Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Enticement ❯ Darkness ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin.
Chapter 3 - Darkness
Kenshin looked at the sky for the tenth time in the last hour.
She was late.
The sun was just showing its last glow on the horizon, and dusk was gathering at the edges of the sunset. The air was thick and heavy, an evening storm obviously on its way. Clouds rolled restlessly in the sky, encroaching on the dying daylight.
Weather like this made him restless, and brought the darkness of his past closer to the fore. Kenshin paced the dojo yard, feet kicking up little whorls of dust in his passing. He had folded the laundry, put it away, swept the porch, cleaned the dojo floors and scrubbed the bathhouse.
She was very late.
She taught at a dojo across town regularly, and often came home later in the afternoon. But not this late. Something was keeping her.
Kenshin's restless mind started on the insidious whispers of possible dangers that could have befallen her. They started as he cleaned, but he had just worked harder to chase them away. Now that there was nothing left to distract him, they returned with full force.
She could have been accosted. Or kidnapped, waylaid by one of his enemies.
Kenshin sighed. Or, she could have stopped by the Akabeko on her way home, or ran into a friend.
Or into a young man from her classes. . .
A whorl of amber lazily curled in his purple iris.
`No, my Kaoru would never do that.'
But the students at that dojo were all big, strong, and older. About her age actually.
Kenshin stopped his pacing and clenched his hands. He had to stop this. She was fine.
And very late . . .
A roll of thunder mumbled in discontent in the distance. It was going to rain soon.
`I'll just go and meet her at the bridge. It won't do to have her caught alone in the rain.'
Kenshin stalked out of the dojo, thoughts churning with the insidious whispers in his mind.
His internal struggle continued as he strode along the path to the river. Not many were out with the threat of the storm, and those that were hurried towards their destinations. Establishments that were open closed windows and moved patrons away from the doors.
Houses gave way to a dark copse of trees and the river path. The bridge would be in sight over the next rise. He was sure he'd see her there.
Kenshin crested the rise, and stopped, still as stone. He could see Kaoru's form on the bridge, a young man by her side. The doubting whispers roared to life in his mind as he fought for control. He started walking, moving faster, intent on shaking the malicious thoughts and getting his Kaoru home.
He nearly stopped again as the man grabbed her hand and pulled her close. How dare he touch her! Kenshin held back a growl as his possessive side reared its head. He approached the foot of the bridge, and was struck still.
Kaoru was kissing him.
Lightning flashed, and Kenshin saw red.
Kaoru looked outside of the little food stall at the sound of thunder. A former student of her fathers named Kiyoshi was in temporary residence at the dojo where she taught this afternoon. He pressed her into sharing some food to reminisce about old times. She had intended on only staying a short time. However, between the flasks of sake he insisted they share and talking about her father, she lost track of time. The oncoming storm and gathering darkness reminded her of the late hour.
“Kiyoshi, I need to go. Kenshin is probably worried by now.” She put down some coins and rose to leave.
Kiyoshi put a hand over hers, halting her progress. Startled, Kaoru looked questioningly at his slightly flushed face.
“Kaoru . . .I, urm.” He stumbled over his words. Kaoru cut him off as she pulled her hand from under his.
“Kiyoshi, it's been nice to see you. I don't know how long you're staying at the dojo, but I hope to see you in class next week. Oyasumi.”
Kaoru walked out into the heavy air and took a deep breath. To her surprise, Kiyoshi appeared at her side.
“Please, just let me walk you a little ways. I've kept you out for a long time, and it's quite dark.”
Kaoru nodded slightly, noting the light sway in his step from the sake. She could feel the sake she had drunk as well, but only barely.
They walked on in silence for a bit, listening to the rumbling thunder and seeing brief flashes of lighting in the clouds. Kiyoshi seemed to be struggling to say something, but would then sigh and look away. Kaoru mentally winced. She didn't want to deal with his boyish affections.
On the bridge over the river, Kaoru stopped and turned to him abruptly.
“My home is not far. Thank you for the escort. I will be fine from here.”
As she turned, Kiyoshi grabbed her hand and looked intently into her eyes.
“Kaoru, did you know that I spoke to your father of a betrothal?”
Kaoru groaned internally and tugged on her hand lightly, but he wouldn't release it.
“That was some time ago. As I recall, you were ten.”
“Yes, well, I was serious. And seeing you now. . .”
“You know I'm married,” Kaoru replied, getting more alarmed as he pulled her closer to him. He reeked of sake.
`Must have been drinking a lot more than me,' Kaoru thought, kicking herself for not noticing.
“That doesn't matter. You . . . have to know how I feel!”
“Kiyoshi, let me go.”
Desperation settled into his eyes at her words. He pulled her to him and kissed her.
Lightning flashed across the sky, harsh light flooding the night.
Before Kaoru moved, she was ripped from Kiyoshi's arms. She fell near a wooden bridge post on her backside. Looking up, she saw Kenshin punching her former dojo-mate. Kiyoshi dropped from an audible crack to the jaw. Thunder rolled ominously overhead, and lightning danced through the clouds, throwing Kenshin in an eerie silhouette.
Something was off.
Kiyoshi got to his feet dazedly, just to have Kenshin punch him again viciously. As Kenshin grabbed Kiyoshi's collar to deliver another blow, Kaoru sprang forward and pushed between them.
“Please, stop,” she pleaded, not wanting either to get hurt.
Kenshin turned towards her, and Kaoru gasped at the cruel amber gaze. Battosai. She stood firm, blocking Battosai from his target. Kiyoshi coughed and stood up shakily behind her.
“Kaoru,” Kiyoshi started.
Furious, Battosai pushed Kaoru aside and punched Kiyoshi in the gut, causing him to groan and collapse to his knees.
“You aren't allowed to say her name.”
Battosai's hand strayed to his sakabato, ready to render this scum unconscious for touching his Kaoru.
“Kenshin, stop!” Kaoru yelled from where she had fallen.
Battosai froze. Letting go of the sword, he hauled Kiyoshi up to meet his eyes.
“If you touch my wife again, you are dead.”
Battosai threw the young man down the bridge. He watched as Kiyoshi half ran, half stumbled away.
Kaoru picked herself up shakily. Drops of rain started to plop to the ground as the wind picked up. Battosai's hair whipped wildly around his head, amber eyes glowing in the darkness.
Battosai turned sharply to Kaoru's trembling form.

"So, did you want me to spare your lover?" he spat out, shaking in rage.

"W-what?" Kaoru said in disbelief.
Kaoru stepped back as he strode towards her. He grabbed her arm roughly and hauled her down the bridge towards the path. The pain of his grip drove Kaoru to act.
“Ow, hey, stop!” she said, yanking her arm from his grip. “What is wrong with you?”
She only had a moment to blink before he moved, grabbing her forearms and pushing her against the trunk of a tree. She found herself nose to nose with Battosai's furious face.
“What is wrong?” he growled. “You are beyond late. I thought you were hurt, or worse, and I find you kissing that man.”
His grip tightened with each phrase, causing Kaoru to wince. The thunder continued as more rain dropped from the sky.
“Baka, it's not what you think. He's an old friend.”
“An old friend? How does that make it any better,” he shouted.
Lightning and thunder pealed behind them. Kaoru was entranced by his flashing eyes and crimson hair that seemed to have a life of its own.
“He asked my father if he could propose a long time ago.”
“Things in the past come back, Kaoru. Or have you forgotten that?” he said, pressing her into the tree with his muscular form. Kaoru's focus narrowed to the feel of his body against her in the charged atmosphere.
“He just kissed me. I was going to push him away!”
His eyes narrowed dangerously.
“That was not what I saw,” he hissed, a hairs breadth from her lips.
“Please, Kenshin, believe me,” she said, overwhelmed by his presence. She didn't know what else to say.
Battosai let the words sink in, searching her eyes for the truth. One hand left her arm, his body keeping her in place. He gathered her hair in his grip and pulled her head back slightly.
“You are mine.”
The sky opened up, and a curtain of rain fell as his lips crashed roughly on hers. Battosai's lips were hard and possessive. He consumed her completely, tongue dominating hers.
Kaoru was overwhelmed by the ferocity of his kiss. He channeled his anger into passion. She didn't mind his roughness, but she was stung by his distrust. She pushed ineffectually on his chest, trying to get his attention over the waves of passion.
Battosai ignored her. Anger that was fast turning to lust dominated his senses. He wanted to plow into her over and over until all she knew was his name. His manhood hardened at the thought of encasing himself in her heat, and he ground his hips into her body.
Kaoru moaned slightly at the contact. Even angry, his passion was undeniable. Her body responded automatically to him. She was his.
Noting their surroundings, Battosai quickly threw her over his shoulder. Kaoru shrieked at the sudden move, and shot up on his back as his free hand grabbed close to her core. Rain poured down over them as he darted into the trees, away from view.
Battosai hauled her off him onto the wet ground none too gently. The rain was less intense here, but still soaking. He was on her in a flash, kissing her feverishly and yanking open her top. His mouth possessed hers as he tore at her chest bindings, part of one breast and the entirety of another poking through the remaining cloth. He kneaded them mercilessly, roughly teasing the nipples into peaks.
Impatient, his hands roamed down to her hakama. He ripped the ties from her waist, causing her body to buck with the force of his motions. Needing to make her his again, he pulled off of her and rolled her over on her hands and knees.
“Kenshin?” Kaoru questioned, panting with fear and arousal.
Kaoru moaned as he grabbed her fully exposed breast with one hand and skillfully pinched and rolled her erect nipple. The rain came into contact with her bare skin as he pulled the back of her hakama down. His hand moved and dipped between her legs, parting her folds and pinching her clit.
She cried out at the sharp sensation. His touches burned like fire in the cool rain, and her desire was heightened by the urgency of his passion. Battosai pulled back from her slightly and positioned the tip of his manhood in her wet folds. Without warning, he sheathed himself in her completely, groaning as he leaned over her body.
Kaoru barely had time to move before he started driving into her. He braced one hand by hers on the wet earth, and the other roamed her body, pinching and stroking every inch. He pulled back her shirt collar roughly, biting and licking along her exposed neck and shoulder. The position and his relentless stroking drove Kaoru higher towards her peak.
Kaoru's inner walls began to shudder as her climax neared. Kenshin's hand roamed near her face, grasping her chin as he leaned into her ear.
“Mine,” he grunted, and bit her shoulder.
Kaoru stiffened as her peak exploded, and he covered her mouth with his hand to muffle her passionate scream.
He thrust into her harder, harshly forcing her body down at an angle, filling her completely. He pulled up from her shoulder and put his hands on her hips, thrusting over and over.
Kaoru's body rocked with the sensations, head resting on bent arms as he drove into her. His stamina seemed never ending. She came a second time from the friction of his thrusts, and he followed her after with a guttural cry.
They both collapsed to the ground, panting in the lessening rain. Kaoru's head spun from the powerful climax. She was completely, unquestionably his. The sense of completion overwhelmed her as exhaustion set in. All she saw was darkness.
Kenshin came back to himself as Kaoru slumped to the ground. He pulled out of her and rolled her gently to her back.
Guilt flooded to him as he took in the bruises and scratches on her porcelain skin. He trailed his hand along her temple, wiping away the wet tendrils that clung to her face. He had gone too far, losing control like that.
Sighing, he pulled on his clothes and wrapped Kaoru up in hers. It wasn't far to the dojo. He would clean her up and put her to bed. Maybe tomorrow she would awake and forgive him.