Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Ohtori Moon ❯ Chapter 5- Friends? ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Yay! Got this one done a day early! Yeah, go me! And this is thanks to all those wonderful reviews! And there's some mushy stuff for all the Touga/Usagi fans out there. Things are gonna start getting weird next chapter, and eventually get very strange. And angsty (It wouldn't be Utena if it didn't get pretty messed up and angsty). So enjoy the happiness while it lasts.

Remember: Reviews make me work faster and better! It's true! So don't forget to tell me what you think (and if you notice some mistakes or something). Enjoy!

Chapter 5- Friends?

The ride was pleasant, even if Usagi discovered several new shades of red that humans had no right to be. However, Usagi felt as though she were getting closer to the red haired man. After arriving at the gates of the school, Touga helped Usagi with her bags, and lead her into the school.

"You can stay at my mansion tonight, I have an extra room. You'll be able to get your dorm assignment tomorrow, as well as your schedule and uniform," Touga explained, walking leisurely beside the girl.

"So… What do I have to do today?" Usagi asked curiously.

"We're going to visit the acting chairman of Ohtori. He's helped a lot in getting you accepted. I thought it would be appropriate for you two to meet," Touga put down the bags and opened the door to his mansion, letting Usagi in first.

Usagi was truly amazed by Touga's mansion. Touga smiled softly, amused by the innocent bunny. He lead her towards the stairs. The main room they were in was all white marble with wooden furniture and golden decorations. The stairs themselves was a set of sweeping stairs. Usagi was beginning to wonder if it was Touga's mansion or palace.

She gasped as she saw beautiful paintings decorating the walls as she walked down the hallway behind Touga. She was so engrossed in the place she hadn't realized she'd stopped. Touga walked back towards her and shook his head, smiling softly.

"If you think this is amazing, you should see the chairman's place," Touga was only half joking.

"Wow… This is incredible. You're really lucky, Touga!" Usagi chirped happily.

"Thank you, Usagi," he purred, walking close to her. He led her to a comfortably large room, decorated in white. He placed her bags down near the edge of the bed. He turned and smiled at her shocked expression.

The room was elegant, to say the least. The bay window had long golden lace sweeping onto the floor, gently swaying to the rhythm of the wind. There was an antique dresser in the room, and a walk in closet. The hard wood floor was covered with soft shag carpet near a humble fireplace. There was a Victorian couch near it, with two fancy pillows decorating it. There was a silver vase on the mantle, filled with white roses.

The walls were decorated with small candleholders with fresh candles. There were candles on every spare space around the edges of the room. There was a door connecting to what Usagi assumed was the bathroom. And in the center of the room was the bed, the most significant decoration in the room. The bed was huge, definitely a queen sized bed. The soft off-white silk sheets shimmered in a golden light from the window. There was a canopy draping down from the ceiling, spilling ample golden lace unto the floor.

And Touga was sitting very invitingly on the edge of the bed. He was smiling at the cute little bunny across from her. He patted the spot on the bed next to him, and Usagi numbly sat next to him, feeling like she just left a whole new world.

Usagi took a deep breath, closing her eyes. She tried to figure out if she was just still dreaming. Her eyes opened as she felt a warm pressure on her hand. She turned to Touga, who was looking at her concerned.

"Are you alright, Usagi?" Touga asked in a soft, caring voice. He squeezed her hand softly, but reassuringly.

Usagi nodded and smiled at him. "It's just shocking. One day I'm just a normal student, now… Everything turned upside down. It feels like I was just taken off the path lead before me, and chose to take my own way for once… Or does that sound crazy?" Usagi said, blushing softly.

Touga shook his head, but Usagi caught a brief glimmer of some unnamable emotion in his eyes. Touga then lifted Usagi's hand to his lips. "Don't worry, Usagi. I'm beside you on this path…" He softly kissed the back of the blushing girl's hand before standing, still holding her hand.

"Shall we?" Touga continued in a soft voice.

Usagi nodded, too overwhelmed to say anything. She felt sad when he let go of her hand, already missing his warmth. She followed the tall red head back out into the sunlight, past towering marble buildings, and past the shining rose garden. Everything seemed to make Usagi feel so small, so alone. The feeling from before crept back into her heart. She felt like she wasn't supposed to be here. This was a path not meant for her, but Usagi shook her head and continued after the handsome man before her, her heart aching in a way she couldn't begin to comprehend.

"Konnichi wa, Usagi!" A cheerful voice called.

Usagi blinked and realized Anthy was standing right in front of her. "Oh, hi Anthy!" Usagi chirped and hugged the purple haired girl. "Guess what! I made it! I'm a student now!"

"Congratulations Usagi!" Anthy replied happily, returning the hug. "I knew you could do it."

"Thanks Anthy! If it wasn't for the two of you… I would hate to think of where I'd be right now. Probably kicked out of my house…" Usagi giggled.

"You're parents would really do that? They seemed to happy," Touga mentioned quietly.

Usagi shook her head. "I've been kicked out for a few hours before. I'm used to it. I always went to the arcade and Motoki-nii-san would always listen to me. He's been like a big brother to me…" Usagi trailed off, remembering his words the other day.

"Usagi?" Touga asked softly, concerned. He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes.

The girl shook her head and smiled. "I'm alright. I guess it's silly of me, but all these changes… I hadn't even noticed till now. It's like I've been living in a dream. But now it's time to wake up, huh?"

She giggled and met his worried eyes with a re-assuring glance. She turned to Anthy and smiled. "We'll have to hang out sometime after classes, Anthy!"

"Of course, Usagi," Anthy replied calmly, smiling softly. "Where are you heading now?"

"We're going to see the acting chairman. Touga's told me he's helped a lot in my acceptance here," Usagi said happily. She noticed something flash in the purple haired girl's eyes.

"I'm glad my brother has been so kind," Anthy said a little more quiet.

"He's your brother?!?" Usagi blinked and lost her balance for a moment.

Touga and Anthy laughed softly at the blonde's reaction. Anthy nodded and smiled softly at the girl.

"He's my older brother. He's engaged to the chairman's daughter. However, the chairman is currently very ill, and so my brother is acting in his place," Anthy explained gently.

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhh…" Usagi nodded, smiling. "I get it now!"

"Well, I'd best not keep you then. Take care Usagi, Touga-sempai," Anthy nodded politely and continued on her way.

"Bye bye Anthy!" Usagi called happily to her friend.

"Wow, I didn't know I'd made friends in such high places," Usagi giggled, nearly skipping next to Touga. "Next thing you know, someone's gonna tell me I'm a long lost princess!"

"Why do you say that, Usagi?" Touga asked softly, smiling.

"Surely you know every girl dreams at some time to be a princess and loved by all. Personally, my idol is Sailor V! She's so cool, and she kicks major evil butt!" Usagi said happily.

Touga laughed and smiled. "You'd rather be a soldier then a princess?" He stopped and looked at her, waiting for her reaction.

Usagi stopped, and looked up to the sky, then turned to Touga. "I just want to be me. I'm happy where I am. I love my dreams, but… I have enough, and I'm happy. I don't need anything more." She said quietly, with a peaceful smile.

Touga stepped towards the girl, rather surprised by her wise words. "Even if it means dying some day? Never knowing something more?"

"All things pass in time, and I find peace in that. I want to shine with all my heart while I live, and hope that shine lives on in others till the end of time. Should it die, then it's alright. Besides, if you're happy, isn't that most important? Eternity would be rather lonely, I think. Could people be so close if life wasn't so fragile?" Usagi walked up to a random rose bush. "Would we treasure a rose, if it's beauty lasted forever?" Her hand softly brushed the rose petals.

Touga was silent, watching the girl innocently admire the flowers. If anyone saw them, they would have been shocked at the softness of the playboy's face. He walked next to her, and simply looked at the roses. He turned to her as he felt her eyes on him. She smiled and handed him a rose.

"Let's be friends, Touga," she said happily. The man took the innocent white rose and looked into the girl's eyes. Her eyes sparkled in the light, and her face was warm.

"Let's be friends, Usagi," he said quietly mesmerized by the bunny in front of him. In an instant, she was hugging him. Slowly, carefully, he wrapped his arms around her and held her for a moment. She tightened her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. He softly rubbed the small of her back, holding her tightly.

Usagi pulled away after a minute of his embrace. She was smiling brightly, and she held his hands. "Thank you, Touga!"

Touga shook his head, a small, brilliant smile gracing his features. For once his face looked completely peaceful. "You're incredible, Usagi," he whispered very softly.

"Huh?" Usagi tilted her head, eyes wide with curiosity.

Touga laughed softly at the adorable picture she made. "Curious little Rabbit… Usa-ko."

Usagi blushed at the name he used, still smiled. Then she stiffened completely, her eyes wide with shock. "We're gonna be late!"

Touga laughed as she grabbed his wrist and began to race forward. "Turn left, Usa-ko!"

Usagi blushed; glad he couldn't see her tomato colored face as she quickly cut a corner. She stopped short, seeing an amazingly tall tower before her. Touga opened the door, which led to a room with an elevator. Usagi stood patiently beside him, a warm presence. The elevator door opened and the two stood inside, waiting in comfortable silence.

Usagi took a deep breath as the elevator stopped. Touga squeezed her shoulder briefly before the doors opened. The two walked out, side by side. Usagi's eyes widened in pure wonder at the site before her.

The room was huge, bigger then the entrance to Touga's mansion. There were two small, white leather couches with a coffee table in between. There was a nice rug underneath the set-up. However, the eye-catcher was the giant telescope in the center of the room. Usagi realized that the Chairman's office was actually an observatory.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Touga asked quietly. He had a small grin watching the wide-eyed rabbit stare in awe.

"Amazing…" Usagi breathed, stepping forward.

"I'm glad you like it, Usagi," A deep voice purred, emerging from the telescope.

Usagi blinked again as a handsome dark skinned man approached her. He smiled at her, but Usagi had to fight back a shiver at the expression in his eyes.

"Um… hi," Usagi squeaked shyly.

"I'm Akio Ohtori, acting chair man. It's wonderful to finally meet you, Usagi," He said with a soft smile. He sat on one of the leather couches, and gestured to the other couch. "Please sit, Usagi, Touga."

"Thank you," Touga nodded politely.

"Thank you," Usagi mirrored.

"You've certainly turned your life around in record time, Usagi. I'm very impressed with your work, as well. You've certainly earned your acceptance," Akio said, with a soft smile.

Usagi blushed, "Thank you, Ohtori-san. I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for Touga and Anthy…" She trailed off, looked at her hands briefly.

"Oh? Anthy helped you?" Akio asked, leaning back into the couch.

"I met her before my grades turned around, and she really encouraged me. Touga introduced us. We're going to have lunch together sometime," Usagi said happily. She smiled at Touga, and then turned back to Akio.

"I'm glad my sister is keeping such good company. Sadly she never introduces me to her friends. I was beginning to wonder if she was locking herself up in the rose garden all day," Akio laughed softly.

"Actually, that's where we met. She's very good at caring for the roses," Usagi said, smiling softly.

"She is. I hope you enjoy yourself here, at Ohtori. And if you ever need anything, feel free to stop by anytime, Usagi. And congratulations again," Akio said, standing up. He reached out a hand to the blonde.

Usagi smiled brightly, and took his hand while standing. "Thank you, Ohtori-san, for everything," Usagi said cheerfully.

"Please, call me Akio," he said softly, he squeezed her hand lightly before letting go. "Take care, Usagi."

"You too, Akio-san," Usagi bowed slightly before following Touga to the elevator.

The two walked back to Touga's mansion, in companionable silence. Usagi was still thinking over the whole experience. She couldn't help but feel as if she'd seen him somewhere before. Images from the conversation filled her mind. She noticed how tense Touga seemed underneath.

Usagi looked up at Touga, and noticed he was staring blankly, a sad expression on his face. Usagi blushed, but reached over and held Touga's hand.

"It's alright, Touga," Usagi said softly, as Touga looked at her surprised. She smiled up at him, squeezing his hand.

Touga shook his head, a small smile gracing his handsome face. "I'm alright, Usagi. Thank you for your concern…"

"Oh no you don't!" Usagi interrupted. Touga blinked, surprised at her sudden outburst. The blond stood in front of him, hands on her hips. She attempted a glare, but it ended up looking more like a pout. "You're trying to push me away, but something's bothering you. I'm not gonna force you to tell me what it is, but I don't want you to push me away. If I did something, tell me, k?"

Touga blinked in surprised, and then shook his head, a small frown playing on his lips. "It's not you, Usagi. There's just a lot going on right now, and I'm not making sense of it. But you're right, I shouldn't push you away," Touga said softly, stepping forward. "Forgive me?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her thin waist.

Usagi smiled and leaned into his chest, bring her arms around him. She nodded into his chest. "It'll all work itself out. If I can help, though, please tell me, alright?" Usagi said softly, pushing back a little.

Touga nodded and let go of the girl in his arms. He offered a small, reassuring smile. "Let's keep going, Usagi. My sister will worry if I'm not there soon," Touga said calmly, starting to walk.

Usagi followed, blinking for a moment. "Hey! You never said you had a sister!"

Touga laughed and shook his head. "I just did, Usa-ko," he teased, grinning.

"Hey, no fair!" Usagi complained. "Is she younger or older? Tell me more!"

Touga continued to laugh, dodging the bunny's questions the whole rest of the way home. Both blissfully unaware of the angry eyes watching them…

"I'll make sure things are in order. Dinner should be ready in under half an hour," Touga said, closing the front door. "I'll come get you when everything's done."

Usagi nodded and headed off for her room. She heard Touga walk in the opposite direction. She made her way through the still unfamiliar halls. Finally, after five minutes of endless walking, she managed to find another person.

"Excuse me!" Usagi called to the girl. She was short, but still taller then Usagi. She had sandy blonde hair in a strange style Usagi had never seen before.

"Yes?" the girl asked coldly. Usagi blinked, but kept a kind smile on her face.

"Um… Well, I'm kinda lost… Could you… um, help?" Usagi asked in a small voice.

The girl looked long and hard at the other. She closed her eyes.

"Why are you here? Why are you always around Touga?" she asked calmly.

"Touga let me stay here tonight, because I'm getting my dorm assignment tomorrow. I got accepted in the middle of the year, and Touga's helped me to move. He's been a good friend. Are you his sister?" Usagi asked innocently.

The girl nodded. "You said friend. You're not interested in anything more?" she asked cautiously.

Usagi laughed and scratched the back of her head. "No, no. Besides Touga's too busy for a girlfriend. He even said so. Besides, who would go for a ditz like me. I think Touga's a really good friend, and I owe him a lot. Anthy and Ohtori-san too," Usagi explained cheerfully.

"Go back down the hall, your room is the third on the right. We'll be fine as long as you stay away from Touga," she said, starting to walk away.

"Thank you sooooo much!" Usagi called, following the girl's directions.

The girl sighed, and walked away. "She just better be telling the truth, for her sake…"