Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Standard Disclaimers Apply

Chapter 8

Kaoru managed to steady herself in the arms that grasped her shoulders. She stared at the dark haired young man, trying to remember where she'd seen his face before, a slight tickle in her mind telling her that she knew him from somewhere.

"Shinichi Kosaburou?" she finally asked, peering closer at the man, suddenly realizing he was dressed in a crisp police officers uniform.

"Hai, Kamyia san," Shinichi replied, startled that she recognized him, "I apologize for almost knocking you over!"

Kaoru straightened her kimono and smiled, "It's not Kamyia anymore Shinichi san, it's Himura, and don't worry about it, I should have been paying more attention." It was true, she wasn't paying any attention to what was going on around her, her fretful mind was busy elsewhere. She shook off her thoughts and looked at the policeman again. "I thought you moved to Kyoto after…" she decided not to finish her last thought not wanting to recall the events of Enishi's Earthly Justice.

Shinichi smiled politely, "Yes, I did, but I've moved back now, to receive more training here in Tokyo. It's funny that I should run into you here actually."

Kaoru gave him a puzzled look, "Funny? Why's that Shinichi?"

"I was on my way with a message for you to come down to the police station, but I planned on having some lunch first," he replied, "Luckily for me, I ran into you here."

Kaoru's heart jumped in her chest, "The police station? Oh god, what's happened now! Did Kenshin…no…"

Shinichi noted her suddenly frightened demeanor and gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, Himura san, no one from the dojo's been arrested this time. Though now that you're here, I must ask you to come with me, it's of great importance."


Kaoru was led down a narrow hall lit with dim lights. She wrinkled her nose at the musty, stale smell of the building, wondering how on earth anyone could possibly work in such a place. She reminded herself that it was a place where criminals were held, and did not need to have the eye appeal of the public buildings she was use too. Keeping her eyes on Shinichi's back, she followed him to a large wooden door at the end of the dank hall.

"Go in and have a seat, it will be a few minutes," he stated.

Kaoru nodded and walked inside the office, listening as the door clicked behind her. She sat in one of the western style chairs that were positioned across from an incredibly messy desk. She fought the urge to stack the loose papers and be rid of the clutter, wondering who in the world could find anything in such a whirlwind of chaos.

"Good afternoon Kaymia san," a cynical voice said behind her, "Or should I say Himura san, now?"

Kaoru jumped up with a start. She had not heard any footsteps coming down the hall, nor had she heard anyone enter the room. She turned around quickly, her eyes unconsciously scanning the room for the nearest weapon, and met the golden gaze of Mibu's wolf. She felt her skin start to crawl and she straightened her self into a defensive stance, unsure of what to do. "It's you," she heard herself hiss.

Saito smirked at the girl before him, gingerly reaching in his pocket and drawing out a cigarette, "It's good to see you too. I see you haven't changed a bit," his eyes lingered on her a moment, and he lit the cigarette casually, "Well, maybe just a little bit."

Kaoru scowled at him, not understanding exactly what he was talking about, but knowing the last thing she wanted was to be shut in a room with this particular man. "What do you want Saito san," she asked, her voice cold and edgy. She couldn't have possibly imagined her day getting any worse than this, and her temper began to grow short, "Shouldn't you be slinking around the shadow's of Kyoto right about now," she spat.

Saito arced a brow at her and took a draw off the stinking tabacco, "I would be there right now, but some unfinished business called for me to come here." He walked past the woman, motioning for her to take a seat, and settled himself down in the creaky wooden chair of his desk. He grinned again at the girls angry glare, wishing he had a yen for every time someone looked at him like that, "You seem particularly edgy today," he chided.

Kaoru sucked in her breath, "What. Do. You. Want?" She was in no mood to deal with the sarcastic and condinsending likes of Saito Hajime today.

The wolf smiled wickedly, reveling in this particular torment, "You're apparently in a hurry today. Maybe I should just wait to discuss this matter of restitution money you. Preferably when you're in a better mood." He motioned exaggeratedly to the door, his eyes closed in mock defeat.

"Money? What are you talking about? Why would I want money from you?" she shouted.

Saito sighed, "I wouldn't give you one sen to save your life. Not me you moron, the government. Apparently they feel they owe you something for what happened to the dojo during the Shishio incident, and for apprehending Enishi."

Kaoru's face went slack, "But Enishi got away…" she muttered.

Saito shrugged and took a long drag off his cigarette, "I'd be more than happy to tell them you decline."

Kaoru's confusion was swallowed up by her irritation of this man, "Why did you drag me here! Why didn't you just speak to Kenshin about this?"

Saito raised a brow at her, "It's your money, not Himura's, but I guess that doesn't matter anymore really." He watched the girl carefully as she looked out the small window at the mention of her husband. He chuckled to himself and leaned back in his chair, "I'm actually quite surprised Shinichi found you in town alone. He's normally not far behind you."

Kaoru pinched her lips together as the man's word hit its mark, "I don't need him to follow me around Saito san."

The tall man shrugged again, enjoying his torment of the Battousai's woman, "So, how is the married life treating you two," his yellow eyes gleamed in the dim light and a slight smirk played on his lips, "Apparently the Battousai works quickly, but that doesn't really surprise me."

Kaoru felt her face grow hot at his indecent remark. She put a hand protectively over her stomach, briefly wondering how the man could tell she was pregnant under all the padding she wore. She shot him an evil look, she was not about to spill her marriage woes to this particular man. In fact, she wanted to reach out and choke him, or ground his smelly cigarette into an eye socket.

Saito made a sound bordering amusement and disgust, "Who would have thought, the Battousai, a father? It's strange indeed. That's why I find it even more surprising your out alone, I figure he's have you locked in your room at home, in your condition." He gave her a slight smile as he stood, flicking his cigarette out the window.

Kaoru was on the breaking point as his words stabbed her right in the heart, "What would you know?" she hissed at him, moving to the edge of her seat.

The wolf leered at the girl, moving back to his desk and settling down once more, aware he'd struck a sensitive nerve, "You know," he started slowly, "I'd be willing to bet my finest sword he'd never even thought about children until the reality of it slapped him in the face. And if I know the Battousai, I'd bet his sadistically symbolic brain has him worked into a frenzy over this whelp." He lit another cigarette, purposely not looking at the girl in front of him.

Kaoru's fists clenched and unclenched in her lap, "What are you talking about?" she growled.

The tall man sighed in exasperation, watching the glowing butt of his cigarette intently, "What I mean is, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he sees this event as a new beginning for himself, or something along those absurd lines. He's your husband, shouldn't you know these things?"

Kaoru stared into the amber glow of the wolf's eyes, her mind working over and over his words, "A new beginning?" she thought. His life had been nothing but pain and sorrow, everything he ever loved and cared about ripped away from him in an instant. Now he had found a peace so precious he could not bear the thought of it too, being taken. Things began to make sense in Kaoru's mind.

"Is this going to take long," she snapped, suddenly forgetting the man's insufferable jibes.

Saito grinned slightly and began to dig through his stacks of papers, "No, just a signature or two," he replied simply.


Kaoru stepped into the quiet of the dojo yard, wondering why it was so silent. It was pushing early evening now, and the men should be screaming for their supper soon, but there was no sign of life anywhere. She had half expected to see Sano perched in his normal napping position on the porch, while Yahiko trained just inside the hall, shouting insults about how cruel his instructor was, but this time there was nothing.

She walked quietly around the corner, stopping suddenly when she noticed Kenshin's form removing laundry from the lines. His arms moved like they were laden with lead, each movement slow and forced, as if it took tremendous energy to pulled the sheets off the thin line and drop them in the basket. She could see the dark circles under his eyes and the pinched frown on his lips. She watched him for quite sometime before he noticed her.

Kenshin hefted the fully loaded basket up and turned to her, his violet eyes meeting hers, locking them into an intense stare. They regarded each other for what seemed an eternity.

"Kaoru?" Kenshin finally spoke, his voice hurt and full of uncertainty. He wanted to drop the laundry into the dirt and crush her in an embrace, but he fought the urge, willing himself to stay put.

Kaoru gave her husband a slight smile and moved closer, the sound of his voice giving her courage and chasing away the fear of his rejection, "Kenshin," she started, her voice small, "Would you like to walk to the river with me?" She held her breath, waiting for his response.

She didn't hear his sigh of relief when he set the basket down, replying softly, "Yes, I would like that Kaoru."

The late summer air was just starting to cool as the sun began to set and crickets sang loudly, hidden in the long grasses that adorned the bank of the river. The two walked silently, both stealing guilty glances at each other, but neither one sure what to say or how to start.

Kaoru found a dry patch of grass and eased herself down, mentally cursing her slightly aching back and feet. She didn't realize how much the day had worn on her, and all this walking was starting to take its toll on her heavier frame. She slipped off her sandals and let her sore feet curl in the soft, cool grass.

Kenshin moved to sit next to her, but she caught his arm, "Sit behind me," she whispered, looking up into his violet eyes. He cocked his head, puzzled, but complied, drawing her close to his chest and burying his face into her hair. He nuzzled the dark locks, breathing in her scent and swimming in the warmth of her body being so close to his again. "Kioshii," his lips touched her ear, sending a shiver down her spine, "I'm so sorry. I didn't think and I was being unfair to you."

Kaoru leaned her head back against his shoulder, closing her eyes, "Kenshin, tell me what this baby is to you." She tilted her head so it was resting just under his chin and she could feel his breath tousling the dark strands of her scalp.

Kenshin was still for many moments, "I'm not sure if I can put it into words, kioshii."

"Try," she stated, moving his hands to cover her belly and pressing them gently against the rounded swell. She smiled slightly as she felt the slight flutterings of the life with in her, "Please," she thought, "He needs this. I need this. We need this." She silently pleaded for the child with in her to find the strength to make itself known to the one whom needed so much to bring his life full circle. She pressed his palms a little harder, holding them still when he started to protest, afraid of hurting her or the child with in.

The movement was faint, possibly the slight poke of a foot or the tiny jab of an elbow, but it was enough and Kaoru smiled through her tears when she heard Kenshin's breath catch in his throat. She watched as his fingers splayed over her slightly rounded belly and felt his entire body still, as if he may frighten it away. It came again, a little less forceful this time, but enough to cause a slight sound to escape its father's throat, and then it was still.

"I think someone just said hello to their father," Kaoru whispered.

Kenshin barely heard her words, his senses too overwhelmed with emotion to speak. His largely unhappy and tormented life disappeared in a blinding flash with the gentle touch of his child's greeting. Instead of pain, sorrow and regret, his heart was filled with a joy so incredible it was almost painful. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine such a feeling such as this. He could feel his eyes start to tear, yet he found himself smiling.

Kaoru rubbed her husband's arms and tilted her head back to look at him, noting the slight glistening in his violet eyes, "A new beginning," she murmured, "For you. For us."

Kenshin put his cheek to her temple, sighing softly, "Yes, he is, kioshii."

I apologize for the slight delay, I'm ill and am having a tough time getting to the computer, let alone pick up a pen…grrr…anyway, thanks again to all of you who reviewed. I really appreciate all the polite and encouraging comments I get, I love constructive criticism and in all reality, I really did rush this story…I didn't spend as much time on is as I should have….sigh…oh well…you guys are great, thank you for your support…the next chapter will be the last one….hopefully I'll get it done in the next few days, but as for now, I'm going curl up with my box of Kleenex's…LOL Take care all!