Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ There's No Way to Explain Love ❯ The Date ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm back! Let's just say that in the story, it's Friday ^^

To my Reviewers: Awww! I love you all so, so, so, so MUCH! And don't worry, I won't stop writing this just because one person doesn't like it so far. I'm not that stupid! Okay, maybe I am, but that's not the point.

Disclaimer: I, Lady in Red1, do not own any of the following characters from Sailor Moon or Weiß Kruez. The only thing I own is the plot. (And a broken pager…)

Warning: OOC-ness. Bizarre happenings…I know I severely screwed up the time line!

Rating: PG-13





There's No Way to Explain Love




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Intimidatingly large aliens moved toward Usagi in a slow dangerous walk. Said girl, backed in a corner could do nothing but cower in fear. The aliens' eyes glowed red and they suddenly let off a shrill screeching noise. Usagi covered her ears and shut her eyes in attempt to wish herself out of this place. Once she realized she couldn't and that the aliens were closing in on her, she decided to go down putting up a fight. The shrilling seemed to double in noise as she stood up, coming to only a little above the aliens' waste. She fought tooth and nail…

Until she found herself on her bedroom floor peering up at her alarm clock. When had she set the damn contraption?

Usagi let out a stream of curses. She had been having the best night of sleep in a month. Only to be awoken by an alarm clock that she didn't even remember setting. Since when did she set them to wake her up at seven in the morning? Groaning, she got up and stumbled towards the shower. A shriek filled the silence as the blonde bunny jumped into a cold shower.

Usagi shivered while she was picking out an outfit and cursed the water heater- that she found out a little belatedly was broken.

Showers = Evil. (Note: I am not making her stop taking showers.)

The blonde idly wondered what she would do today. She didn't have much to do. Deliver the notes, buy a new outfit for her date tonight. Maybe that was why she set her alarm? Dismissing the thought, she dressed in a white skirt and purple v-neck top. Not wanting to dry her hair, she pulled it up into a messy bun. She only occasionally wore her hair in odangos, but her friends still called her by the old- and much loathed- nickname. The shrill ring of her phone broke her from her daydream of her date with Yohji.

"Moshi moshi."

"Usa, meet me at the mall in thirty minutes!" Minako's voice stated loudly over the phone. When she was about to pin the blame of her clock on the princess of Venus, the dial tone was heard.

"Evil, evil Minako."


Usagi waited by the Orange Julius stand for Minako. She should have known the other girl would be late. But she hadn't suspected thirty minutes late. She wasn't complaining much; she got to ogle the goods. And get a few glares from girls when their boyfriends looked a little too long her way. She snorted derisively, not like she wanted to take them. She was actually a little giddy thinking about her date with Yohji.


Said girl swirled around to look into surprised green eyes.

"Mako-chan!" She screeched glomping the poor brunette.

"Usagi-chan, what are you doing here?" Makoto asked looking around to see if she had company.

Usagi looked at her, at her julius then back at her. Deciding she wasn't going to be a Minako, "I'm supposed to meet Minako here. But she hasn't shown up yet. What're you up to?" She easily disregarded the way Makoto was looking around.

The senshi looked a little sheepish, "Minako canceled and told me to come and find you."

Of course Mina-chan would decide this at the last minute. "Well, what did she want to meet me here for? And why did she set my alarm?"

Makoto sat down to laugh, at poor Usagi's expense. She of course quieted down when she heard a sniffle come from her princess. "Gomen Sagi-chan, she didn't know if it would wake you or not. But Mina-chan wanted to pick out your outfit for your date tonight."

Usagi looked a little skeptic; "I'm not even going to ask how she knows."

A loud, impatient filled sigh filled the back of the shop. "For the last time Usagi, you do not look fat. Nor will you ever look fat."

"Are you sure?"

"Good Kami woman, put it back if you insist it makes you look fat!" A few heads turned as a tall brunette came storming out of the dressing rooms looking pissed. "I am never going clothes shopping with you again! No wonder Minako didn't want to come."

"Hey!" Usagi said indignantly. Before another syllable left her mouth a pleased looking Minako came into the store.

"Usagi-chan, Mako-chan." She said, her smile broadening. "Guess what I found?"

Something like "a boyfriend" was said under someone's breath and a "I think that was a rhetorical question." but the energetic blonde obviously wasn't listening. Without waiting for them to make more sarcastic remarks -some had already been said about her intelligence- Minako dragged both girls out of the store.

As the senshi of love dragged her, Usagi wondered if she would find the perfect outfit. Those thoughts ceased as she laid eyes on the most beautiful- at least in her price range as Minako pointed out- dress she had ever seen. -Not including her dress from the Silver Millennium. -

The dress was a blood red color, which apparently would hug her body pretty tight. The top dipped dangerously low- just not indecently low- and it stopped a little below mid thigh. No doubt Minako knew her fellow blonde would look stunning in the dress.

"I don't think she'll be able to breathe in that Minako." Makoto joked, not taking her eyes from the dress.

Usagi tilted her head to the left, the right, then the left, and continued doing so for a few minutes. "You know, maybe I will be able to breathe. I mean, if I pass out, I have Yohji to give me CPR." The other two girls with her looked at their princess and all three started giggling. Later of course, Makoto denied that she ever joined in on their giggling.


Minako happily sipped at the strawberry julius while Usagi looked around to make sure no one was looking while she did this. There would be dire consequences if she were caught in the act. With the lilies and roses safely hidden behind her back, Usagi started her trek up the steps of the Hikawa Shrine.

"Hey Usagi! What are you doing here?"

The blonde looked to her left and stared in horror at what she saw. Yuuichiro was sweeping. There, sweeping away. Clearly viewing her bundle of flowers. Her eyes rolled upward, praying for an answer. How could she forget that he was working today? Hoping against hope that he would go along and not tell Rei, she jogged towards him. "Yuuichiro… Could you do me a favor?"

The man looked at her a second, took a peek at the flowers behind her back and sighed. "Yeah."

The blonde bunny squealed and hugged him. "Okay, all you have to do is not tell Rei I sent these flowers. If you do, I'll be sure to see, that you receive a very slow and painful death." She smiled sweetly at the shocked ex-rock star. "Bai bai!" Handing him the flowers and card, she skipped off towards Minako, who -upon seeing Usagi skip towards her- ran away screaming something about her precious julius.

Two blondes looked at the door looming before them. Each had their own reasons for being scared of the door. Mainly because they didn't want to get caught in the act, for today was…Motoki's day off. The seemingly twins, glanced around, then back at the door. "You do it." Minako nudged Usagi.

The other girl shook her head in denial. "Not uh! No way, you do it."



"Don't be such a wimp odango atama." By using the despised nickname, Minako had just signed a death wish for when they got back to Usagi's apartment. The fuming blonde hurried up to his door, laid the note on the smiling welcome mat -which Usagi noticed, did not seem so happy at the moment- then knocked on the door.

Looking at Minako, both blondes took off down the road, not wanting to see the reaction to the note. It reminded Usagi of the good old days when they doorbell ditched. Caught up in her memories she didn't notice the crack in front of her. Hence how now she was sprawled on the ground with Minako laughing at her from behind. Unbidden tears welled up in her eyes. Her hands and knees really hurt. Oh but Minako would be hurting worse once she got her hands on the senshi of love.


Usagi and Minako, each sporting a few bruises and cuts, walked into the salon. Usagi -not on her own free will of course- was getting her hair styled and her nails done. How had Minako gotten her to do this again? Oh yes, her most trusted senshi had threatened to tell Rei who really bought those flowers and wrote that card. Usagi ultimately wished she had let her do just that. Not that she didn't like getting pampered, she just was more tomboy-ish than anything else. To her, getting her `nails done' was the equivalent to facing Beryl over and over and over and over…

"Miss, you need to give me your hands." The red headed teen popping some bubble gum across from her smiled politely, her eyes scrunching up.

"Oh… Sorry." Usagi handed the woman her hands to be `cleaned'. Her thoughts once again drifted to the darker aspects of getting her nails done. Till she was interrupted by an elder lady with slightly graying hair. She asked how she wanted her hair styled and all sorts of other questions. Though, Usagi was still a little curious as to why this woman- that looked to be in her mid forties maybe going on fifty- had wanted to know if she was going on a `hot date'.

Suddenly an image of the old woman cackling evilly came into mind and she shuddered. It didn't help when she smiled at her, with a little twinkle in her eye. How do old people do that?

"I wish I looked like you 25 years ago." A pause and the old woman chuckled, "I might have gotten a decent husband instead of old Hideki.…"

Yup, old people definitely are creepy.


Usagi looked at herself again in the mirror, spinning around, and smoothing out her dress. Doing anything to take her mind off of her approaching date. It had taken a threat on her life for her to get Minako to stop taking pictures. Sighing, she made her way into the kitchen. Might as well snack while she waited. Twenty minutes later found Usagi in the passenger seat of Yohji's Honda Civic.

"Where would you like to eat tonight Tenshi? I'm afraid I don't know your food preferences." Yohji's smooth baritone voice whispered in her ear.

Blushing a bright pink, Usagi shrugged. "It doesn't really matter to me." And truly it didn't, her friends all knew she would eat anything you set in front of her. As long as it didn't have peas or spinach. She couldn't swallow those vegetables for the life of her.

"Great. I know the perfect place." They drove in silence the whole way there. It wasn't one of those awkward first date silence; it was more of a laid back first date silences.

Yohji expertly pulled into the parking lot of a quaint little restaurant overlooking the ocean. "It's beautiful." She whispered in awe.

"Just like you tenshi. This is the first place I thought to take you. It reminds me a lot of you." She didn't know whether to be flattered or angered. She knew it was most likely his playboy side talking. But the words did make her feel special in a way. So, deciding to make the best of this date, she blushed and shyly raised her eyes to his.

All throughout the dinner, they stared into each other's eyes. With the exception of when they ate. Usagi may have come along way from her old self, but she still couldn't do two things at once. Plus, the food was just so great, she paid most of her attention on it. It was well after midnight by the time they got to her apartment and she was slightly tipsy from the little champaign she had consumed. She was a very light drinker. Considering she was still underage.


Usagi awoke with a headache. Her vision was a little blurry so when she got out of bed she naturally fell on her face when she tripped over her dress from the night before. That's funny, she didn't remember even changing into pajamas…

She shrieked as she realized she wasn't wearing pajamas. She wasn't wearing anything. At all. She looked tentatively over at her bed, and sighed when she noticed it empty. So, nothing happened between them? Because that would really suck not remembering it. Feeling a little happy albeit disappointed, she headed towards her kitchen for an early breakfast. She didn't know if her water heater was still broken or not. When she looked into the kitchen she froze in fascinated horror. There, in her kitchen, was Yohji calmly making eggs.

"So you finally woke up tenshi?" He asked upon noticing her entrance. His mouth hung open a little as he noticed her state of undress. Her blue eyes widened as she quickly ran to her room to get dressed. A few minutes later, a deeply blushing Usagi came out of her bedroom with a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top.

She made a small noise in the back of her throat to get his attention. "Did we .… ah.. did I.… um..did you and I…" Twenty years old and she could say the word sex. She was seriously beginning to rethink her life.

"You were the best I ever had." He chuckled watching her choke up more and her blush deepen. "You made sounds I never heard a woman make before." She put her head in her hands and her shoulders shook. Yohji- wondering what he said to make her cry- moved to comfort her. Once he was in arms length, she reached out and slapped him. "Ah! Hey, what was that for?" He cried rubbing his reddening cheek.

"You.…!" She reached for him again but her grabbed her arms this time, making sure she couldn't kick him in inappropriate places.

"Would you calm down? We didn't do anything, I promise. You were nearly drunk, so I put you in bed…"

His explanation was cut short by her cry of, "But I was naked!"

Yohji couldn't keep the grin off his face, "You did that yourself darlin'." He chuckled, probably thinking about whatever she had done. "You were screaming something, then you looked a little hot. You started panting and tossing back and forth. You finally just kind of slid out of you dress and seemed to calm down."

Mention of that made Usagi's face grow even redder as she downcast her eyes. In truth, she had been dreaming about Yohji. It had been a very….ah…. intense dream. "That doesn't explain why you're here, Yohji." She mumbled meekly, not meeting her eyes. She just knew if she did, the dream would start replaying in her mind. She also wanted to blame him for something.

"You couldn't walk straight, so I picked you up and took you to your room. When I laid you down on the bed, you wouldn't let go of me, so I lay down next to you till you let go. But I guess my day caught up with me so I must have fell asleep. That is, till you woke up screaming." Behind a cough he said, "my name."

Loud knocking and banging on the door interrupted the argument bubbling up within the now fuming blonde. Before she could consent the person behind the door to come in, Minako opened the door and stared at them with wide eyes.

Her eyes soon showed her thoughts. "Why Usagi, I didn't know you had company." Usagi was now literally considering doing more than bodily harm to the senshi of love. For instance, she couldn't kill her yet, that would just defeat the purpose of torture. Yes, that sounded fun.

"He was just leaving." She gave Yohji a little push, but he either didn't get the hint or didn't want to save her from a fate far worse than dying. Desperate now, she looked around for anything that might get the attention away from her. "Mina-chan, what's that a video of?" Usagi asked suspiciously.

Minako's grin turned sly as she spoke. "A date." Before she could say more her princess leapt at her, but the gods decided to spare her life for Yohji grabbed the small blonde by the waist before she could make her hands constrict around the other blonde's throat. "As I was saying." She glared at Usagi. "A date, from last night. But the video is of Rei and Motoki!" She squealed this, forgetting everything that had happened in the past couple of minutes.

"I don't even want to know how you taped it Minako."

I just want to address a few issues…

I'll try and tone it down a bit with the julius's

I know I never specified a day and time for the date with Rei and Motoki(Yes, in the next chapter I will `show' the tape.)

I don't know if I got the name of Rei's shrine right…

I know characters are OOC, I think I said something about that at the beginning of every chapter…

Now review please, it makes me feel special…...