Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Saving Middle Earth ❯ Mines of Moria ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Sailormoon, if I did, Mamoru would never existed and the elves would've never had to leave.

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

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"We will have to face the long darkness of Moria. Step lightly and follow closely," Gandalf said.

He put a crystal on top of his staff and it glowed lighting enough so they could see each other.

"Let's go," Gandalf said.

"Ikidemasu," Minako said and Usagi went up to her.

They walked through the cave then stopped.

"I can't remember," Gandalf said.

He sat on rock, Usagi stood glaring down into the darkness, Minako laid on her cloak, Aragorn stared at Usagi, Frodo stood by Gandalf, Sam, Merry and Pippin sat by Boromir, Gimli sat complaining and Legolas looked around.

"Do you see something?" Legolas asked Usagi.

She could feel the jealousy glare from Minako.

"You might want to check by Minako," Usagi said.

A light blush came upon Legolas cheeks.

"Well, go on," Usagi said.

"Lady Minako is far too beautiful for me," Legolas said.

"Do you love her?" Usagi asked.

"Yes," Legolas said.

"Then go up to her and say `Aishiteru'," Usagi said.

"And what will happen?" Legolas asked.

"Nothing bad," Usagi said and Legolas went off. "Hopefully." She added once he left.

Usagi sat by Aragorn and began playing with strands of her hair.

"What did you tell him to say?" Aragorn asked.

"I love you," Usagi said with a smirk.

Minako squeal and hugged Legolas tightly.

"Look at that! A blushing elf!" Gimli laughed.

Legolas was red as a tomato.

Usagi stifled a giggle and turned away as Gimli laughed to the fullest, it was truly a rare moment to see an elf blush a little, but fully was nearly impossible to see.

They all laughed, enjoying the moment of happiness in the dark mine they were stuck in.

"Something's following us," Frodo said.

"Yes, Usagi said it herself. It is the creature Gollum," Gandalf said.

"In Bilbo's story?" Frodo asked and Gandalf nodded. "Pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he got the chance."

"Pity?" Gandalf asked. "It was pity that stayed at Bilbo's hand! Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends; my heart tells me that Gollum has a part to play yet, for good or ill. Before this is over, the pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many."

"I wish the ring had never come to me," Frodo said. "I wish none of this had ever happened."

"You must look on the lighter side of things, look around you," Gandalf said motioning at the others.

Minako and Legolas sat together, Minako redoing the braids that holds Legolas's hair from his face, Rei and Boromir talking about their battles, Aragorn and Usagi sitting silently together enjoying each other company silently.

"If none of this ever happened, there is no telling what could've happened," Gandalf said. "Ah, it's that way."

"He remembers," Pippin said.

"No, but the air doesn't smell as foul down there. If in doubt, Meridoc, follow your nose," Gandalf said.

"I thought it was if in doubt throw it out," Minako said getting up.

"Perhaps in your world," Gandalf said.

Rei hesitated to go.

`Now or never,' the wind whispered.

"Coming woman?" Boromir asked.

Rei didn't talk back this time but just went the way the others went.

"It's so dark," Usagi said. "Itai."

She let out a hiss in pain.

"Let me risk a bit more light," Gandalf, said.

Usagi looked up to see that she walked into a pillar.

"I thought elves were suppose to be graceful," Gimli muttered.

"I'm not an elf," Usagi muttered. "How can someone be graceful in the dark?"

"Then what are you?" Merry asked.

"Yeah, what are you Usa?" Minako asked.

"That even I don't know," Usagi said.

"How can you not know what you are?" Pippin asked.

"My mother was a great elf from what I'm told and my father an elf too," Usagi said.

"These pillars are so well carved," Rei said.

"This is the great realm, Dwarf city or Dwarrowdelf," Gandalf said.

Usagi looked admiringly at the pillars. "Dwarves must be great craftsman to build things like this," she said.

Gimli begins to run to a door and the others followed.

When they caught up with him, Gimli laid on a tomb crying.

"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria. He is dead, just as I've feared," Gandalf said.

Usagi picked up a book and blew some dust off it then opened it. "I can't read it, it's in some dwarf language," she said handing it to Gandalf.

"They have taken the bridge, and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. They are coming," Gandalf read.

"We can't linger here any longer," Legolas said.

Pippin accidentally knocks a skeleton into a well making plenty of noise.

"Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf snapped.

There was a pause; everyone became quiet feeling something evil around.

Then a slow drum begins going faster and faster as it goes.

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