the time. Well, you will get to see me….I will tell you I have dark hair with light eyes. I usually wear darker clothes.

Well, that only narrowed it down to like half the people in school. I turned the paper over and wrote:

Come on, we could meet after school. I want to meet, we could meet outside by the tree?


I walked around the school, stopping by my locker a few times, receiving no note. My last stop by the locker that morning was a couple of minutes before class started. A note lay open on the top shelf.

I’m not really comfortable meeting you yet, but….okay. ^.^ I will see you by the tree after school. Until then, have a lovely day.

I stood there, shocked, they were willing to meet me? I didn’t think they would agree to meet me after school. The bell rang and I panicked. I was going to have my first tardy! I walked to the office feeling guilty and got my tardy slip. I slowly walked to my class thinking about my secret admirer. Now that I think about it, I’m pretty nervous about meeting them. What if I didn’t like them?

I walked into class, handing my tardy slip to my teacher and took my seat at the back of the room. I spent the rest of the day worrying about meeting the person who was obsessed with me. What if I had to turn them down? Or what if they wanted to constantly be around me? I was starting to feel terrified. When the end of the day came, I walked outside and waited by the tree.

And waited, and waited. It was almost five and they never showed up. Did they change their mind or chicken out? I felt….disappointed? I was a little relieved they didn’t show up, but at the same time I was a little sad. I had gotten so worked up about meeting them and now? I also felt a little worried, what if something happened to them?

I guess I would have to wait and found out. I took my time walking home and once I was home, my mom and sister gave me a strange look. “You’re home late.” My mom stated while crossing her arms.

“Yeah, sorry, I was meeting someone after school.” I shut the door.

“Oh,” my sister smiled, “your secret admirer?”

“What?” My mom looked slightly worried.

“Someone has been leaving him love notes.”

“Well, they didn’t show up so….yeah.” I shrugged. I picked up my cat, Mushu and carried him up to my room.


They next day, I went to school feeling anxious and instantly checked my locker. There was a note!


I am so sorry about yesterday! I didn’t ditch you! My mom picked me up early from school, apparently I had a dentist appointment. L I feel terrible. I hope you didn’t wait too long. Please forgive me.


C.P? I began to think of everyone I knew, but couldn’t come up with a name that went with C.P. Well, I learned something….kinda…..

It’s okay, I was worried something happened. I didn’t wait too long…..but everything’s fine, no worries.


Yaoi-Freak1990 - Sorry it’s been awhile. I’ve been writing a little bit on each story and I kind of got in the mood to write on this story. I apologize for the short chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! Can’t wait for reviews. ^^