Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Saving Middle Earth ❯ Hello Galadriel ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Sailormoon, if I did, Mamoru would never existed and the elves would've never had to leave.

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

Ok, to answer the hater- I mean Majou_thali, I don't care if they're mary-sueish.

I never said it wasn't a Mary-sue.

I agree with you on the crossover thing, it should be in AU instead of Crossover.

I said it will be Aragorn/Usagi, doesn't mean Aragorn is completely in love with Usagi; I have an entire plot set out.

Guess What?!

If you don't like how I'm writing, don't read it!

And lastly the fellowship doesn't speak Japanese.

That little part when Usagi told Legolas to say `Ashiteru' to Minako, he didn't know what he was saying, he just said it!

Just for the record, I'm going way off with the book and the show! New powers and Places!

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The remaining fellowship stand outside the cave.

Minako, Rei, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Gimli, Boromir and Sam are crying, Usagi looks like she can't believe what happened, Legolas looks stunned.

"Legolas, get them up," Aragorn said.

"Give them a moment for pity sake," Boromir said.

`Its all your fault Wiseman is dead!' the wind whispered to Rei. `You should've let her die. Now you must pay the price!'

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Boromir, Legolas Gimli, get them up! On your feet Sam. Usagi? Usagi!" Aragorn shouted.

Usagi is looking over a cliff at the long way down.

Tears stream down her face.

She wipes them away and turns back to the group.

"Let's go!" Aragorn shouted.

They began walking to Lothlorien.

"Stay close young hobbits. They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell," Gimli said.

`Frodo,' someone called in Frodo's head.

"And are never seen again," Gimli said.

`You coming to us is as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here ring-bearer,' the voice said to Frodo.

"Frodo?" Sam called.

"These woods feel so familiar," Rei said.

"Well, this is one dwarf she ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk, and the ears of a fox," Gimli said.

Usagi stopped and turned around pointing her sword at someone behind her.

They found themselves surrounded by elves pointing their arrows at them.

Legolas and Usagi already had their arrow poised at the two closest.

"The dwarf breath so loud we could've shot him in the dark," the one Usagi is pointing at said.

"Haldir o Lórien. - Haldir of LorienHenion aníron, boe ammen i dulu lîn. - We come here for help," Aragorn said. Boe ammen veriad lîn. - We need your protection."

"I need no one's protection," Usagi said.

"Aragorn, these woods are perilous. We should go back," Gimli said.

"You have entered the realm of the lady, you cannot go back, she is waiting," Haldir said.

They enter the elf city, both Legolas and Gimli blindfolded and are brought before Galadriel and Celeborn.

"11 of you are here but 12 there was that set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf for I have must desire to speak to him," Celeborn said.

"He has fallen into the shadow. The quest stands upon the edge of a knife; stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now, and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace..." Galadriel said.

"She look just like usagi, only older and your eyes are different colors," Minako said.

"You must be kidding, there's no way I could be related to her," Usagi said with a hint of anger in her voice.

`Welcome Frodo of the shire, the one who has seen the eye,' Galadriel said to Frodo.

Later on…

There is singing in the background.

"A lament for Gandalf," Legolas said.

"What are they saying about him?" Sam asked.

"I haven't the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near," Legolas said.

"Take some rest, the borders are well protected," Aragorn said.

Usagi got up and walked away.

Aragorn got up to follow.

"No," Rei said. "There is something she needs to learn."

"Selenity," Galadriel called.

"My name is not Selenity, it's Usagi," Usagi said.

"You are Selenity, daughter of Serenity, granddaughter to me," Galadriel said.

"I am Usagi, daughter of Helios," Usagi said harshly.

"Usagi or Serenity, you are still my granddaughter," Galadriel said.

"But I'm not a full elf, am I?" she asked.

"I do not know what I did to you in the future but here you are welcomed and I love you as my own," Galadriel said.

"You kicked my mother out of Lothlorien for being with Helios," Usagi said.

"Are you sure it was me?" Galadriel asked.

"Positive," Usagi said.

"Look into the mirror, I know you've done so before," Galadriel said.

Usagi looked into the mirror.

She saw Helios, Serenity and Galadriel. Galadriel stood in front of them both with a protective barrier.

Galadriel shouted run and Serenity and Helios ran.

Galadriel barrier fell and Sauron killed her.

Then the mirror went to Rei.

She put evil wards at the other way into the pillars of Moria.

Another beast was coming that way but was stopped by the wards.

It flashed forward and she saw an arrow hitting Boromir and Rei mourning over him.

Then she saw herself crying with Aragorn turning away from her. She turned away from the mirror not wanting to see more.

"You see what I've seen, maybe more. I think I turned away sooner," Galadriel said.

"Is there a way to keep someone from dying?" Usagi asked.

"Yes but since you're so young, you can only do it once," Galadriel said.

"What is it?" Usagi asked.

Galadriel handed her a sack. "You'll know how to use it when the time comes," Galadriel said enclosing Usagi's hand around the small sack.

"Thanks grandmother," Usagi said and walked off.

Galadriel had a small smile on her face and turned around.

"Frodo," she called. "I know you are here."

Frodo came from his hiding place.

"Will you look into the mirror?" Galadriel asked.

"What will I see?" Frodo asked.

"Even the wisest cannot tell, for the mirror shows many things. Things that were, things that are, and some things that has yet to pass," Galadriel said.

Frodo looked into the mirror and saw Legolas, Merry, Pippin then Sam.

The Shire as it was, then the Shire ravaged, overrun with orcs, and Sam in chains along with other hobbits.

Usagi hung from chains with her blood dripping down from the ropes. Rei chained to a wall and Minako was being tortured.

Makoto and Ami with three other girls laid dead.

Then the eye appears, and the ring grows heavier, trying to pull itself down into the mirror.

Frodo snatched it away, fell backward onto the ground.

"I know what it is you saw, for it is also in my mind. It is what will come to pass if you should fail. The Fellowship is beginning to break," Galadriel said.

"If you ask of me, I will give you the ring," Frodo said.

"You offer it to me freely, I do not deny my heart has greatly desired this," Galadriel said.

She slipped on the ring and the sky became dark.

"In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a Queen, not Dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea, stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!" she shouted.

The darkness cleared and Galadriel returned to normal breathing hard.

"I have passed the test, I will stay and remain Galadriel," she said.

"I cannot do this alone," Frodo said.

"You are the ringbearer, Frodo. If you do not find a way to destroy it, no one can," Galadriel said.

"Then, i know what i must do. It's just i am afraid to do it," Frodo said.

"Even the smallest person can make a change Frodo, don't ever forget that," Galadriel said.

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