Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Enticement ❯ Rewards ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin.
Chapter 2 - Rewards
Kaoru sighed in relief as she sunk into the steaming bath. The last several weeks had been very strenuous. After her powerful encounter with Battosai in the dojo, one thing after another had gotten in the way of she and Kenshin spending any time together.
First a local dojo master had broken his arm and asked Kaoru to take on two classes a day on short notice. Next Tae had a minor fire in the Akabeko that required Kenshin's carpentry skills. If that wasn't enough, a neighbor girl was getting married suddenly and Kaoru was pressed into service hemming kimono and obi for the girl's trousseau and preparing food for the event. Regardless of her barely adequate skills in things domestic, Kaoru cheerfully assisted. After three long weeks of almost non-stop activity, she was finally getting a break.
Kaoru leaned her head back against the rim of the tub. She had come directly to the bathhouse after her last class, knowing Kenshin kept it stocked with towels and yukata. The warm water was slowly reducing the tension in her muscles.
One area that the hot water wasn't reaching was the tension between her legs. She shifted uncomfortably, wishing Kenshin had been home when she arrived. She was finished with most of her recent obligations, and desperately wanted his attention.
Her thoughts traveled back to that day in the dojo, and how Kenshin's, Battosai's, hands had blazed across her skin. Sighing softly, she drew her fingertips down from her neck to her collarbone, between the valley of her breasts and down to her womanhood. She was warm and slick from thinking of her fiery husband's ministrations and moaned softly as she imagined his fingers instead of hers caressing her folds.
Her eyes rolled shut, and her head rolled slightly from side to side as she played with her body. The water lapped erotically at her skin, the sensation heightening her sensitivity and arousing her further. She replayed the enticing dojo encounter in her head as she stroked herself higher, clenching her thighs together and moaning his name as she came.
Kaoru ran both hands over her stomach and breasts as she wound down slowly, feeling calmer but not satisfied.
`I'll just have to find Kenshin later,' she thought absently, stretching upward and opening her eyes. She gasped as amber eyes bore into her from the bathhouse door.
Kenshin came home from the market just as he saw Kaoru disappear into the bathhouse. He grinned to himself, thrilled at the prospect of finally catching her alone. Kaoru's seduction in the dojo had opened up a whole new world of possibilities in his mind for their intimate life together, things he had only dreamed of before. Now that he had her trust, maybe he could let himself go a little.
Her absolute faith that he wouldn't hurt her, even when his Battosai side emerged, had both shaken and elated him. He was more comfortable now with himself and her comfort with his whole self. He was still unsure of the extent of her boundaries, but he intended to start exploring.
Feeling more than a little anticipation, Kenshin looked into their room to see if anything was disturbed. He glanced at his preparations, and quickly went to the kitchen to put away his purchases. He headed towards the bathhouse, pausing at the odd sounds from within.
Kenshin peered into the steamy room and caught his breath that the erotic sight within. Kaoru's head was thrown back, mouth open and breasts cresting the top of the water as she arched her back. Her hands were beneath the water, and from her movements, she was pleasuring herself.
Kenshin felt a haze settle over his vision as Kaoru moved faster, water splashing lightly over the rim of the tub. He had already planned on letting out the Battosai, but Kaoru was unknowingly hastening his arrival. His hand unconsciously lowered to his hakama, absently stroking himself through the rough cloth.
Kenshin's hardening erection stiffened further as Kaoru sweetly moaned his name in release. Time to put his plan in action. He opened the door softly and stood in the doorway, waiting for her to open her eyes and notice his presence.
Kaoru froze in her stretched position, arousal re-igniting at the heat in his amber gaze. She slowly lowered her arms in front of her, unsure of what to do next. She flushed slightly in embarrassment at the thought of him watching her pleasure herself, and found herself getting more aroused at the thought.
“Say it again.”
Kaoru blinked, not sure of how to respond.
“My name, say it again.”
He slowly walked towards her, the prowl of a predator obvious in his stride. Kneeling by the tub, he ran his hand down her neck and front, tracing the exact path her hand had taken moments before. Kaoru moaned softly, whispering his name.
“That's better,” he purred, molding his lips against her throat and inhaling her clean scent. His arm dipped under the water, teasing fingers dipping into her navel and caressing her thighs, stroking tantalizingly close to her core, but slipping away each time.
Kenshin rose suddenly, towering over the tub and piercing her with golden eyes. He drank in her nude form, and gave her a very masculine smirk. He reached down, gently grasped Kaoru under her arms and pulled her from the tub. He drank in her cerulean pools as he held her dripping form close to his body. Kaoru shivered slightly at the rough texture of his clothing against her skin as she slid down his body, nipples hardening against his chest.
Kenshin looked at her intently, reaching towards the wall for a light yukata. He brought the garment behind her body and drew it around her, the fabric lightly sticking to her in places. Kaoru blushed as he brought the yukata closed in front, tying the belt loosely.
“I've missed seeing you koibito,” Kenshin said, enjoying the light fragrance of her clean skin.
Kaoru was stunned by the combination of the warmth in his voice and the intense passion of his gaze. She knew by the feel of his body and a glance at his hakama that the Battosai was very happy to have her alone. Her insides trilled in anticipation of what the wilder side of her Kenshin would bring.
“I've missed you,” Kaoru finally responded, licking her lips and smiling.
“Hm, I bet you have,” he said, tracing her hands down her arms. He stopped again, looking her deeply in the eyes. “Kaoru, do you trust me?”
Kaoru barely paused before responding.
Battosai smiled, passion and a bit of mischief in his eyes.
“Turn around,” he said, light command in his voice.
Kaoru looked at him at the request, but complied.
“Close your eyes.”
“Kenshin?” she questioned, unsure of where this was leading.
“Trust me koibito,” he purred, silky low voice in her ear lulling her eyes closed.
Kaoru heard Battosai shift slightly behind her as he flicked the towel out of her hair, raven locks spilling down her back. She felt a brush of silk over her eyes as he darkened her vision with one of her hair ribbons. Gasping slightly, she started to raise a hand to her face when it was caught by his.
“Ah ah, no touching.”
Kaoru's breath hitched in her throat slightly, and slowly lowered her hand, giving him control.
Battosai grinned to himself at her compliance before spinning her around and capturing her in his arms, kissing her with dizzying passion. His tongue licked teasingly on her lips, and she gave him entrance into her moist cavern. Kaoru moaned into his mouth, on fire from the sensations he was stirring in her. He pulled away slowly, watching her gasp lightly for breath in his arms, her fingers curled into the fabric of his gi. He disentangled himself from her grasp and stepped away, opening the bathhouse door.
“Don't worry, I'm not leaving,” he said as he walked back up to her, taking her hand. “Come.”
Battosai guided her forward, leading her out of the small room. Kaoru resisted slightly.
“What if someone sees?”
He chuckled.
“You'll just have to take my word that we are alone.”
Kaoru bit her lower lip lightly. She trusted that Kenshin would not share her with anyone, especially his Battosai side. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, allowing him to lead her out of the room.
Kaoru shivered slightly at the air outside, her still-damp skin making the evening a bit chilly. Battosai lead her down the engawa at a steady pace, guiding her around corners with a warm hand at her waist. He stopped her, and she heard the sound of a shoji sliding in its track. She was led into a room, and he released her hand, leaving her standing alone.
She turned her head at the sound of him moving in the room, trying to discern what he was doing. She noticed every noise, every feeling in her body, with startling sensation. The anticipation of not knowing his next action was setting her edge.
Battosai circled to the back of her, and she jumped slightly as his burning hands cupped her cool breasts from behind.
“Mm, I'll have to warm you up,” he purred into her ear as he roughly tweaked her nipples through the cloth. Kaoru moaned lightly and leaned into his embrace. Chuckling, he drew his hands down to her obi and untied the belt. He slowly drew his hands up her center, fingertips brushing the edge of the yukata. When he got to her shoulders, he drew his fingers down her arms, taking the thin garment with him. Kaoru heard the light shuffling of fabric as it landed on the floor, and the cool air from the open doorway hit Kaoru's skin.
“Are you going to close the door?” she said, starting to pull her arms around herself.
“No,” he responded, voice and presence in front of her as he pulled her body close to his. He buried his head in her neck, nipping and licking the pale column. Kaoru started to lose herself in the sensation before her insecurity came back.
“But. . .” She felt a finger on her lips and felt his breath on her face as he spoke.
“You drew me out koibito,” he said in a darkly sensuous voice. “Now I am going to reward you . . .my way.”
Kaoru reeled at his words. His way? Her stomach clenched as arousal flared between her legs. She felt the weight of Battosai's scrutiny, even though she could not see. Still inches form her face, he spoke.
“Do you still want me?” he said, drawing his hands to her shoulder, giving her one chance to refuse.
Kaoru heard the passion in his voice, and the barest strain of tenderness underneath. Even though she had brought him out, he was giving her the choice to back out, to just have her safe Rurouni. Kaoru's resolve stiffened as she recalled her purpose for enticing Battosai in the first place: to know her husband completely. She answered him by closing the short distance between their lips.
Kenshin's heart soared at the acceptance in her motions. He deepened their kiss, tilting her head to gain further entrance into her.
Kaoru's world shifted as Battosai dipped her, still ravishing her mouth, and laid her nude form on the soft fabric of a futon. He fanned her hair out lightly and released her from the kiss. He placed her hands on either side of her head, kissing her nose and forehead lightly.
“Don't move.”
Kaoru acquiesced, drawn by the power of his voice. She felt him withdraw and leave her side. She heard the rustling of fabric again and he returned, but did not immediately touch her. She felt the heat of his body next to hers, contrasted with the slight cool from the open doorway. She shifted her legs slightly, wanting to feel his touch.
A soft tail of silky fabric touched her shoulder, and teasingly drew across her collar and up the peak of her right breast. Kaoru arched slightly, tantalized by the light brushes on her skin. The silk pooled and withdrew, teasing around the erect bud of her nipple before continuing down her front and her leg. It drew lightly up her inner thigh, lifted before touching her already wet center, and teased up her stomach again. Kaoru moaned lightly, wanting to feel more.
The silk took on form as Battosai stroked the underside of her left breast through the fabric. She felt the teasing softness of his touches, and gasped as he sharply took her other nipple between his teeth, biting and sucking the rosy peak. The soft touches on her left side and hip continued as his sword-calloused fingers and skillful mouth almost savagely consumed her breasts. He alternated between touches, causing Kaoru to moan and gasp. The different feelings and heat of his hands contrasted with the cool air set her head spinning in sensation.
He licked up to her neck, and watched her face as he drew his silk-covered hand up her inner thigh and lightly brushed her outer core. Kaoru's full lips dropped open as she moaned his name.
Chuckling, Battosai stroked her folds through the silk, feeling her wetness dampen the cloth. He continued his rougher kisses and touches on her breasts, pulling her deeper into arousal. Lost in sensation, Kaoru's hand drifted up to tangle her fingers in his hair.
He stopped suddenly, and grabbed her wrist.
“What did I say Kaoru,” he said, fire lacing his sultry tones.
Kaoru struggled to put her thoughts and his words together.
“D-don't move?”
“Hai, and no touching. It seems that you need some encouragement in following the rules, Kaoru.” He drew his silk-covered hand from her core up her body, the slightly damp cloth trailing up to her other arm. He placed her hands firmly on the futon, holding her down.
Lips roughly captured hers as she moved slightly into his touch. Briefly battling with her tongue, his mouth kissed to her ear, biting the soft shell.
Contrasting to his hard grip, Kaoru felt softness surround one wrist, then the other. She pulled her hands up slightly as he released her wrists, only to find them stopped just past her head. She could move a bit, but not enough to reach herself or the blindfold.
“Now, where was I? Oh yes.” Kaoru gasped as the damp, silk-covered fingers returned to her folds, the fabric erotically teasing her clit.
Battosai moved down her body, roughly kissing and gently licking a trail to her breasts, and slowly descending to her stomach, lightly dipping his tongue into her belly button. Kaoru gasped as his mouth descended to where his clothed fingers were stroking her folds.
Battosai grinned to himself at looking up at his willing captive. This would be a new sensation for her, something he'd wanted to try almost as soon as he set his eyes on the tempting kendo-ka. Removing the silk from his hand, he bent down and blew gently on her mound. He felt his arousal twitch at the sound of her moans, and inserted is rougher fingers into her. His tongue darted out to tease the straining bud.
Had Kaoru not been bound to the futon, she would have sat upright at the sensation of Battosai kissing her most intimate place. He had touched her there before, but this was incredible. She strained at the ties, helpless to stop the warm, curling sensations that were radiating from her center. His fingers inside her, warm mouth on her, and fleeting touches of his other hand on her breasts and stomach sent her higher and higher.
At the last moment, he pulled away suddenly, leaving her desperately aroused. Kaoru cried out and lifted her body to seek his touch, but just heard his dark chuckle in the quiet darkness.
“More, please,” she pleaded between pants, needing to feel him.
His fingertips traced lazy patterns on her inner thigh as he leaned up towards her face.
“You want more, koibito?”
“Yes, please yes.”
“Tell me you're mine,” he said lowly, inching closer to her core and brushing light touches around her breast.
“I-I'm yours,” she whispered softly, focusing only on the feeling of his touches and his voice.
“I'm yours!” she cried, and almost screamed as he thrust his hardness into her. Stars exploded across her vision as she came.
He didn't let her recover as he began thrusting into her rhythmically, prolonging her peak, and stroking another as his hands traveled her writhing form. She desperately needed to feel his skin, to feel as much of him as she could. Her feet planted on the futon as she raised her hips up to meet his thrust.
“Please, I need to touch you,” she cried, straining at the ties that held her.
Feeling the beginnings of losing control, Battosai grit his teeth and grabbed the ties where they were secured at the corners of the futon and pulled sharply. Kaoru felt the cloth flutter loose, and instantly sought him out with her hands, leaving the blindfold in place. He swiftly hauled her legs over his shoulders, leaning forward into her and penetrating more deeply than Kaoru thought possible. She gasped at the sensation, griping his shoulders and back tightly.
Battosai groaned at the pleasure/pain feeling her little hands inflicted and started pounding into her lithe form. Kaoru cried out as he controlled her sensation from this position, hitting hard and deep within her. She held onto him, his body her lifeline as she nearly drowned in the sensation. Her second climax hit her without warning, and she arched into him with a cry as he shuddered within her and came.
Exhausted, the lovers panted in each other's embrace. Kaoru felt his breath heavily on her neck as he slowly released her legs, still resting between them. He twitched and shook lightly as the tension of their arousal slowly abated. She felt him pull out slowly, and settle to her side. His hand came to the back of her head and loosened the ribbon around her eyes.
Kaoru blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the soft lantern-light in the room. She focused on her husbands swirling amber-purple gaze, and smiled at the naked emotion there. Love, passion, possession, and tenderness, all mixed in his beautiful eyes. She reached up and touched his face, gently tucking his damp hair behind his ear.
“That was incredible, Kenshin,” she breathed, still giddy from her orgasms.
Kenshin drew her into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder.
“I know,” he said smugly.
Kaoru pulled back a bit and smacked him lightly on the chest, and laughed seeing the amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes.
“I love you,” she said simply, still smiling.
“And I love you,” he responded, pulling her back into his embrace.
Life was certainly going to get more interesting around the dojo, Kaoru mused. The growl of her stomach woke her out of her contemplation. Kenshin laughed as he helped her up and prepared to head towards the kitchen to make dinner.
Once dressed, Kenshin took her hand and led her out of the room. Blushing lightly in remembrances of their passionate encounter, Kaoru wondered what surprises her Battosai had in store for her in the future.