Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Projects and Poachers ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey there! We finally got some more work done! I was afraid that my family would never leave us alone!

Kathrine: I swear when people were around before X-mas we got time to ourselves, but now that's everyone's gone…We can't get an hour alone!

JC: We truly apologize for not updating in so long. Our family is just very psychotic and mean when they to be.

Kathrine: But this weekend, we hopefully will get more. We do mean 'hopefully'.

JC: So we hope you enjoy, this long chapter we wrote. After the incident with the floppy eatin' all my work I was forced to rewrite all of that and then we had to write more as well.

Kathrine: We hope your wait was worth it.

Disclaimer: Tired of saying it already!

Warning: This is an AU, YAOI story! Hope you get the picture with that. Flames bring upon dire consequences. Byakuen gets a real big part in this. We don't like him being thought of as just a mystical tiger. You'll see what we mean.

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

By Kathrine and JC

Rei Faun Restaurant/Apartment

Sands churns all around the stiff figure. Its body seems like its it of steel and yet melded from the storms around it. The long horn on the right side of its head and the smaller one on its right were identical to the yellow emblem on its chest. The orange and black suit was posed in the form of a predator waiting for a potential meal to come by. It held the bo in its hand like any swordsman would their prized blade. But still it did nothing as the winds calmed and the sands took shape.

All around it the grains of yellow, white, and light orange were building, creating more figures from nothing. The winds blew and one mound seemed to dance with it like a raging flame before it collapsed to the ground as nothing more than the fragments it was before. Another mound rose in the winds and dispersed around it, floating as if with the clouds in the sky. The sands never touched the suited figure, only moved by him and never ceased until they fully integrated with the rest of the scenery.

Then the winds churned even more and sands caressed his cheeks in a loving and familiar manner. They seemed as if they knew the armored being like one would know a brother or personal friend. Then the sand in the distance collected and began to move towards him, rising and riding each other grain as if part of a tidal wave. Just when the figure looked as if he would move, the wave crashed down on him.

It was easy to assume he would not be harmed from the noticeable way the sands parted for him. The sands touched him like one would a lover or very close companion. It wasn't like the brotherly calm and assurance of the sands before. To the figure it was more like passionate emotions of affection, hope, and faith. He allowed the sands to fall around him and keep him within the confines of their love.

But he could tell when the sands finally ended their descent to the swirling floor of the dessert and the shift in the atmosphere around him. Before him stood the last mound of sand…or what had once been the last mound of sand. Instead a proud-looking figure where it once was. It was stiff and held a no-datchi at its side with the blade planted into the ground. The pointy horns on its head were nothing like the opposing for they graced it brow like a symbolic headdress. Its eyes were a black void, shaded by its mask.

Slowly, it extended its hand to metallic figure before it. " Help me brother," it whispered. " Give me the strength to awaken. Do not allow HIM to fall into the darkness that tempts him." The orange figure stood straight then and held its weapon at its side.

" Kongo, the war is upon us," the sand warrior continued. " The precipice of HIS decision cannot be forced, he must chose his own path. Prove to HIM the truth and allow him to make his choice. Those who wish to dominate shall try again soon to push HIS hand. You must not allow it. Friendship shall fade the fear." The orange suit figure reached out its hand to touch the other, but the winds roared and scattered the grains the other once was.

Just as the final stand of its form disappeared into the ground beneath it, the blazing sun in the sky darkened. As if in an eclipse the sun slowly stained black and the day turned to night. Only there it did not stop, but continued until the heat of the sands and bright colors of the land dimmed as well. The orange figure made no attempt to move as the light and color both were swallowed by the darkness.

Shu jumped from his sleep with sweat covering his entire body. Unconsciously, he ran his hand through his tangled azure locks and took in a deep breath of air. He could never understand why he always awoke dripping cold sweat from every pore on his body. He did not fear the dream, but he feared the darkness that came at the end of it. The darkness felt as if it would choke the life from him if he gave it the opportunity.

It changed, he realized. The dream had started out the same and didn't change until the sand figure spoke. Never had it said a word to the orange suit before, only extended its hand in a silent plea and faded with the winds if when the other figure tried to touch it. But now it had spoken, it had asked the suit a request. A request that was meant for him.

But who is HE? Shu sighed. I don't even know who the guy is, how am I suppose to help him? Taking in another deep breath he got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed. It was Saturday and he had to meet the others at Ryo's house to work on their English projects. This would be a great time to talk to them about this, if Seiji wasn't there.

Yuy-Maxwell Apartment

He towered over him, a look of arrogance and superiority made clear by the smug smirk on his lips. " Get up boy," he ordered.

" Please no," the young nine-year old trembled, the pain of their last meeting still fresh in his mind. " I don't want to go to the secession, please no." He curled into himself even more, trying to blend into the joint of the two walls. He didn't want to go; he didn't want to feel that pain anymore. It hurt, but even more knowing they hurt his brother as well.

" This has nothing to do with the good ol' Doc's training," his smirk seemed to look even more deadly with the statement. The child didn't know what to do. He knew what he wanted, could feel it in his pounding heart and in the air around him.

" Now come here boy," he demanded with even more ice in his tone. Still, the boy didn't move. He cowered in the corner, his entire body shaking with fear and memories of past encounters. A glare came to the eyes of the man, but was quickly replaced with a wicked knowing gleam. " I know your brother will be more willing, he doesn't even cry anymore."

With those words left in the air, he left the boy to his fear and practically swaggered to the door of the room. NO!! The young child's mind screamed. He refused to allow his brother to take punishment for him. He got up quickly and hurried after the man in hopes of stopping him before he walked out of the room. He stood at the door waiting for it to open and the child came up behind him, ready to fight if he had to.

Just as he was about to attack the man to save his brother, the man spun around and launched himself at him. He was forced to the floor with his arms held out straight, heavy and callused hands gripping to the point of bruises. " Guess I got what I wanted anyway," he whispered with his every present smirk. " Besides I like it when you cry."

The boy's eyes were filled with fear and pain pulsed in the back of his head from where it collided with the metal floor. He could already feel and hear the zipper of his shirt coming down and feel a terrifying hardness pressed against his thigh. He forced his mind to close up, lock itself away so that he wouldn't feel anything as the removal of clothing continued. The boy eye's dimmed with emptiness just before the searing pain emerged...

Sanada Cottage

" Arigato Wufei," Seiji bowed respectfully to him after closing the car door. He didn't understand how the other boy was always getting roped into taking him places. But today he didn't seem to mind. Heero had taken Duo back to the hospital to remove the cast on his arm, technology allowing it to heal much faster than it would have. Unfortunately, the medication they had been giving him did not permit him to drive or work any dangerous machinery.

So once again the brunette had used the biggest chibi eyes he could and Wufei agreed to drive Seiji to his friend's that day at noon. Seiji didn't understand why Duo had gone to such strenuous lengths to convince him when he could feel that Wufei truly did wan to take him. He could feel a strange confusion of emotions within the Chinese boy and could also tell whom it was directed at, his empathy so well trained it came close to telepathy.

" Ohayoo Seiji!" a voice took him out of his musings, which he had been slipping into quite often that day for various reasons. He diverted his eyes from Wufei and rested them on the smiling raven-haired boy walking out of the house with his tiger still at the door. He waved to him briefly until he realized who the one who had drove him was.

" Ohayoo Wufei," Ryo greeted him with a gentle smile.

" Like wise," Wufei gave a brief nod, a secret warmth in his eyes. " I have to go, I do believe Heero is picking you up Seiji, unless I'm needed later. Goodbye." With that he allowed the blonde to back away from the black car before pulling away and driving back down the long dirt driveway.

Ryo's heart seemed to flutter at the thought of Wufei, his mind's eye still picturing him right in front of him. Yes, Wufei was in deed the perfect prey and he would be the hunter to catch him. So lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize Seiji was standing next to him.

" Where is everyone else?" the blonde's every quiet words startled him out of his reverie. He took a step back when he noticed how close the other was.

" Nani?" Ryo blinked to pull himself completely from his own world.

" Where is everyone else?" Seiji repeated with a calmness in his voice that was slowly becoming disturbing. The blonde was never irritated, bored, even too angry it seemed. Even when and/or if he was, you would not know it. His mask of indifference truly let nothing show. Well, not to Ryo anyway. The other boy had seen times in which the mask was almost breached, the times when Seiji was with Touma and believed no one else was there.

But just the fact that he kept his emotions and thoughts so well hidden was enough to keep him thinking. Touma had told him all the things he had heard the day before in the principal's office and whom he believed was the main point of the conversation. But this only made him wonder why? Why Seiji? He had only been there for one week. Did they know something about his past?

" Shu is here in the kitchen," Ryo answer finally when he noticed the blonde hadn't taken his eyes off of him. " Shin had to help with his mom's pottery shop for a while and won't be here 'til 'bout one and Touma'll get here at one-thirty." He could see the question that seeped into the blonde's eyes, but was never spoken.

" His dad is home for a bit and refused to let him leave 'til then, don't worry he's coming," Ryo assured him with a sly grin. It was so obvious to him how the blonde was falling for his blue-haired friend. He already knew the champion archer had hit the ground but also couldn't force them to tell each other. Seiji was too silent and Touma too stubborn. Indeed, the matchmaking process would be difficult, but not impossible.

" Understood," Seiji nodded.

" Well c'mon," Ryo motioned towards the house. " Too bad ya can't meet Obaasan, but she went out. Won't be back 'til tonight." Ryo had been shocked by the complete recovery his grandmother had made. She was back to her old self, taking walks in the wood and even exercising as if she was thirty instead of fifty-five. It made him happy though to see her like that. She seemed a lot younger and some of her gray hair was even returning to raven black. Although, he questions and curiosity wouldn't allow him to let it rest forever.

" I see," Seiji was inwardly relieved. He hadn't realized until the drive to the Sanada residence that the old woman might recognize him. Yet, he knew he couldn't tell Wufei to take him back home then, it was too late. Now he didn't have to worry about the questions that would come from the woman if they did meet again, at least not that day anyway.

They entered the house and Seiji spotted Byakuen sitting near the unlit fireplace. The tiger raised his head and acknowledged him with his curious and yet knowing brown eyes. Seiji told himself that something was wrong with that. White tigers were supposed to have blue eyes, not brown. He left the questions for later as he heard the television click on and Shu plopped down onto the couch with a bowl of cereal in his hands.

" That's all you could find in there?" Ryo questioned sadly.

" Hai," Shu nodded. " Well, this is the only thing that didn't take cooking on the stove anyway."

" Man," Ryo sighed. " Guess cereal it is. Byakuen better be happy he doesn't have to eat his food cooked or else he'd starve. I wish Obaasan hadn't left so early or had at least cooked something before she did."

" Do you not have rations in this home?" Seiji questioned.

" Rations?" Shu gave him a look of amusing befuddlement. " Oh, you mean food! Yeah, they got plenty only it needs to be cooked and the cereal is super healthy junk. No sugar, preservatives, or even added flavoring at all."

" Then cook the food you wish to eat," Seiji didn't see the problem. He had known how to cook since he was six, part of the training for self-preservation and covert operations. He needed to know how to blend in to many situations if needed. He thought everyone knew how to cook when it came to food or else the food wouldn't need to be cooked in the first place. They would have eaten nutrient supplements.

" You see the problem is Obaasan is on an American food kick and had bought a lot of their types of breakfast and lunch food," Ryo laughed sheepishly.

" Not to mention I can only cook Chinese and Ryo can't cook at all," Shu gave a snicker with the last few words of his sentence.

" That's not true!" Ryo defended himself. " I can cook over an open fire just fine! That's why Obaasan lets me cook dinner during the winter."

" Well this ain't winter and you're stuck with over healthy food look-a-likes," Shu pointed out. " I'm just glad I ate before coming over, because unless Shin magically walks through that door ready to cook, you're doomed."

" I can prepare an adequate American meal," Seiji spoke up. Shu was speaking as if Ryo would starve without a properly prepared meal and he didn't want his new friend to go hungry. Just the thought of starvation brought back memories that caused his skin to crawl and he was forced to push them away. Those memories were in the past and he wanted them to stay that way, forever out of his mind and someday out of his dreams as well.

" You can!" Ryo's face brightened immediately. " Oh Kami, you're a lifesaver!" The raven-haired boy seemed on the verge of hugging him, but thought better of it. He knew the blonde seemed to have negative reactions to physical contact and didn't want to cause anything to happen.

" C'mon, I'll show you where everything is," Ryo smiled as he lead the way out of the room.

" Gods, he fights, can play ball like a pro, seems to be doing almost as good as Touma in his classes, and can cook," Shu placed a hand to his forehead and laughed after they had gone. " No wonder Touma is so nuts over him. There's barely anything he can't do."

" Gods, Seiji that was incredible!" Ryo praised with a look of satisfaction on his face. " I didn't know you could use those biscuits with the gravy and sausages. Man Obaasan would love to have you around. I think she's still trying to get the hang of this 'brunch' thing."

" Simple recipes were required to learn," Seiji replied. He didn't understand the compliments he was receiving.

" Home Ech, eh?" Shu was grinning with pleasure as well. " Man, Shin would be proud of you. Sure, I bet he could still help you on some things, but that was good." He thought he caught a glimpse of a pink blush creeping across the blonde's cheeks, but it was gone instantly.

" But ya didn't eat anything," Ryo stated.

" Nutrition is not required for another four to six hours," Seiji quickly calculated the time in which he had eaten breakfast to the time that it was and when he should eat next. He still wasn't used to eating three meals a day and continued to eat only breakfast and dinner. He didn't even eat the lunches he bought at school, merely using them as a way to better 'fit in' with his new friends. He knew his brother didn't approve, but he wouldn't say anything that could upset him. Seiji was beginning to dislike the comparison he was receiving to a porcelain doll.

" Uh...okay," Ryo gave him a curious eye. That's when he heard the door to his home open and a very cheery voice call.

" Ohayoo minna! Hey, Mmmm, what smells so nice?" Shu's face lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree at the sound of his lover's voice. Shu jumped from his seat and dashed out of the room so fast that Seiji almost believed he was attempting to hurt someone.

" Shu! C'mon love, get off me!" the two boy's could here the brunette's half-laughed cries. Ryo silently chuckled to himself and Seiji watched with curious interest as Shu carried Shin into the room. The brunette was tossed over his shoulder like a rag doll, but struggling with more life than a flounder out of water.

" I guess he missed you," the raven-haired boy pointed out.

" I see that," Shin's usual smile never left his face. " You can put me down now Shu, either that or I just might lose my lunch."

" Oh," Shu grinned sheepishly as he set the other down on his feet.

" Hey guys," Shin greeted after he caught his breath and had straightened out his disheveled clothing. Ryo smiled at him, but Seiji just stared with a look of confusion in his eyes. Shin didn't quite understand why, thought something else recaptured his attention.

" Who made a brunch?" he asked as he stared at the empty plates and leftovers in skillets on the stove. " Okay, Ryo you can't cook and I know Shu didn't make anything American, so..."

" Seiji made it," Shu but in. " He's kinda like a blonde you, only still needs a little practice."

" Really?" Shin smiled at him. " That's great! Maybe you can switch one of your electives to Home Ech and we can work together." Seiji gave him a look of confusion at the suggestion. What are they talking about? What's 'Home Ech'?

" My brother chose all of my 'electives'," Seiji finally replied. " He believes they shall prove most productive for my school curriculum later on."

" I swear he takes over-protective to a new level," Shu sighed. " Ya need to convince him that ya can take care of yourself."

" He knows of my combat ability rivals his own," Seiji was becoming more confused by the minute. What does over-protective mean? He wondered. Wasn't Nii-chan just looking out for his best interests, to help him 'fit in'?

He talks like a computer, Shu sighed to himself. To him, Seiji seemed almost like one of the rich teenagers that went to his school, like Maro. But it was his complete lack of knowledge about how to act around others and emotional indifference that told him there was far more to it that that. Poor guy must have lived at a boarding school most his life or something.

" Well, seeing as you've already ate," Shin started, " we can get to work on our projects."

" Yeah, I'm glad she gave all the classes the same thing this time," Shu sighed. " We're definitely gonna need Touma's help on this."

" C'mon love," Shin encouraged him. " All we have to do is pick out ten British and/or American authors and write which of their novels we believe was their crowning achievement, no matter publicity or critic reviews."

" But didn't you live in Britain until you were eight?" Ryo tried to recall.

" I didn't get this accent just listening to the teley," Shin chuckled. " But I was too little to remember anything about their novels. Touma's the one who adores English literature."

" That doesn't mean we can't get started without him," Ryo set his dishes in the sink. That's when he noticed that everything else, save Shu's dishes, had been cleaned up.

" Man Seiji," he awed at the blonde as he rinsed the rag he used to clean off the stove. " I think I need to keep you around."

" Leave no traces to be trailed or connected," he whispered unconsciously, but only Ryo heard. The raven-haired boy was beginning to realize that the blonde's usual behavior was more like that of a soldier than shy teenager. Things just get weirder and yet they soon fall into place, he thought as he and the others all filed out of the kitchen.

Byakuen stared with disinterest as his master/charge and his friends sat on the computer searching for different subjects on the thing they called, the Internet. He didn't understand much of the technology that the Nigenkai seemed to possess and truthfully didn't care much for it either. He could easily get all of the things he needed from the forest around his home and was couldn't see why that would need to change.

Although, there was one thing that sparked curiosity and wonder in him. The young blonde who stood behind the others as Ryo attempted to master his laptop. / He has to be the one, / he told himself. / The war is coming, we're only in the eye of the storm. /

It seemed he was the only one that noticed the glazed look in the boy's one visible lavender/blue eye. He was engrossed in the computer screen as if he expected something to appear on it any minute. He could sense the change in the air and knew it came from the boy. Something had been clicked on, as if his entire mind was on auto-pilot, no longer working of its own volition.

/ I have to watch him, / the black-stripes on white feline decided.

" That's it!" Shu let out an exasperated breath of air. " I'm sick of standing in front of a computer for a half hour. I'm getting something to eat for snack."

" I have some treats in my bookbag by the door," Shin told as Ryo finally gave up on their search. They had looked through many different authors, but they couldn't figure out a single one of their novels. None of them really read things from English/American authors and they were very discouraged.

" I'm getting something to drink," Ryo stated as he lifted himself up from the swivel chair to head into the kitchen.

" I'm quite parched myself," Shin agreed and made to follow after him. That's when he remembered Seiji. He turned around to ask if he wanted to join them, but the boy wasn't even paying them any attention. He was still staring at the left on computer screen.

" Leave him alone," Ryo whispered to him. " He gets like that in computer class all the time."

" Must really like computers," Shin decided as they exited the room.

Byakuen watched the blonde with curious eyes as he remained in the same position he had been. / Has he been bewitched? / the tiger wondered. But that was when he finally moved the wheeled chair and sat down in it. His fingers sat down on the keys for less than a moment before the prattle-like typing noise began. The young boy's hands seemed enchanted by the way the pushed through all of the unneeded passes and doorways of the Net.

" Hey Touma!" the blue-haired boy smiled at his muscular friend as he watched him pull a large bag of cookies from a backpack on the floor.

" Ohayoo Shu," he returned enthusiastically as he shut the door quietly.

" What that for, our project?" the ash-haired teen pointed to the manila envelope under Touma's right arm.

" Iie," he shook his head quickly. " Just somethin' me and Ryo on checking out." That wasn't exactly a lie for it was he and Ryo who were doing the research. It was why he had showed up late that day. But he knew he couldn't tell Shu about it right then, especially with a certain person in the house with them. He would wait to show Ryo what he'd found and look for more clues before telling him and Shin anything.

" Just don't get into any trouble like last time," Shu warned.

" Yeah, yeah," Touma gave him a mischievous smirk before heading into the living room. The smirk left his lips and a look of confusion and curiosity took its place as he stood in the doorway. He could easily tell who it was at the computer for the long blonde braid was unmistakable.

" Seiji?" he called to the blonde, but he didn't move. Slowly, he tip-toed towards the other boy, knowing better than to provoke him accidentally. The sound from the keys was light but unstopped. It was as if the blonde didn't even realize they were there and continued on with his duty…what ever it was.

" What in the…?" Touma's eyes widened as he peeked over the blonde's shoulder at the screen. He could see a symbol on the screen that he had seen all over the center of Tokyo, the Preventers' logo. To him it was easy to tell it was a password page where a code would be needed or the authorities would be alerted. The tapping of the keys halted for five seconds before the blonde typed in a password that the blue-haired boy didn't catch. Within moments the screen was filled with many different screens and files.

" Blondie, what the hell are ya doin'?" Touma asked, but once again he received no answer.

" What's up with him?" Shu asked in a worried tone.

" Ya know ya gonna get into big trouble for this," Touma warned him, still no reply.

" What's going on?" Ryo and Shin returned from the kitchen with a glass in each hand. Touma watched as a file came onto the screen with five different pictures on the front page. In each picture was a different boy, three of which caught Touma's attention immediately. He eyes flickered to Ryo for one second before he reached over and cut off the laptop.

" Nothin'," he answered.

The darkness lifted finally and he could see a blackened laptop screen before him. He blinked twice as he tried to collect his thoughts. I can't believe I blacked out here! His mind was frantic. He didn't know how he ended up sitting at the Ryo's laptop or anything that had happened since they had exited the kitchen to search for information. It wasn't the fact of his lack of memory that disturbed for he was use to it after three years. It was that he'd lost himself while away from home and at Ryo's house no less!

What did I do this time? He asked himself. Did I hurt anyone again?

" Hey Seiji, ya okay?" he could hear Ryo's voice and could feel his concern flowing off of him like the heat of a flame.

The blonde didn't know what to say. How long had he been out for this time? What had he done? He was about to lie, about to say that nothing was wrong when they heard the sound of a car parking outside the house.

" Obaasan's home!" Ryo smiled as he left his question die in his happiness.

Seiji's heartbeat quickened at those words. The old woman could identify him as the one who helped her. She would tell the others what he could do and he would be locked away again, taken away from his brother for a third time. He had to get out of the house before she entered the home, keep his distance.

" Man, haven't seen ya grandma since she was sick," Shu stated as he followed Ryo to the door. Shin had his hand in Shu's and was forced to follow along.

" You could let go Shu," he suggested.

" Nah," the ash-haired boy grinned childishly as he pulled his lover behind him. Touma chuckled at the usual antics of his long-time friend and then turned back to where Seiji had sat in front of the laptop. His eyes widened in confusion and concern when he realized that the blonde was no longer in the room period. His eyes scanned around and yet he couldn't figure out where he went. What he didn't realize was that Byakuen was gone as well.

The Forest

Seiji fled through the trees with a speed he had learned to use in most dire of situations. He had retreated, unable to face what could happen if he'd remained in the Sanada home. He wouldn't be caught again, he wouldn't go back to the lab. He was finally free after almost eleven years and didn't plan on going back to the way he was, trapped alone in a dark cell like a animal that was ready to be put down.

His braid caught on an outreached branch of a large bush and he was forced to halt his departure. Quickly, he attempted to disentangle and pulled at his braid. At least four inches of it were trapped in the extended fingers of the bramble's arm. With one last forceful jerk of his wrists the braid was ripped from the bush's grasp, but the tie for its end remained trapped in its clutches. Not even bothering to reclaim his tie, Seiji continued his mad escape from his potential fate of solitude.

He could feel his hair flowing around him as the braid unraveled, but still it didn't get him to stop. What would Touma do if he knew? He wondered. Would he ever want to be near me again? For some reason that evaded him, the thought of never seeing Touma again or having him despise or scared of him, was not something he could live with. The other boy had been kind to him and seemed almost protective of him and he had come to enjoy that feeling of security he gave off.

He finally began to slow down out of the need to clear his mind of the direction it was going. He couldn't think about Touma, he had to stay away from Touma. Touma was a distraction and a risk to hi mission. What mission? He asked himself as he placed his hand against a tree to steady himself. I no longer have a mission to accomplish, I no longer have a purpose…

That was when everything finally hit him. He truly had no real reason in the world anymore. Since he was five he'd been told his duty was to destroy OZ, protect the Colonies and defeat the Alliance. Now the Colonies and Earthsphere were at peace and both the Alliance and OZ were gone. For years he told himself that fighting was wrong and when he finally accepted his fate to battle, all that he was supposed to fight ended or were destroyed.

What am I supposed to do now? He asked himself. Sure school was interesting, but he'd been taught to use it as a cover-up for his missions and he found himself needing another purpose as well. He needed a direct link that would keep him from thinking of his past and worrying if he still had a future.

A rustling in the underbrush brought the blonde out of his musings and his head turned towards the sound. That's when he watched a familiar white and black form appear from within the foliage. " Byakuen?" he whispered, recalling the tiger's name vividly.

The tiger stared at him with eyes that glowed in the dim afternoon light. Dark clouds had once again covered the sun with a promise of rain within the hour. He could see the look the animal gave him and wondered how it could see so coherent and intelligent. Tigers were said to be smart, but not like a human. What was so different about this one?

" Nice tiger," Seiji whispered as he steeped closer to the proud and graceful animal. It shocked him greatly when Byakuen himself began to also decrease the short distance that lay between them. The blonde didn't know what to make of the animal. It was easy to forget he'd been only in the adjoined room at the Sanada residence, but now, out in the open, he was intrigued more than he would be willing to admit.

" Who are you?" the blonde asked to stifle the silence that surrounded them. Something about the tiger just screamed out that he was not as he truly appeared. Something in his calm, wise brown eyes couldn't be ignored. It's as if he is just a person trapped in the body of an animal, he realized.

/ He seems as if he understands, / Byakuen thought. / Not even the others, besides Ryo, seem to understand that what I am. /

" I know you can understand me," Seiji stated with no sense of untruth in his voice. " You have been watching me every time I'm near you. What is it that you wish from me?" He almost believed that the tiger would speak and give him the answer to his questions, but there was part of his mind that new that it wasn't true. It knew that even if Byakuen understood what he was saying, he couldn't reply in return.

Answers and feelings went unsaid as a brief streak of the sun was released from the quickly darkening clouds. He stared at the tiger for another moment, but his next statement was cut off by the strange glow he noticed out of the corner of his eye. His attention was directed to the green foliage that surrounded a large tree that extended into the highest reaches of the canopy.

The strange shine from the end of light's path seemed more in tune with the color of the forest itself that the yellow/gold of the sun's rays. What is it? Seiji wondered. With a last glance he watched Byakuen and was not truly surprised by the knowing and yet anxious look he could see in the caramel eyes. It was as if he expected the tiger to now what it was but not be willing to give hints about anything

Slowly, he stepped towards the glow in the brush, for the closer he got to the light the realized that was exactly what it was. He could feel the energy in the glow that was being emitted from some object and he wanted to know what kind of 'thing' it could be. Kneeling close to the ground, his unbound golden mane blowing about him in the increasing winds, Seiji reached out to grasp the green glow, but pulled back for some strange reason.

/ He does understand, / Byakuen watched him with anticipation and hope.

The blonde didn't even notice for he was too busy trying to calm his racing heart. The warning alarms were blaring in his ears, but they were drowned out by the throb of his pulse in them as well. Something told him not to touch the enigmatic light, to leave it alone and return to Nii-chan, to forget about his friends and run so that he would have no worries of ever being locked away again.

But he couldn't. There was the other part of him that said he needed to know what it was, needed to solve the mystery and in turn he might answer some of the questions about himself. He closing his eyes he reached out into the foliage and felt something smooth, round and could feel its energy in his hand. He pulled his hand from the brush and finally opened his eyes.

What he found in his hand was a strange green sphere, large than the usual large marble, but just as smooth and orb-like. But his eyes were entranced by the orb, staring into the clouded depths as if he were hypnotized. There was something in the center of the swirling gray that manifested in the sphere. He didn't know what to make of it until he watched the gray fade from the core of the marble-like orb. It was a symbol, one he had been forced to learn by Doctor J so he would know all that was of his native land.

" Courtesy," he whispered as he felt the power from the orb intensify to greater proportions. That's when certain things became clear for him. He was supposed to have that crystal orb, that sphere of pure energy and power. It seemed to force out some of his emptiness and solitude, allowing part of him to feel whole. The part that had never been fully complete and was always begging for the one piece of the puzzle that would take all that away.

Byakuen watched as the boy stared at the orb with glazed one lavender/blue eye as his fingers rubbed across the exterior. He could see the glow of power from the sphere, but knew that only the blonde could see the true depths. Only he would be able to claim the power of the orb. That's when the air seemed to rage in a swirl of both light and darkness about the blonde and his hair seemed to flow like silk in the winds of the change.

The hair that covered the blonde's face was moved and he could see both of his eyes with a strange yellow spark in the pupils that he knew was his power being peaked. Suddenly, a green light began to shine from his brow and formed a symbol that he knew meant what he had known since that first night on the highway. / Courtesy, / if he could have smiled he would have. / I was right, he is the one. /

That's when he heard the rustling and movement in the trees. The blonde was so entrance that he didn't notice, but Byakuen knew the danger that was lurking so close to them. He knew the scents and who they were. / Poachers! / his warnings were going off at the familiar scents. He was afraid that they would return to his forest sooner or later, but did not think that they would be the ones to interfere with such a transition of power and destiny.

/ They come to kill me again, / he realized, / but I still have to protect the boy. / But that's when he heard the silent blast of air releasing something into the air and the whistle as it forced its way through the winds that were just then calming. The tiger knew what the sound meant and was ready to dodge the small missile, but it never came. Instead, he heard a gasp and small grunt escape the blonde's lips as his body jerked forward. / They hit him! /

Seiji could feel the winds and energy beginning to calm as seep into his body slowly. He was at peace for the moment and a part of him was finally filled. That's when he felt something lodged itself into the back of his left shoulder and he lurched forward. His hand stayed tightly grasped around the green orb in his one hand as he used his other to stop himself from falling to the ground. Immediately he stood up and looked around the area as he tried to find out what was going on. His blood was raging through his veins and warning couldn't be silenced.

Reaching he arm behind him, he pulled a small metal projectile from his shoulder so that he could stare at it. It was a large dart, a tranquilizer dart. Someone shot me with a large animal-sized dosage of sedatives, he realized. And it was then that he felt the ground tip and the forest spin around him.

Byakuen could see that the blonde was beginning to feel the effects of the dart they had fired into his shoulder. He could also tell by the sounds that the poachers were coming closer. He moved so that he was in front of the boy and close enough to catch him when he fell, for he knew that it was inevitable.

Seiji's mind was beginning to muddle and his senses becoming faulty for he couldn't tell what was going on in the area around him. That's when he saw the five figures reveal themselves from the overgrown plants nearby. He couldn't really tell who they were or take in any definite features about them. He eyes were becoming too blurred and his mind almost too fogged to think.

The white tiger felt the blonde fall and use his back to keep him from falling to the forest floor. He could tell that the five familiar men found this amusing and stared with some sort of awe at them. He knew these figures too well. They appeared quite often in his forest, attempting to catch him or other rare animals every few months. But the look they had in their eyes seemed to scare him. He could smell the hormones and desire surrounding them, but he couldn't tell who that desire was for, him or Seiji.

" See, it's a boy!" one exclaimed, Seiji couldn't really tell which.

" With all that hair anyone would think he was a girl," another stated in defense.

" Ya still owe me fifty bucks," he stated.

" Whatever, he's still as pretty as a girl," another tried to stop their argument.

" Go away," Seiji slurred as he tried to remain conscious, though it seemed a failing attempt. He heard the roar-like growl from his feline companion and could feel as Byakuen pressed closer to him. He's trying to protect me, he though in confusion.

" Well, we kinda have a score to settle with ya little cat friend there," another seemed to lift what he thought t be a rifle and aim it at the tiger. " But last time I checked he stayed with a black-haired kid."

" Doesn't matter," the last man growled at him. " Just shoot."

" No," Seiji tried to not lose himself in the tiring sense in his limbs. They were telling him to stop and just give in, go to sleep.

Byakuen could sense the strain in the blonde's voice and knew he wouldn't remain awake for much longer. He knew that he had to attack before something happened. With that he growled and lunged at their five assailants and could smell their surprise. He took that moment to knock the one with the rifle to the ground and then grabbed the tranquilizer gun that the one held with his teeth. His ripped his from the man's grasp and swipe his claw at him, forcing him to the ground.

Two of the other men dove into the underbrush for cover and hid themselves from the onslaught of the feline's rage. Byakuen took his chance and jumped and the last man standing, pushing him onto his back and growling at him. He dropped the stick he'd picked up during the confusion and just stared at the tiger with wide, fearful eyes.

Seiji could hear the shot went it rang out, but his eyes were too gone for him to see who it was. He'd already collapsed to the ground and was leaning against the nearest tree he'd found. But the sound of a rifle going off was enough to tell him something happened. He thought he'd heard the sound of a roar come from Byakuen, but he didn't know what was true or fabricated by his mind at that point.

He tried to move away from the tree so that he could sense what was going on better, but everything was too unbalanced and he fell against something warm and covered in fur. " Byakuen," he whispered as he listened to the pained sounds from his protector's throat. But he also felt the nudge he received in the arm and movement of the tiger lowering himself to the ground.

Without even trying to rationalize or regain his coherency, Seiji climbed onto the tiger's back and laid his head against the feline's shoulders. Thankfully, this was what Byakuen wanted and he took this chance to lift up and disappear into the foliage. He kept moving and tried to run, but found that too painful. So he resorted to moving through the thickest of the bushes and vegetation in an attempt to lose them.

Seiji placed his hand on the tiger's shoulder to steady himself and could feel the wetness and barely had enough of his sense to know what it was. They shot him, he could feel his energy leaving and also could sense Byakuen weakening as well. Not really knowing what to do, he kept his hand on the bloodied and wounded shoulder and allowed his energy to flow into the tiger as they continued on. The gentle transfer from his hand was enough to heal the wound and replenish some of the tiger's stamina. But in turn he also felt the darkness over take him and lure him into oblivion.

Byakuen felt the warmth flow through him as the pain disappeared and his energy returned. / He is the one that can heal, / he realized what the blonde was doing. He was grateful for the sacrifice, but he knew that it would drain the last of consciousness from the boy's body and mind. He would be defenseless, but Byakuen couldn't do anything about it except keep going.

That's when the two felt the water against their skin. / The rain will hide us, / Byakuen thought as he began to slow down. The storm blew in ferociously and the downpour was almost instant. The tiger could tell that it was enough of an interference that they would be safe if they continued for a short while longer. Seiji was limp on his back on it would be far too easy for him to fall off when the storm worsened.

About ten minutes, the ground was becoming muddy and unstable. He would have to stop. He found a large bush that was close to a tree and tilted so that the blonde would fall off his back and to the ground. The boy fell with soft thud and leaned against the tree, partially hidden by the bush. His clothes were soaked and his hair was matted with mud and leaves. From being around Ryo since he was a child he knew that the boy would be quite upset that his mane was disheveled and ruined.

Then he noticed that the blonde was shivering and curling in on himself to avoid the wet cold. / He has nothing to keep in the heat, / Byakuen knew that he'd have to keep the blonde from freezing to death. The storm would only worsen and he couldn't return home until he was sure the poacher's weren't following them. So he pulled on the blonde's arm gently, bring him closer to the feline as he curled around him in a protective motion. He hoped his body heat would be enough until the blonde awoke.

As he kept his eyes and ears open, Byakuen could feel the blonde slowly stop shivering and pull into the warmth. He seemed almost like a small child the way held grasped onto the tiger's heat. The boy let out a small whimper and whispered, " Too cold Nii-chan. It's cold again." Then he seemed to go deeper into his dreams and lost himself completely.

It was sometime later that Byakuen realized that the storm was letting up. He knew then that he had to leave the blonde behind. The poacher's could still be searching, storms never having held them back before, and he would have to make tracks to lead them away from the child. Knowing that he was one of the chosen meant that he had to protect him by all costs. He was still afraid of leaving the boy because of his state. He'd seen animals that were unconscious for long hours due to those darts that humans used on them. Being a human, he didn't know how long he'd remain in his deep slumber.

/ I have no choice, / he decided. / He's safer if I lead them away. / With that thought in mind, he moved slowly away from the blonde, whose head was against his shoulder and stood up. His muscles hurt, but he didn't have time to completely stretch out. He moved from the brush and looked around. Sniffing the air, he could tell that the rain had taken away most of his, but five scents seemed to be rising into the air. He didn't think that they would be so close! Had they stopped at all during the storm? Or were they so bored that they would hunt them through all of that?

Not truly caring to find out that answer, he moved out of the brush and took off into the woods quickly. The rain would wash away the tracks leading from the bush, but he needed some for them to follow that would keep them from going back to it. The boy had to be protected.

Seiji felt the warmth leave his body and the coldness settle in again. Something had left him. He tried to regain consciousness so he could find out what had happened, but his mind was still to fogged by the sedative to allow him that. The dosage had been for a large tiger and it seemed to be working more efficiently than that of a regular human sedative. He'd even had to fake being sedated when he'd been in the Preventers' custody because those had been defective for holding him.

Now the drugs were actually working and he couldn't fight back for at least another hour at the earliest. But it was so cold. He body was shivering and all he could do was curl himself into a small ball. He needed warmth again. His body was almost frozen and he could feel that the rain hadn't stopped yet. The trained soldier in him tried to fight to the surface and forced his body to awake, but parts of him refused to cooperate with the orders.

But then he felt the warmth return. A warm body seemed to pull him close and hold him tightly. Something in the back of his mind registered that it was more like hands than the paws of a tiger that held him. But most of his mind was still too gone to care. He only wanted to be warm again. He didn't want to be cold. He been cold for far too long in his life to want it right to return then. So out of desperation he snuggled into the warmth around him.

He could feel the hands clearly then, holding him and rocking in a soothing motion. That's when he no longer could feel the sticking wet of his clothes on his body, but something warm and comfortable instead. He held onto this warmth as well, anything to stay warm and fight back the cold. He small smile came to his lips at his accomplished this and he just wanted to return to sleep.

What confused him was the familiarity of the warmth. It felt as if he'd known it before, but too long ago to recall. It was something that comforted him and lulled him into a peaceful slumber instead of the blank darkness. He wanted this feeling and yet was too tired to try to remember where it came from. He heard a voice whisper lovingly to him just as he lost his last shred of awareness to the warmth, " Just sleep little one, my little Sage."

A/N: How was that? Took quite a while to come out didn't it?

JC: Who helped Seiji? Well, we won't tell. Just go through all of the characters we haven't used and think of the ones that could work best. If ya guess right we'll tell those reviewers.

Kathrine: Kinda a little challenge. Just know that it will be a while before we really make that clear in the story.

JC: Yeah, 'cause the story took a deep turn from how we had planned it. But with us that usually happens. A new idea will pop up and we end up rerouting everything.

Kathrine: Hope it was worth it to wait so long. Please review so that we know how you liked it. And if you wonderin' about the dream sequences in the beginning of the chapter. The one'll come into play in the next chapter.