Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Heaven ❯ Winds of a Changing Heart ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sighing heavily once more, she stretched and felt her eyes beginning to drift shut as the noon day sun beat down on her. She couldn't really believe that she was even considering trying to take a nap here. Deciding to find a safe place, she rose once more and continued walking farther down the path.

As she neared a large tree, she felt the wind begin to pick up. Sighing in relief, she lifted her hair and allowed it to caress her neck. She moaned softly in pleasure. It felt so good against the glare of the sun.

As the tree rose before her, she hurried toward it. Upon entering the small enclosure, the wind began to blast her steadily but she didn't really care. There appeared to be branches that looked almost like steps that went up the tree. Grinning, Kagome darted up the branches. She stopped at a hole in the tree. It looked cozy inside and there were no yokai whatsoever once she let her miko out to check. Grinning, she crawled into the hole. It was perfect. Soon enough, her eyes drifted shut as the wind blew around the tree.

Kagome let out a soft moan as she felt something touching her neck. It felt so good. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a large lavish room. It was incredibly beautiful. Again she felt the sensation against her skin and she turned her head to look at the culprit.

Sesshomaru stared down at the woman below him. She was human but far more exquisite than any others. Laying and gently kiss on her lips, he moved so that he covered her completely. His hands moved over her body in gentle persuasion, enticing her to let him continue. As another moan escaped her lips, he smirked.

Kagome couldn't believe the feelings that were inside her. She wanted this man with all her being and yet there was something about him that made her pause. She knew he had silver hair and golden eyes as bright as the sun. As she felt a tug on her chest, she felt her body arch against the pleasure. It was so much and yet she still wanted more.

Sesshomaru was taking his time. He wanted the woman to feel every inch of him and know that it was him taking her. She was a virgin but somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that she was not his. She was his at this moment though and if he could help it, he wouldn't let her go.

In separate places, Kagome and Sesshomaru awoke, a new feeling growing within them as the wind blew fiercely around them. As Kagome left her tree and Sesshomaru started his patrol, the tree seemed to gather the wind to itself. A young woman appeared and gave a small smile, her fan held lightly in her hand. “Now it is up to you to unite your hearts.”