Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Heaven ❯ Heartbreak Part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sesshomaru held Kagome's body to his, trying to warm it. The rain was falling heavily now. It seemed as though the ambulance were taking to long. Her heartbeat was fading swiftly. He wanted to cry out and scream and yell. He wanted to destroy hi brother and beat him into a pulp. He didn't show it though. His gaze was unbearably lonely and sad. As though as if he had lost his soul mate. He lowered his face to her lips and lightly kissed them. “Come back Kagome…”

Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin
I feel you come back again
And it's like you haven't been gone a moment from my side,

Kagome could feel herself floating in the murky darkness. She felt no more pain here and could only watch as he memories passed through her mind. Each one was more painful than the last. They were all about Inuyasha. That was why… Then a soft voice filled her. “Come back Kagome…” The voice was filled with torment and pain. She turned, searching but couldn't find who it was.

Like the tears were never cried,
Like the hands of time were pulling you and me.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes and sought for any type of connection with her. He needed something, anything! His hands held hers tightly in their grasp. He had her body plasered against his as much as possible. The sirens deafened him as the ambulance and police arrived. They tried to pull Kagome away but he kept her close. At that moment, a woman came forward that appeared to look like Kagome. “Please Sesshomaru. Allow us to take her. She'll die if we do not.” He looked up at the woman. “Who are you?”

And with all my heart I'm sure we're closer than we ever were,
I don't have to hear or see I've got all the proof I need.

Kagome could no longer hear the voice but soft comforting warmth filled her. A woman that appeared to look just like her appeared in front of her. “Do not follow the path Kagome.” “Who are you?” “I am Midoriko. You must fight. You are needed in life. There is someone who needs you.” Kagome looked down. “I am needed by no one.” Midoriko lifted her chin. “You are needed by the one who has given his heart into your keeping.”

There are more than angels watching over me

I believe
Oh I believe

The woman smiled. “I am Midoriko. Come now. Let me take her Sesshomaru. We must help her.” Sesshomaru gave Kagome's body to the woman, glaring at the others around them. He walked back to the ambulance and once Kagome was inside, he entered the ambulance as well.

A sudden scream split the air and the ambulance itself was pushed over. Sesshomaru clutched Kagome to him, hoping to protect her body. Once the vehicle stopped moving, he crawled out. Midoriko was standing in the midst of flames and death. A pair of cars had somehow crashed into the ambulance. Three cop cars were totally mutilated. Sesshomaru watched as more vehicles arrived. Falling to his knees, he felt for Kagome's pulse but found none. He grew frantic, calling to her.

Now when you die and life goes on,

It doesn't end here,

When you're gone,

Sesshomaru let out a choked cry but Midoriko next to him. “Easy Sesshomaru. Call out to her. Be easy.” She pressed a small cloth onto Kagome's forehead and then pressed Sesshomaru's hand over it. “Be easy.”

Every soul has found a flight
never ends if I'm right.

Sesshomaru leaned his forehead on Kagome's. “Kagome. Come back to me. I need you. Forget my stupid brother. I need you Kagome. Don't leave me. Please don't leave me. I love you…”

Our love can even reach across eternity.

Kagome felt someone calling to her. Pleading with her… She reached out for the light, not wanting to go back to the pain that that place had brought her. The whispered words grew louder. She turned back, feeling the pain and the suffering in the voice. She took a step toward it. “I love you…” Her eyes filled with tears, or what could be her eyes. Only one thought filled her as she turned back to the voice. “Sesshomaru…”

I believe
Oh I believe

Forever you're a part of me,
Forever in the heart of me,
I will hold you even longer if I can.

The moment the first beat came, Sesshomaru gave a small start. He looked down at Kagome's face and watched color fill her cheeks and skin. He looked up to find Midoriko but found no one. At that moment, he didn't really care. He nuzzled Kagome's neck and planted kisses on her collarbone.

Oh the people, who don't see the most,
See that I believe in ghosts.
If that makes me crazy then I am

Looking up as a paramedic got to them, Sesshomaru paused. “Where is Midoriko?” the Paramedic frowned. “We have no one name Midoriko working in our team or any of the other teams.” Sesshomaru frowned but stopped as Kagome fidgeted. The paramedic stood. “May I look at her sir?” Sesshomaru shook his head. “She is fine. Let her wake.” The paramedic frowned. “I'll return later.”

Cuz I believe
Oh I believe

There are more than angels watching over me.

I believe
Oh I believe

Kagome opened her eyes and looked straight up into amber eyes. There was complete joy in them. A soft smile appeared and it was like the rain washing away her sorrows. The two of them were soaked to the bone but it didn't matter. Kagome leaned up and wrapped her arms around Sesshomaru's neck, tears falling freely down her cheeks. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Sessho. Forgive me.”

Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin,
I feel you come back again
And I believe.

Sesshomaru pulled Kagome back. “No Kagome. I'm sorry. He then gently kissed her. “Midoriko saved you.” Kagome shook her head. “No Sessho… You saved me.” She kissed him once more and then caught sight of a paramedic coming. She stood slowly at his question to check her out and left Sesshomaru where he was, sending a smile of pure love at him. Sesshomaru looked up at the sky. “Thank you Midoriko. Thank you.”