Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Sensations and Explanations ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: We finally got another chapter done!! Yeah us! I got to take over this one after Kathrine had her fun in the last one.

Kathrine: Only because she threatened to shut down all the stories we've been writing.

JC: What can I say? I know how to get what I want.

Catherine: I found it not so bad.

Kathrine: There was no pain!

JC: Oh just hush up and let the readers decide!

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

By JC and Kathrine

" Why don't you go get dressed Seiji?" Shin motioned towards the back lockers in the room. " Sensei Ino won't mind you being a little late since you're new. Just go to the left gymnasium when you're ready." He smiled at the blonde before taking his clothes to another part of the locker room to hurry and change. He knew the Physical Education teacher did not like to be kept waiting.

Seiji was left by himself and proceeded to undress quietly as usual. He slowly pulled off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, ignoring the scars and remaining bruises he had on his body. He'd been beaten since he was six and didn't think to mind the bruises that still lingered from the previous week on the highway. Pain was truly nothing to him in such trivial forms that were physically induced.

He remembered that he had even hurt himself in the past. He would anything that would cause them to leave him alone at least for another day and sometimes it was to just make sure he could still feel it. But after a while it ceased to matter for he couldn't and didn't want to. He had removed his black uniform slacks and heard a gasp from behind him followed by a feeling of intense anger.

Once again Touma was late. Being a genius student still didn't stop his daydreaming of the blonde, Seiji, or falling asleep in class. Unfortunately this time it was about to get him into real trouble. He was late for gym. It was the only class that he and his three friends had together, but it also had the strictest teacher. He knew that his tardy to class would give him a Saturday's workout with the muscular and highly qualified sensei. He just hoped he could make it and not added another hour to his punishment.

Quietly, he hurried into the locker room, praying no one would notice him. He didn't want anyone reporting to the teacher before he did. Whenever that happened Ino would time them from the time he was told to the time the student entered the gym and multiplied that by half hours to see how long they would stay with him on the weekend. This had caused many students to become permanent fixtures of his workout courses.

For some reason as he dressed he felt something strange nearby. He usually felt this way when Shin, Shu, or Ryo were near, but now it was different. The feeling felt stronger and more familiar even then with them. He had been getting this feeling a lot lately and it was disturbing to say the least. But with the familiarity came a sense of suppressed anger and self-hatred.

But the feelings weren't his own, they were someone else's. Who would have such feelings locked away inside them? Touma asked himself. And how can I feel them? He finished getting dressed and quickly slid on his tennis shoes, not bothering to untie them first. He rounded the corner and his eyes widened at the person that was undressing next to an open locker. Suddenly, for some reason he knew where the anger had come from…Seiji.

The blonde was unbuttoning his white shirt and sliding it off of his shoulders. Touma was shocked to see scars of many different shades revealed across the top of Seiji's back. They were untamed, coming from every direction and laying anyway across each other. They looked old, but some seemed as young as been made only a month before. More scars were revealed down and across the blonde's entire back and it only made Touma's anger rise.

Someone had hurt Seiji, maybe even more than one. The blue-haired boy didn't know how to stop the anger he felt at the thought of causing so much bodily harm to one person. Is this why he seems so cold and distant, why he won't really talk unless forced? He had to constrain his shouts and wished demands of wanting to know who was the culprit…or culprits.

You hardly even know him, Touma told himself, but he didn't really care. He had a sense that he should protect the other teen and keep very close to him. I can't have fallen for him that bad that quick…could I? But then he watched as Seiji removed his pants and he saw the black boxers beneath them. But he also saw the scars that weren't hidden by the underclothes. They were large and in such uncomfortable places that he couldn't stop himself from gasping at them.

Instantly he realized his mistake, but it was too late. Seiji stood up straight and very stiff before turning around to look at his voyeur. Touma could see a strange flicker in the lavender/blue eyes before it was turned into a glare. " What do you want?" he asked in a cold tone. Although Seiji himself didn't care about his scars, he hated the thought of someone staring at him like that. Such things led to unwanted memories and pain.

" Gomen nasai," Touma said quickly. " I didn't mean to stare. I was just…I was just going to class."

" Then go," Seiji told him.

" But you should have someone look at those," Touma warned. " They could be infected."

" Been examined, no vital damaged notified of," Seiji acted as if it were nothing, for to him it wasn't.

You're starting to sound like Shin, Touma, the blue-haired teen berated himself. But someone did a number on him. I can't just act like I didn't see anything. How can he be so aloof about it? Wouldn't he at least be a little angry about it?

" Why are you concerned?" Seiji asked in confusion. The only one he knew to ever feel worry for him was Nii-chan. Why would anyone else feel this for him when they didn't know him?

" Well I thought we were becoming friends," Touma sighed. " Friends worry about each other, or at least that was what I thought."

" Friends?" Seiji was confused. Someone actually wanted to be his friend? Touma actually believed he was his friend? But why?

" You sound as if you've never had a friend before," Touma laughed, but the look in Seiji's visible eye told him that it was actually true.

" Oh," he lost him smile quickly. " Look, I didn't mean to offend you or anything. I just-" Seiji seemed to have blocked him out and had put his shorts on, now pulling a small container out of his backpack. From the size and shape Touma could easily tell what it was. Just the thought of the small container made the young teen hold his breath in laughter.

Seiji stared at him curiously. He didn't know why the boy looked as if he was choking. He didn't think he had been eating anything. He raised an eyebrow in confusion without realizing it and Touma couldn't believe how cute he looked. " G-gomen," he chuckled. " I just thought you wouldn't use that kind of stuff. You just didn't seem like the type of person."

" Type of person?" Seiji repeated. He looked at the small container in his hand and tried to comprehend. Duo had given it to him and told him to use it for gym class. He wasn't quite sure what it was for, though.

" I don't think guys use that, well unless they're in drag," Touma finally calmed down.

" I was told to use this," Seiji replied. " It's suppose to cover up."

" Oh," Touma finally understood. He's using it cover up the scars. " Do you know why you're using it?"

" No," he answered truthfully. He didn't see any reason to lie. Touma was not his enemy. He didn't have the thoughts or emotions of someone out to do him harm. He would know if he did.

" Let me help you," Touma took a step forward. Reflexively, Seiji took a step back and formed his hands into fists.

" Whoa!" Touma put up his hands as a sign of peace. " Believe me, after what you did to those guys at lunch no one is gonna go against you, especially me."

I did it again, the blonde yelled at himself. Nii-chan said to not act on reflex and to not hurt the other students. Well I broke one rule already might as well work on the other. " What do you want to help with?" Seiji asked in a very intense tone.

" You're not gonna be able to put that stuff on," Touma pointed out. " Let me do it for you, that way you know how to do it tomorrow." The blonde stared at him in confusion and yes, even fear was hidden behind that confusion. He didn't like to be touched and such close contact with a person might have negative effects.

But there was something different about this Touma. He seemed so much like Duo to him and yet was reserved as well. Seiji had come to accept Duo in the week he had known him. The brunette was overly caring and giddy when he wanted to be, but Seiji knew he wasn't that way all the time. He could see the deadly gleam hidden in his eyes and knew that he could be a vicious assassin when needed. Touma didn't look or even have the hidden features of a cold-blooded killer. He just seemed like a teenager with secrets that he preferred to keep that way.

" All right," Seiji agreed.

" Good," the blue-haired boy smiled. " Now just sit down put down and relax. This shouldn't take long." Seiji complied with the order just as if he were in the military, sitting with his back straight and hands in his lap on the bench in the middle of the floor. It made Touma wonder how he could sit so stiffly. Harsh parent maybe, he thought. But he didn't believe the people who created such an ethereal beauty could be mean or any other thing like it.

He picked up the container from where Seiji had sat it down and wanted to chuckle again. He had never used or put on, Blemish Concealer. Thankfully, his mother was a reporter and used such things quite often before the divorce. He still remembered some of the things she did, even if they weren't much. He took of the cap and picked a small amount into his fingers.

Seiji's eyes widened at the feel of the cold substance on his back. But the hand that had applied it began to move soothingly across his shoulders in a circular motion. It was such a simple movement and yet it gave the blonde a strange calming sensation. Never had he'd been relieved or soothed by anyone after he was separated from Nii-chan. The mild movement of the soft yet strong hands across his back left him in a somewhat reverie as his eyes fluttered closed.

Touma watched the blonde seem to considerably relax under his gentle touch. The boy looked as if he had never felt such elementary contact between two people. His face was calm as if in meditation, which only made his unhidden beauty even more apparent. His skin was so pale, one would think he had never been in the sun a day in his life. Even the peachish/cream-colored concealer was a shade darker than he was.

But the feel of the blonde's soft skin beneath his hand was soothing for him as well. Even with all of the scars, Seiji's corium was silky to the touch. (Cool SP word huh?) He didn't think he had felt anything softer. He was beginning to lose himself in the slow motion of applying the cream onto the other boy's back. Certain 'thoughts' began to enter Touma's mind and he was forced to pull away in order to halt them.

Seiji's eyes opened as he was taken out of his trance. The hand left his back and he could feel movement as Touma came from behind him. He knew then that there was to be no more of the new sensation and he picked his shirt up from the bench, pulling it over his head quickly. " Arigato," Seiji whispered as he wondered what he was to do next. These were things he had never felt before.

" Don't mention it," Touma shrugged nervously. " The cream was darker so your back looks like it was tanned a little."

" Understood," Seiji nodded. He then stood up and Touma checked at his watch. To his surprise there were only fifteen minutes of class left. How long were we in here? He wondered. Truly he didn't care for he would do I again to see the flicker of emotion that had been on the blonde's features.

" Nani?" Seiji questioned.

" I guess there's no point in going to gym now," Touma sighed. " He'll just cook our asses for wasting his time."

" But you're suppose to go to class," Seiji countered.

" Only if you want to forfeit every non-school day for the rest of your life," the other boy replied. " He's not the teacher to mess with." Then he placed a hand to his chin as if he was thinking and smiled. " But I think you could take him."

Seiji wouldn't admit it to himself, but he was beginning to like how Touma smiled. To him it seemed so free and real, no deception. Duo showed these smiles as well, but the other kind more often. Why can't I stop thinking about him? the blonde asked himself. Because you feel guilty for crushing his wrist like that.

" Come on," Touma motioned for hi to follow him. " We can snoop around in the right gymnasium. That way we can sneak back to our lockers and make it look like we were in the class."

" Why would we do that?" Seiji wondered.

" Because then he might just think that he didn't see us," Touma said. " The classes are rather large and he could have easily skipped me and the new kid. He used to me sitting somewhere in the far back anyway. He might be really strict and harsh on punishment, but he's got too many kids in the last class to keep an eye on all of them."

" Understood," Seiji said.

" Come on," Touma took his hand. " The martial arts classed are probably finished up by now and we can play with the weapons they use."

" Why?" the blonde didn't understand and the strange feeling he sensed when the blue-haired teen had taken his hand into his own only made his comprehension worse. It felt like his heart was about to collapse and his blood was racing.

" It's just a way to piss off Shingo," Touma shrugged.

" Shingo?"

" Kazamatsuri Shingo," Touma huffed angrily under his breath. " Don't worry about him." He pulled the blonde's arm and Seiji didn't feel the need to pull it away. The two left the locker room out of a door opposite to the one they would have for class.

The other gym had many mats on the floor, three balance beams, and two ropes with knots going up to silver bells on the ceiling. In the far corner was a large metal cabinet. Touma immediately walked over to it. Seiji just looked around at the room. It was called a gym and yet it looked nothing like the training room he had been forced to use on either of the bases. It made him think that these people didn't truly know what a real gym or training were.

" Over here," Touma called to him. Seiji complied and watched as the other boy pulled a hairpin from his pocket. The cabinet was kept closed with a padlock above the knob and he knew just how to open it. The blonde watched in interest as Touma performed a technique that he had learned in the early days of his training. It didn't take more than a minute before the lock was on the floor and he was opening the cabinet doors.

The shelves of the credenza looked more like racks for the carried many holdings of different weapons. Seiji remembered many of the weapons from the lesson he was taught by Doctor J. He had spent many months forcing he and Nii-chan to learn every weapon that had been used in the world's history. He could identify some of the items just by sight alone.

" Oh, here," Touma snickered as he pulled out a long wooden sword. " This is a bokken or something like that. I'm not a kendo person." He handed the weapon to Seiji and he stared at it. For some reason it felt particularly comfortable in his hands. It was almost as if he were meant to use it or some sort of weapon of its kind.

" You hold hat like you've used one before," Touma watched him.

" Negative," Seiji shook his head. " Only learned about them, never saw them up close."

" Well maybe you should practice something," Touma continued to look through the shelves. " Ahha! My pride and joy!" He lifted a wooden bow from one of the lower shelves and smiled proudly.

" Archery?" Seiji said.

" Yeah, I guess I'm pretty good at it," Touma shrugged. " I still practice at it though." He check the string of the boy and even notched and arrow and pulled to make sure it was tight enough. Seiji watched him the entire time, seeing the peace and contentment on the blue-haired boy's face. He didn't know why, but it caused a strange feeling in his gut and he once again pushed it away.

" Times up," Touma sighed as he put the bow back in its correct place. Then he took the wooden sword from Seiji and returned it to the holding rack it had come from. After he was finished making sure everything was in place, he locked the doors to make it look as if no one had been there at all.

" We better get back," he took the blonde's hand and led him out of the room.

" See not so bad," he shrugged. " Now we just have to get back before Ino notices we're gone."

" And why would that be?" a voice asked.

Shit, Touma thought as he turned around to face Pricipal Jerotaki. " Hey Prince Jero!" he smiled and tried to look innocent.

" Hashiba, Date, my office now," with that he turned around and walked away.

" Oh man we are in for it," Touma laughed.

" Do not worry," Seiji said. " Interrogations are simply dealt with."

" Uh, okay," Touma said as the two followed the figure of their principal down the hall.

Shu sighed to himself as he waited outside. Touma hadn't showed up for gym class that day. Shin had looked rather worried as well. Then he noticed the brunette and his black-haired friend exiting the school with the rest of the students. " Hey!" he called to them.

" Hey," Ryo waved.

" Have yall seen Touma?" he asked.

" No, and I don't know where Seiji disappeared to either," Shin added. " He was suppose to come right out to the left gym after he'd gotten dressed."

" I wouldn't be surprised if Touma jumped him and their in the janitor's closet," Ryo snickered.

" Ryo!" Shin gasped. " You bloody well that Touma wouldn't do something like that. Whatever the way he may act he's actually shy about those things."

" Mother Shin, my perfect guy," Shin wrapped an arm around his love.

" Shu," he pouted. " I was-" His eyes strayed towards the door as the last few students left the school for the day. Shu looked where he was looking and his eyes widened. Touma and Seiji had just walked out of the school and Touma was holding the blonde's hand, laughing up a storm.

" Is that our Touma?" he asked.

" I believe it is," Ryo nodded.

" Touma! Seiji!" Shin glared at them as they neared.

" Hey guys," Touma tried his hardest to hold in his laughter. " You would not believe how much trouble we got into."

" I bet I can guess," Shu said. " You skipped gym."

" Well, we had a problem that was dealt with," Touma said casually. " After that we just didn't see the point with so little time left."

" Where did you go?" Ryo wondered.

" We checked out the weapons locker," he stated.

" You know that messing with that thing unless you're on one of the teams is enough to get you suspended!" Shu replied. "And ya got kicked off the archery team."

" Well we did it anyway," Touma shrugged. " But oh man, was Prince Jero angry when he caught us!"

" Nani?!" the three gasped. " And you didn't get in trouble?"

" Almost did," Touma nodded. " But good ol' Seiji here just stared him down with this ice glare of his and guess what? He backed down!"

" Now we know you're joking," Shu frowned. " Jerotaki doesn't back down."

" But he did," Touma stated. " He just stared at Seiji for like five minutes and then told us to leave."

" Reasons for release are unknown," Seiji said. " No fear detected."

" Nani?" Touma looked at him. He was about to ask he what he meant when a loud horn blasted from down the street.

" Blondie!" a cheery voice called. Seiji immediately turned to see a familiar black car stopped at the curve.

" Hey Seiji!" Duo smiled. " How was your first day? You make friends already?" He waved his bandaged wrist at him. Ryo looked into the driver's seat of the car and saw Wufei watching him. He lowered his face so that his hair would hide the blush covering his cheeks.

" Bye Seiji," Touma said as he finally let go of his hand. " See ya tomorrow."

" Goodbye," Seiji nodded to him and the others before getting into the back seat of the car. The car pulled away and left the other four boys standing after its departure.

" Well I take it your first day was interesting," Duo looked smug. " You seem to have already made friends." Suddenly, a paper appeared in front of his face from the back of the car and he stared at it with confusion. He took it from Seiji hand and read it silently before he yelled.

" You got into a fight!" he laughed. " God, I thought Wufei had a temper!"

" A fight?" Wufei looked into the back seat through the rearview mirror.

" Self defense," Seiji clarified. " A group of boys attempted to subdue me and I retaliated."

" I bet they pulled your hair," Duo frowned. " They always think it's a smart idea to pull a guy's braid." Seiji said nothing. " Don't worry about it. I'll just talk to the principal tomorrow morning like the note says and we'll clear everything up."

Seiji nodded, " Understood."

" But I did see that you made some friends," Duo smirked. " So how would you say the day went?"

" Interesting," Seiji replied. " School is rather interesting."

A/N: So there it was! We finally got to the end of Seiji's first day in school! Hope ya liked it. Sorry about lack of updates this week. School is cramming us for tests at the end of the month so they can get everything done before Thanksgiving. We'll try to update more stories as soon as possible though. Reviews always fuel the inspiration so please do so.