Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved Sibling ❯ All that.. and a thief! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Forty-Four
The Beginning Of The End

Morning had to have been the most difficult of days Sasuke had ever known. Sasuke thought getting here was unbearably hard, but this was absolutely unbelievable. It was harder to get the group out of the beach house opposed to getting them here in the first place. Because of what happened last night, Kisame nor Itachi were in the mood for moving. But everyone highly doubted Itachi would be able to move anyway. So Sasuke had taken it into his own hands and splashed a bucket of cold water on the two before getting mad at them for soiling the sheets that he would have to clean. The two didn't appreciate Sasuke budding in, but they cooperated and got dressed anyway. Itachi wasn't looking forward to getting back home when he would have to pack.

Zabuza and Haku acted the same way. They too, were reluctant with having to leave and so took their good old time getting out of bed and getting dressed. The only way Sasuke managed to convince them to hurry up was to brag to Zabuza about how Haku wouldn't be around with Naruto for these four days. Now that was truly a protective way of getting the older man to move his butt in high gear. Haku on the other hand blubbered like a baby when he had to say good bye to Naruto. It had take all of Sasuke's strength to pry the stupid boy away form his boyfriend. But he finally managed to get both couples into the van and away from them.

"This is ridiculous!" Sasuke screamed out loudly, his head thrown back and his arms in the air. He was filled with so much relief the moment the van was out of sight along the long dusted road. "It should take this much effort to get some alone time." He complained, finally straightening his position and staring at where Naruto once was standing. "Naruto?" The Uchiha questioned upon finding that his hyper active blond was not standing beside him. It barely took a second for Sasuke to start panicking about that. Whenever Naruto disappeared that meant trouble! "Naruto!" He yelled, racing off back into the house to find him.

Thankfully, Sasuke found Naruto in their room hurriedly slipping on a pair of sneakers and tying them sloppily. "What are you doing dobe?" He asked with a irritated groan. If he knew Naruto, the blond would most likely be looking forward to going out somewhere. But Sasuke had only been looking forward to staring here where it was just the two of them. He had to get somewhere with Naruto, and that required privacy. That was not something easily acquired in town.

"I want to go check out the board walk." Naruto explained anxiously. "When Itachi took me and Kisame to the Grocery store, we saw a bunch of cool shops along the way. I was hoping we could go see them today. You're coming, right?" He asked. Sasuke was a little peeved Naruto had the nerve to even think he was going to let him go there alone. He sighed dryly and nodded. So much for some intimate alone time. They could go shopping any old day; Sasuke wanted cuddling.

Not being one to beat around the bush, Sasuke quickly put on his own shoes. "Alright lets get going Naruto." He grumbled, obviously sounding against the idea. But as naive as Naruto was, he didn't seem to recognize the reluctant in Sasuke's tone and simply accepted the teen's words before dashing out of the bedroom with a blithe smile on his face. Sasuke straggled behind.

"You'll love it Sasuke, they have some pretty cool things." Naruto rambled as he hopped down each step of the back porch. Sasuke, of course, walked behind him in a steady, heedless pace. "Maybe I can get Jiraiya and the gang a few souvenirs." The blond excitedly decided; resulting in Sasuke rolling his eyes in boredom. Naruto was nearly skipping across the shore as he made his way over to the cemented land. Just outlining the beach was a long strip of beach shops.

Sasuke dazedly watched Naruto scamper off into the first store. Suddenly noticing it was clothing store, Sasuke was hastily filled with interest. Clothing stores meant changing rooms, which lead to molesting a certain perky blond in private. The idea was simply delicious in Sasuke's mind. He always did love a challenge and the thrill of almost getting caught was sure to quench his thirst for excitement. He couldn't help but lick his lips as he stepped into the store as well.

It was a cute little shop with a lot of beach wear, but to Sasuke's disappointment, it had no changing rooms. "Lookie Sasuke, isn't this cool?" Naruto asked, holding up a beautiful colored pink shell on a black thread of rope for a necklace. Sasuke was unimpressed, but he could at least fake the appearance of amusement as he waltzed over to the small collection of jewelry and trinkets. He looked over the shelves and was fairly pleased to see most of the stuff was real, but expensive as well.

Sasuke couldn't resist the urge to smile as he watched Naruto excitedly try on the necklaces one by one. Despite it usually being a very girly piece of apparel, Sasuke thought it looked well on Naruto. Suddenly something caught his eye. He looked at one of the bottom shelves and spotted a shiny, long, blue jewel hanging off from a black chain with two silver beads on either side. It wasn't much of a beach type jewelry, but it was still a work of art. "Hey Naruto." Sasuke called the blonde's attention as he held up the necklace. "Try this one." He requested.

Naruto stepped forward, examining the lovely necklace intensely before Sasuke walked behind him. Sasuke draped the necklace around Naruto's neck from behind and quickly clamped it on. Grabbing Naruto's shoulder, he turned the teen around. A cozy grin found its way to the Uchiha's lips as he looked at Naruto wearing it. "You look great in it Naruto." He whispered warmly. Just hearing Sasuke's voice so kind and sentimental made Naruto's cheeks burn with red. His heart fluttered in his chest at the compliment. Sasuke rarely ever complimented him like this. Naruto was half glad he didn't, because he would have stopped breathing way too many times if Sasuke made it a habit.

"Really?" Naruto questioned nervously. It felt so good to hear Sasuke speak in such a way. He had to hear it again, if only for a little while.

"Yeah, it really suits you." Sasuke added. The jewel was almost as clear and beautiful as Naruto's sapphire eyes. It was almost like the blond was meant to have this necklace. "I'll buy it for you." Sasuke decided, glancing at the price tag. It was a pretty hefty price, but not too much for Sasuke to afford for Naruto. He walked up to the counter and generously paid the store clerk the appointed amount before escorting Naruto out with the necklace still on him. Bemused by Naruto's sudden girlish shyness, Sasuke chuckled softly.

"T-Thanks Sasuke." Naruto muttered in almost a whisper. "But you didn't have to buy it for me. You have already rented the beach house and you've bought me a lot of other clothes in the past." He mentioned. He didn't want to seem like a leech to Sasuke, but it was really coming off that he was.

"Why can't I buy things for my boyfriend?" Sasuke asked with a smirk. "You've given me a lot as well." Naruto's face darkened at the reminder of the blowjob. "It's not like I owe you, you owe me type of thing. I wanted to buy it for you. So which store do you want to check out next?" Naruto grinned widely and pointed to one of the other shops. This one had a lot of random items like lamps, shirts, hats, and postcards.

Naruto jumped about the room, looking at all the shelves. He found something else that quickly intrigued him. "Sasuke! Can we get one?!" He asked, pointing to a sign against the back room door. Sasuke walked over and read over the sheet.

"Air brush tattoos?" Sasuke repeated. Why would Naruto want a fake tattoo if he already had a real one?

"Yeah. I'll choose where to put my name and you choose where to put yours." Naruto explained in a matter of fact voice. Sasuke's brow arched up in suspicion. So he could have his name air brushed on any part of Naruto's body he chose? This was certainly an activity he would give much thought.

"Alright dobe, you've got a deal." With that, Sasuke lead Naruto to the back of the shop where a red leather chair stood in the middle of the room. Sasuke hit a small bell on the desk and waited for someone to come in. He stared awkwardly at the older teen that came in. He had his entire faint covered in white paint with several spots of it purple.

"Hello, my name's Kankuro, what can I do for you two?" The guy asked with a careless grin.

"Can you write our names on each other?" Naruto asked out anxiously. Immediately Kankuro threw a suspicious look to the grumpier of the two. Sasuke knew what was going on in his head, and personally he didn't care if the guy liked working for homosexuals or bisexuals.

"Sure thing, sit down" he answered, his smiled oddly widening. "I'm writing what and where?"

Sasuke's evil smirk reappeared and an equally deviant glimmer spread to his eyes. He eagerly pushed Naruto over to the chair. "Sasuke, on his ass." The Uchiha said nonchalantly.

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed in disbelief. Kankuro was not as surprised but still stunned and a little repulsed none the less. "Why my butt?!" Naruto asked, his voice growing higher pitched as he was about to whine.

"So everyone can know you are mine." Sasuke explained, throwing up a finger as if he were explaining an important theory.

"But Sasuke! I think they will know. Plus, how many people are you expecting to see my butt anyway?" Naruto half wailed and half pouted.

"It's just precautions Naruto." Sasuke replied. "Not like its a big deal anyway, its temporary." Naruto grumbled something under breath and finally laid down on the chair. He didn't appreciate having to be Sasuke's little guinea pig.

Kankuro couldn't help but laugh at the two. "I'll need you to remove your pants then." He informed. Sasuke was pissed to here that Kankuro would also need to see Naruto's ass if he was going to be doing the tattoo. Naruto grunted and lifted up just so he could pull down his pants and boxers only in the back so not to reveal his member. He quickly laid back down as Kankuro got the supplies.

Kankuro placed a stencil of cursive letters on the tan rear, sporting a proud grin of his own. Sasuke noticed this and was already prepared to punch the guy's face in. "I feel sorry for you kid, you have such a possessive boyfriend." Kankuro chuckled to Naruto. "He's already burring holes into the back of my head." He picked, turning on the spray gun.

In mere moments, Naruto was brought to obsessive giggling. "That...tickles Kankuro..." He snickered, trying not to wiggle as best he could. Who knew Naruto was so sensitive there, Sasuke saved that information for later as he watched intensely. He had to nip his bottom lip to keep from laughing himself as the blond conducted his giggle fit.

Finally Kankuro had finished. "There you go." He said, blowing off the newly painted skin softly. Of course that also was considered tickling to Naruto and so he laughed. "All done." Kankuro state, standing up after giving Naruto a firm slap on the ass. He couldn't hold back his prideful grinning. But Sasuke...Sasuke was ready to kill. "Don't be afraid to come back and get a real tat any time." He said with a wink to the flustered blond.

Sasuke growled at Kankuro the moment the guy turned and faced him, making the teen nearly jump back. "Watch your tongue punk, otherwise I'll be hanging you from it." Sasuke hissed viciously. Now that really gave Kankuro shivers and he nodded.

"Sasuke, calm down." Naruto inquired, getting off the chair after putting up his boxers and pants. "It's your turn. And unlike you, I want people to actually see my name on you." The blond chuckled. "So I want it on the back of your neck." Sasuke sighed at this and sat down on the chair. Figures Naruto would put it in plan sight.

Kankuro got straight to work on Sasuke's. But the Uchiha wasn't so stupid to not notice every time Kankuro's gun slowed in air or ran too long. Frequently he caught the creep throwing seductive looks back at Naruto during the procedure. Sasuke was eager to kill the guy in the nuts for trying to flirt with his Naruto behind his back. But doing it in front of him would only earn Kankuro a thorough beating and death sentence to hell.

“Alright, your through.” Kankuro replied, pulling back from Sasuke. The pissed Uchiha quickly got up out of the seat.

“Come on Naruto.” He barked, slapping just enough money on the counter before shoving Naruto out of the shop. This was not turning out to be his day after all. “How about we get something to eat now Naruto?” Sasuke offered, hoping it would give him a real chance to be alone with Naruto. "But no ramen." He quickly added just before Naruto was about to make that claim. That stuff was bound to kill the blond with all of its fats and lack of nutrient.

"Fine," Naruto huffed, puffing out his cheeks like a eight year old. Sasuke smiled successfully and lead Naruto off to a small restaurant. And what better food to eat at a beach than seafood. Naruto was going to love the real thing, Sasuke thought.

He thought wrong.

"For the hundredth time, I'm sorry Naruto!" Sasuke yelled out from the other side of the bathroom door. He growled sadly and cupped his face in his hands as he slid along the door. He shouldn't have made Naruto eat all of his food after the blond pacifically told him he didn't like it and that it was nasty. Sasuke had thought the teen was only exaggerating since his food had tasted just fine, delicious at the least. But Naruto had complained since the moment they left the restaurant all the way back to the beach house. He hadn't been in much of a mood to go out exploring again.

And now, he was locked up in their bathroom, puking his brains out. "I...don'!" Naruto gasped from inside. Sasuke cringed at the sound of up-chucked food. "You that crap!" The blond screamed angrily. But how was Sasuke suppose to know it would make him ill. With Naruto, these things could never be determined ahead of time. Sasuke winced again as the sound echoed with coughing. And the day had started out so promising. It looked like Naruto would be spending the night in the bathroom.

Sasuke sighed and walked back over to the bed. He plopped down on it and buried his head into the pillow. He had managed to screw up yet another chance with Naruto. Why was he suddenly such a failure with relationships? He was great at academics, good looking, poplar with the ladies, and athletic, so why was it he couldn't get through a perfect week if not a few days with Naruto? Was he cursed as an Uchiha to be such a loser with love?

He laid there silent for nearly an hour. For the most part he thought he was asleep, but he could still clearly hear Naruto's gagging and the churning of his own stomach from having to listen. But after awhile, everything around him went quiet and he couldn't be sure if he had finally fallen completely asleep or that time had suddenly stopped. He was assured it was neither when he suddenly heard the bathroom door push open.

Sasuke groaned softly into his pillow as he felt a gentle weight at the end of the bed, most likely Naruto. He reframed from smiling even when the weight pressed against his entire back. he felt Naruto's chin press in between his shoulders and he knew the blond was laying on him. "It looks good Sasuke..." Naruto whispered before lightly poking the black cursive letters on the back of Sasuke's neck.

He simply ignored the blonde's words. "Do you feel any better Naruto?" He asked, his voice half muffled into the pillow. He was could whiff a hint of mint on the other's breath and knewhe had just finished brushing his teeth.

"Yeah, a little." Naruto sighed, closing his eyes gently. "I had fun today...even though I got sick...and hit on..." He mumbled, making Sasuke want to laugh as the blonde's chin bounced on his back as he talked.

"Well, I'll make sure tomorrow is better." Sasuke promised. Despite whether or not he got lucky, he still wanted Naruto to be happy. But he wasn't very patient, so this might take a little work.

"Do you think our tattoos will last until we get home? I want to show Haku." Naruto said with a small chuckle. Sasuke could already imagine Haku's anger if he thought the tattoos were real. But it would be fun to rub it in his face, so Sasuke was hoping for the same as Naruto.

"I guess we'll find out when we get there." Sasuke assured him. There was only one thing he could be sure of. Their girls would have a field day if they saw Naruto's name on the back of his neck. Still, he was looking forward to having people know about them. Then again, there were some people that didn't need to know.


"We're here, Itachi." Kisame replied to the silently sleeping male sitting beside him in the front seat. He had rather enjoyed the drive back home, because Itachi was such a looker when he slept. The raven haired teen moaned a little before tossing his head toward the window. He didn't want to be home yet; it was too soon. "Can you go in and pack, I'm going to go drop Zabuza and Haku off at Naruto's. I'll be back in a few minutes to help you load them in." Kisame explained.

Itachi sighed in remorse but unbuckled his seat and stepped out of the car. "Just make sure you get back soon." He said grumpily. He wanted no chance what so ever of his father stopping by while he was still here. If could, he would have avoided the man all together, but that was an unlikely position. Kisame nodded and drove off as soon as he saw Itachi safely walk into the house.

The Uchiha wasn't so thrilled to coming back to a place that still smelt the same as when he left. He missed the scent of fresh ocean water. Maybe he could convince Kisame to take him back to the beach sometime soon. With that thought in mind, Itachi headed into his room and started packing up most of his clothes into all the suit cases. This place had a really lonely feeling to it without Sasuke around to tease and listen to complain.

Itachi made a mental note to pack up Sasuke's things after he transported his own. He didn't bother being a neat and tidy packer when he only had a few minutes, so he finished a little ahead of time. "I can't wait to get out of here." He mumbled to himself as he headed over to the kitchen for a snack. Thanks to Sasuke's hasty pushing no one had a chance to grab a bit before leaving.

He grabbed a few ingredients for a sandwich, and was grateful to find the bread hadn't molded any since he was gone. As he leaned against the counter, making his mid-day snack, Itachi suddenly felt the creepy feeling heighten. Prickling bumps formed at the back of his neck and his chest suddenly felt tight. He never thought he had very good intuition, but apparently he did for some cases.

"Long time no see Itachi..." A cold, familiar voice whispered from behind him. Itachi didn't need to turn around to know who it was, he couldn't ever forget that voice. His entire form went pale and he couldn't force himself to move. "You stopped visiting me after the first month...I started to worry about you." The man replied again, his voice faking sadness. "But I figured your mother found out you went against her word to see me or you didn't want Sasuke to find out."

Itachi glowered at the counter. He stopped visiting his father in jail because Kisame had asked him to. Back then he was still a little obsessive of belonging to his father and didn't believe he could survive without him. He still hated the man but couldn't accept that he was entirely gone and wouldn't be back to hurt him. "What are you doing here?" Itachi asked coldly, his furious crimson eyes narrowing.

"I just wanted to see my family."

"We aren't your family anymore!" Itachi snapped back, still not facing the man he hadn't seen in several years.

"If not...then I would like you to be." Fugaku whispered, stepping forward. Itachi shuddered when he felt a cold hand settle on his shoulder. "I missed you guys so much. But when I got back I would out your mother left you two here alone. I would have never done such a thing."

"No! You would have just raped us!" Itachi lashed out, jerking his shoulder away from the man. "We don't need you anymore, me or Sasuke. We've done fine on our on."

"I'm sorry Itachi. For what I did to you." He apologized softly. Itachi felt his heart shatter. He had been longing for those words so long, but this is not how he imagined his father sounding when he said them. Somehow it didn't feel real at all. "But I'm ready for a change, and so are you. I know I can't be your father anymore, but at least let me back into your lives. I want to be something to you and Sasuke."

To Be Continued...

Oh no, Fugaku's back and he's found Itachi! But at least Naruto and Sasuke had a good day so far. Anyway, I'm sorry I couldn't get to typing so early as I usually do, school is already starting heavy on me. So I'll update as soon as possible! Thanks for the wonderful reviews and I hope to read more soon. And yes this sorry is nearly its last few chapters. I might be able to make it to chapter Fifty before I finish it, so value every chance you have to review, lol. And as soon as I finish I will have time for new SasuNaru fics.

Next Chapter: Sasuke takes Naruto out for more fun, but he gets more than he bargained for when Naruto finally tells him a little more about his own past. Will Sasuke be able to better connect if he knows everything about Naruto? And Itachi is having the hardest time facing his father. Will Kisame get back before his emotionally unstable boyfriend can cause some harm?