Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Saving Middle Earth ❯ The Mountains we will go! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Sailormoon, if I did, Mamoru would never existed and the elves would've never had to leave.

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

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They began hiking up the icy cold mountains the next morning.

Rei saw Aragorn glancing at Usagi every once and a while.

Usagi kept staring ahead every few steps and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked noticing her frown.

They came to a spot where there was a flat land of snow.

Usagi and Legolas crossed it with eased while the other slide a bit.

"Do you mind waiting?" Boromir asked as he slides a bit.

"Why are you all sliding like that?" Usagi asked, Curiousity written on her face as well as Legolas's.

Aragorn watched as she walked pass him with such ease that only an elf would have.

They crossed the frozen land and began up the mountain again when Frodo slipped and fell down to Aragorn's feet.

He felt for the ring but it wasn't there.

Boromir picked it up and the others watched.

"Amazing," Boromir said. "So much trouble over such a small thing."

"Boromir," Aragorn called.

"So small," he whispered.

"Boromir!" Aragorn called more sharply snapping him out of his trance. "Give the ring back to Frodo."

"Of course," Boromir said and gave the ring back.

Frodo snatched it back and looked at Boromir with distrust in his eyes.

"I meant no harm," Boromir said and ruffled some snow from Frodo's head.

Usagi looked on as the others began to walk ad saw Aragorn release his hand from his sword as Boromir walked away.

She waited until Frodo caught up with her and began walking besides him.

"You should forgive Boromir," she whispered.

"But why? He was going to take the ring," Frodo asked.

"Think about the time the ring was calling you and you only heard it, you cannot blame Boromir for it," Usagi said.

"I guess you're right," Frodo said.

"Course I'm right," Usagi said.

"That's a new one," Rei said.

Usagi picked up some snow and threw it at Rei.

"Who threw that?" Rei asked angrily.

Unfortunately Merry and Pippin were seen with snowballs in their hands.

"I'll get you two later," Rei said and began walking again.

Usagi looked down at Frodo.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," he said with a smile.

Usagi smiled back and they continued walking.

They came to a ledge and Aragorn carried Frodo and Sam while Boromir carried Merry and Pippin.

They were all struggling against the winds except Legolas and Usagi who were walking on the snow.

"There's a foul voice in the air," Legolas said.

"And it's saying a spell," Usagi began to saying repeat the words.

"It's Saurman!" Gandalf shouted and snow fell onto them covering them all.

There was a moment of silence on the mountain, only the winds' howling was heard when Legolas popped from the snow.

Next were Gandalf, Usagi, Rei, Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Boromir and Minako.

"We must get off the mountain," Aragorn shouted.

"We must take the west road and get to my city," Boromir said.

"It takes us too close to Isgrend," Aragorn said.

"If we cannot go over it let us go under it, let us go through the mines of Moria," Gimli said.

"Let the ring bearer decided," Gandalf said.

"We'll take the mines," Frodo said.

They went down the mountain and began towards the mines.

As they walked, Usagi remained quiet.

They reached the front door and Usagi looked at the water doubtfully. The moon shone on it brightly.

Gandalf read what was written on the doors in elfin. "What does that mean?" Pippin asked.

"Simple, if you are friend you speak the password and the doors will open," Gandalf said. He then spoke in elfin but the doors didn't budge.

Usagi sat on a rock and looked out at the water.

Usagi then noticed a ripple and looked up.

Pippin was throwing rocks into the water when Aragorn stopped him.

"Don't disturb the water," Aragorn said.

Usagi began humming at Gandalf tried another password.

"I give up," Gandalf said after saying ten different passwords.

Usagi had her eyes set out into the water; she could've sworn she saw something.

"What are you looking at?" Rei asked.

"I saw something, it was big. Really big," Usagi said.

"Probably a fish," Rei said. "Stop being paranoid."

"You're probably right," Usagi said and looked up at the moon.

"I'm always right," Rei said.

"It's a riddle," Frodo said standing up. "Gandalf, what's the elfish(sp?) word for friend?"

"Mellon," Gandalf said and the door opened.

"Rei," Usagi said.

"I know, I'm getting them too," Rei said.

"Gandalf, we don't trust this cave," Minako said.

"Mine," Gimli said.

"Mine? I don't trust anything around here now. There's something in the water, something from where we just came and something in that mine. If we go in that mine of not, we're in for a fight," Usagi said in Japanese.

"What did she say?" Merry asked.

"She doesn't trust the water or the way we just came," Gandalf said. He didn't mention the cave.

"Usa," Rei said. "Some things are meant to happen."

"Let's go," Gandalf said and they began in the mine.

They began inside and Usagi walked in slowly though, something wasn't right.

"You're going to love this. Malt beer! Ripe meat right off the bone! They call it a mine," Gimli said merrily. "A mine!"

"This is no mine," Boromir said. "This is a tomb."

The hobbits huddled together upon seeing the bones of dwarves.

"We go back the way we came, we should've never had come here," Aragorn said and they began backing out the door.

Usagi turned around. "Frodo! Look out!" she shouted and brought out her sword.

A tentacle grabbed Frodo and he began screaming.

Legolas got an arrow ready as Boromir, Aragorn, Minako and Usagi hurried to see help.

Boromir slashed through a tentacle.

Four more came up knocking them down and then a head. A mouth showed and Legolas let his arrow sing through the air.

It hit the beast in the eye and they kept slashing through tentacles.

Boromir hit the one Frodo was being held onto and Rei caught him.

"Into the mines!" Gandalf shouted and they hurried in.

The beast began to climb out the waters but once they were all inside it, knocked the walls down enclosing them into the mine.

Everything became dark and Usagi stood on guard. Something was in the mine with them.

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