Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ Sayonara... ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 8: Sayonara...

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Previous: --

"Kenshin... Don't call me Elune..." Kaoru said as she stroke his scarred cheek. The side which had a scar running from down from his face. Kenshin looked shock.

"Why?" Kaoru smiled a genuine smile. The first in her life.

"Because... My name isn't Elune..." Kaoru confessed finally. His purple eyes widened. Kaoru smiled again.

You were sent to protect me... you look just like Shinta... You were always there...

"My name is... Kamiya Kaoru..."

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"Kaoru?" Kenshin asked in astonishment. He still couldn't get what was happening. It all happened when the rain suddenly poured on them. Then Kaoru was starting to shake and mumbling what words that he didn't and couldn't understand...





Kenshin's heart cringed not knowing had happen to Kaoru. But she was going to tell him now. Definitely.

"Hai... Kaoru desu. Elune was a non-existence name. But Kaoru is already dead." Kenshin continue to frown as the information did not fixed back into where it was suppose to be. Kaoru looked up and smiled sheepishly.

"Kenshin... if... if we are ever being separated for our own wishes... let's... let's meet up at the playground again... I like to be pushed by you... I like to be with you..." Kaoru placed a finger on his lips to stop him from saying anything. She only wanted to hear one thing from his lips again.

"Can you... call me by my name... Not Elune but Kaoru?" Kaoru asked as she stroke his cheek gently.

"Kaoru..." Kenshin called her as she wished then he felt her lips covered over his. He stiffened for a moment but slowly melted and started returning the kisses.

Just as fast as the kisses exploded, the faster it ended. Kaoru pulled away abruptly and jumped to a far corner easily.

"Kaoru..." As if on cue a blade flew pass him and Kaoru caught it easily with only her thumb and her index finger. Kenshin widened his eyes as he saw how Kaoru expertly caught it and jumped up to the altar.

"As I have expected from you Saitou sensei. Fast and decisive." Kaoru praised Saitou's effort but she had refrained from looking back at Kenshin once more.

This wasn't supposed to happen... she wasn't supposed to feel this way.

She threw the blade aside and raised her fingers. She drew an oval shape circle in front of her and stepped through it. When she came out of it, everything was at their place. Her tied hair flowed like the waterfall behind her, her fingernails drew longer and got sharper.

"Kao... ru... I don't understand..." Kaoru kept her head low to hide her struggles. This was it... the end of their first relationship and the start of hatred for each other.

"Tyrande! Illidan! I'll leave it to the both of you from here!"

"Kaoru! Matte!" Kenshin tried to chase after her fading image, but was blocked by Tyrande.

"How ironic life can be Battousai... You protected my master from me... Now I protect my master from you..." Tyrande sneered.

"Tyrande..." Kenshin growled as he clenched his fist.

"Battousai! Your katana!" A rough voice rang behind as Kenshin caught his father's katana effortlessly.

Kenshin unleashed a battle cry as he ran head front to where Tyrande stood. Illidan managed to block the attack as he made a sword out from the water around them.

"Tyrande! Elune-sama!" Illidan reminded her as he barely survived the assault from Kenshin. Tyrande nodded as she herself vanished into the night.

"KAORU!!" Kenshin yelled hoping that things have not turned out the way it was.

"Where are you looking at Battousai!" Illidan was about to trust his blade to his body when he felt a bullet penetrating through his body. Kenshin looked at the person who shot the bullet.

"Takasugi... Katsura..." Kenshin recognized them in an instance as Illidan fell to the hard ground.

"Teme..." Illidan tried to get up but Kenshin drove his katana into his heart.

"In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into the depths of hell and eternal damnation, Amen." Kenshin finished as Illidan changed into dust.

"Himura... we have found the vampire leader of the clan..."

"Elune... Aszune... or known as Kamiya Kaoru..."

"Himura, you knew it all along?" Katsura asked as he sat on the bench, he watched as many emotions flashed over Kenshin's face. Without replying, Kenshin walked pass him.


"I'm going back to my apartment." Kenshin replied off curtly as he continued to walk his way back to his apartment.


"The day has come! The day when the slayer shall fall!" Everyone in the hall cheered after their master as she exited the hall. Kaoru kept her posture till she was away from everyone's eyes.

"Ken... shin..."

"Throwing away love for the clan? Kaoru-sama?" Kaoru whirled around to find Tyrande leaning on the far wall.


"I bring a bad news and a good news... Elune-sama... Illidan's dead... the good news is that the informers said that Battousai was very wrecked up..."

"K-kenshin..." Kaoru laughed a bitter laugh as she continued to walk.

It wasn't supposed to end that way... gomen... gomen ne Kenshin...

Tyrande held Kaoru's hand and brought her into a hug.


"Kaoru-sama... go to him tonight... you need him as much as he needs you now. No matter how much I hate him... I can see that you fell in love with someone you shouldn't... You have suffer too much during your human years... go and bid a proper farewell..." Kaoru meekly nodded as she pulled away from the hug and ran out of the mansion.

`Kenshin! I'm coming...'


So everything falls back into place... the time when he suddenly felt a strong aura of a vampire, the time when he found Sanosuke in the hall unconscious... the time when she didn't want to enter the church.

He looked up to the ceiling... he actually fell in love with his enemy... his sworn enemy... his parents' killer... He threw the can of beer to the wall across him as the yellow foamy drink spilled over the carpet. Alcohol wreaked the air. He sat in a corner thinking what had happen.

"Kao... ru... why?" Kenshin pleaded to know the answer.

"Gomen... I didn't mean to hurt you so much..." A voice lingered in the air. Kenshin snapped his head to the source of the voice. He wasn't dreaming... it was Kaoru standing in front of him. His thoughts left him as he quickly got up and crushed her body to his. Kaoru stayed in his embrace as she left hot liquid running down her neck. Kenshin was crying...

"Why? Why did you come back again? You came back to kill me?" Kenshin croaked as he held her tighter. Kaoru shook her head as she hugged him back.

"I needed to see you one last time... one last time..." Suddenly, he pushed her away as she fell on to the soft bed behind her.

"Stop lying to me! I know who you are! You are the fucking leader of the vampire clan! You lied to me to get close to me to know my weakness! You are the person my father had been hunting down... you are the person who called your subordinates to slay my parents... you are the one who had started my MISERY!" Kenshin yelled as he pointed an accusing finger at her. Kaoru bowed her head low as her whole body shook again. From what? Shame? Fear? Or Pain? Kenshin looked at the woman who sat on his bed... her raven hair covered her face, her hands tightened his cloth sheets into a fist of ball. She was trembling.

Kenshin suddenly felt bad knowing that he was the one who had caused her pain and hurt. He wanted to comfort her... he wanted to let her know he loved her... but his pride and justice got in his way. He remained in his position glaring down at her.

"I didn't know... I grew up to learn to kill not to love! I know you hate me now! I want to hate you too! But... but... you gave me something even Ryohei couldn't gave... not even my parents... you gave me warmth... you taught me to love... Gomen... I..." Before she could finish her sentence, Kenshin warmth invaded her again.

He and his bloody warmth.

But she loved it. She laid her heavy head on his inviting shoulders.

"Stay with me..." Kenshin words floated to her ears... he slowly positioned her on his bed while he climbed to be on top off her. Kenshin lowered himself and caught her lips with his. Kaoru moaned when he licked them and asked for entrance. Kaoru's arm entwined around his neck and pulled him down for more.

The both of them were lost in their own passion and had forgotten everything else but each other.


Kaoru opened her weighty eyelids and stared lovingly at the red mass of hair spread over her torso. Under those red mare, was the guy she loved with her heart. She carefully rested Kenshin comfortably under the thick blankets as she got out of his firm embrace.

She quietly put on her clothes and caressed his already messy hair. She gave him a final kiss and covered his eyes with her hands.

A bright light shone and then she opened her eyes and whispered to his ears.

"I'll be waiting for you... Battousai..."

With that she opened the door and exited his apartment... this is her final goodbye...

Sayonara... Himura Kenshin...


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! HAI!! I hope you'll like this chappie ne~ Kenshin is really wrecked up and so does Kaoru^^ He finally knows that Kaoru is a vampire... his supposed Enemy... This fic is coming to an end... hmm... if I'm not wrong... another 2 more chappies? Yeah... most probably... I hope all of ya like this story so far... and for the previous chappie!! I made a terrible mistake... Kenshin actually called Kaoru... `Kaoru' when he didn't even know his real name *bangs head on wall* I know... I'm a baka... haiz... PLs R&R ne!! DO ENJOY!! ARIGATOU!!


Readers / Reviewers from MediaMiner: Gomen! I always have a tendency to forget about my fics in MediaMiner... Do forgive me!! That's why the sudden updates of all the chappies.. -__-`' Gomen! Do forgive Kamimura Kaoru chan ne *puppy eyes and chibi Kamimura Kaoru latches on readers arm* I promise all of ya that i WOULD update as soon as I update in HAI! This I promise all of ya ne~ Next! I am really touched with the reviews I receive... though they are not as much as I am still happy netherless!! ^__^ YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY!!! ^__^ ARIGATOU!! Lastly... Gomen again ne~ Thanks for reading!!!


Sensei - Teacher

Matte - Wait

Teme - You (in a very vulgar manner)

-sama - Very high honorific

Gomen - Sorry

Sayonara -- Goodbye

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

THANKS ON ALL THOSE WHO REVIEWED!! Thanks! I'll be doing an individual thanks next time for all of ya!! ^_^

Anou... those who want me to notify ya when I update do tell me ne... with your email add ne..~ doumo

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!