Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Fire ❯ Angel's Secret ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Winter Fire
Chapter Two - Angel's Secret
Beta-read by: Human Chew Toy
Something drew Kaoru to wakefulness in the wee hours of the night. She could hear the snores of her brother coming from his room on the other side of the wall. Outside, she could here the dull roar of the storm Mother Nature had thrown at them. Then she remembered the guest sleeping on the couch nearby. Kaoru had decided to sleep on the floor in the living room just in case Mr. Himura happened to wake and needed something. Come to think of it, between the storm and Yahiko's snoring, she couldn't hear a thing from the injured man.
A lump of dreadful fear formed in the pit of Kaoru's stomach as she got up to go check on Kenshin. Quietly, she padded over and knelt next to the couch. She held her breath as she reached in to check the pulse point on the side of his neck. To her relief, she felt both a slow but steady pulse and deep, even breaths move through his windpipe. His skin also felt healthy warm beneath her fingertips. The breath she'd held left her lungs with a great whoosh of profound relief.
Smiling, Kaoru removed the nearly dry wash rag from Kenshin's forehead. She set it on the end table then gently laid her palm against the flesh upon above his brow. Again, the skin felt warm yet not too hot. She counted her blessings that he hadn't contracted a fever from his ordeal.
`This Kenshin must be someone of extraordinary willpower to hang on throughout all of this and turn out so well despite the odds against him,' she thought to herself as her fingers traveled through his mass of matted crimson bangs. Her eyes caught site of the faint gold sheen created by the fading fire light. Frowning, she turned to go stoke the fire with another couple of logs. Unbeknownst to her, the young man's cinnamon brow furrowed in the wake of her absence. By the time she turned back around, the sign was gone.
Wind caused the cabin to shudder as Kaoru made her way back over to her sleeping bag. Sitting down, she wrapped the cover over her feet, but leaned against the wall instead of laying back down. Now, as the fire filled the room with a cozy warmth and amber glow, she at last had some time to gaze at her guest without the embarrassing presence of her little brother.
Patches of bruises varying in color from pink to deep purple were splotched over his skin that she could now see normally held a moderate tan. Kenshin obviously spent some time out in the bright California sun. Contrasting against the bruise-blotched caramel skin was the blood crimson locks of his hair that was currently matted and grimy from the horrific events leading up to his arrival into her care. Now, as the abundant amber light of the fire spilled over his form, the strands of hair glimmered brilliantly passionate scarlet and rich gold. Kaoru was mildly surprised when she found herself having subconsciously crossed the space between them. Her fingers dipped of their own accord to again run amuck in that mess of crimson.
`What is it with me? I don't even know this guy, haven't even seen him truly awake yet, and my fingers have grown addicted to playing with his hair! Get a grip on yourself, Kaoru!' she scolded herself, reluctantly pulling her hand back. Though compelled to stay where she was, Kaoru Kamiya forced herself to return to her sleeping bag on the floor by the wall leading to Yahiko's room. This time, as she was laying herself down to sleep, out of the corner of her eye, she did notice a twitch of movement on the stranger's face.
Kaoru bolted upright to watch him closely. When he didn't move, she decided to softly call out to him, “Mr. Himura?”
Her call got no response. Outside, the wind gave one of its mighty howls as it moved through the forested mountain side the cabin sat on. Again, the cabin shook as it stood defiant against Mother Nature's wrath. Apparently some part of the sound and vibration made its way through to Kenshin's world as his face drew into a grimace and a soft moaning grunt of groggy complaint issued from his throat. Kaoru wasted no time in getting to his side once again.
“Kenshin? Can you hear me?” she asked again. The expression on his face faded away as he drew back lax once again. Frowning, Kaoru reached out to let her fingers wander through his bangs and gently caress his cheek and brow. “Kenshin Himura, please try to wake up for me,” she continued to plead.
For a long time, the man called Kenshin Himura floated in a world of pitch black. There was no direction nor action nor sensation. Just unending oblivion.
`Is this what it's like to die?' he wondered idly to himself. `Am I dead? I must be. I feel nothing. I sense nothing.'
Kenshin thought for a long while, forcing bits of memory back to recollection. `I remember.. I saw white amidst darkness. I felt nothing but numbing cold. But, in that whiteness, someone was there. I heard a voice call out to me. It was feminine and beautiful. I remember one moment where I saw her face in perfect clarity. She had raven hair and eyes resembling the deepest of oceans. Her skin was creamy and brushed with a rosy blush across her cheeks and nose.'
The sight of her caused a warm feeling to blossom somewhere within him. His spirit smiled at the memory of her, `If I am dead, then she must have been an angel. But.. what angel would want to approach this cursed soul with hands stained crimson from bloodshed? Why did she come to me? Why?'
Kenshin felt himself fall back into oblivion for what seemed like eternity and a mere moment wrapped into one. Then, to his surprise, he began to feel. Two sensations filled his being. One was a feeling of being blissfully warm. The other was a throbbing pain that grew steadily stronger and covered his entire form. Some places hurt worse than others. To he who thought himself dead, this was indeed a curious thing.
`Am I finally burning in Hell where I belong?' he asked himself. He paid more attention to the feelings. `No. This warmth, it doesn't burn. It feels.. nice. If I'm not in Hell, then where am I? And why am I pained as I am?' He groaned in irritation at the inability to answer this question.
After a short bit, a third sensation made itself known to him. Kenshin couldn't be sure, but if felt as though someone were touching him. `It feels.. like fingers.. petting my head. Like a mother watching over her child. Who is it?'
Kenshin put up an effort to fight against the darkness, seeking to answer his unending questions. At first, the darkness was unyielding, but then it gave way just a tiny bit. As it did so, a few of its secrets became revealed to him. Next came to him the sense of smell. He could smell a soft feminine scent that smelled like a mix of meadow, vanilla cream, and flannel. Somewhere mixed in with it was a musty smell mixed with the smell of timber burning in a hearth. It filled Himura with a blissful calming serenity. No longer did he feel anxious, irritable, nor worried for his welfare. He was surrounded by things that made him feel at peace. Except for the fact that the pain was still there.
`What is wrong with me?' he wondered once again. The moving fingers left and Kenshin found himself frowning in a sense of loss. `Where did they go? Why did they stop?' Sighing, he resigned himself to living without the touch he'd been enjoying moments ago. Yet, something else now told him someone was clearly watching him. Who, he still had no clue. But then again, he had no way of asking yet either. Nothing he ever said seemed to reach them.
A short time later, Kenshin sensed that someone's slow approach. Once again, those fingers resumed their ministrations. `Have I always yearned so much to simply be touched?' he asked himself. Yet no matter how hard he thought on the matter, he could not remember. All too soon, the touching stopped again. `Either stay or go. Make up your damn mind!' Kenshin's mind protested, wishing the fingers would stay.
Then, to his surprise, sound began to register in his ears. He heard the sound of a crackling fire. Somewhere beyond something muffling, he heard someone snoring. Then, to add to the fray, just beyond whatever structure he was in, he heard wind howling and rattling window panes. Objects sounded and timbers popped as vibrations rippled through the abode. `A storm? Do they have storms in the world of the dead?'
A greater trembling of the building caused whatever Kenshin was laying on to jitter. That action instantly sent waves of pain from numerous angered points washing through him. Kenshin involuntarily winced with a moaning cry. `Why does it hurt so damn much? Am I really dead after all?'
Somewhere, someone gasped and came padding over to him. He heard the rustle of clothing as that someone knelt beside him. Then he heard that same female voice calling his name. Hear as he may, he could not get himself to respond. Growing tired for a moment, Kenshin let himself relax. A moment later, those torturously wonderful fingers returned to brush through his hair and gently caress his face. Though, this time, he became aware that places on his face were sore as well. Again, that voice called out to him, saying his name while pleading for him to respond. Tired of growing more questions instead of gaining answers, Kenshin Himura began to fight against the blackness with renew vigor.
Kaoru continued to lightly play her fingers over the man's face and tangled hair. She wondered how it was possible that her heartbeat alone wasn't waking him let alone her brother in the next room with how hard it drummed in her ears. She moved her hand to her heart as if such action could cause it to be quiet. Of course, it didn't. Then a soft raspy whisper drew her complete attention. She realized immediately, Kenshin had said something. But it had been so quiet and garbled she couldn't make out a word of it.
“Say again. I couldn't quite understand. Please?”
“Don't.. stop,” came the raspy barely audible words again. This time, they were just clear enough to where she could make out what he was saying.
“Don't stop? Wha- Oh!” Kaoru blushed profusely when she realized what he'd meant. “I'm sorry. Please tell me if I touch something too tender,” she told him as she bashfully let her fingers obey his request. “Can you tell me how you feel? Does it hurt very much?”
For a long minute, he didn't answer. Kaoru was beginning to think he'd fallen back to sleep when his whisper surprised her again, “Yes. S-sometimes.”
“Sometimes it hurts a lot?” she asked, trying to confirm what he meant.
Again it took him a moment to answer, but still he answered, “Yes.”
That question took Kaoru by surprise. “Why what?” she asked with a confused expression.
“I'm.. dead. Why.. do I.. hurt? And feel.. good too?” his voice got stronger the more it was used, but it was obvious to her that speaking came with great effort. The meaning of his words sunk in to deal Kaoru a rather jarring shock.
“Kenshin, you're not dead. You came close to dying, but by luck and whatever great strength you possess, you're not dead!” she told him firmly. “You hurt because you're badly injured. Though I have no idea what caused it.”
That confession seemed to have spoke to the man the loudest, for at this point, he forced his eyes to open. Though glassy and dazed, those deep indigo orbs sought her out. She gasped and smiled to him when his pained gaze locked onto her.
“See?” she fished his right hand out of the thick shell of blankets and clasped it in the both of her own. “You're very much alive. Though, your wounds are pretty bad, I patched them as best I could. You're conscious and have no fever, which means no infection thus far. I think you've made it through the worst of it.”
Kenshin let his eyes close for a moment as Kaoru could see him relax in a sign of relief. She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. Though sluggish, the hand squeezed back, letting her know he was still awake and aware.
“Where?” came the next whispered question.
“You're in a cabin in the mountains in Washington. We've got a bad snowstorm moving through, that's why it's so loud outside. No doubt, we'll all be stranded for a few days because of it. But, I happened to have been coming back from picking up supplies when I found you out on the road, so we should be fine till then.”
“Oh,” his answer was short and simple. Kaoru found herself not quite happy with it.
“Do you think you can handle drinking some tea if I make it? I can give you some meds for the pain if you can manage it.”
“I can.. try.”
“Okay. I'm going to go put the water on to boil. I'll be right back. I promise.”
Kaoru got a grunt for a reply. She gently released his hand to get up and stride into the kitchen. There, she quickly filled a kettle with water and set it on the propane stove to heat. The moment she was done, she returned to Kenshin's side. “I gather that it's hard, but try to keep with me until the tea is done. Talk to me. Do you remember what happened to you?”
“No. I remember.. darkness. Then white.. and cold. And you. That's.. that's it,” he confessed. Kaoru blushed. He seemed to weakly smile at her for it, though she had no idea why. Quickly, she moved on, brushing the incident aside.
“You mean outside? When I found you in the road?”
“I think so.”
“Okay. Yes, you were really cold when I got to you. I was scared that the cold might kill you if the bleeding didn't. But you seem to carry a great fighting strength with you,” she told him with a smile as she let her fingers run through his hair in a gesture she knew he found soothing. This time, though still weakly, he truly did smile at her.
“Thank you. For saving me. Though, I question.. whether I deserve it,” he told her. He hadn't meant to speak the latter part, but it just slipped out of its own accord. Well, what was done was done. He sighed, then winced at a brief flare of pain the movement created in his side.
“Don't talk like that,” she gently scolded. Then she smiled, “I'm more than happy to have leant a hand. Everyone needs it every once in a while. This is my good deed for the year. So Santa Claus can come bring me that camera I want so badly.”
He opened his eyes to look at her as what sounded suspiciously like an “oro” slipped out of his mouth. Kaoru blinked then giggled at him. A smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth, “You're silly.”
“Hey, my friend Megumi says humor is the best medicine in the world,” Kaoru grinned gleefully. She could feel the blush back on her cheeks, but for some odd reason, she was beyond caring for the moment. In the next moment, the tea kettle started its whistle. “Oh! I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!” she piped, though still trying to keep quiet enough as to not wake the snoring twelve year old in the next room.
Kenshin blinked. “Sure, I won't…” he paused briefly to hiss at another annoying flare of pain,” …go anywhere. Unless Santa's.. become a taxi driver.”
Kaoru took the kettle off the burner then turned to look at him. She chortled at his own display of whit even while enduring agonizing pain from his injuries. As she poured the water into a couple of waiting cups, the thought occurred to her the level of intelligence he was using despite how scrambled his mind was at the moment. `This guy just gets more and more intriguing,' she thought to herself as she set the kettle aside and fished out a pill from the five remaining in a bottle of Tylenol 3. She was thankful she'd thought enough to save a few from Yahiko's last incident for just such an occasion. She set the cups and pill on a TV tray then carried the tray into the living room.
Upon reaching the couch, she set the tray on the floor then knelt down. Glancing around, she gathered several throw pillows. Having watched her, Kenshin was on the same page and attempting to sit up when she returned with the pillows. She smiled and stuffed them carefully behind him. Her heart ached at watching him wince from the pain his moving invoked, “I'm sorry. Hopefully by tomorrow, it'll be a bit better for you.”
“It's.. okay. I'm - I can.. handle it,” he answered between pants from exertion. Though memory was still a bit hard to grasp through the miasma of pain, instinct forced him to change the manner in which he answered her. `Only tell her what she needs to know and give no reason for her to suspect anything,' a lurking serious side to his mind told him. He obliged to comply.
“Here, this should ease the pain a bit. I managed to save some Tylenol 3 from when Yahiko broke his leg last year. Living out here, one never knows when stuff like this will become handy. Life is funny about throwing curveballs like this isn't it?” she chattered as she held out the pill and the cup. With her assistance he downed the pill with a few sips of tea. Though she made him keep his consumption of the substance slow, the cup was still emptied before long.
Kenshin relaxed against the pillows enjoying the warm wet feeling the tea made within him. His stomach was obviously happy about having finally received something in the way of nourishment. “That felt good,” he voiced.
“I'm glad,” Kaoru grinned as she sipped her drink.
Kenshin suddenly frowned at an occurring thought, “How did - How did you.. know my name?”
“My little brother, Yahiko, found your wallet and drivers license in what was left of your clothes when I was tending to your wounds. I'm sorry to say, but I had to cut most of the clothing off to avoid aggravating your wounds. But Yahiko found some of our Dad's old clothes to put you in for now,” Kaoru said, talking fast out of embarrassment when she got to the part about the fate of his clothes. She averted her eyes as she felt that awful blush scorch her cheeks and drank her tea in gulps. A soft repressed sound met her ears causing her to look up. Though it pained him, he was laughing at her out right in soft chuckles that somehow stoked a small flame inside her.
“And.. your name would be?” he arched a crimson brow at her as he inquired.
“Oh my god! How could I be so stupid?! I'm so sorry. Please forgive my rudeness!” she babbled, managing to blush still more. “My name's Kaoru Kamiya.”
“Pretty name. It suits you,” he answered honestly.
“Th-thank you. I like yours too,” she stuttered. suddenly feeling awkward. Inside, Kenshin wondered just how many more shades she was capable of blushing at this point. Though, for some reason, he didn't really care in the end. He found it seemed to make her all the more radiant as the delusional moment he first saw her out in the snow.
“So it's just.. you and your brother here, I take it?”
“Yeah. Our parents passed away a few years ago. I took the money we had and moved us out here away from all the human chaos. I homeschool my brother and make money off of paintings and photographs I create from the local scenery. It's not easy, but I'm not sure I would want to live any other way than out enjoying nature's paradise.”
“Wow. I'm sorry. To hear about your parents, I mean. Although, it seems as though you've really taken life by the horns. You've made something worthy of being proud of,” he told her. Already, he could feel the medicine he'd taken kicking in and dulling some of the pain. Just that much made it easier for him to speak his mind. Though, he knew it wouldn't be long before exhaustion knocked him out. He couldn't care less. Sitting here conversing with her felt insanely good at the moment, and he wasn't about to waste any of it.
“Thank you. I do certainly try.”
“As long as you try your best, that's all that really matters. You have some amazing strength yourself, going through that, taking on so much responsibility, and doing so well with it. How many people would have been able.. to do what you did for me today?”
Again, Kaoru blushed at his generous compliments, “I took a few classes on first aid a couple of years ago. Then, one of my girlfriends is an excellent doctor. She taught me a few things as well.”
“So, you knew where and who to go to in order to prepare yourself for this. I call that being damn smart.”
“You're feeling better, aren't you?” Kaoru laughed, trying to turn the attention off herself, hoping that the blush on her face hadn't become permanent.
“Yes, I am. Thank you,” he smiled, amused by her modesty.
“I'm glad. If there's anything else you need, please let me know. At any time. I've camped out over there for the night just so I could be around should you need anything.”
It was Kenshin's turn to blush, “Thank you. That's very kind of you. Though, I'm fine for now.” His wondering eyes caught sight of a clock on the counter in the kitchen and he realized just how late it was: 3:43 in the morning. Guilt and sorrow at ending the chitchat so soon filled his belly, “I'm keeping you up when you probably have things to do tomorrow. I'm sorry.”
“Oh, no. Not to worry. I don't mind it a bit. Besides, what else are little brothers for?” she responded with a gleeful grin, causing Kenshin to chuckle softly. “And with all that snow, we're not exactly going to Disney Land anyway, so it really isn't a biggie. As long as you're comfortable, I'm happy.”
“Well, earlier when I had less of my mind functioning, had it not been for the pain, I would have thought myself in heaven. Complete with one diligent angel watching over me. So, I can assure you, I'm quite comfortable,” he admitted. He frowned when he saw tears welling in her eyes. “Wha-“
“I'm glad you're all right. I know I've only just met you, and back when I was patching you up, you were still a stranger. But, if you'd died while you were here, I..” her words died as she found herself unable to speak the rest of that thought. Kenshin, bizarre as it was, felt a fluttering of shock within him. Just as her smile and sweet blush warmed him, tears in her eyes didn't sit well with him at all. Abandoning thoughts of why for now, he simply acted on instinct, which brought him to use his uninjured right arm to gently embrace her in a consoling manner.
“It's okay. Thanks to you, I'll be fine, Kaoru. Please don't cry. You're much prettier when you smile,” he whispered softly into her ear. His compliment did its job in bringing a smile back to her face.
“Are you always this charming to the girls you meet?”
Kenshin chuckled with a grin as his arm released her, “Not usually, no. I try to be polite, but that doesn't always work.”
“Heh, yeah. I bet you have to beat the fan girls off of you with a stick,” she grinned.
“In Santa Monica, pointing behind them and saying, `Oh, it's Brad Pitt!' tends to work better,” he laughed.
“That's evil. I love it!” Kaoru giggled along. “Speaking of which, Santa Monica is a long way from here. Is there anyone out there you recall the need to get in contact with?”
“No. Not at present.”
“Okay. That one had been bugging me since we brought you in,” she said with a serious pondering look as though she were trying to think of anything else she should ask. Suddenly, her attention was diverted back to Kenshin as she felt calloused fingers brush the last of her tears away from her eyes.
“Words can't say how much I appreciate your kindness. There aren't enough people like you in this awful world. I consider myself fortunate to have wound up where you would find me,” he said softly with a strange emotion in his indigo eyes that seemed to swallow her up like miniature twilight skies.
“Can you remember anything more about the accident yet, or is it still foggy?”
“No. Nothing but your arrival,” he replied, shaking his head gently. “I remember actually thinking you were an angel at the time,” he said with a tender smile on his face. “Actually, truth be known, I still consider you one. You not only made me aware that I'm not dead, you saved my life.”
“I can't help but lend aid to those who need it,” Kaoru told him as she felt her face light up with a new touch of rose.
“You're all the more angelic and beautiful for it,” he whispered as he admired the color upon her face. The next then he knew, his lips were brushing hers as his eyes fluttered closed. The kiss, as gentle as it was, sent tiny sparks through the both of them. Having never imagined such a feeling could come from a simple kiss, Kaoru moaned softly as she became putty in his renewed embrace. By the time they broke, her mind had left her as dazed as he had been.
“We should.. get some sleep,” he mumbled, though still warring with himself to let go of her warm body. `How could I have known her only this long and already be so damn addicted? She's worse than opium!'
“Uh-huh,” came Kaoru's automatic answer.
Kenshin smiled as he grew lethargic and leaned over to press a kiss to her forehead, “Good night, Kaoru.”
“G'night,” she mumbled back as he let her go. She wandered back over to her sleeping bag and climbed in. She turned on her side to watch him, but a minute didn't pass before sleep had stolen her away.
`I'll have to try kissing her again when I have more strength,' he noted mentally before settling in to sleep some more himself. That night, his dreams became filled with a meadow smelling angel rather than the usual blood-filled nightmares he was use to.
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Penguine's Piece
Because I post my stories simultaneously on two different sites, I find it easiest list replies to both sites on the same file. FFnet replies always come first followed by MMorg. Though, this time there weren't any reviews from MMorg, so that section has been left off until someone does send in a review on that site.
FFnet Review Replies:
Anonymous: You gots a name? -lol- I'm not sure how I would do if I were in that situation, personally. I handle human injuries better than animal ones though, so maybe. Needles don't really bother me unless it's ME they're poking. Then I get nervous. I do NOT like IVs. Nope, nope, nope!
1kenshinlover: Heh! Wait `til ya get to chapter 3. ; )
rockandfly: Since I've now got 3, 4, and 5 completed, updates will be fairly soon. I just gotta give my beta time to read through them and point out where I've been stupid. -lol-
MyImaginaryInuyasha: Hello again! -glompies- This story snuck up behind me last week and went WHAP! WRITE ME! I agree, a lot of the Kenshin stories are weird and/or poorly written. It's sad. : ( But I love Battousai and have been wanting to write something using him for a while now. So… bada-boom-bada-bing!
Human Chew Toy: How did you do that? You hit it almost right on the money! Are ya psychic or something? -giggles- You know, I've been rather cold myself through most of the writing of this. I spent the weekend sleeping down in the basement den while bombing out an invasion of mini red ants in my room. Plus it was rather cool over the weekend on top of that, so I had the fire place going half the time. Really got me into the mood.
I also give out thanks to the following other FFnet reviewers: wc girl, reignashii, LynGreenTea.