Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ My Real Name ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 7: My Real Name

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Previous: --

"Don't be... I promise to protect you, and I don't intend to break it. I won't let them make you into one of those things." Kenshin whispered harshly as he tightened the hug. Kaoru inwardly winched when he referred Vampires as Things. It hurt a part of her. But why did she cared? She wanted to clear thing up. Kaoru looked up at him sorrowfully.

"What if... what if I'm a vampire then... what if they got me when you are not around..." Kenshin's stared at her surprised at her question.

"I won't leave you unattended..."

"That's... not my question.... That's not what I meant... Will you still treat me this gentle and nice... when I'm one of those vampires? Will you kill me and hate me still?" I want to know Kenshin... because... I am one of them... Kaoru added the last part in her thoughts... not revealing anything about her to him yet... not just yet.

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Kenshin held Kaoru's small hand as they walk in the silent morning air towards their school. Both of them kept their thoughts to themselves as the wind rose blowing their direction.

"Ne... Kenshin, if only we can go on like this forever... won't that be nice?" Kaoru asked as she smiled at Kenshin. Her heart yearned for a place somewhere in this dirty world or centuries... but can she fit the place she wanted?

"Aa... but nothing can last forever, everything will changed... everything, but that's not the end of everything instead it is a new beginning." Kenshin smiled back as he tightened his hold on Kaoru's hand. Kaoru looked up in shock when she registered what he said.

"It's only the beginning for us too..." Kenshin blushed as he walked faster pulling Kaoru behind him.

"Beginning... for us..." Kaoru repeated the words Kenshin had just uttered. Heat came creeping onto her cheeks. Beginning for us... no one had told her that before... no one made her feel like this before...

"Come on... we'll be late if we go on like this!" Kenshin cheered Kaoru up as they ran to school. Hand in hand.

`I don't want this to end...'

"Kaoru-sama..." Unknown to them, a lady clad in black stood behind the tree that they just past. And she knew that her leader was changing... for the good or the bad? That she will have to find out.


"Minna... is it me or Kenshin and Elune are getting closer than they were suppose to be?" Sanosuke asked his gang of friends.

"They are you chicken head. It's obvious enough... only Elune can make him smile and laughed like that." Megumi replied sadly as she had tried breaking that ice barrier before but failed miserably. Just then the door slid open to reveal the principal of the school.

"Class... we have a new teacher for you for this whole year. Takata san is on a pregnancy leave. So Saitou san would be taking over Takata san's subject which is History. I would take my leave then. Saitou san please..." The principal bid the class goodbye as Saitou stepped into class.

"Stand! Bow! Sit!" The class leader rang as the students did so. Saitou scanned every one of them. Kaoru felt uncomfortable all of a sudden as her vampire instincts tempted to take control. The tension in the room made her so.

"Saitou..." Kaoru turned to find Kenshin gritting on his teeth as he muttered so curses on why he was here.

"Elune Aszune san... answer my question!" Saitou's voice boomed brought Kaoru back into reality.

"Hai... Sumimasen! Can you please repeat the question again?" Kaoru replied as she bowed her head. Kenshin looked up at the girl beside her.

"Don't let me catch you staring off into space again. If you can answer this question right, you are allowed to sit down but if you can't the door is open." Saitou warned.


"Give me the year when Hattori Hanzo is born and the year he died. Which side did Hattori Hanzo served? At what age did he first when to battle, where did he serve lord and lastly when did he's most valuable contribution came in?" Saitou smirked as whispering went round the class about the questions he gave.

"Sai-" Kenshin was about to protest on that chapter that he gave when Kaoru shot him a wink signaling him to calm down.

"Hattori Hanzo was born in the year of 1541 to 1596. Hattori Hanzo served Tokugawa Ieyasu loyally and usefully. His first battle was at the age of 16 as he served his lord at Anegawa during 1570 and Mikatagahara during 1572. His most valuable contribution came after 1582 following after Oda Nobunaga's death." Kaoru answered the questions given by Saitou flawlessly. Saitou seemed to be amused as the questions he gave was not taught yet.

"Very good. Sit down Elune." Saitou ordered as he started scribbling something on the board.

"Elune..." Kenshin was shocked that Kaoru knew so much.

"Impressed?" Kaoru teased as she feigned arrogant. Impressed was an understatement. She was awesome if you ask Kenshin. Though he won't admit it but he found her flawless... too perfect. He smiled as Saitou continue to teach his lesson.


"Elune!! You were so great during History lesson! I wonder how you could keep so many information in that head of yours!" Misao praised her friend's effort in the history class. Kaoru only giggled.

"You will be able to do the same if you experienced them yourself."

"Eh? Experienced?" Kaoru realized her mistake and waved her hands.

"Anou... what I mean is that you really put your heart into studying it actually Japan's history isn't such a difficult subject..." Kaoru faked a laugh as the group looked at her suspiciously.

"Kenshin?" Kaoru had found Kenshin being quiet since after school. They had agreed to go out with Misao and gang to have some fun before the exams that were coming that month.

"I'm fine..." Kenshin replied as he turned and smiled lightly at Kaoru. Kaoru pouted cutely and held Kenshin's hand.

"We got something important to do! Gomen ne Minna!" Kaoru apologized as she pulled Kenshin into a run. Kenshin only smiled ruefully at his fading friends as they called out for him.

When they finally stopped they were at the playground just opposite Kenshin's apartment. Kaoru sat on the swing catching her breath. Kenshin did the same.

"I... I didn't know you had such great... stamina..." Kenshin said in amazement as he took in a deep breath.

"D-don't judge me because you think I am a girl..." Kaoru did the same as her breathing became stable. A slight push made her yelp as she held onto the chains that were connected to the wooden seat.

"Kenshin! Don't scare me like that!" Kaoru complained as a slight breeze blew at her due to the gravity that was pulling her downwards. Another slight nudged came from behind and she swung higher. She closed her eyes, savoring the peaceful feeling.

But everything has to come to a stop. Even the god up in heaven thought so. Soon the raindrops came tumbling down to earth.

"Mou!" Kaoru whined as she ran behind Kenshin while the rain made a successful job in drenching the both of them. Kenshin took both of their bags and ran as fast as he could to the nearest shelther. The church. Their meeting place with Saitou.

Kaoru was not far from him as she squeezed her blouse and short skirt.

"What a time to rain... mou..." Suddenly, a painful stabbed from the heart cause her to crouched on the floor.

"Elune! What happened?" Kenshin asked anxiously as Kaoru's petite form shook violently.

It was a rainy day like this... every time it rain... every time something bad happens...

Reality seemed so unreal all of a sudden. Kaoru could here nothing only the sounds of the rain and thunder with the sight of lightning.

Screams and the scent of blood filled the air.

Kaoru a purple kimono as she ran back home with a small doll in her hand. It was her favorite one. It had red hair and soft purple eyes. It wore a magenta gi and a white hakama. She named it Shinta. She had made it herself. It acted like an amulet to her. A doll, which protect her. Especially when it rained.

"Ne~ Shinta! Let's get home quick, it's going to rain soon!" Kaoru whispered to her doll as she smiled at some of the elders that she passed by. She hugged the doll tighter as lightning flashed through the dark sky. A tight feeling gripped her heart. A bad feeling rose.

"Daijoubu da yo... Daijoubu da yo... Kaoru-chan wa daijoubu..." Kaoru consoled herself and unconsciously held Shinta tighter. Lightning flash and thunder roared among the sky. Kaoru widened her footsteps and ran faster. Soon the rain came hard on the humans on earth.

"Mou! Kaa-san is going to scold me again!" Kaoru ran faster. She didn't like it when her mother started scolding her. Worst still her father beating her. Her wounds from her last beating haven't healed yet.

Her friends cried when they saw her wounds from the beating. But Kaoru thought that it was for the better. From young her father was always drunk and came home with a reek of alcohol scent. Whenever Kaoru's mother was being beaten she would stand up for her so that she would take the beating instead of her mother.

For the better...

She believed that one day her parents would love her like how her friend's parents would. For seventeen years... nothing has changed. But tomorrow was a better day. She believed it. She had always.

God gave her a great gift. It was Yamazaki Ryohei. Her one-year boyfriend. She loved him more than life herself.

Ryohei had asked her out today and they had a great time like always. The funny thing was after a lady called Izumo Yuriko called him. He told her that he had things to settle with her and he was gone.

She wondered. Then another roar of thunder rung in her ears brought her back into reality. Just then, she saw the back of a person who looked like...

"Ryohei..." Beside him was a woman clad in a shoulder-kimono. She ran up to him. Not believing her eyes.

"Ryohei!" She caught hold of the person in front of her. Her mind froze when she saw him with the woman holding him not letting him go.

"Ara... Look what we got here... Kaoru? Since you have found out about my relationship with Yuriko... I might as well tell you straight off. I don't love you anymore. Besides, Yuriko is much more of an open woman and her body is definitely more than a child." Ryohei answered her questioned stares with venom dropping at each word. Kaoru's hand dropped whatever she was holding. Even her precious doll.

"Liar... you lied to me... " Kaoru whispered as she shook her head from side to side.

"So what if I did... you were the one pestering me... Now get this into your head... Go away slut... I never liked you." Ryohei punctured each word.

"LIAR!" Kaoru shouted as she ran in the rain as they merged with her never ending tears. Her heart broke. She could even hear the shattering pieces. She felt something she had never felt before.


Kaoru didn't even notice the strong smell of metallic blood until she opened the shoji door to find her parents sprawling across the ground. Their face were pale and bloodless.

"Tou-san... Kaa-san..." Her mind wasn't working well. She shook her head and shut her eyes tight. Hoping it was a nightmare. She creaked open her eyes to find everything the same.

"IYAAAAA!!!!" Kaoru screamed. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms embraced her from behind. She was about to give the person a piece of her mind.

"My... What a poor child... it must have been hard on you... Nobody is there for you anymore..." Kaoru's heart cringed in fear.

"Oh my... They have never been there for you... never my dear. Ryohei only played with your feelings... Your parents only treat you like a toy... never did they treat you like a normal girl. They beat you, scold you and even burn you."

"Yamete... Iya... YAMETE!!" Kaoru yelled as her hand gripped at her head.

`Somebody... save me... somebody... anyone... SAVE ME!'

"Everyone forsake you... even if you disappear... it makes no difference. What can you do? Only you can solve your own problem." The pair of hands never let her go and sobs shook her whole body.

"Hate them... hate everything... Everything... Hate... Kaoru... Hate..." As if being hypnotized she leaned back against the hard chest.

"Why... why isn't anyone here... I hate Ryohei... I hate Kaa-san... I hate Tou-san... I hate everybody!" Kaoru started muttering to herself.

"Do you want to be stronger? Do you want to be powerful? No one has ever protected you before... so why need them? Just say it Kaoru... If you want to be stronger, and you would be. You shall be a few times stronger than your pathetic self, to get what you want and to protect yourself. Not forgetting... Your revenge... on this world..."

"I want to be stronger... onegai... Make me stronger... I want to get what I want... I want to destroy everything that have make me what I am now..."

"As you wish... my little princess..." Kaoru felt two sharp pain at her throat. Blood rush in and out of her lithe body. She felt new... she felt energy surging through her body. Just then, a sting shot through her whole body.

"You are changing my little one... you are an immortal now... pain is what you feel... Relax and let it take it's course... you will like what you see the next day." Kaoru's scream softened as she felt herself being carried away. Away from her sadness.

"ELUNE!! ELUNE!" Kenshin shouted at her for the last few minutes but no response was given. He held her close as they entered the abandon church. He hugged her shivering body close to him.

"I'm here... I'm always here... for you..." Kenshin uttered those words. Kaoru stopped trembling slowly as she looked up at the man who brought her back to the real reality.

"You came... You are here..."

"For you... for you..." Kenshin whispered the words so softly as he kissed her nose. Kaoru smiled a tired smile at him. He leaned on the wooden chair. Kaoru turned to look at where she was.

The church...

This was where everything started to change... everything.

"Elune... are you feeling alright now? What happened?" Kenshin asked in concern. He knew that it must have been connected to her past. But could it have been so bad? Kenshin stroke her wet tresses.

"Kenshin... Don't call me Elune..." Kaoru said as she stroke his scarred cheek. The side which had a scar running from down from his face. Kenshin looked shock.

"Why?" Kaoru smiled a genuine smile. The first in her life.

"Because... My name isn't Elune..." Kaoru confessed finally. His purple eyes widened. Kaoru smiled again.

You were sent to protect me... you look just like Shinta... You were always there...

"My name is... Kamiya Kaoru..."


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! HAI!! I AM STILL ALIVE!!! Amazing? Hehe~ Hontou gomen... Anyway... here's the past when Kaoru's still a 17 year old HUMAN girl. AND YES! Finally she told Kenshin her real name... I have been waiting for this part... *smiles evilly* hehe~ anyway... i hope all of ya would like this chappie... and those who wants a lemon on this story... etto... still considering right now... Besides... I don't think I'm that good in lemon. OH YES! Anyone here is crazy about Samurai Deeper Kyou? I AM!! *faints* hehe~ Expectely I love Onime no Kyou like Hitokiri Battousai... WAI WAI WAI! Ahem... anou... anyone knows where they have Samurai Deeper Kyou's Fanfiction? If you know... do tell me ne~ ARIGATOU!! ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

[Gomen no individual thanks... i am really short of time you see]

White Plum, Phoe-chan, tsuki-sama (anou... what are you sorry for??), Sabrina-star, Jason M. Lee, chitchat, Shunu No Miko, Shizuka, penggu2000, Chiki, sweet_lemon, camila, tuesday rain, Shadafakup, SakuraCherryBlossom, Val, Moonwind

Anou... those who want me to notify ya when I update do tell me ne... with your email add ne..~ doumo

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!