Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ Will you kill me too? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 5: Will You Kill Me Too?

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Previous: --

"Those bastard... I swear to kill them all..." Kenshin swore and cursed under his breath as he crushed Kaoru's hand with his grip. Although it was painful, Kaoru pushed the thought away. She was awe by Kenshin sincerity. She did what she had never done before she hugged Kenshin from behind. He stiffened literally. No one had ever placed such affection to him. He held onto her hand.

"Don't.... don't do it for me..." Kaoru whispered as she hugged him tighter. Body pressed onto body. Kenshin shifted his position till he was facing Kaoru. He cupped her face. Kaoru's hand tightened at his waist.


"I will protect you... from those bastards... I will..."

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Kaoru woke up at night due to the harshness of the storm outside. She mentally scolded herself for not stopping it earlier. She was about to raise her hand to cast the spell when she found a light burden holding onto her hand. Her face softened at the peaceful face in front of her. Kenshin was holding on to it. Face buried sideways in the thick blankets, he was sitting on the floor. Kaoru slowly slipped her hand out of his gentle grasp and brush some of the red bangs away from his serene face.

'He looks so tranquil... but then he looks so stressed when he's awake...' Kaoru noted to herself. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through her whole body. Her nightly quench must be served. She had forgotten all about it. When had she become so forgetful?

'Must have been the workload in school.' Kaoru mentally reminded herself. The even breathing of the slayer was tempting her. She had to go out unless she wants the slayers blood. A part of her was shouting for her to get out before she made Kenshin into one of them. But then her conscience was telling her that this was the chance the she was waiting for. Finally, the slayer had his guard down. THIS WAS THE ONLY CHANCE! That single thought took over her body. Crimson took over her cerulean blue eyes, nails protruded out making it longer and deadlier. Just as she was about to reached out for him a gun shot was heard shattering the lock. Kenshin was up in an instant. Instantaneously, a blade cut through the air missing Kenshin. It was going for her. Her body was bonded by her own thought. She could evade it easily, but it would have to break the truth of her being a vampire to Kenshin... she didn't want it to happen, she didn't want her relationship with this particular killer to end... not just yet. She decided everything. She won't let it end!

She braced herself for the attack. Pain surged through her body once again. Kaoru screamed. Kenshin panicked as he shouted her name. Every syllabus was being heard clearly.


"KYAAA!!!" Kaoru's voice slice through the silence. The vampire blood in her took automatic control over her body. Her survival instincts took control. Crimson lustful eyes were replacing the azure eyes. Lustful for revenge and blood. She saw Kenshin stopped in his motion. It tore her heart.

"You... lied to me? Why?" sorrow-filled voice broke her heart into a million pieces.

"Don't worry… she will be dead in another few more minutes if she continue to stay put in that position." Saitou's voice cut in. Another unreadable flicked went past his eyes. Kaoru knew Saitou was right, her body was already numb to no end and energy was running out.

She had failed.

"It's all your fault… It's all because of you, and your bloody warmth you gave me… You have given me what I have been craving for since I became a monster of the night… It's all your fault…" Kenshin stood in front of her and grabbed the sword hilt, forcefully he drew it out. Her body knew no pain then, Kenshin held on to her body. Close to his.

"I made a mistake… a terrible mistake… I fell in love…" Kaoru smiled faintly, finally understanding what her hidden emotions were. Kenshin's eyes widen as love filled his eyes. He pulled her into a sitting position and placed her lips on the neck. Under those full lips, Kaoru could feel Kenshin pulse. It tempted her awfully. She fought the urge down to bite his neck and surviving this attack… leaving Kenshin being one of hers as a consequences… she didn't want that to happen…

Kaoru pulled away.

"I can't…"

"You can Elune… you can… If you love me…. Bite me… Drink me… Make me yours..."

"IYAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Kaoru jolted up into a sitting position, her hands reaching out for something out in the dark room. Warm arms wrapped around her waist.

"Kaoru? What happen? Daijoubu?" Kaoru looked into those concern filled amethyst eyes.

"Ken… shin… I'm… I'm fine…" Kaoru calmed her nerves as she mentally scolded herself.

'It's just a dream! Dammit!' She hadn't had dreams excluding anything about her past for so long. So why now? Kaoru couldn't comprehend anything about the dream's activity. Suddenly, the windows flew opened, revealing a jet-blacked hair woman with ruby red eyes.

"Ty… Tyrande…" The name slipped from Kaoru's mouth as Kenshin snapped out of his stupor and looked at Kaoru.

"So you are the Battousai? Vampire Slayer I suppose… I'm here to collect my Elune… My little prey." Tyrande jumped into the building. Kaoru got what she meant. Tyrande was testing Battousai's trust on Elune.

"Come Elune… you have run enough…" Tyrande whispered those few words as she extended her hand, Kenshin as expected blocked Kaoru from Tyrande's view.

"Elune is going no where… she's staying with me." Kenshin narrowed his eyes as it changed back to vengeful amber eyes.

"So… that's means that I have to take her by force." Tyrande crouch down as Kenshin did the same.

'Kenshin has no katana. He is bound to get killed!" But did it really matter to Kaoru? Unexpectedly, she felt a rough hand covering her mouth. She was just about to give the person a piece of her mind when a deep baritone voice whispered.

"It's me…" Kaoru recognized the voice immediately. It was Ilidan. Kenshin who was in a midst of fighting threw Tyrande to the far end wall. He caught an eye that a man was towering over Kaoru hands clasp over her mouth. Her eyes were in a dazed. Kenshin cursed under his breath as he raced towards her.

"Get your FUCKING HANDS OFF HER!" Kenshin growled as he punched Ilidan but his fist met air. Ilidan brought Kaoru along with him to Tyrande's side. He twirled around and glared at Illidan.

"Elune... tired aren't you... why run away? Why not give in?" Illidan whispered audibly enough for Kenshin's ear.

"ELUNE! No! DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! ELUNE!" Kenshin shouted frantically as he looked at what happened next. Kaoru's neck got titled to the side. No reaction was given from Kaoru.

"Elune! Wake up! Open your eyes! Don't listen to him! WAKE UP! ELUNE!!" Kensin yelled at Kaoru as Illidan sneered at him.

"Battousai... the more you want to protect, the more I'll take it away from you..." Illidan smirked as he flicked his tongue on the hollow of Kaoru's neck.

"Kisama...." Kenshin gritted his teeth and clecnched his fist, anger consumed his mind and body.

'Why? I said I'll protect her! What am I doing? I crave for power and strength to save the people I LOVE! Why? Why can't I save even Elune!' Thoughts raced through Kenshin's veins as Illidan used his nails and cut a thin line on Kaoru's neck.

Illidan licked the flow of blood that dripped out of the wound. Amber eyes shone in the dark and a blur of red could be seen only. Illidan who was observing his every action, dropped Kaoru and picked Tyrande up and jumped away from them. As estimated, Kenshin couldn't care less about them as Kaoru preoccupied his mind.

"Elune... wake up.." Kenshin coaxed. Tyrande got out of Illidan's help as she stood up straight. The slayer had a lucky strike just now. She wouldn't let it happen the second time again.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." Tyrande spit as Kenshin glared at her holding Kaoru near his chest.

"Your parents were such easy preys. Their blood was sweet and warm. The best I have drank for years. I can already imagine what yours would taste like..." Kenshin's exploded after getting the hidden massage behind what she said.

She was the one who killed his parents... making him suffer alone. SHE WAS THE ONE!

Kenshin placed Kaoru on the carpet floor gently as he raced towards their fading figures. She was the one who had commanded her subordinates to destroy his parents.

"SHI-NE!!" He couldn't even get close when they have finally disappeared back into the dark. Only Tyrande's laughter could be heard.

"We would come back for Elune again... my little slayer..."

"KISAMA!!!" Kenshin raged to the darkness. He stood there breathing haggardly. His blood trickled down his cheek; he made no point to stop it. The only thing that brought him back to reality was Kaoru's groaning, which means that she's awake. He got to her side immediately, cradling her lithe figure as his back leaned on the wall.

"Elune... daijoubu?" Kenshin asked in concern. Kaoru's fluttering eyelids came to stop where she focused at Kenshin face. His golden filled eyes still glowed magnificently, making him more ardent as usual. A slash running near from his eyes till his cheekbone could be seen on his left cheek. Kaoru got out her stupor and sat up.

"You're bleeding!" Kaoru said worriedly.

"It's nothing... You are bleeding too... I'll go get the first aid box..." Kenshin replied monotonously. Just as he was standing up, Kaoru pulled him down and straddled him.

"Elune?" The next thing he knew was Kaoru taking off her top uniform and starting to fold it into a rectangular shape.

"Elune! Wha-" Her fingers fell to his lips silencing him.

"I want to help you..." Kaoru told him as she pressed the dry uniform on his wound.

"And stop moving about..." Kaoru reprimanded softly as she closed in the distance and knelt in front of him. Both of her knees took up the space each beside Kenshin. She cupped his jaw and dapped the uniform on his face.

"It's not stopping..." Kaoru said out loud to no one in particular. Kenshin couldn't find his voice at that moment. Who wouldn't? Especially when he was looking straight at Kaoru's bra. He swallowed and felt heat going up to his cheek. Suddenly, he got out of his stupor to find blood trickling down her neck to the hollow of her chest. Just as he was going to protest, he felt a cold sensation went pass his cheek's wound. Kenshin unconsciously groaned as he felt Kaoru's warm tongue caressing his injury.


"Just keep quiet and sit still." Kaoru reprimanded softly. Then the dry cloth took over again. He frowned as the pleasure was gone.

"You liked it?" Kaoru teased when she caught what expression the slayer held. Kenshin immediately went red when Kaoru hit the nail and caught him red-handed. Then an idea popped up in his head. He should get her back now... shouldn't he? His lips went up to an evil smile.

His hands grabbed at her waist and in a swift movement, he topped Kaoru as she laid on her back. The black tresses spread about her head making her look so innocent as the moonlight bathe upon her body. Kaoru had not thought that the slayer would go so far. She was awe at his strength and she seems to feel a fluttering feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Ken... shin..." Kenshin just looked at her form. One of his hands planted itself behind her back, another to the back of her neck. Both of his knees clamped at her hips to stop all free movements of her lower body. He lowered himself, Kaoru could already feel his breath on her sensitive skin.

"Now, you stay put..." Kenshin whispered hoarsely sending shivers down Kaoru's spine. Kaoru gasp when she felt a warm pleasure race through her cut stopping the blood flow. He closed his mouth over the small gash.

"Kenshin...." Kaoru bit her bottom lip to restrain a moan that climbed up her throat. She had never had this feeling... before. What the hell was it?

Her petite figure trembled under him as Kenshin continue his sweet torture. Her hands weaved into his red mane as she moaned aloud this time. Unable to stop her body's reaction as she arched forward wanting more. Kenshin pulled away.

"You look much better now... Let's get you something to wear and wash your uniform." Kaoru only nodded as she felt herself being pulled up with the help of Kenshin.

"Arigatou..." Kaoru muttered as she clung close to Kenshin.

"You wanna wash your skirt along too?" Kenshin asked as Kaoru stared at him with widen blue eyes and flushed cheeks. Kenshin blushed at what he said as he quickly snatched a towel from the rack.

"You can wear this first... then I'll get you some clothes." Kenshin replied looking away.

'He looks so cute when he blushes...' Kaoru amused by the fact that the eliminator actually BLUSHED! She handed up her skirt for Kenshin. He took in and placed it in the washing machine. Then he grabbed her hand and led her to his bedroom where he stopped in front of the wardrobe.

He fumbled with the shirts he got. He chose one and matched it with her figure.

"Too big" He threw it aside. Kenshin took another.

"Even bigger..." That went to the floor to.

"Doesn't match..." He flung it away.

"Still too big..." Kenshin was about to throw it aside again when Kaoru caught his hand.

"Kenshin... it's just a shirt for me to sleep in. I'll be fine..." With that she slipped into her lithe body. It was an old jersey from Kenshin's soccer team.

The conclusion was... the jersey was really very big as it slipped from one side of her shoulder and the hem of the jersey reached her knees. But neither of them minded it.

She stepped forward and embrace Kenshin, as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm scared..." Kaoru murmured into his chest.

"Don't be... I promise to protect you, and I don't intend to break it. I won't let them make you into one of those things." Kenshin whispered harshly as he tightened the hug. Kaoru inwardly winched when he referred Vampires as Things. It hurt a part of her. But why did she cared? She wanted to clear thing up. Kaoru looked up at him sorrowfully.

"What if... what if I'm a vampire then... what if they got me when you are not around..." Kenshin's stared at her surprised at her question.

"I won't leave you unattended..."

"That's... not my question.... That's not what I meant... Will you still treat me this gentle and nice... when I'm one of those vampires? Will you kill me and hate me still?" I want to know Kenshin... because... I am one of them... Kaoru added the last part in her thoughts... not revealing anything about her to him yet... not just yet.

T BC….

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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….
Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! HAI!! I hope all of ya like the waff in this chap! Kenshin's acting sweet here ne haahaa~ LIMISH IS HERE!! I nearly wrote this to a lemon... But I was really really tempted.. haha~ Not really good in that area though... Hope you like this chappie... oh yes... what happened in the dream of Kaoru have some link to the past... yes yes.. yes.. Okay... Thanks to those who reviewed the previous chappie...^_^ R&R!! ^^ ANYWAYS... DO ENJOY!... R&R ne.. ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Jason M. Lee, Phoe-chan, Kriska, Chiruken, Manga, Tuesday Rain, Sabrina-star, Val, Isis 13, Marstanuki, Fuuko-san, Camila valenzuela, chitchat, Shizuka, White Plum, Moonwind, Shadafakup, Hitokiri X

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!!