Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Amethyst Loved Amber ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin is not mine….What a terrible thing to have to say at five in the morning. Oh well. Anyways, I had a few things to mention before you go read this chapter, I noticed that I didn't mention the color of Hanami's hair…or at least I think I didn't…its black non the less. And this story takes place before Saitou arrives. Alrighty then…I think that takes care of it…I hope….maybe….oh well. Anyways, here's chapter 5, enjoy!

Chapter 5

Kenshin as always, rose before dawn. His first chore was the laundry, which he finished rather quickly. The blood stain in his Yakuta came out quite easily as he was a wiz with stains, and he would mend the tear later.

Shortly after, just before he knew Kaoru would rise, he began to prepare breakfast. His mind constantly wandering to Hanami, and Sanosuke. He wondered if Sano was ok, and somewhere deep inside, he knew that he was.

Sano is not the one I should be worrying about now. I should have everything focused on Hanami and when her next attack will be. He thought, wincing at the flashback of the pained look on the young woman's face. While he had her in mind, he began to reminisce.

It was as though she hadn't aged since he'd seen her last. She certainly hadn't changed, she was still the emotional, flirtatious, rude girl he remembered her as. Only this time, it was a woman, a woman here for revenge. He sighed, I wish I would have never hurt her. Nan de? I did it because…because…

His thoughts were interrupted with Miss Kaoru's cheerful voice, "Ohayoo, Kenshin!" Kenshin turned from the small fire where he was cooking and smiled, "Ohayoo, Miss Kaoru!" The young, energetic woman bounded over and crouched beside him, "Already got breakfast started, ne?" She smiled and in a sing song voice said, "We might be able to eat without Sanosuke's rude interruptions. Speaking of Sano, did you hear from him last night?"

Kenshin shook his head and tended the fire, "Nothing yet Miss Kaoru, I believe he is ok though." Kaoru knitted her brow in confusion, "How do you know that Kenshin?" Kenshin tilted his head, "I just have a feeling." Miss Kaoru smiled and stood, "A feeling ne? Well I hope it proves to be positive, In the mean time, would you mind heating the bath? I'd like to get cleaned before breakfast."

Kenshin stood, first checking to make sure his little fire wouldn't go out, "Hai Miss Kaoru." Kaoru nodded happily and walked into the dojo to gather her things. After Kenshin had started the fire, he stood and wiped his hands on his hakamas. Kaoru stepped out, and smiled at him, "Thank you Kenshin." Kenshin returned her smile, "I put a few extra logs on the fire to make sure it would stay nice and warm Miss Kaoru. I will go finish breakfast now, ne?" Kaoru nodded and stepped into the bathhouse.

Kenshin heard her delightful little sigh as she stepped into the water and smiled despite himself, it had always been rather amusing, how easily the young, good-natured woman could be pleased. Dragging himself away, he padded across the ground, back to the small fire he had prepared.

Yahiko had managed to get up decent this morning, and let out a wide yawn as he stepped out into the early morning light. "Morning Kenshin." Kenshin smiled, over the pot, "Good morning Yahiko, its nice to see that you are up before we sat down to eat." Yahiko scowled through sleepiness and plopped down, scratching his tousled hair.

Kaoru appeared just mere seconds before Kenshin finished cooking, smelling fresh and clean as the morning dewdrops on the grass beneath their feet. It filled Kenshin with a sort of reassurance, I can keep them safe. Kaoru smiled, "Is breakfast ready?" "Hai," Kenshin replied, "In a few more minutes."

**(The day Passes….A/N Lame I know….but I was having writers block, I may repost…)**

"Wow!" Kaoru exclaimed, hitching up the hem of her Kimono as Kenshin, Yahiko and herself made a trip to the Akabeko for dinner. Kenshin smiled, and looked over at her, his hands tucked protectively in his Gi, "What is it Miss Kaoru?" Kaoru shook her head, "Its just Quite odd, Sano hasn't come lingering around, he's usually here from lunch till dinner."

Yahiko brought his hands down from behind his head, "Yeah, Where is Sanosuke?" Kenshin shook his head and stared at the road ahead of him, "I'm not sure Yahi..ko…"

"Kenshin what is it?" Kaoru followed his eyes forward and gasped. Hanami was walking down the street. Kenshin could never miss those long tails of black hanging down Hanami's back that were very well unmasked, as was the Koketsu, which she carried loosely in her grip.

Karou's brow knitted in confusion as they neared the Akabeko. Before she could say anything, Miss Tae greeted them, "Good Evenin'!" Kenshin smiled respectfully as Miss Tae led them to a place to sit, "Just the three of you?" Kaoru nodded, "Yes Miss Tae." Miss tae nodded and hurried away with their orders.

"Kenshin, that was Hanami Wasn't it?" Kaoru asked. Kenshin nodded sully, part of his brain wondered where she was headed, and why she hadn't turned….it wasn't like Hanami not to sense his chi. "I wonder where she off too…" Kaoru prodded. Kenshin shook his head again, "Maybe she is heading somewhere to train." Kenshin reassured himself, Hanami always had to be the strongest…always. Is that why I fell in love with her? Is-

He was interrupted as Miss Tae brought them their drinks and sat down, folding the tray in her lap, "Are you talking about Miss Hanami Seijun?" Kaoru nodded, "Yes, do you know anything about her?" Miss Tae nodded, "She comes here sometimes, and I've noticed that its normally when Mr. Sanosuke is here. I've heard things about her too. Supposedly she's working at that new Tavern just uptown. I think she does entertainment, something she brought from her country." Miss tae smiled, "Its hard to believe that she's from another country, she fits right in doesn't she?"

Kenshin nodded, his eyes narrowing. Hanami does entertainment? I hope its not…No…Hanami wouldn't do that. Besides, its something from her country, it cant be anything too unfamiliar… They ate their meal in complete silence, save for the occasional smack, and slurp from the rude boy eating with them, and the…few..times Kaoru gave him a whack for it.


Sanosuke sat in the middle of the Dojo floor, damn them, they'd gone to Dinner with out him. He shrugged it off, he'd been to the Akabeko earlier that evening. He knew very well that Kenshin was probably wondering what had happened, and the others were now equally as worried, since he'd made it a point not to show his face that day.

He hadn't wanted to explode on Kenshin, especially with Kaoru and Yahiko there. It would have been quite a scene. Instead, he spent his day, wandering aimlessly, loading up on Sake, deciding how to approach Kenshin on the tender subject, and bring up Hanami, without getting ruthlessly pissed at him for leaving such a frail creature. Ruthlessly pissed…Now he was glad that he kept enough head to wait until he was sober to come confront the Red-headed Rurouni.

Kenshin had left the girl as though she were…worthless. And this angered him. From the beginning he'd said that girls being pushed around pissed him off. He had the feeling that Kenshin as well knew this, and he probably knew what Hanami would tell him.

Sanosuke stopped for a second to ponder another thought, What if Hanami had just told a sap story? A story to get someone to side with her… He quickly shook the thought away, she had been serious, those tears were not fake, and that pitiful moan for the petit red-headed samurai still clutched at his heart. He could still feel her, pressed close against him, and while the thought began an uncertain heat pooling at the base of his spine, he remembered comforting her, while those, dry, agonizing sobs racked that small, strong, frail being.

He clenched his fists. I still don't know everything…So I shouldn't do anything drastic to Kenshin. He heard their footsteps come up to the dojo, joined by the cheery laughter of the three. I wont do anything harmful… Kenshin was first to enter the dojo.

"Oh hi Sa-" Kenshin's violet eyes grew wide in astonishment as the lanky fighter for hire pushed to his feet and faced him, venom in his eyes, "Why did you do it?"

"Oro?!" Kenshin exclaimed softly, falling back a step or two. Sanosuke clenched his fist, "Don't you `oro' me Kenshin, you know perfectly well what I'm talking about. Hanami!" He spat, "Why did you hurt her like that!? I know you well enough Kenshin, and I know that you knew how frail and weak that woman's heart is! No matter how tough she may seem on the outside!"

Kaoru rushed in with Yahiko, "Kenshin, Sanosuke! What's going on?" Kenshin sighed and looked down at the floorboards, "Her sadness is what fuels her anger, and her hunger to kill me, that it does. I was afra-" Sanosuke sighed and waved the Rurouni off, "Forget it…I was wrong, you don't know anything about her."

Kenshin glanced up malice in his eyes, "What does that mean Sanosuke? You don't think I know my own lover?!" "Lover from the past! The one you left behind!" Kenshin clenched his fists, "I know her like-" "Like shit." Sanosuke filled in, "You don't know everything that is going on in her heart, she aches for you Kenshin, I could tell from that pitiful little cry that escaped her throat last night when she ran into me. Wanting to Kill you is just a mask for the Goddess Of Death to hide behind, a mask that's beginning to fade." Sanosuke sighed.

Kenshin was shocked, "I.." Kaoru looked from one man to the other, "I don't understand, I thought for sure you had gone after her for a another fight Sanosuke." Sanosuke smirked, "That's what it was supposed to be…The world is full of little surprises…" Leaving it at that, he walked out into the darkness, but not before Kenshin noticed the light crimson on the fighters nose. It was blatant, undisguised, he had a crush.

Kenshin stood, utterly helpless in the middle of the dojo floor, "Hanami, if you'd only tell me…"

A/N: Alright…this chapter was defiantly not one of my strong points…-_-`' A little OOCness does a story good. ^-^ Oh well. So…where has Sanosuke gone, and where was Hanami headed when Kenshin and the others spotted her during the earlier evening?? To the tavern, or somewhere else? And just what is her `American' entertainment? Stay tuned for chapter six!