Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ There's No Way to Explain Love ❯ Strawberry Julius ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks for the reviews! I honestly wasn't sure if this was good or not…I was also hoping someone would beta, I don't want to rush my partner, which I'll be giving her more work in a little while… So if anyone is interested in beta-ing for this story or any story of mine, then contact me.

Disclaimer: I, Lady in Red1, do not own any characters mentioned in the following chapter from the animes of Sailor Moon and Weiß Kruez. The only thing that I own is this plot.

Warning: A little OOC, but that's about it.

Rating: PG-13

I talk too much…






There's No Way to Explain Love





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Minako took a drink from the large cup to wash down the spicy food she had consumed. Soon after Usagi reached out and took a big drink. Minako seeing this took another drink, watching as Usagi did the same. Wanting to know how brave the moon princess was, she took yet other drink. The odango-haired girl reached for the drink. "Don't even think about it… `Sagi." Noting the warning in her voice, Usagi turned her chair to face the fellow blonde, putting the cup in-between them.

Survival of the swiftest.

Two blondes stared at each other, the cup, then each other. The contest was obvious… Usagi readied herself for the fight with Minako, it could get vicious. The unspoken command was said, and both blondes dived at the cup. Usagi cheered as she got the cup with only a little scratch on her cheek. She sipped happily at the strawberry juluis while Minako glowered.

"I know you didn't invite me here so I could pay for your julius Usagi." Minako said impatiently, wanting at least a sip of the precious julius.

Usagi took one last big gulp before she swallowed and grabbed her head. Minako laughed, and said something about Usagi and "brain freezes".

"Ow." Said girl was rubbing her throat and head, while glaring at the adjacent blonde. "Okay, so I didn't invite you here so you could pay for me…"


"I want help in hooking Rei up." Usagi found something particular to stare at while Minako gaped at her.

"Are you serious?" A shake of her head had the senshi of love going into a fit of giggles. "With who?" She managed to say before being swallowed up by giggles again.

Whatever Usagi was looking at became even more intriguing as she ignored her blonde friend.

Stupid Minako, making things harder.


"Motoki?" Minako gasped in disbelief. Covering her face with her hands, blue eyes going wide.


"Why Motoki-kun?" She swore the coughing fit Minako had sounded suspiciously like, "poor Motoki."

Usagi kept on studying the spot on the far wall, pretending to be nonchalant about the whole conversation. "Because Rei ragged on me when I flirted with him. I figured she must like him or something." Usagi said finally meeting Minako's blue eyes.

Minako scrunched up her nose, lips pursed till she finally spoke. "You flirted with Motoki-kun?"

Usagi pulled up in front of the flower shop in the late afternoon. Her meeting with Minako hadn't gone exactly as planned, but she had enlisted the Goddess of Love's help. It hadn't been too hard; she always loved playing matchmaker. Which had ended up being bad for her fellow senshi. Especially for poor Ami-chan.

A horde of junior high and high school girls loitered around said shop. When they heard the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle engine, most of the crowd turned in expectancy.

This might not be easy.

The blonde took off her helmet and let her hair spill out. Her little show was viewed by most everyone, the guys stared, while the girls groaned and murmurs started.

"Did you see her?"

"..acting like she owns the place…"

"..wonder where she came from?"

Usagi ignored all this as she walked into the path cleared when she had arrived. Looking around the overly crowded shop, she had a feeling these girls weren't here to buy flowers.

"Can I help you miss?" A man with brown hair asked her, obviously realizing she was an actual customer.

"What kind of flowers do you think a love-sick girl would want to get from her crush?" Usagi giggled at his shocked and confused expression. She absentmindedly wondered if they got questions like that often. "I'm setting two friends up."

"Well, then tenshi, you might want to get her roses. Every girl likes roses, but I can see, you're not the type for that." Everything about the sandy blonde-haired man screamed playboy, but she none the less blushed at the endearment. "Yohji," he took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles, "and you are?"


Usagi watched the other coworkers and knew why the girls were all crowding the shop all the time. The man that had first spoken to her had long since abandoned the task, now watering some pink flowers. Yohji had moved closer to her, now invading her personal space and a red head had bellowed for the schoolgirls to get out or purchase something. If she weren't buying something, she probably would have scurried away. Another blonde boy she guessed somewhere around her age was, what she guessed, being harassed by a purple haired girl. Who she soon learned from the gossip floating around the shop that her name was "Ouka".

" … Friday night?"

"Hm?" Usagi asked distractedly.

"I was asking if you would like to accompany me on Friday night." Yohji was a little too close for comfort.

"I'll think about it…" The moon princess picked up a dozen white lilies, one rose and headed towards the cash register. After paying she walked straight out of the store, ignoring the stares following her as she went. Belatedly, Yohji realized she had not given him an answer or her number.

Usagi picked up the phone and dialed Minako's number. The senshi of love was the only one who could help her now.

Kami, help me.

"Moshi moshi."

"Minako, I need your help now."

The two scheming blondes talked on the phone for an hour while Usagi wrote down some things.

"…And you should say, "Love Motoki" or "Motoki-kun."

"Alright, I'll see what I can come up with, thanks Minako-chan." They said their goodbyes and Usagi sighed in disgust. She hated writing poems, or anything to do with letters period.

Dearest Rei,

What had Minako said about the beginning? Oh yes, "Dearest would be too loving, remember neither of them knows what's going on. Dearest could get him angry at us." Throwing away that paper, she tried to think of something suitable.

Two hours, three cans of soda, and a whole pack of paper later, Usagi had finished the letter.


Meet me at the place we first laid eyes on one another.


She cringed at the letter, rewriting it carefully onto a small card. She knew for a fact, that they had first met at a nice little café. She wrote a similar letter, and decided to send them tomorrow. Looking at the clock, it read, 5:40. She hopped up to stretch her neglected leg muscles. Usagi fell on her face, and groaned.

Damn gravity. Damn it to hell.

As she rode, Usagi's mind wondered to her brief meeting with Yohji. She had felt oddly attracted to him. The feeling had been put in the back of her mind, to evaluate later. Now she wondered if it was lust, or if it was an actual interest. She hadn't really dated anyone other than Mamoru, and now she guessed it was time for her to start looking. She was almost twenty for Christ's sake. Although she wasn't ready for a random one-night stand, she would try and date this Yohji, and see if he was truly what she thought he could be.

She arrived just as most of the schoolgirls were leaving, signaling they were either closing or the girls decided to get on with their lives for the day. Hoping it was the latter, she almost ran inside.

"I was hoping you weren't closing yet." She said breathily.

"Tenshi!" Yohji was pleasantly surprised to see `his' tenshi. "You came back for me?"

Usagi had the decency to blush at his comment, "Actually, I remembered some flowers I wanted to get." It wasn't a complete lie. She had wanted at least one more rose for Rei, and some flower arrangement for her home. He wanted it to smell nice.

Yohji wasn't to be deterred, he gladly told her what went with her hair and complexion and personality. His coworkers had all left except for Ken, whom Yohji had said was clumsy and shouldn't be in the flower business. She had laughed, and told him she better get going.

"So tenshi, have you decided whether or not we're on for Friday?"

Usagi had ignored the question he'd been asking frequently, and handed him the cash. "Ja ne, Yohji-kun." She walked out of the shop, hips swaying.

Yohji frowned as he realized she had yet to give her number. She was the temptress he had first thought her to be. While he was putting away the cash, he noticed a piece of cream colored paper. Opening it, the note read.

I'd love to. Usagi- 890-1658

The cocky playboy façade swept across his face as he did a little dance.

I always wondered if he ever did that if he got a date with someone really sexy… I'm sorry this one wasn't as good as the first chapter, but I tried. Obviously the number I put up there is fake…

I see how you people over here at MMO are… Someone leaves a perfectly fine story, but you won't lift your lazy ass fingers and type a semi-decent review. I'm glad I go to FFN too, or I'd be utterly discouraged by now to write any stories what so ever.