Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ What You Don't Know ❯ Chapter 7 – Descent ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin
Chapter 7 - Descent
For the first time in a long time, Kaoru woke from a dreamless sleep to the sound of birds and the warm light of morning sunshine. She lay staring at the ceiling for some time, enjoying the comfort of her futon.
They hadn't spoken any more last night, there was no need. Kenshin bade her goodnight with a chaste kiss and an unguarded smile. Her spinning thoughts danced in her mind as she replayed the evening, unsure if sleep would come. But, before she knew it, morning had arrived.
This all felt so good.
A pounding on the shoji chased away the pleasant languor.
“Oi, busu, breakfast is ready.”
Kaoru sighed. This felt normal too.
“Yahiko, do you want to practice today?”
“You bet! Myojin Yahiko is back and ready for action.”
“Great. You owe me 100 extra strokes for the `busu.' Start right after breakfast.”
His adolescent grumbling and stomping away was her reply. Kaoru grinned to herself at being able to push his buttons.
A few minutes later, a dojo-ready and happy Kaoru floated into the kitchen. Yahiko was already devouring his breakfast like an animal, sending her a bit of a glare over his soup and rice. Kenshin gave her a warm smile as she sat down, placing a generous portion in front of her.
“Oyaho Kenhsin.”
“Oyaho Kaoru-dono.”
Kaoru's smile faltered a little at hearing that awful honorific. Kenshin must have seen something in her gaze, as he nodded subtly towards Yahiko while holding her eyes. She furrowed her brow a little, nodding, but gave him a look that promised a later conversation.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, actually, I did. The air from last night must have chased away the bad dreams.”
Kenshin smiled, and Kaoru was confident he caught the meaning behind her words. She turned to her breakfast and ate quietly.
Yahiko pushed away from the table a few minutes later.
“I'll meet you in the dojo when you're done with your strokes,” Kaoru called after him.
“Yeah, yeah.”
Kenshin chuckled, clearing Yahiko's dishes and rinsing them. Kaoru waited until she could hear the boy calling out his stroke numbers in the yard, then rose and approached the slender man.
He stopped what he was doing, appearing hesitant.
“I'm sorry to have startled you Kaoru. Until this matter is resolved, discretion may be the best course.”
“Resolved? What does that mean?”
“You heard Saito yesterday. There is movement in less desirable sectors. He thinks it will come to a conclusion soon.”
Kaoru put her hand to her forehead. She hated not being in the loop.
“So what does this have to do with last night?”
Kenshin bowed his head, bangs shading his eyes.
“Please forgive this one's caution. Will you be patient and trust that this is for your protection?”
Kaoru huffed a little, staring out past the doorway for a few moments. There was just too much she didn't know.
“Fine. For now. I just don't like hiding what I feel.”
Kenshin laid a hand on her arm and smiled.
“Neither do I, but it is for the best.”
Kaoru heard Yahiko pass the 200 mark on his strokes, and left the kitchen to warm herself up.
As she started her swings and stretches, she couldn't help but feel uneasy. She didn't like things being hidden from her. Was there another reason why Kenshin didn't want to publicly show his affection? What kind of relationship did they have before?
She shook her head to clear the doubts. She'd just have to trust Kenshin for now. There weren't many other options.
………………………&# 8230;.
The morning passed swiftly. Yahiko had bounced back from his injury very quickly, and was eager to pick up where they had intended to start three days ago. He went through all the forms Kaoru had taught him, with her correcting more of his errors each time. The patterns, shapes and forms were falling rapidly into place, filling in the gaps in her recollection.
They were now working on strikes and counter-strikes. Kaoru would call out a body area, and Yahiko would aim a strike. Kaoru would defend and strike back. Sometimes Yahiko would defend well, sometimes she landed a hit. After each exchange they would discuss, dust themselves off, and go for another combination.
They both paused at a call from the front gate. Kenshin hurried by, and Kaoru shrugged, assuming he'd take care of it. She and Yahiko continued for a few more exchanges.
Kenshin appeared in the doorway again, gaze serious. Kaoru and Yahiko stopped and approached.
“What's going on?” Yahiko blurted.
“One of Saito's men is here. My presence is required at the station.”
A sense of unease washed through Kaoru.
“Kenshin, are you sure you need to go?”
The redhead nodded grimly.
“Yes. But the officer will remain outside the gates until Sano arrives. He said he was coming by this afternoon for lunch.”
Kaoru nodded, her nervousness still remaining.
“Be careful, and come back soon.”
“I'll stay until the baka rooster-head comes. The dojo is safe with me!”
Kenshin gave a short nod, and departed after a lingering look at Kaoru.
Kaoru watched after him for a while, feeling out of sorts. Shaking herself a little, she turned towards her student, who was looking at her with uncharacteristic concern. She smiled to reassure him.
“Good work today, Yahiko. Let's call it a day. I think we've both made some progress.”
He flushed a little at the compliment.
“Why don't you clean up in the furo first,” she continued. “How many days has it been since you bathed?”
“What? Are you saying I stink?” Yahiko fumed.
“Well, I don't know about stinking, but you'll want to smell better than a sweaty dojo for Tsubame, ne?”
“Whatever,” he grumbled, but replaced his boken and trotted off to the bathhouse anyway.
Kaoru exhaled deeply, and wandered over towards the water bucket in the corner. She took a long drink, tired but satisfied with the morning's work. Yahiko really was amazing, especially for an twelve-year-old. Her suggestions were mostly small changes, and reigning in his adolescent exuberance. Her boken resting on her shoulder, she started towards the boken rack on the wall.
Kaoru froze when she heard an odd sound on the dojo roof. Her tiredness gone, she brought her boken in front of her and slowly made her way out towards the entrance. Another sound from above her heightened her awareness and tension even more.
Alert eyes scanned the dojo yard. There didn't seem to be anyone there. . .but that noise. . . She gripped her boken tighter, stepping warily onto the ground.
Silent as cats, three figures dropped from the roof into the yard. A fourth rounded the corner from the rear of the yard, from the direction of the furo. Kaoru sized them up quickly. All were dressed in black and grey with close-fitting pants, almost like ninja. Familiar black armbands were visible on each man. Triangles of cloth covered their lower faces, heads bare. No visible weapons, but that didn't mean anything.
“What do you want,” she said loudly, shifting between the four men to keep them all in her sight. Where was that officer?
“Come with us.” The voice wasn't familiar, but extremely business-like.
“Sorry, I don't go anywhere with strangers.”
“As you wish.”
A small motion from the man who spoke sent two of the men rushing towards her. Kaoru deflected their punches with her boken, knocking both in the arms as they approached. She turned quickly, catching the third man in the shoulder as he tried to come from behind. She panted and stepped along the front of the porch, eyeing all of the men.
They attacked again, and Kaoru had her hands full holding them back. She was barely able to keep them at a bokens length. They were definitely more skilled than the three who attacked her by the river.
The sound of banging and Yahiko's muffled voice drew her attention for a split second. The leader took this opportunity to attack. Kaoru avoided his strike and countered with an overhead blow. The man raised a gauntleted arm and deflected the blow, landing a sharp strike to Kaoru's middle.
One knee hit the ground, Kaoru gasped for breath and fought the blackness that threatened to overtake her. She swung her boken at their legs, satisfied when they stepped back. As she was about to stand, two sets of hands grabbed her arms, twisting them behind her back and forcing her weapon from her grasp. Kaoru was pushed to both knees, and struggled ineffectually against their hold.
“Let me go, dammit. I have nothing to do with you!”
The leader said nothing in reply. Kaoru's head was jerked back by the ponytail, and a hand pressed a cloth to her mouth. She desperately tried to turn away, but the hand in her hair held her painfully still. The foul chemical smell overpowered her senses, and she finally succumbed to the darkness.