Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Power of Gold ❯ Hero ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Power of Gold
By: Tuxedo Gohan

Prologue: The Hero

Long ago, on a planet far away, there were three sacred triangles called Triforces. One was called the Triforce of Power, forged by Din. Another was called Wisdom, forged by Nayru. The last was the Triforce of Courage, forged by the Farore. All three came together to create the Golden Power, the one force that trully governed all. It laid there, in the Sacred Realm, for many millenia, and the Sacred Realm was a shining place.

Until one day, an evil thief known as Ganondorf entered into the Sacred Realm, with the unknown help of a boy called Link. The boy was put under a sleeping spell and the King of Theives became the King of Evil when he captured the Sacred Relic. Then an unexpected thing happened.

The Triforce split into three pieces, one of Courage, one of Wisdom and one of Power, the one Ganon held. Chaos spilled unto the land, cities became ghost towns.

The world became one of darkness, much like the Sacred Realm has become as the result of Ganondorf's evil poison.

Until, the boy Link arrived. Together with the Princess Zelda and the Six Wise Ones, the Evil King was defeated and banished to his perversion for all eternity.

Or, so we thought.

A secret cult emerged 5000 years after the imprisionment of Ganondorf. This evil sacreligious group look for the way to raise there Evil King, and to rule the universe with him. There was one problem, the parchments needed were on a planet called Earth. It was many light years away but with there magic they would be able to rain there evil down on the planet.

But there is still hope.

That's right, the hope rest in a man who called himself Mamoru. The man had a destiny to rule with his girlfriend, the one called Serenity. But it is not clear how the alliance will begin. It was thought that Serenity would have to awaken the Earth after a 1000 year sleep, but it may not be her that unlocks the secret of the alliance.

It may be in the King that the Alliance will be awaken.

Now in the present

Mamoru tossed and turned, a sleep full of nightmares of a man. Then four figures, his four generals spirits appeared in his room.

"Wake up, wake up," demanded the silver haired one. The man, in his twenties, with jet black hair woke up and saw his ghostly generals before him.

"Kunzite, how come you wake me?," Mamoru asked looking at his generals with a perplexed look.

"Mamoru, you must listen to us, it is very important," responded Kunzite, "there is danger coming here, master."

" A danger greater than any you have ever faced milord," spoke Zoicite, a blond haired man that looked somewhat feminine, but still had the black uniform of the Earth's generals.

"The evil power is from a far away planet, but they may have found a way to enter this planet without a ship," stated Jadeite calmly.

"But there is still hope," spoke Nephilyte as he pointed to Mamoru's right hand. The hand had a glowing symbol upon it. The symbol was a simple design, three golden triangles on the hand.

Mamoru gazed upon the shining symbol with intrest. Then the Golden crystal appeared out of his chest, shining over the symbol.

"You will learn more in time, now here's something that may help you," spoke Kunzite. Then a sword appeared out of nowhere. It floated and pointed downward, like it was to stab him. But...

The sword went horizontal.It descended down slowly surrounded by a golden light as it descended down flat onto Mamoru's chest. Then he noticed something.

The sword had a mark. The same mark that glowed on Mamoru's hand. The reborn prince wrapped his hands around the handle to move it as he rose out of bed. The generals disappered as he got out. At the side of the bed he found a jeweled scabbord.

The scabbord had a blue felt surface, covered in an elaborate embroidery with nine gems upon it. Each gem represented the Senshi. The Diamond of the Moon, the Sapphire of Mercury, the Ruby of Mars, the Emerald of Jupiter, the Topaz of Venus, the Amber of Uranus, the Aquamarine of Neptune, the Fluorite of the Firefly Saturn, and the Garnet of Pluto, all in a straight line.

'What is this sword for?' Mamoru thought to himself as he sheathed his new weapon. He laid the sword on his desk as he covered back up, in his boxers not nude, and went back to sleep.

Little did he know that at this moment evil was stirring.

A portal appeared inside the center of the park. Then three men appeared out of the portal with all black samurai armor suits and a picture of a Golden Boar in front.

"We will set base here," said a red headed man. Both men bowed and a darkness spread throughout the wooded area of the park.

A/N: So here's the prologue. Please Read and Review.