Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Heaven ❯ Not Too Late for Hope ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome stared blandly in front of her. She couldn't take it anymore. She was in her own time at the moment. She had run here again. Inuyasha had started bad mouthing her again. She still didn't know why she went back. Her other friends came to mind and a smile appeared.

Her decision made, she went into her closet and pulled out the clothes that she had been hiding in the back. They were old kimonos. She had discovered that her family was actually from the past and they had gone through the well to get here. She was an ebony kitsune crossed with a silver Inu. Pulling out the kimonos, she pulled one out. It was a dark blue with images of stars all over it.

Turning to her dresser, she pulled her discman out and piled in her cds. She then stuffed a whole bunch of batteries in it. She went downstairs, said goodbye and headed into the well house.

I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground

As she reached the other side, she heard a familiar voice. It was Inuyasha. He was saying something to someone. Then she heard Kikyo's voice. Her heart stilled. She had been about to forgive him and tell him her secret. When she heard him proclaiming his love, her heart shattered. She couldn't believe it.

I'm hearin what you say but I just can
't make a sound

She waited until she was certain that they were gone before leaping out of the well. She allowed her sealing spell down and then placed a cd in her discman. She didn't want to hear anything anymore. She had her senses. She would be able to tell if anyone was coming.

It was when she reached the God tree that Inuyasha appeared. “What are you doing back?” Kagome spoke softly. “I came back to say sorry.” She had pulled her headphones off. He then noticed her new look. “You're a youkai.” Kagome gave a bitter smile. “Yes.” He didn't notice. He moved forward. They had already defeated Naraku. They were actually waiting for Inuyasha to make his wish. “I made a decision on my wish. I don't want to be youkai. I want to stay as I am.” Kagome pulled back. “I saw you with Kikyo. I know what you want. You want her to have a new life.” Inuyasha moved forward. “What makes you think that? You're the one…”

You tell me that you need me

Kagome whirled. “No! You want Kikyo. Don't you even remember why I left in the first place?”

Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...

You said I was nothing more than a shard detector. You are always saying Kikyo is better. I'm tired of it.” Inuyasha backed up a step. “You know I didn't mean…” “No! You did. It's not going to work this time. Go enjoy your new life with Kikyo.” Kagome pulled the jewel out. She focused. “I wish Kikyo had new life and were hanyou.” The jewel grew brighter. It surrounded Kagome as Inuyasha called out to her. The music from her discman filled her.

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

Kagome opened her eyes. Midoriko stood before her. “I am proud of you Kagome. Your heart wanted Inuyasha and yet you gave him to the one he loved before you.” Kagome dropped her chin. “He hurt me too much.” Midoriko sighed. “Would you like to remain here in the past with your friends?” Kagome blinked in surprise. “You would do that?” Midoriko smiled. “There is someone else here that wants to love you Kagome. They have been waiting.” Kagome smiled. “I will stay.” “The jewel will still be active but it is purified and will no longer harm anyone. Many wishes can be made but if they are selfish, it will start all over again.” Kagome nodded.

(2 years later)

Kagome smiled as she glanced over her shoulder. She and Shippo were going to see Sango and Miroku. She had adopted Shippo as her son and their two human friends and neko had gone back to Sango's village to rebuild. Kagome now protected her land. Her family had returned back here. She now ruled the eastern territories. Incidentally, Sango's village was on her land. Suddenly a very large aura came at her. “Shippo!” Shippo leaped behind her as a familiar silver figure appeared. Kagome smirked and blatently stared at the gorgous youkai before her. “Hello Sesshomaru.” She then realized that he was not sane. “Shippo, run to the village. Don't come back.” Shippo immediately obeyed.

Once he was gone, Kagome paced a little. Suddenly, his beast growled. “Mine.” He dove for her. Kagome whirled out of the way. What was his problem. Suddenly, Midoriko's words came back to her. She stood stock still in shock. Sesshomaru was able to tackle her. She felt her own beast rise up in pleasure.

I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you

Once Kagome regained sanity, it was too late. She found Sesshomaru's mating mark on her collar bone. Sitting up, she saw him standing a few feet away. “What the hell Sesshomaru!” She stormed over to him. He turned and she paused. There was something in his eyes. She couldn't quite seem to understand but it almost seem like need. “I waited for you for too long Kagome.” He pulled her close to him. “You are mine. You belong to no one else. I belong to no one else.” Kagome realized he was pouring his heart out to her. Tears pricked her eyes. “No…”

And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new

Kagome felt the pain and saw the pain in his eyes. “You'll hurt me.” It was a silent accusation when she compared him to Inuyasha. He would hurt her like Inuyasha. She turned away, fighting the tears. “You waited too long Sesshomaru. You came too late.”

I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's
turning blue, and you say...

"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...

Kagome felt him come up next to her and wrap his arms around her. “Forgive me then Kagome.” Kagome let the tears fall. In the beginning, her mind had turned to Sesshomaru and she had fallen madly in love with him. It was her way to cope with Inuyasha's betrayel. When he never came, she found herself growing bitter.

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

Kagome pulled away. “I can't Sesshomaru. I can't forgive you.” She then turned and ran with all her might toward Sango's village. She felt the pain shatter through her. He had waited to long. He would hurt her like his brother had.

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

That night, Kagome dreamed. She dreamed of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. She saw them reaching for her. Every night for the next year, she dreamed this. It was the night she had met Sesshomaru when she realized something. Inuyasha was reaching for Kikyo more. Sesshomaru was just reaching for her. Leaving Shippo with Sango, she set off toward the western lands. The mating mark had been gone since she had first left Sesshomaru.

It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-

Finding Sesshomaru's scent, she didn't give a thought that there was a woman's scent with it. As she reached a clearing, she sensed Sesshomaru. Stepping in, she spoke softly. “Sesshomaru…” He turned in surprise and she found pain in his eyes as he recognized her. “Kagome…” “Who is it Koi?” Kagome looked in bewilderment. She saw an Inu youkai appear from behind Sesshomaru. Her eyes latched on to the mark on her shoulder. It was a mating mark. Kagome's eyes widened and she looked at Sesshomaru. He moved forward and grabbed her wrist before she could flee. “Go Asuka.” His mate nodded and went away. Sesshomaru pulled her along other paths, erasing their scents. He led her to a hot spring. “Forgive my Koi. I could not wait any longer.” He didn't pause to let her speak. He covered her lips with his.

Fire swarmed around them. When it finally died and Sesshomaru had to leave, he gently kissed her. “Forgive me.” He had made certain she would at least have a part of him to hold on to.

I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...

(1 year later)

Kagome held the child tightly against her. She couldn't have Sesshomaru but she was thankful for the gift he had given her. Shippo had gained a little sister. She thankfully looked exactly like Kagome. The only thing that told who her father was, was her eyes. They were the same golden as Sesshomaru's. Smiling softly, she moved quietly through the paths of the western lands. They had peace. She felt his aura before he got there. Once he did, he gently kissed her. Kagome reveled in it. She then held their child to him. He gently lifted her. “What is her name?” Kagome smiled brightly, her eyes watering. “Mikomi.” Sesshomaru stared at Kagome for a long moment before his eyes warmed. “Hope…” He looked back down at his only daughter. He spoke directly to the child. “Mikomi…” The child opened her eyes to reveal the same gold that peered back down at her.