Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Ohtori Moon ❯ Chapter 4- Moving ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Seems like I have a thing for updating on Mondays. Well, here's the next chapter. She's finally heading for Ohtori! Took long enough, eh? Just wait till next chapter. That's when things start getting complicated. *Evil laughter*

Thanks to everyone who reviewed. Usagi's not gonna be a rose bride. She's not gonna be a duelist for a while either. And as for Mikage, he'll show up. Just much later, as will other characters. Just be patient, k? This is gonna be a LOOOOOOONG story. At least 30 chapters, if not more.

I managed to finish a picture for this story. I don't have a scanner yet, but I will get it up ASAP. I think the Touga/Usagi fans will like it. Just like they'll like the end of this chapter... I can't post the pic till I get chapter 6 up though, cause of spoilers. Unless people want to be spoiled... Then I'll send them the pic, or at least a link to it. A link will be posted with the chapter the picture is part of. *Evil Grin* There'll also be more pics, cause I love this story. lol

Keep reviewing! It really makes me happy, and I'll do more drawings and longer chapters.

Chapter 4- Moving

"Take care, Usagi. I'll probably soon to help you move everything," Touga said, taking Usagi's hand.

Her clear blue eyes met his fiery blue eyes. She unconsciously licked her lips as he lightly squeezed her hand. Her blush tinged her cheeks a light rose color as Touga lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a light kiss on the back of his hand. He released her hand and smiled at her.

"Thank you, Touga," Usagi said nearly whispering. "For everything."

He shook his head, his red hair glittering in the moonlight. "It was nothing, Usagi. It was my pleasure. I had a wonderful time today." Usagi caught a strange look in his eyes, but it was gone in an instant. Usagi could have sworn it was sadness.

"I did too. I'll see you soon, Touga," she said cheerfully. She picked up the bags from the back seat and hopped out of the car. She noticed Touga waited until she was inside to put the car in drive and head down the street.

She quickly raced upstairs, and put her bags down in her room. She heard her mom call for her angrily, and made sure she had her acceptance letter before heading downstairs.

Usagi just stepped into the kitchen when her mother assaulted her with questions and accusations. Usagi tried to speak and protect herself from her enraged mother. She backed up, as her mother continued the barrage. Finally, Usagi pulled out her trump card and held it right in front of her mother.

"Usagi… Is this…?" She asked quietly.

"It's an acceptance letter to Ohtori Academy. The Student Council President himself delivered it. He even took me to dinner to celebrate. That's why I was out so late," Usagi explained now that her mother calmed down.

Suddenly, Usagi was enveloped in a warm hug from her mother. Usagi smiled and returned the hug.

"Congratulations, Usagi," Ikuko whispered and then pulled away. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks, mom," Usagi smiled happily.

"Kenji! Shingo! Come here!" Ikuko called excitedly.

Usagi blushed, already knowing what was to come. The other half of the family came into the dining room.

"What is it, dear?" Kenji asked.

"Usagi just got wonderful news!" Ikuko said happily.

"Oh? What did Odango-Atama do now?" Shingo teased.

Usagi just stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"Usagi was accepted into Ohtori Academy!" Ikuko said happily.

"Congratulations, Usagi! I'm proud of you," Kenji said, wrapping his daughter into a hug.

"Ohtori Academy? That is impressive, Odango," Shingo said, smiling.

"This is wonderful, Usagi. How long until you move into the dorms?" Ikuko asked.

"Well, since I'm a special case, it'll have to be during this week. Probably as soon as possible, because I'd have to get settled and catch up on everything before the second semester begins. Touga-san also said I need to get a uniform there, but he'll arrange for me to have a dorm room, since the Student Council is in charge of room assignments," Usagi explained.

"Oh yes! The he's the one that gave you the letter and treated you to dinner tonight, right?" Ikuko questioned, still excited.

"Yes, he's been a great help to me. He even pulled some string to get me in faster," Usagi answered, unaware of the look her father was giving off.

"You went on a date with a boy?!?!?! Ikuko, where's my shotgun?!?!? I'll kill him!" Kenji

"Calm down, Kenji. It was a business dinner. He's simply trying to help Usagi get into the school. That's his job. It wasn't a date," Ikuko said, calming the irate father.

"Yeah, don't worry dad. He's been like a brother to me. He's really done a lot for me, and he wouldn't try anything," Usagi assured her dad. `At least, I hope he wouldn't…' Usagi thought, remembering Motoki's advice.

"Don't worry, dad. No one that cool and intelligent would go out with Odango-Atama anyway," Shingo stuck out his tongue and left the kitchen.

"Hey, brat!" Usagi began, but he was already gone. She shook her head and sighed.

"Don't worry Usagi. Shingo's just jealous, and he's gonna miss having you around to tease. Besides, you're a beautiful, intelligent young woman, Usagi. I'm sure many guys think you're beautiful," Ikuko said gently.

Usagi fought back her blush, remembering Touga's comments earlier. She remembered how Touga kissed her hand, and then shook her head to clear her thoughts.

"I know… it did hurt though. But he shouldn't be worried; he'll always be my little brother. But Touga has been a big help, and I owe him a lot for all he's done for me," Usagi said.

"Is he handsome?" Ikuko asked smugly.

Usagi blushed bright red at that. "Mom!"

"You should invite him over for dinner sometime, Usagi. Besides, I'd like to thank him for helping you too," Ikuko winked at her blushing daughter.

"Absolutely not! Usagi's not allowed to be with boys until she's 30!" Kenji cried, worriedly.

"Dad, it's really not like that at all!" Usagi protested.

"I hope so, for his sake," Kenji grumbled and stalked off.

Usagi and Ikuko sighed as he left.

"Don't worry Usagi. It's ok if you want to go out with him. So, is he handsome? Tell me about him!" Ikuko encouraged, with a smile.

Usagi blushed, remembering how close they'd been when the clerk interrupted.

"Ne, Usagi, did something happen?" Ikuko asked, noticing the look on the girl's face.

"N-no, but I didn't tell you the whole story… You see, I met Touga right after I failed the first test. He showed me around Ohtori and introduced me to people there, and I made friends and he really encouraged me. He said he'd take me to the Student's Spring Ball if I got accepted by the second semester… That's why I worked so hard and got such good grades…" Usagi admitted, blushing.

Ikuko shook her head and smiled. "I knew there had to be a reason. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't think I could do it…" Usagi admitted. "But I was at the arcade after school today to talk to Motoki-nii-san. And he let me have one free play, for doing so well. And then I almost died and I hadn't noticed Touga there, until he put in another coin for me. And then he took me to dinner, and insisted on taking me to the mall. He even bought me the dress, but I said he shouldn't, but he wouldn't listen. He even insisted on buying me shoes too."

"Wow, is he rich?" Ikuko wondered aloud.

"Yes, he has a mansion on campus. He even drove me home afterwards. He's like a prince. In fact, the way we met was I wasn't paying attention crossing the street, cause I was upset about the test, and a car was speeding down the road, and Touga pushed me out of the way. He ended up seeing the test, and he encouraged me to do better…" Usagi's voice held a dreamy tone, remembering how sweet he'd been to her.

Ikuko smiled at the look on her daughter's face. She knew she was growing up, but she was growing beautifully. She was always so cheerful and bright. Ikuko knew Usagi would make many people happy.

"I'm happy for you, Usagi. I hope things work out for you. And don't worry about your father. I'll talk to him and calm him down," Ikuko assured.

Usagi smiled and hugged her mother. "Thank you, mom. You're really wonderful."

Ikuko smiled as she embraced her wonderful daughter. She silently thanked whatever God there was for letting her daughter meet such a wonderful man.

"I better start packing now, and get some rest too," Usagi said, pulling back.

Ikuko nodded. "Good night, sweetie."

Usagi smiled and headed upstairs. She walked into her room and closed the door. She slumped down onto her bed. Reaching into her pocket, her hand felt a small object. She pulled out the ring Motoki had given her. She studied it in the light of her room, and noticed the rose seal.

"It looks a lot like the seal on the acceptance letter…" Usagi muttered. She pulled out the letter and compared the two symbols. Finally, she put the two things away and pulled out her diary.

She recorded all of the events of the day, and finally added one last thought.

Utena Tenjou. I wonder what kind of person she is. I'll be sure to find her as soon as possible. As much as I think Touga is like a prince to me, Motoki's words are always in the back of my mind. Maybe Utena will know more about him. And I hope Anthy is alright. If Touga is one of the people trading her around like a possession, then I have to stop it, no matter what the cost. There are some things in the world that are unforgivable. I bet Sailor V would do the same.

Usagi giggled as she wrote the last part. She imagined herself as Sailor V kicking butt and saving Anthy. Usagi shook her head, an amused smile on her lips.

"I better get some sleep, I'm starting to have crazy ideas," Usagi mumbled, crawling into bed. She turned off the light and fell fast asleep.

The next day…

Usagi yawned and stretched, pulling off the warm blanket. She smiled as the sun glittered on her silky tresses. She stood and looked around her room. Most of her things were already packed, and her dress was hanging on her closet door.

"It's so beautiful today. I think I'll go for a short walk," Usagi thought aloud. She pulled out a simple pair of light blue jeans and a white sweater that had little pink bunnies on it. She pulled her hair into her usual hairstyle. She looked in the mirror and smiled, satisfied with her appearance.

She happily walked downstairs, smiling brightly. She saw her mom and dad sitting on the couch on her descent. "Good morning!" Usagi chirped happily.

"Good morning!" her parents called back.

Usagi paused as she noticed the handsome redhead sitting across from her parents. She blinked, then smiled and waved to him.

"Good morning Touga!" Usagi chirped, as she came into the living room. She sat down in a chair between her parents and Touga. He smiled at her warmly.

"Good morning, Usagi. You look wonderful today," he said kindly.

Usagi smiled. "Thanks Touga. So, what's going on?" Usagi turned to her parents, a question in her eyes.

"Touga-san has told us more about the school and how everything works for you, since you're transferring so late in the year. He's been so nice and helpful," Ikuko said happily to her daughter.

"I've also mentioned you should try to move onto the campus as soon as possible. Most students arrive about a week before they begin classes. For you, classes start on Monday. It would be best if you came to the campus today to get ready for the semester. Of course, I'll help you with everything," Touga said kindly, with a small grin.

"Thank you, Touga-san," Kenji said. His eyes flashed at the look he gave Usagi, but he didn't dare do anything to hurt Usagi's future.

"Well, in that case, shall we get your things, Usagi?" Ikuko asked.

Usagi nodded and stood at the same time as her mother. "We'll be right back!" Usagi chimed as she headed upstairs. Ikuko followed her daughter closely.

As soon as Ikuko knew they were out of hearing range she leaned close to Usagi and whispered, "He is handsome! And he seemed very happy to see you. Are you two really going out?"

Usagi turned bright red and turned to face her mom. She did the only thing she could do in response to such a comment.


Kenji and Touga looked up as they heard Usagi's shrill cry. Touga blinked, amazed by the power of the petite girl's lungs. The cry ended as quickly as it began. The two men turned to each other, silently agreeing to pretend that didn't happen.

"So, Touga, you must be quite popular at Ohtori, correct?" Kenji said politely, but with a dark glint in his eye.

"I suppose you could say that. I am the school's representative," Touga replied casually.

"You have a girlfriend, then, I assume," Kenji said, also relaxing into a casual tone, but his eyes still gleaming.

"No, of course not. I have a lot of responsibilities, too many to maintain a stable relationship," Touga answered calmly, with a sad smile.

"I see. You've done an awful lot for my daughter. I can't help but wonder why you'd do quite so much for her, though I am immensely grateful," Kenji said, then sipped his coffee.

"She is an amazing girl. From the moment I first saw her, I knew she had potential. I know now how right I was. She is also the kind of person you can't help but feel happy around. She's just a wonderful person, and I'd like to see her strive for her best, and receive the best in return," Touga said, smiling softly, while glancing up.

Kenji nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Then if anyone tried to hurt her at Ohtori…"

"I assure you, that would not happen. And if it did… Well, let's just say I have friends in high places. And I consider Usagi a dear friend. She has a special place in my heart, and I won't tolerate anyone hurting her," Touga answered, very serious.

Kenji smiled now. "Then I can rest easy knowing my little girl's in good hands."

"Indeed, Tsukino-san," Touga nodded.

"Please, call me Kenji," Usagi's father took another sip of his coffee, finally relaxing.

"I'm sorry we took so long, Touga! I'm ready now," Usagi called as she headed down the stairs, two bags in tow.

"Visit often, ok, Usagi?" Kenji said to his daughter, embracing her. He stepped back, smiling proudly at his daughter. He smiled as Shingo hurried down the steps to his sister.

"Take care, Odango. Ya better write," Shingo grumbled sleepily as he came and hugged Usagi. He then walked off into the kitchen.

"I'm so proud of you, take care, Usagi," Ikuko said, and hugged her daughter. She leaned close and whispered in her ear, "Don't let this one get away. He's a real keeper."

Usagi turned bright red as she pulled away from her mother. She managed to smile at everyone and wave. "Don't worry, everyone. I'll be fine. I'll visit every Sunday I can spare. And I'll write as often as I can," Usagi promised a final time.

She smiled at Touga and nodded. He smiled and nodded in return. He picked up her bags, and carried them outside. Usagi gets into the cab as Touga places her bags in the trunk. After slamming the trunk shut, he sat next to Usagi, who waved to her family.

He smiled at the blond and also waved to her family. Usagi continued waving even as the car pulled away from her home. Once her family was out of sight, Touga placed an arm around Usagi.

"Don't worry, you'll see them soon. You've got a lot ahead of you now that you're on your own," Touga said softly.

Usagi tried in vain to fight of her blush. She looked mildly worried. "But I can always count on you, Touga, ne?" Usagi asked innocently, looking up into his blue eyes.

Touga faltered for a moment, caught off guard by the blond. His face turned gentler for a brief moment. He offered her a small smile and nodded. He then pulled the girl closer and enveloped her in a warm embrace.

"I'll take care of you, Usagi…"