Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Rumors Start, where do they end? ❯ It's not what it seems ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Rumors Start, where do they end?
By Ohagi-chan
Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or its characters.
Author's Notes: Hi minna-san! Don't worry this is not an alternate pairing fan fiction. Since we have that cleared up onward to the story!
Chapter 1: It's not what it seems.
(Night time at Sano's home)
“Are you sure you accept Sanosuke?” Kaoru asked worriedly.
“Don't worry Jou-chan, I accept!” Sanosuke lazily leaned on the wall.
Kaoru looked doubtful, “Okay Sano do you have the list I gave you?”
“Of course Jou-chan. But why do we have to do things in order though?”
Kaoru's left eye twitched a little. “Of course you don't understand baka! WE HAVE TO OR ELSE EVERYTHING WILL GO WRONG! BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA!”
“Jou-chan relax a little, okay? Everything will work out.” Sano grinned at her.
“Well, I guess you're right. It's just that, what if they don't like our big surprise?” Kaoru fidgeted.
“Don't worry, everything will go according to plan. Just don't tell Kenshin or the others yet. Promise?”
“Sure, just don't tell Megumi, okay roosterhead?”
“I got to go back to the dojo before Kenshin starts to overreact again.” Kaoru walked out of Sano's house and headed towards the dojo.
(Near the Kamiya Dojo)
`I hope they like our surprise.'
Before Kaoru knew it she was past the dojo gates and inside her house.
“Kaoru-dono, where were you?” asked a familiar voice.
Kaoru was too busy thinking she didn't notice the red head rurouni sitting on the porch in front of her.
“Kaoru-dono, what's wrong?” Kenshin asked sternly.
“Oh uh, nothing Kenshin, heheheh, I was just uh daydreaming, yeah daydreaming!” Kaoru tried to fake a smile.
“Aa. Kaoru-dono.”
`Is it me or did I just see a speckle of amber? I hope not! It'll ruin the plan! Arrghh! Not now, please battousai just stay in a little longer.'
Kaoru was the very image of a very, very guilty person.
`You can't lie to me Kaoru my dear, I've seen many men in the Bakumatsu. No keep those thoughts back to myself. I'm scaring her!'
“Hello Ken-san and tanuki-chan!” Shouted Megumi in fox mode. “OHOHOHOHOH!”
“Hey Kenshin! Hey Jou-chan!” Sanosuke yelled as he strode over to Kaoru.
“Hey Jou-chan meet me in your room.” He whispered.
“Hai.” She whispered back.
Megumi and Kenshin looked curiously and jealously at the two.
(In Kaoru's room)
“Okay tomorrow we'll start the list!” Kaoru said secretly.
“Hai, we'll start tomorrow!” Sano agreed.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* (^_^x)
(Outside on the porch)
Yahiko was coming out of the dojo from his training, when he plopped down on the porch and saw a list.
`Huh? What's this?'
He picked up the list and looked at it. It said:
Sanosuke and Kaoru's list of things to do together:
1.) Go to the Akabeko
2.) Pick out flowers
3.) Go to the river to see the fireflies
4.) Practice love speech (A.N. To whom I wonder. . .)
`Oh no I got to show this to Kenshin!' Yahiko immediately scrambled off to find Kenshin.
Kenshin of course was in his room doing who knows what.
“Come in Yahiko!”
`It's so cool that he can tell it's me without even looking at me.'
He slowly opened the shoji and walked in. He then closed the shoji so no one heard their conversation.
`Gulp! I hope he won't go beserk on Sanosuke.' Yahiko began to sweat in nervousness.
`Yahiko is nervous I wonder why.'
Kenshin changed his big violet eyes to narrow violet slits, not battousai yet though.
Yahiko could only stare. `What if he gets furious and starts to. . . No Kenshin would never do that! Or would he?'
“Kenshin, when I give you this please don't be angry!” Yahiko handed him the list he had found on the porch, and bent his head so he wouldn't see Kenshin's reaction.
Kenshin had scanned the list several times and had burned in fury. `How dare my best friend do this to me? Take my Kaoru! He will die a painful death!'
Kenshin had risen from his seating position, “Yahiko where did you find this?” Kenshin commanded rather then asked politely.
“At the porch, sir.” Yahiko was so terrified that he was quivering.
Author's Notes: How do you like it minna-san? Is it good or not? Should I continue or not? I've got plans with this fan fiction but it all depends on you guys! I know I promised a while ago that I would start a sequel for `Flames of Courage' but I haven't thought of anything yet. Also check out my other one-shot `In the Shadows, lurking. . . . .' If I get a lot more requests (or at least one good review) I'll start another chapter! I'll try to get the next chapter on as soon as I can! Sayonara till next time!
- Ohagi-chan