Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Heaven ❯ Sacrifice ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The heavy breathing gave away her position, but she didn't care. All she knew was that she had finally gotten away. Silent tears fell down her cheeks as she attempted to stifle her cries. Her blonde odangos had fallen and her hair fell caressingly down her back. She wasn't all too sure it happened. All she had known was that Mamoru had wanted to talk to her. Her mind went back to earlier in the day.


Usagi laughed softly as she skipped down the path of the park. It was a bit cool for summer today, but she didn't mind. All she knew was that it was a beautiful day. She was hoping to check on Mamoru. He hadn't been acting himself for the past few days. He had seemed a bit out of it. Shaking her head, she began to hum a little.

Reaching his apartment complex, she frowned as she looked up. It was a little old. “I really hope the elevator works at least.” Her muttered voice didn't catch too many people's attention. Entering the complex, she pressed the down button and waited. She had gotten Mamoru to his apartment a few nights back after she had found him collapsed on the sidewalk. Shaking her head, she stepped in the elevator when it reached her floor. Pressing the right floor, she leaned back against the wall. Biting her lip in worry, she tried to figure out what to say to the guy. They hadn't ever really been on the best of terms after all.

As it reached his floor, she stepped out and noticed a woman with bright red hair and blue eyes step in. Frowning a little as the door closed, she moved down the hall toward Mamoru's apartment. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. It creaked open and her eyes widened. Stepping in, she peeked around the other side. The apartment was dark, and she shivered from the eerie feeling it gave her. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself and stepped in.

The only light on in the entire apartment was a lamp. Next to it was some crinkled-up piece of paper. She frowned, curious as to what was on it. Opening it, her eyes widened again. It was a note! Her eyes scanned the writing, but it was sloppy and unreadable. The most she got out of it was Moon and girl. Shaking her head and setting by the lamp once more, she listened for something. Her senses were on high alert. It had to be that woman that had left. “Mamoru?” She wrapped her arms around her waist and stepped off to the side. Suddenly the lamp's light died. She jumped, shaking. She pressed herself against the wall in fear. “Mamo-baka, this is some sick joke of yours. Give it a break now. This isn't funny.” Her hands stretched along the wall, looking for the light.

{End Flashback}

And this is where she was now. Curled up in a corner, hiding from whatever it was that had locked her in here. She'd checked the front door. Finally getting some courage, she pulled her communicator out of her pocket and called Mars. Rei answered quickly. “Rei… you guys have to get here to Mamoru's house. Something's here…” At that moment, something grabbed her, and she screamed, dropping the communicator. She struggled in the grip as something close to claws ripped across her back. Tears fell down her cheeks in pain. She knew she had no choice. She kicked and the thing grunted. Once it dropped her, she pulled out her henshin stick. “Moon Prism Power!”

Once transformed, Sailor Moon felt out for any type of aura. Almost immediately, the lights came on. Her eyes widened as they fell on the creature before her. It was hideous! She turned in a daze and saw that it was Mamoru. He had been out. This creature was for him.

Mamoru blinked in surprise as he looked between the youma and Sailor Moon. They all seemed to be in standstill. Then just as quickly, the creature lunged for him. He ducked out of the room and ran.

Sailor Moon darted forward as Mamoru made it outside. She skidded in front of the creature and pointed at it. “Hey ugly! Think again. Moon Tiara Magic!” The tiara sliced through the creature. It barreled past her, pushing her into the wall.

Somehow the creature managed to make it downstairs. Mamoru had raced outside on the street. Sailor Moon appeared not soon after and once again blocked the creature from him. Almost immediately the other senshi appeared. Confused and baffled, Mamoru could only watch.

Between all the attacks on it, the creature still managed to head in Mamoru's direction. It swung an arm and a wave of debris caused the senshi to fly back. Sailor Moon groaned as she watched Mamoru collapse onto his knees. The youma was within striking distance. She struggled up. “No!” She shot forward at a last attempt and placed herself between Mamoru and the youma. Claws imbedded themselves into her stomach and she grunted in shock. Cries of denial could be heard from the senshi as she fell to her knees. The youma was looking at her in confusion. As the senshi attacked its weak point, it disintegrated, and they ran forward. Sailor Moon fell on her hands and panted softly, the pain not quite there yet. She felt extremely tired. Falling on her stomach, she smiled softly. “Guess… I was meant to die then…” The senshi crowded around her as her eyes closed. Mamoru spoke softly. “Why?” Sailor moon reopened them briefly. “Because I love you…”