Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Games and Conversations ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: We finally did it! Thank Gods for Turkeyday Vacation! If not, we wouldn't have had time to make up on our work.

Kathrine: We get blood in this chapter. Not a lot but some.

JC: I am so happy! We have to keep going until all are stories are caught up.

Kathrine: First let the readers have this one.

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

By JC and Kathrine

Yuy-Maxwell Apartment Four days later

" Heero!" Duo squealed when he watched the figure walk in door with not a sound to make his presence known. The braided-brunette rushed over to his lover and wrapped his arms around his neck, smothering his with kisses. Heero seemed stiff and unresponsive at first, but he dropped his duffel bag and wrapped his arms around Duo's waist. That's when he also noticed the bandage on Duo's wrist, but didn't know if he should say anything.

" You're going to suffocate me," Heero chuckled. Duo blushed and loosened his grip slightly.

" Sorry," he apologized, but he noticed that Heero was staring at the doorway to the hallway.

" School don't let out for another forty-five minutes so I haven't gone to get him yet," he could read his lover's thoughts.

" How has he been?" the ex-pilot asked.

" Well, he made friends on the first day!" Duo said happily.

" That's good," Heero nodded, but then he let his gaze fall on his lover's wrist.

" Oh this," Duo laughed nervously. " I kinda broke one of the rules ya told me before ya left."

" Which one?"

" The one about not sneaking up on Seiji," Duo ran a hand through his disheveled bangs.

" Nani?" Heero raised his eyebrow. " When?"

" Monday," Duo explained. " He was sitting at the table looking like he had just gone through a lobotomy, I touched his shoulder and… Man, I have to admit I didn't see it coming until I started to loose feeling in my fingers, oh wait the loud crack told me first."

" He didn't mean it," Heero replied.

" I know," the other shrugged. " It just happened and he looked scared shitless afterwards."

" Anything else happen?' Heero wanted all the details.

" Well…" Duo wasn't sure if he should tell about that one 'certain' detail.

" What happened?" Heero's eyes turned to slits.

" Well don't be mad at him cause it wasn't his fault either but," Duo took in a deep breath, " Blondiekindagotintoafightatschoolonhisfirstday." (All said in one fast breath.)

" Who was hurt?" the brunette asked.

" Well there were these four boys that kinda got in his face and when he tried to leave the ring leader pulled on his braid."

" Who was hurt?" Heero repeated.

" Well, one boy got two cracked ribs from when Seiji kicked him, another got a sprained wrist from when Blondie knocked him to the ground, another gonna have stomach problems for a while…" his voice trailed off.

" And the last one?"

" Well he was lucky," Duo stated. " He only got the shit scared out of him when Seiji flip him over his back and was about to…"

" He didn't, did he?" Heero didn't like how it was going.

" Almost from what one of the students said," Duo nodded. " But the principal stopped him."

Heero sighed as he sat down in own of the armchairs they had near the window. " I knew it was a bad idea to let him go to school," he placed his head in his hands. " He's not used to people and they don't know about his training."

" Hey don't say that!" Duo frowned. " You didn't see how cold and silent he got after you left. Okay, he can't really get much more silent than he usually is, but he ended up staying in his room all day. But he actually seemed a lot calmer with those boys around him. Not to mention the blue-haired one was kinda holding his hand pretty tight…"

" Nani?!" Heero's eyes widened. " Explain."

" There was this blue-haired kid that was holding Seiji's hand when I picked him up," Duo shrugged. " Wufei said that he was one of the boys yall met on the highway."

On the highway? Heero thought, but nothing came to mind. Then he remembered the one boy with the long blue-forelock and the other with raven black hair. Though, the thought of ANYONE holding his brother's hand no matter what the reason immediately turned on the 'overprotective brother switch'. He picked back up his coat and picked up Duo's as well before tossing it to him.

" Why do I have ta go?" the braided-brunette asked.

" Because you do," Heero said, not wanting to tell the real reason. It was one of the reasons why he was back late from his mission and why he'd been asked to go in the first place. Duo put on his coat and followed his lover out the door, snickering at the over-sheltering streak he was displaying.

Hana Sakura High

Ryo watched the basketball game before him with only partial attention. He was suppose to sit out this quarter and he gladly took the time to allow his mind to wander. His thoughts came to the black-haired teen that had been coming to pick up a certain blonde everyday of school so far. Wufei, he let a small grin cross his lips. He couldn't stop thinking about him and he wasn't sure he wanted to.

Something about the older boy pulled him to him. He could feel the strength from him and could tell that he would be able to use a sword if he ever needed to. He was a fighter and yet he also seemed compassionate about people as well. Just by seeing the look in his eye he could tell he was a true warrior and that only made Ryo want him all the more.

It wasn't as if he was oblivious to the fact he was attracted to guys rather than girls. He and Touma had experimented with those 'pleasures' more than once in the past, but he felt something different towards Wufei. Something in his almost black eyes that shined out and drew him in without any type of friction.

" Come back to earth Ryo," a snickering voice brought him out of his reverie. He glared up at the face of his friend before turning his eyes back to the game.

" What made you sit out?" he asked.

" It's better to watch from the sidelines," Touma answered with a small smile on his lips.

" Just wanna see ya boy toy beat the other team single-handed, eh?" the raven-haired boy laughed.

" He's NOT my boy toy," Touma growled. " But he is doing a pretty good job on his own." His eyes turned back to the game as he watched the blonde slip past another defense player and toss the ball to Shu. The azure-haired boy then proceeded to dribble the ball within range of a good throw and passed it to Shin. The brunette caught it and made a perfect shot within the same five seconds.

Touma's eyes remained on Seiji as he thought of how graceful the blonde looked out there. He was barely out of breath after being in the game the entire time and his braid was flowing behind him beautifully. He definitely knew how to play the game. He was quick, agile, could make a perfect shot from half court with and yet never tried to hog the ball. Together he, Shu, and Shin were an unbeatable force even without the other players on the team.

It had come down to three on three after the other people on the teams tired and requested to leave. Touma had been one of them, but he had only left so that he could watch Seiji from a viewer's point without worrying about getting hit with the ball. That had already happened the day before. But he smiled at the sight of Shu, Seiji, and Shin versus Maro, and two of his friends for the win of little tournament they'd started the day before. He knew Maro didn't stand a chance and he was just waiting for the guillotine to capture his head.

" Pick up the pace!" Maro yelled to his friends as Seiji made yet another basket. As it was his team was trailing by five and the blonde's was gaining momentum. He knew he had to do something before they lost big time. And he REFUSED to lose to Seiji after the incident Monday. Shu had just stolen the ball and was making his way towards the hoop when he decided to regroup.

" Time out!" he yelled. Sensei Ino blew the whistle and the two teams backed away from each other to conference. Maro and his two backed to one side of the court and none of them looked happy.

" If this keeps up we'll be toast in ten minutes," one complained.

" Shut up Derek," Maro growled in a whisper. " All we have to do is to get one of them out of the game and we win."

" Yeah right," the other almost laughed, his brown hair sticking to his sweaty face. " Gods, after what that blonde did to Mickey, I don't want a piece of him." The words stung because for Maro because he knew just what he was talking about. Mickey had ended up with a broken wrist, but he'd been having 'bathroom' problems since then. Even at that very moment he could feel the strange pain/urge to rush to the lavatory. He just knew how to hide it.

" We aren't going after Blondie, we're taking down the brunette pansy," Maro replied.

" Yeah right!" the other black-haired boy frowned. " So that the over-sized food disposal machine can chew us up like nails? I think I'd rather face the blonde, he's so skinny it shouldn't be hard to break one of his bones."

" That's only because, you didn't see what he did on Monday, Breit," Derek snapped. " He's too fast and doesn't hold back when he's angry. Gods, Tero would have a trashed nose or worse if not for Jerotaki."

" Fine we go for the British-wannabe," the boy gave in. " Yall just better not get us in trouble for this."

" You know Ino won't punish us, no matter what," Maro smiled.

" But what are we gonna do?" Derek asked.

" We're gonna finish it," Maro gave an evil smirk. " I've had it up to here with them and I want to send a message to their entire group. Ryo and his little band of misfits have been causing us problems since last year and now they've added the freak show blonde to the mix to make things worse."

" What are ya planning?" Breit questioned.

" Breit, ya still got the little 'trinket' on ya?" he asked.

" Hai," he nodded.

" Then ya know what to do," Maro patted his shoulder lightly. " Besides ya know we won't get into trouble."

One the other side of the court Shu was smiling up a storm. " This is way too easy," he boasted. " How did these guys make it this far?"

" We're only up by five love," Shin pointed out. " They could easily come back I the next fifteen minutes."

" They're planning something," Seiji whispered as he kept his eyes closed. He could feel the negative thoughts coming from their three opponents. He knew that they were going to try to hurt one of them and had a pretty good idea who that person was.

" Of course they are," Shu agreed. " They can't win by playing fair."

" We'll just have to stay on our toes," Shin stated. " We can win this easily." That's when the whistle sounded and they knew it was time to restart the game.

" Shin?" Seiji called when the brunette headed towards his position.

" Hai?" he turned around.

" When the time comes, step to the left," he requested.

" Naze?" Shin raised an eyebrow.

" Just do it," Seiji said before going to stand in front of Maro. Shin stared at him for a moment before shaking off the uneasiness that was arising within him. He stood in front of Breit and waited for the signal to begin. The whistle blew once more and Derek threw the ball onto the court.

Shin continued to block Breit as Seiji and Maro competed for the ball against each other. That's when the blonde ducked around the side of the bully and let him fall to the floor. Everyone seemed to stare at him and Shin could feel the strange danger signal flaring in his mind. " Shin!" he heard Shu yell and he did what he had been told, move to the left.

It was then that Seiji threw the ball with an excessive amount of force right by Shin's head. The brunette heard a loud crunch and then a loud roar of pain. Turning around he barely heard the ball and something else fall to the floor rather than the look of Breit's face. His hands covered his nose and blood was running between his fingers as he swayed unsteadily. Shin's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. His attention turned to the ground and he saw the balls roll away, but his eyes were trapped on the closed switchblade at his feet.

" Oh Gods," the small teen's skin turned a startling shade of white. His head felt light and rather unsettling images of what could have happened flashed in his mind.

" Shin, ya okay?" he could feel a strong hand on his shoulder as he watched two students lead Breit off the court.

" He was going to…to…" he couldn't finish the sentence.

" It's okay," Shu assured him. " Seiji really pegged him." Shin turned to look at the blonde who was being mobbed by a large crowd of other students. He looked as if he was about to freak out from all of the attention. Luckily, Touma and Ryo saved him and led him over to the other two.

" You knew he was going to do that," Shin stated as he stared at the blonde.

" Iie," he lied. " I knew they were going to use something and merely thought of you as the easy target." He couldn't tell that he had known, that he'd felt the thoughts of revenge within Maro's mind. He knew none of them would understand if he told them.

" But you told me to…" Shin started.

" Date!" they heard Sensei Ino's voice and it didn't sound happy. The blonde turned to face their balding PE teacher with a look saying, 'I-don't-give-a-damn-if-you're-pissed.'

" What you did was highly uncalled for and disgraceful of a sportsman," he frowned.

" I didn't mean to hit him on purpose," the blonde replied with a cold and unchanged voice. " I threw the ball to Shin and he moved in the wrong direction. The other boy merely has proven his weak constitution for being hit with such a light pass."

" He's right sir," Shin nodded. " He told me to turn to the right and I went left, causing Breit to get hit with the ball."

" Is this right Rei Faun," he turned his glare to Shu.

" Yep, sure is," the azure-haired boy smiled as he scratched the back of his head. The teacher gave each of them a once over before turning and glaring at Maro and Derek.

" You see this?" he picked the switchblade up off the ground. " This gets all three of you detentions and three Saturdays with me! Now go to se Principal Jerotaki and I will be there once class is over." The boy's stared wide-eyed in shock, but complied with his orders. Ryo laughed right out before turning to his three friends.

" You are getting into the habit of not getting into trouble," Ryo smiled at Seiji. " He knows all three of you were lying and yet he let ya off the hook."

" Guess Prince Jero ain't the only one that's under the Date spell, eh Seiji?" Touma snickered, but the blonde only gave him a confused look.

" Well c'mon, time to get a good shower and changed," Shu led the way to the lockers. Seiji and Touma stayed in the back walking side by side. They knew they'd have to wait, Touma said it was for the best.

He explained to Seiji the fact that the boys showered together after class and that he couldn't hide his scars during that time. As a way to improvise Touma told him to just shower after everyone else and he would keep a watch out for him. The blonde was shocked by his willingness to help him, but accepted his offer. Touma was just happy to get to spend more time with Seiji by himself.

" Ya coming Smurfy?" Ryo called to his friend.

" I have to get a book from Miss Mai," Touma replied. " She said they were ordering it for the library and that I could be the first to borrow it. It's probably on her desk." Seiji watched him go, not knowing what to truly do next.

The others thought of him as their friends and yet he wasn't completely comfortable around them. He felt strangely connect to all three and yes it frightened him. With Touma he felt a connection and yet he also felt something that ran deeper. It scared him even more than the link he was forming wit the other three boys, but also intrigued him. He'd never felt such churning emotions within himself and sought to know what they were. If they were a danger than he would have to eliminate the problem. He didn't want to eliminate Touma.

The said blue-haired boy walked into the office with a smile on his face. The new book he was renting out was the newest in a series of astronomy research texts and was said to have the most accurate of charts and pictures. To his dismay, Miss Mai wasn't there, but as he had said the book was in deed on her desk. He picked it up and put it in his bookbag, beginning the search for a piece of paper and pencil to write a note for her. Unfortunately, he usually didn't bring home pencils or pens because he had enough there already and that day was no exception.

" Kuso," he whispered to himself before picking through the objects of the secretary's desk for a pen. To his shock and frustration he found none. " You'd think a woman of her profession would have a pen around." Getting completely angry he decided to just ask Jerotaki for a pen.

" He's to into his job not to have one around," Touma chuckled as he walked over to the partially open door. That's when he heard the voices. He knew it was probably just Maro, Sensei Ino, and the principal so he really didn't care. But then he heard some angrily spat words that changed his mind.

" He broke Breit's nose and you're just gonna let him off?!" Touma knew it was Maro right then. " How can you even let a time bomb like that around the school?!"

" You're just upset because he beat you at your own game," Ino's voice pointed out.

" My uncle wouldn't think so," Maro said.

" We are well aware of Kazamatsuri-san's status so please do not remind us," Jerotaki sighed.

" Then what are ya gonna do about the blonde?" Maro asked angrily. Touma was very interested now and listened as closely as he could. " I'm not gonna let him just show up and play Mister Super Hero."

" For now leave him alone," Jerotaki ordered. " He is not to be touched or provoked."

" Nani?" the teen sounded pissed. " Why the hell should I back off?"

" He will prove to be a lot more useful in the end and Kazamatsuri-san wants it that way," Ino answered instead. " He does not want the boy to be provoked into legal matters that could hinder our plans."

" So they thinks he's the one?" Maro questioned. " I thought he was gone, disappeared from the base."

" Let's not get into that now," Jerotaki urged. " Just let him be until we're sure. That also means no trying to gut his friends. We need to collect more data."

" Gotcha, oh mighty one," Maro saluted him in a sarcastic manner. " Guess I better let Shingo in on this in case the blonde pisses him off too." He jumped from hi spot on top of the principal's desk and landed on the floor with a thud. He walked over to the door and opened it to find a rather messy office.

" Tell the ol' broad to clean up a little," Maro laughed as he walked out of the room and out into the hall. He saw a flash of blue turn he corner, but shook it off as he walked away in the opposite direction.

" Ja ne minna!" Shin waved to them all as he walked down the street. Shu waved to him as he left and then sighed sadly.

" Maybe you should go home with him," Ryo suggested. " I'm sure his mom wouldn't mind the noises from his room."

Shu turned a shade of deep red and then glared at the other boy. " Look whose talking with how you and Touma used to act and you didn't even have the hots for each other," he retorted.

Ryo shrugged and replied, " We are teenagers." That's when he saw a bright blue heading towards them. " Hey Touma!"

" Hey guys," the other seemed rather out of breath.

" You look like ya just left track practice," Shu pointed out. " Why were ya running?"

" I wanted to run, gotta problem with that?" he asked with a glare a deep intake of air.

" Nah," Shu shook his head and walked towards the parking lot. " Well I gotta go. Mom wants me o help her with at the restaurant today." He waved to them as he climbed into a rather old looking car and pulled away.

" I swear that thing is going to fall apart from under him one of these days," Touma laughed. Then he turned to glance at Seiji, but quickly looked away. Ryo watched him in confusion and just shrugged it off as a question to be asked on a later date.

" Hey Seiji you know we have to work on that English project together so why don't we meet at my house tomorrow?" the raven-haired teen suggested. " Ya already know where it is."

" Not sure," Seiji replied. " I'll have to request leave from Duo."

" He doesn't seem like the kinda person to keep a lease on someone," Touma thought.

" He isn't one to restrain," Seiji agreed.

" Then what would be the problem?" Ryo wondered.

" Seiji!" a voice cut through their conversation. The blonde's entire body language seemed to change somewhat at the sound of that voice. He turned immediately and his eyes seemed to widen.

" Nii-chan," he whispered at the dark brown-haired figure standing only a few feet away from him with another with long hair by his side.

" Isn't that your brother?" Touma questioned as the stared at the slightly stoic boy.

" Hai," Seiji nodded as he walked over to him.

" Hey Blondie," Duo smiled. " Guess ya having happy that ya first week of school is over."

" When did you get back?" the blonde asked Heero.

" An hour ago," Heero replied. " I decided to get you from school."

" Understandable," the blonde nodded.

" We better get going," Ryo told him.

" Heero,…" Seiji started, not fully knowing how to make such a request.

" I heard," he told him. Heero's gaze raised from the blonde to stare at the blue-haired boy behind him. Touma wanted to shudder at the almost hateful gaze. He felt as if he was being sized up for a coffin with how long the cold cobalt eyes remained on him.

" Heero?" Seiji's eyes showed his confusion. He could feel anger around his brother, and also fear. Fear that he would lose Seiji or someone would hurt him.

" You may go," Heero finally answered before turning around and getting back into the car on the curb.

" He's just flexing his brotherly skills," Duo laughed. He patted Seiji on the arm, but only briefly before returning to the car himself.

" Bye Blondie," Ryo smiled at him. Seiji nodded before gazing over at Touma. The other boy still wouldn't look at him. Not fully knowing what was the problem he just left. Touma watched the black car leave out of the corner of his eye.

" That was completely wrong," Ryo frowned. " Ya just totally blew him off for no reason."

" If ya heard what I just heard in the office than you'd be wonder' too," Touma spat.

" What did ya hear?" Ryo asked.

" C'mon, I'll tell ya on the way to the bus stop," Touma pulled on his arm and the two began walking down the street.

A/N: Oh Seiji, what have you gotten into now? Will Touma curiosity get the better of him?

JC: I'm hoping to put out the next chapter in less time than it took for this one. Gomen nasai.

Kathrine: Please just drop us a line or review. If ya want to critique all our work at once then just email us at

JC: We will be working on RTP, Untitled, and CftH so don't worry. All will be fixed up soon.