Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ i'll protect you ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 5: I Will Protect You

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Previous: --

"No... no church... scared... no... onegai..." Kenshin was dumbfounded. Why was she afraid of the church? Kenshin looked into her eyes... he found them intriguing. Blue... Fantasy blue. How it suit her.

"Aa..." Kenshin's short answer brought a little smile on Kaoru's face as she went unconscious again.

"Saitou... tell Katsura san that I would be back later." With that he disappeared into the torrential rain.

Behind them was a pair of mellow yellow eyes glared at their back.

"The girl... isn't a human." He murmured to himself as he himself walked under the downpour.

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Kenshin tucked Kaoru under the warm blanket he had. Next, he went to the bathroom and folded a face towel. Soaked it with warm water and wiped Kaoru's face with it. Kaoru stirred in his bed. Kenshin quickly move nearer to hear what she wanted to say.

"Tou... chan... Kaa... chan... Don't leave me alone..." Kaoru mummred. Kenshin stared wide eye at her.

'She's alone... all alone...' Kenshin thought. For a moment, his heart fell to the pit of sadness. For her. He had thought that Kaoru or more known, as Elune was a girl suitable for the expression of happiness. He wanted Elune to be happy. Although, he wants to be passive about this but... he could feel different feelings stirring about him when Elune was happy or sad.

"Elune... wake up..." Kenshin shook Kaoru lightly. Kaoru's eyelids started to flutter open as she groan when the sunbeam shot right at her eye.

'Dammit... why can't he place me at a darker corner?' Kaoru thought miserably. Lucky for her she wasn't just some small sidekick but the clan's leader. Such little beam can't kill her. Kaoru smiled upon Kenshin. He sat next to her.

"You feeling better?" Kenshin asked as he raised his hands to her forehead. He frowned at what he felt.

"You're cold... I think you should lie down." Kenshin tucked her back under the comfortable blanket and placed the warm cloth on her head. Kaoru glanced at him quizzically.

"Himura kun?"

"Shh... Rest... I'll be here. Just rest." Kenshin persuaded softly. Strangely, Kaoru felt somewhat safe when she was with him. Wasn't it supposed to be the opposite? She was a night creature... he was the destroyer. Both were sworn enemies... so why is she feeling so eccentric inside her? She felt safe? When it was such a dangerous thing. The slayer could take her off guard just in a few seconds and cleared her out of the face of earth. She closed her eyes. Amazingly... she drifted off to a slumber faster than she had always tried.

Kenshin looked at the girl on his bed. He could sense a little battle within her and she was getting tired of it herself. Slowly, he saw the eyes closed and soft breathing could be heard from Kaoru. He stood up and walked to the basin. Turned the tap and splashed water on his face. He glared at himself in the mirror. Those hard amber eyes, long fiery red hair. Beads of water rolled down his cheek.

What was it that he was feeling? Why couldn't he understand? He had never believed in love... so why now? What's so special about Elune? She was just a normal girl... what's so special about her?

But another part of him was telling him to admit it. Admit what? Admit his feelings.

Kenshin shook his head hard. There was nothing to admit. People who got neared him would be killed mercilessly by those vampires. He cannot risk Elune's life. For that... he would rather hurt her with his words... than to fall in love with her and see her being taken away from him again. He closed his eyes. Unwanted memories floated back.


El even years old Kenshin skipped home from school. Today he had played with his schoolmates soccer. And his team won. Well, half of it was because; he had god-like speed which his father had trained he since young. He wouldn't want to recall it just yet... it was nightmare. The teacher-in-charged of soccer had noticed his performance and asked him to join. Kenshin's little figure was overwhelmed with joy.

'Wait till tou chan hear about this!' With that he sprinted back home. He wanted to tell this big news to his dad and mom. The doorstep was near, he ran with all his might. He opened the door with a full impact. But the scene that greeted him wasn't the kindest. There he saw his mother was busy with some cloak figure. His father was holding his katana. But something was strange about it. It was glowing. He was fighting with another shadowed figure. Kenshin made a mistake. He shouted for his father.

"TOU CHAN!" Kenshin took a step forward and his father was distracted. Leaving himself wide open.

"KURU NA!!!" Hiko voiced boomed through the living room. But after the scream, a loud thud was heard. Kenshin's father dropped to the floor, bathed in his own blood. Kenshin looked at his father. Little did he know, his mother was dead long ago. Strangely, these cloak figures were licking the blood that surrounded his father. He felt anger rose he ran to them and threw himself on top of Hiko. Amber eyes covered his amethyst ones. The dark figures backed away. Just then a lady came in, and ordered them out.

"Our jobs done. Leave this boy. Let's go." The lady had long raven hair, pale white skin, bloody red lips and crimson colored eyes. After the lady had left, he turned back to his father.

"Tou chan... wake up..." Kenshin shook his father gently.

"Ken... shin..." Hiko opened his wearily eyes. He smoothed his son's cheek. He had forbid in letting his son know of his job as a slayer... yet little did he know he brought more harm then he could protect. He took his katana and placed it in Kenshin's small hands.

"For... you..." Kenshin looked at the katana baffled at his father request.

"You... must take over me... they are over powering us... must kill... leader.... Elu..." Without finishing his sentence... his hands slipped from Kenshin grasp. Kenshin didn't even had a chance to tell him that he got into the school's soccer team.

"No... no... NO!!!" Kenshin screamed as he hugged his father's head to his chest. He cried... the tears couldn't stop. Why? Why couldn't he protect the one he loved? Was he too weak? With that thought. Kenshin had only one thing in mind. He wanted to be strong.


< br> He jerked open his eyes. His eyes had a watery vision. He cupped the water from the tap and drenched his face with it.

"Himura kun?" A soft voice called from behind. Kenshin turned abruptly to find Kaoru standing there with a worried expression. He lowered his gaze to the floor.

"Call me Kenshin..." Kenshin replied. He saw Kaoru smiled and nodded her head. Kenshin for the first time. Smiled back.

"You feeling better? Elune?" Kenshin asked in concern as he took her hand and lead her back to his bed. Kaoru nodded.

"You looked distracted when you were washing your face. You feeling alright?" Kaoru faked concern... but inside her... she really wanted to know the answer.

"I'm fine... just a little on the edge nowadays..." Kenshin confessed. Kaoru could only nod a small nod at his answers.

"I thought you were asleep?" Kenshin asked again hoping to continue their small conversation. Kaoru stared at him for a long time and then gaze over at the hands that held each other.

"I had nightmares again... Kenshin... You believe in Vampires?" Kaoru asked timidly. Kenshin tightened Kaoru's hold as his vision fixed on the carpet floor.

"You don't right... Not a lot do... You might even think that I'm crazy for a moment there..." Kaoru answered dejectedly. Slowly, she slipped her hand from the warm she craved for centuries. Little did she know, Kenshin was fast to react by catching it back and giving it a little squeeze.


"I know they exist... and I'm the one who will kill them all." Kenshin cut her off with that sentence. Kaoru looked at him with pure shock. Vampire slayers are not suppose to admit their job so easily.

'Kenshin... why?'

"I don't understand..." Kaoru answered quizzically.

"You don't need to. What have they done to you?" Kenshin queried her. Kaoru looked back down to the floor.

"They killed my parents..." And made me one of them... for revenge. Kaoru left the last part to herself. Kenshin looked agitated.

"Those bastard... I swear to kill them all..." Kenshin swore and cursed under his breath as he crushed Kaoru's hand with his grip. Although it was painful, Kaoru pushed the thought away. She was awe by Kenshin sincerity. She did what she had never done before she hugged Kenshin from behind. He stiffened literally. No one had ever placed such affection to him. He held onto her hand.

"Don't.... don't do it for me..." Kaoru whispered as she hugged him tighter. Body pressed onto body. Kenshin shifted his position till he was facing Kaoru. He cupped her face. Kaoru's hand tightened at his waist.


"I will protect you... from those bastards... I will..."


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….
Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! HAI!! I hope all of ya like the waff in this chap! Kenshin's acting sweet here ne haahaa~ Oh yeah a little of his past is being revealed. Hiko died... gomen ne.. if you were expecting his arrival in this fic. I was thinking of letting him be kenshin's dad so he could be the Vamp slayer and Kenshin's hatred will be form. I think all of ya has figured out what Hiko was trying to say but didn't finish right? He was telling Kenshin about the leader's information...^_^ R&R!! ^^ ANYWAYS... DO ENJOY!... R&R ne.. ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Kriska -- Haahaa~ I shock myself for updating so fast too... haahaa~ amazing hehee~ gomen.. always letting all of you to wait so long for the next chap... gomen *puts hand together and bow* anyways... i hope the little kxk waff in here you would make your day. enjoy... ^^ thanks for the review! ^__^

Jason M.Lee -- OK! wait till you have some major ideas do tell me about it ^_~ Yup Saitou knows something... but he has no prove so he needs to prove it first... so what would he do *evil laughter* oops.. anyway... here's the next chap. Hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review! ^__^

tsuki-sama -- BxK?? A pure one? Is that what you mean? *BING PONG* you got that right tsuki-sama... i LOVE battousai!! Bwahahahaha *he's mine*... erm... no.. actually he belongs to Kaoru... *grumbles* lucky gerl... anyways... here's the next chap.. hope you'll like this chappie! thanks for the review ^__^

Val -- I think it flew out of the window when he held her... heehee~ anyways.. here's the next chap... hopw you'll like it too.. thanks for the review... ^__^

Phoe-chan -- Nope... only Kaoru can... cause she has a different kind of blood flowin in her. I like Kaoru being evil and cold... i dunno why... but i like that kind of attitude on her... *smiles evily* anyhows... you really like Soujirou dun you... ^^ here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it... thanks for the reveiw ^__^

White Plum -- YEAH! I love ken chan in Battousai mode too!! heehee~ Hmmm... Que me da ganas de comermelo vivo... haahaa~ yes yes... that's the sentence to describe battousai.. heehee~ Yup yup... Saitou is pinning for kaoru... whoohohohohoho... anyway... here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... ^^ thanks for the review ^__^

Isis 13 -- Yup... i thought so too... But my brother ain't to happy with it.. haahaa~ but anyways.. who cares ^__~ No... saitou still hasn't confirm her being a Vamp.. he needs prove... and you'll see... ^^ here's the next chappie.. hope you'll like it.. ^__^

Fuuko-san -- You a Flame of Rekka fan? ANyways... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review.. ^__^

Shojin Takaru -- Oro? I wish you good luck in your finals then *GANBATTE NE!!* Here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it ne... Thanks for the review.. ^__^

Shizuka -- HAI! You got most of your facts right ^^ *pats shizuka's head* clever gerlie.. heehee~ anyways... heres' the next chappie... hope you'll like it! Thanks for the reveiw ^__^

marstanuki -- Oro.. the same question desu ne... you won't rest until you know the answer desu ne... but... it'll be a surprise.. ^^ here's the next chappie... thanks for the review ^__^

camila valenzuela -- hai de gozaru.. here's a chappie with KxK waff at the end.. hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review ^__^

Chiki -- It's okay... Studies first ne. *GANBATTE! Go to Tokyo U ne!!* Wish you all the best too! ANyways.. here's the update... hope you'll like this chap! Thanks for the review too... ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Nope... she didn't faint actually.. *presents Sabrina's oscar to Vamp Kaoru* Kaoru says she will visit you tonight... *snickers* haahaa~ anyway... thanks for the compliment.. they mean a lot to me ^^ Thanks for the review too... hope you'll like this chappie ^__^

Hanna-chan -- Thanks for the review... hope you'll like this chappie ^__^

Kuru na -- don't come near (more of a command)

Review and Make Kamimura Kaoru happie ^^