Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Rumors Start, where do they end? ❯ Are you lying to me? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Rumors Start, where do they end?
By Ohagi-chan
Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or its characters.
Author's Notes: Hi minna-san! Don't worry this is not an alternate pairing fan fiction. Since we have that cleared up onward to the story!
Chapter 2: Are you lying to me?
(Still in Kaoru's room)
“Hey Jou-chan, let's go to the Akabeko now!” Sanosuke stood up.
“Well, okay I guess we should start early?” Kaoru shrugged.
“C'mon Jou-chan!” Sanosuke was already out of her room.
`Eager BAKA!' “Hai, let's go.”
Sanosuke and Kaoru left the dojo and headed towards the Akabeko.
(Meanwhile with Kenshin, Yahiko and Megumi)
“What this can't be true!” exclaimed Megumi.
“Aa, but it is Megumi-dono.” replied a cold and harsh voice.
Megumi was to busy being heart broken to care about Kenshin's demeanor.
`I know that we always bicker, but I thought he truly had loved me. Tanuki you're going to pay!'
“SO WHAT DO WE DO?” questioned a curious Yahiko.
“We confront them, that's what.” Kenshin growled and then gazed at the young boy.
`Maybe I should go somewhere right now? Looks like there's going to be a major battle here, I better go! But how?'
(Kaoru and Sano heading back to the dojo)
There was a deadly silence.
5 minutes later.
“Jou-chan, Jou-chan calm down okay! I'm sure the plan isn't completely ruined.” He tried to cheer her up, but as you can see it was not working one bit.
“SANOSUKE SAGARA! Hmph!” She practically shoved the door open.
There was Kenshin sitting on the porch with his bangs covering his eyes, and next to him was Yahiko with a face that practically said `You big traitor!'
Kaoru and Sanosuke were completely and utterly shocked.
Kaoru and Sanosuke looked at each other, each of their faces questioning the same thing `What the heck is going on here!'
Step, step.
Then there was Megumi that appeared on the porch. She glared so hard that Sanosuke and Kaoru thought, that there was a hole appearing on each of their bodies, because her glare was full of hate and hurt.
Yahiko got up and said, “I'm going to go on a walk.” He immediately walked out of the dojo.
Megumi looked like she was going to burst into tears. “I'm going to back to the clinic.” She abruptly walked away, but not forgetting to glare at the two (Sano and Kaoru).
`I have a bad feeling in my gut.' Kaoru thought as beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead.
`Why hasn't Kenshin said anything yet?' Sano was questioning to himself.
Kenshin slowly moved his head up so his bangs weren't in the way of his eyes. There it was, two narrow golden amber slits glaring at SANOSUKE.
Kenshin began to growl like a wild animal, just about to kill its prey.
`Gulp! I'm dead now aren't I?' Sanosuke blinked.
Kaoru just stared at the battousai.
Kenshin turned his gaze over towards Kaoru. His gaze had hate, sadness, and betrayal in it.
`Why does he look so hurt? Did I do something wrong? Kenshin looks heartbroken and shattered, what happened?' Tears swelled up in her eyes. `I want to comfort him, but it looks like he hates me for something that I don't know I did!'
“Ken- shin.” She sobbed.
Kenshin just started intently in her face. `Why is she crying? Does she realize that she had made a mistake? Or what if Sanosuke did something to hurt her and scar her for life!'
Kenshin turned his glare to Sanosuke. “Sanosuke, what did you do to Kaoru? You better not have touched one little hair on her head, or else you will suffer!” He said in his most harshest and unforgiving voice.
Sanosuke just blinked. `Okay, how do I get out of this?'
Kaoru was just shocked. `Kenshin just threatened his best friend! I got to do something before he pummels Sanosuke to oblivion.'
Kaoru had to force herself to move, just an inch. `Okay here it goes.' “Kenshin,” she managed to squeak out, “Sanosuke didn't harm me in anyway, okay.”
Kenshin still didn't budge, but he did shift his eyes, and now they were looking directly into hers. “Kaoru, you had better be telling the truth.” he threatened.
Kaoru looked like she was going to die at that exact moment. `How do I get Sano out of this?' She looked around, `What can I use to actually distract Kenshin?'
“Sanosuke, you can go now. Don't worry I can handle this.” she tried to sound confident, but failed to do so miserably.
Sanosuke only nodded his head up and down.
Author's Notes: Review if you can. ::sigh:: This story stinks, I can tell. I just updated for those who still actually wanted to read this boring fan fiction. ::sigh::