Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Fire ❯ Tempest ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Winter Fire
Chapter Three - Tempest
Beta-read by: Human Chew Toy
Fore-note: Mentioned in the following chapter is a Japanese blade called a wakizashi. The wakizashi is a short sword between 12 and 24 inches in length. It was worn by Japanese swordsmen in combination with the standard katana, a sword normally measuring between 24 and 30 inches in length. Collectively, the two swords are called a daishÅ, and are worn with the curve and blade angled upward.
Darkness reigned as the solitary figure crept its way through the grimy streets. A bitter wind, fore-telling the coming of winter, swept through the area, nipping at whatever flesh was unfortunate enough to be left vulnerable to its attack. The figure paused to adjust the collar of his thick wool-lined coat before continuing on his trek. It wasn't far now.
Up ahead, he sighted an alley between the four and five story brick buildings that lined the streets in this older and less tidy part of town. Speeding up, the figure slipped from shadow to shadow until he came upon the alley. Swiftly, he ducked in and down between a dumpster and a pile of busted crates and soggy cardboard boxes.
Himura took a long extra cautious moment to sweep his keen eyes of frigid blue over his environment, searching for any hint of danger or resistance to his coming. As expected, he found nothing save for a pair of rats and a black cat that stalked them some ways down the alley. Just behind the cat was the fire escape Himura planned to use as his method of entering the targeted apartment.
At his post, the one codenamed Battousai watched the cat carefully, waiting for his chance to get to the fire escape. Seeing as the cat was taking its good old time stalking the rats, Battousai decided to create a catalyst. Picking up several pebbles, he took careful aim and threw them at the rats. Finding themselves in a sudden rainstorm of rocks, the rats bolted for safe ground in a hole in the foundation of one of the buildings. The cat turned its eyes on him and hissed before streaking the other way out of the alley.
With the cat now out of the way, Battousai left his corner of concealment beside the dumpster and left side building wall. Silent as the grave, he leapt up to grab the ladder descending from the first landing of the fire escape. Swiftly, he began ascending the network of cold iron bars until he reached the fourth floor landing. There, he paused to once again take into consideration the condition of his surroundings. With no sound out of the ordinary, he continued his advance.
The glass in the window before him had already been broken long ago and sealed over with duct tape. Battousai withdrew his wakizashi from its sheath and used the blade tip to slice open the deteriorating tape. Sheathing the wakizashi, he slipped a pre-manipulated wire coat hanger out of his coat and stuck it through a hole in the broken glass, made once again available by the wakizashi. Once he had the tip inside, he angled it to snake upwards and back till the loop he'd made in the wire snagged on the window latch. Carefully, he pulled, hoping the latch would throw this first try. Strangely, it slid as though it were brand new and well oiled.
For now, Himura thought nothing of the bizarre occurrence as he retrieved his hanger and slipped it back into his jacket. Next, he again drew the wakizashi and slipped it through a crack in the glass, using the tip to make the crack wide enough for the blade to pass. He slid the blade in and up until it struck the underside of the latch. Finally, Himura gradually applied strength into the hilt until the windowpane began to slide upward in its track.
Once the window was open enough for his left hand to slide through, he used the hand to hold the window open while the right hand returned the wakizashi to its sheath. Next, he crept in through the window without a sound. On the other side, he grabbed the pot of a plant sitting on the sill and set it in the window to hold it open. Moving away from the window now, he slipped into the next phase of his mission: locating the target.
This phase was entirely simple as the sounds of the target's loud snoring gave away his location immediately. Brows settling into a line of both intimidation and calm, yet firm, determination, Battousai stalked through the shadows of the apartment to the wide open bedroom door. There, in the sea of blankets covering the bed was the target - sound asleep and completely ignorant of the predatory intruder now watching him.
Closing in on the target, Battousai padded silently into the room and over to the bedside. Staring down at the target with nonchalant contempt for he who had been damned by Himura's commander, Battousai placed his hand on the hilt of his katana before uttering words in a deep ominous voice of impending death, “By the decree of the leaders of this nation, you have been sentenced to death.”
A blur of cold bluish steel followed the conclusion of his short speech, giving the target not a chance to move a muscle let alone make a sound. The metallic smell of blood filled the air as blood sprayed across the bed and splattered the walls and ceiling in a gruesome masterpiece of murderous art. Yet, as Battousai went to leave his trademark singular fragrant sakura blossom in respectful prayer for he whom had just passed by Battousai's own blade, the room suddenly filled with light.
Blinking at the sudden brightness, Battousai looked around with a sneering look of shock and promise of death to those who dared to toy with him. What he found was a sea of faces, each of which he'd seen before, moments before his blade had ended their lives. Grinning grotesquely, they began to laugh at him while pointing to the body he'd just rendered lifeless.
“No! This can't be!” he shouted in sudden horror. “No! This isn't right! This isn't real! I had nothing to do with your deaths but the end! I was only doing my duty! Honest!” he pleaded as he watched them continue to laugh, only louder while still pointing. He turned to look at the body they pointed to. This time there was no blanket covering the body, and the body wasn't that of a fat, male, pompous spy. It was the body of his girlfriend, Tomoe Yukishiro.
Battousai's heart leapt into his throat as he let out a scream he barely and belatedly recognized as his own, “No! Tomoe! No!
He rushed to her side and plucked her up into his arms, clutching her limp, broken, and profusely bleeding body. Those whom he'd killed continue to roar in laughter at his misfortune as tears of sorrow, horror, and anguish streamed down his young face, which he could feel bleeding from a crisscross wound on his left cheek. “Tomoe,” he moaned. “I didn't mean to. I didn't know it was you. Please believe me! I didn't know it was you. I was after a spy,” he reasoned. “I must be going mad. I swear I saw his body in the bed when I swung my blade! I swear it! Oh gods, Tomoe!” he cried in complete and utter despair at her loss to his own ignorant bloodstained hands.
“No…” he muttered as he rocked her back and forth in his arms. “No,” he cried more forcefully as he hugged her tightly, shuddering as her blood continued to pour out, bathing him in crimson to match his hair. “” he panted as he rocked, the pain and stress still mounting. “No.. No… NOOOOOOOOOO!!!”
----------------------------------------------------------------- --
Kaoru awoke to a room bathed in morning sunlight. Yawning, she stretched then snuggled into her warm bedding with a contented smile. `Really now, it's too early to get up yet,' her mind reasoned as she let herself begin to drift back into the land of sleep.
Frowning at the soft sound that seemed an awful lot like someone whimpering the word “no”, Kamiya frowned as she rolled to glance in the direction the sound had come from. Instantly, she discovered what had truly woken her in the first place. It seemed as though Kenshin was in the middle of the throes of a particularly nasty dream. From where she lay, she could see the beads of sweat dotting his brow and rolling down his face when he tossed his head in protest to whatever was happening inside his mind.
“No!” this time, his voice was stronger, though tinged with nuances of what she could only describe as horror. He muttered a name she could not decipher then continued moaning the word “no” as he tossed as much as his injured body would allow on the couch.
“Kenshin!” Kaoru called out softly as she rose and dashed over to his side, attempting to wake him from the nightmare that ensnared him. Her words fell on deaf ears.
“No.. no…” his head continued to toss frantically as hands gripped the blankets with a white-knuckled death grip.

“Kenshi-“ Kaoru started as she reached out to grip his shoulders.
Yet before her hands touched him, he shot straight up in his make-shift bed, eyes snapping open to reveal a momentary startling brilliant amber as he screamed, “NOOO!”
“Kenshin! It's all right! You're all right. It was just a dream,” Kaoru told him as she gripped his shoulder and stroked his crimson hair. She shushed as she watched him adjust to the realization of waking from a mere nightmare. Now she was wondering if she'd even seen the amber at all as his eyes regarded her in a darkening blue that faded into indigo the more his mind cleared.
Outside, a new wave of winter tempest seemed to be rolling in as the wind rattled the cabin and snow ticked against the windows. From the sounds of Yahiko's snoring in the next room, Kaoru realized the noise of the storm had thankfully been enough to drown out Kenshin's voice. Thankful that her little brother wouldn't be interrupting just yet, Kaoru let herself relax as well. Shushing in a soothing voice, she gently pushed her injured guest back down against the pillows as he fought to catch his breath and wit.
“Good boy. Calm down. It's all right. It was just a dream. You're safe here. I promise. Shhhh,” she cooed. Kenshin's eyes closed for a minute, then slowly fluttered open anew.
“Sorry,” he muttered in a defeated tone.
“About what? There's nothing to be sorry about. Dreams are things we can do little about beyond simply waking from them. Everyone has them. It's nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Hush. I won't let you beat yourself up for something that isn't your fault!” she reprimanded softly. Kenshin blinked and looked at her in surprise. Though she couldn't for the life of her figure out why. The next thing she knew, his good right arm was pulling her down into a trembling embrace.
“Still, you selflessly save me, unknowing,” he whispered in an unsteady voice that for some strange reason sounded totally alien to this man. Kaoru was about to question him, but his continuing words stopped her, “Thank you. Angel… Kaoru.”
“Kenshin,” Kaoru whined in a voice filled with a tone of embarrassment as that signature blush bloomed in her cheeks once more. “Silly boy. I already told you, I'm more than happy to help. You're going to make me turn into a cherry tomato.” After short thought on her words, she added in a semi-serious tone, “Then Santa will entertain thoughts of eating me come Christmas instead of giving me that camera.”
Kenshin blinked incredulously. Then in a serious tone of his own, “Quit making Santa out to be a pervert. You know what they say. Leave him cheese.”
A quite fit of giggles erupted from the young woman he still held hostage against his chest. He felt her arms snake around his neck and raised a brow at her. Her beautiful voice drifted up to him at a near-whispering volume, “Just promise me one thing. Please?”
“What's that?”
“Promise me you won't scare me. Promise me you won't let yourself even think of entertaining depressing ideas of dying as a guest in my house. Please?”
“Kaoru,” Kenshin mumbled with a sigh. “I promise. I couldn't bear to do that to you after all you've done to keep me in the world of the living. I promise,” he complied.
“Do you want to talk about it? The dream?” she asked gently. Then she added, “Only if you want to though. I just want to help you feel better. So, we don't have to if you don't want to.”
“I wouldn't want to tarnish what looks like the start of a beautiful day in spite of the storm with a conversation like that. Besides, talking about silly things is far more rewarding,” he answered as his arm gave her form a gentle squeeze. His hand then rubbed idly at her back in a natural motion unknown to him. He felt Kaoru shift her legs until she was seated in a more comfortable position at his side.
“Okay. If silly things make you feel better, then we'll talk about silly things. On that note, would you like to buy a duck?” she grinned, not objecting to the hand he moved against her back as her head lay upon his chest, her hair brushing his chin. A sudden after-thought made her frown, and she looked up at him, “I'm not hurting you, am I?”
“No, you're fine,” he smiled in a flattered fashion. “A duck?”
“Yes, a duck.”
“Does it have feathers?”
“Of course, it does. It's a duck.”
“Oh! A duck!”
“Would you like to buy a duck?
“Would you like to buy a goat?” Kenshin laughed as gingerly as he could, “I haven't heard that one played in a long time.”
“Yahiko taught it to me, amidst all the other crazy crap he picked up back when he was in public schools,” Kaoru grinned, happy that he knew the game.
“I think I was in grade school when I learned it as well,” he nodded. Kaoru took the pause to sit up and glance at the clock.
“8:31. Hmm,” she turned back to him. “Would you care for some breakfast? I could whip up some soup. I know it isn't exactly great American breakfast food, but it's better for your stomach just yet.
“That sounds fine to me. I'm not picky,” he answered, then gave thought to a more pressing matter. He forced his face not to show idiotic embarrassment to a perfectly natural question. “Pardon, but might you direct me to your facility?”
As it was, Kaoru blushed enough for him and her both, “Oh! I'm sorry. It's two doors down the hall there. Here, let me help you stand.”
“Thank you,” he replied simply as he allowed her to assist him with getting to his feet. He hissed as pain flared in his injuries and shot throughout his body. Kaoru's face contorted with worry, but he merely paused to allow it to pass before continuing to stand up. During that time, Kaoru had grabbed a crutch from nearby. He realized she'd left a pair of them beside the couch sometime last night for him to use. “One step ahead, I see.”
“Yeah. But you can't thank me for that one. Yahiko thought of it last night.”
“I'll remember to mention it later,” he said as he took the crutch with his right arm and draped his left around her neck. He then divided his weight amongst her, his good leg, and the crutch. Pain still flared through him at the movement, but the current position certainly helped in getting from place to place. Then again, he wasn't against a bit of pain. He knew it was a part of healing and moving kept his muscles functioning as properly as possible.
“You have a really high tolerance for pain, don't you?” Kaoru commented.
“Though I didn't way back then, I thank the man who fostered me for that. Then again, with how thickheaded I tend to be, I suppose it was required when putting up with me for all those years,” he chuckled through grunts and hisses at angry nerves. Kaoru smiled ruefully.
“My father was the same way with the two of us. I, too, am thankful for it.”
“I'm sure he is very proud of you for all you've done.”
“Thanks. I hope so and certainly try my best to earn it.”
“Have no worries about that, Angel,” he smiled as she carefully escorted him across the room and down the short hall to the bathroom. His words inspired one of those blushes in her he'd already come to love so dearly. Once at the bathroom, he spoke up again, “I can handle it from here. Thank you.”
“If you're sure of it, then okay. Though, if you need anything, I'll be more than willing to fetch my brother to help,” she told him.
“You are simply too cute,” he chuckled as he hobbled in. “Go on. I'll be all right,” he smiled then shut the door in his wake. Kaoru made a beeline to the kitchen to heat up the leftover soup from last night.
Fifteen minutes later saw Kenshin blissfully relieved and sitting on the couch sipping at his soup. Kaoru sat next to him nibbling on a bagel with a cup of tea sitting on the end table to her left side. A faint contented smile was perpetually stuck on her face as she found morning silence with him just as enjoyable as the silly banter of earlier. If she didn't know better, she would think she was growing smitten with him.
`Idiot! How could you be smitten when you only just met him yesterday? You barely even know the guy yet, for crying out loud!' she mentally chided. `Then again… that was one hell of a kiss last night. Did he start that, or did I in some lapse of childish behavior? But.. Does it really matter? I could have sworn he seemed just as into it as I,' her mind continued to debate with itself silently.
Kenshin watched the strange play of expressions crossing her face, from irritation to wonder to bashfulness to an emotion that left her starry-eyed. “Are you all right?” he asked with more curiosity by that time than concern.
“Oh!” she snapped out of her reverie with a deer-in-headlights look. “Yes, I'm sorry. My mind just took a momentary detour down Stupidity Street.”
“From what I've witnessed from you thus far, I rather wonder at the accuracy of that word when used to refer to you. However, I'll take it as you say for now,” he chuckled.
“Oh, we're being a smart ass now, hmm? I see how it is. If you don't normally show girls this much charm, then what do you do? And what makes me so different?” she retorted wantonly.
Kenshin laughed, the bold rich sound stirring something warm and delicious within her, “I generally try to avoid them if I can. They're usually out simply for a good romp with a good-looking guy. Preferably with a decent amount of cash for them to blow at Blooming Dales. Honestly, you're way out of they're league because… One, you have a brain. Two, you use that brain. Three, you're incredibly responsible for your age. Four, you're kind. Five, you actually give a damn. Six, you're a joy to be around. Seven, you're obviously talented. Eight, despite knowing you for less than twenty-four hours, I can sense you're entirely honest. Nine, you're beauty naturally out-shines all those chicks with their layers of make-up and other fake crap. And ten, oh yeah! You saved my life by taking me, a complete stranger, in, and knowing how to treat my wounds.”
Kaoru sat staring at him in awe at the words that just fell from his mouth. She felt if she blushed any more she would burst. “Wow. Umm, I'm flattered that you feel that way. Thank you,” she said softly, surprising herself at the ability to find words when he was doing a good job at clouding her mind with warm romantic fluff.
He leaned over to peck a kiss to her right temple, “You're most welcome.”
She downed the last of her bagel and tea then stood to carry their empty dishes into the kitchen. A minute later, she returned to retake her seat beside him. “How are those wounds doing? Given that it's been well over sixteen hours since you arrived, they're probably overdue for a round of attention.”
“Wow, that long huh? Okay,” he nodded and proceeded to carefully go about removing the button-up pumpkin orange shirt he'd been dressed in. She helped him get it off then moved to kneel on the floor in front of him as she first carefully unwrapped the bandage around his mid-section. He winced at the removal of the final portion covering the wound directly but didn't complain. Instead, he raised a brow in admiration at her handy work.
“It looks angry but it doesn't seem to be infected. Nor does it seem to be bleeding at all,” Kaoru mused, more to herself than anyone.
“Agreed. Nice job. I know far too many who'd faint at the mere sight of blood from anyone.”
“I'm use to patching myself and my little brother. We're both gifted at finding ways to unintentionally abuse our bodies,” she said wryly.
“I understand that one. I was pretty good at it myself as a kid,” he laughed.
Kaoru busied herself for the next little while cleaning and replacing his bandages with fresh ones. Meanwhile, they entertained one another with more casual small talk. Kenshin watched her carefully, helping out where he could, as she completed her tasks in tending to his medical needs. In all, his wounds were pretty raw still, but looking good. The one on his left arm happened to be the one worrying her the most now as it seemed to reopened a tiny bit while he'd thrashed in his nightmare. Other than that, they appeared to be doing fine.
After that, Kaoru but the first aid supplies away then convinced him to allow her to give his hair a washing. She set him up in her adjustable desk chair positioned at the kitchen sink. Then she leaned him back to wash his hair in the sink as if she were a beautician. Tiny talents she used to make ends meet never ceased to amaze him throughout the morning.
`How can it be that such a wonderful girl hasn't a worshipping husband already?' he wondered as her fingers worked their magic through his hair. After finishing, she toweled as much water as she could from his hair then wheeled the chair across the hardwood floor to the hearth. Of course, she just had to amuse him with silly car sounds along the way.
They chatted still more as they waited the thirty minutes for the fire to dry his hair. She then went to work with a brush, gently working the knots out of it. If it hadn't been for her lovely voice keeping him talking, he was sure he would have fallen asleep to her tender ministrations.
When, at last, Kaoru had gotten Kenshin's hair properly cleaned and brushed, she bound it back into a low ponytail with one of the many little black bands she kept around for her own. At that point, she helped him settle back onto the couch before sitting herself down next to him once more.
“Man, that is one hell of a storm out there. Did it snow all night? I don't seem to remember there being that much out there when you picked me up,” he commented as he watched the white stuff continue to fall and drift outside the window.
“No. It was only just starting then. Actually, it drizzled rain for the most part when it started yesterday. Then, just a few minutes before I got to you, it changed over to snow. It stopped in a few places over night I think, but… yeah, I think we're in for a few days of confinement to the cabin pretty much.”
“Even with my current condition, I think I lucked out. I don't mind the wait, and I trust you and this doctor friend of yours that taught you far more than I do the idiots getting paid the big bucks in the hospitals to do what you've been doing.”
“Ehh, I'll call Megumi over once it clears up enough for her to travel out this far. But, I warn you, she's a clingy fox,” Kaoru giggled.
“Oh, she is hmm? I'll just have to use you as a shield then, won't I?” Kenshin deviously wiggled a brow.
“If you wish to make her jealous, that's one sure way of doing it,” she laughed in return. The warm blush on her cheeks and the mood in the air renewed the chemistry that had erupted last night. This time, Kaoru saw it in his eyes as it arose. Yet, she was powerless to do anything but what her heart and body told her to. Her eyes drifted shut as her lips met his in the middle.
At once, the two could feel the sparks shoot through their blood, feeding a fire that grew stronger with each passing minute they spent in each other's company. Arms slipped around to equally embrace the other as Kenshin let his lips silently teach Kaoru the art of proper kissing. A break for air lasted only a brief moment before they drew together again. This time, his tongue traced the seam of her lips, which obeyed the unspoken request without hesitation. His tongue then entered the cavern of her mouth to savor her unique taste as it played silly little games with her tongue. Kaoru moaned into his mouth as she went boneless and dazed under the power of his intoxicating aura and attentions.
If the morning hadn't decided to take that time to start catching up to him, Kenshin would have had a problem keeping a certain part of him from being noticed. However, he'd done a lot in the pas couple of hours he'd been awake. Now, his body was starting to crave a nap. As Kaoru broke for air, she came to notice this. Smiling, she shifted herself then tugged him gently over sideways to lie on his left side with his head in her lap. He gave her a look of surprise, but did not object. Then again, she didn't exactly let him either.
“Shush. Rest. I'm your shield, remember?” she giggled. “I'll guard you from those nightmares for a while. Enjoy it while you can. Yahiko's twelve and will annoy the crap out of you when you wake.”
“As you wish it, Angel,” he responded with a soft smile as he let his eyes close. He felt her fingers begin moving through his hair once more and purred softly for the several seconds he remained awake. Then, he was out like a light to sleep sounder than he had in years.
“Sleep well, Kenshin. I'll keep you safe. I promise,” she smiled. Though she, herself, drifted off minutes later, that's still exactly what she did.
FFnet Review Replies
Mika - Yeah, I decided to allow Kenshin to be a little more blunt and forward since he's living as both Kenshin and Battousai. Therefore, he acts a little less subdued.
KC Evans - Ah-ha! So you do have a name! Bah, I'm just mess'n with ya. -lol- I understand how it is with that technical bit. Done it myself, to be quite honest. : )
DakBug - -giggles- Then, I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that chapter 4 will be released next weekend.
Human Chew Toy - -confused expression- Sorry. I no speaka espaniol. Only English and beginner's Japanese. -sweatdrop-
1kenshinlover - As much as I would like to pull that trick to get me through chapter 6, I can't. There were certain measures that Kenshin took (which are entirely possible if you know how) when flying to avoid detection in the first place. Therefore, it's next to impossible for the enemy to know where he is right now. There is a lot of wilderness in Washington, and with all that snow, it will be a few days at the least before anyone finds that plane. So, he's got a small pocket of time to make his next move, which he'll be doing in upcoming chapters.
Eden's Epitaph - At first, I thought I was moving too fast too. But, I've changed my mind. When I wrote these chapters, I entirely intended on the relationship between Kenshin and Kaoru being whirlwind fast. As far as giving out information, trust me, every bit of it is needed when the ante gets upped in later chapters. Though my first attempt at such a story, this is intended to be a face-paced mercenary cat-and-mouse tale as well as a romance. Most of my attention is focused on the strategies and moves each of the characters will be making in order to achieve their goals.
MyImaginaryInuyasha - Yep, he is moving fast, but unlike Wake, that's how this story's going to be. You only have so much time to plan your next move when someone's out there trying to find and kill you. Speaking of Wake, I'm sure you're wondering on that one. I'm having an argument with my muse over what to put in it and what to include in the next chapter. But, I hope to have it finished within a week or two.
Blackangel831 - Yeah, I loved that line too, truth be known. -lol-
Sugar High - It depends on when you choose to schedule your classes. I'm a night owl, so I always pick afternoon and evening classes. Therefore, I'm usually to bed at 1 am and up at 11.
Also thanks to the following FFnet reviewers: FallenAngelNo.1, trigger, InuyashaFan, NalaravatheRed, unicornfan, rockandfly, Reignashii, and LynGreenTea.
MMorg Review Replies
akaineko - Hello red kitty. -giggle- Yes, other Kenshin-gumi will be in this. So will a few Shinsen-gumi, if I can help it. I mean, it would be a sin not to let Okita-kun play too. I'm gonna do some research on his other comrades to see who all else I might can work in for Shinsen-gumi fans. About that line you asked about, you're right on that assumption. Sorry if I confused you.
Chelisha - True, Yahiko would normally be a brat. But, that was a time for exception. There was a blizzard going through and they needed to get everything inside. As far as after that goes, he was trying not to mess Kaoru up. Though she's had come lessons, she's no nurse, and caring for wounds like Kenshin's is a big job. Not to worry. He'll be his usual irritating self before long. -lol-