Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Ice ❯ Encounter ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Journey to the Duelist Kingdom

The boat set sail as Rose looked over the balcony and listened to the various conversations as they slowly filtered out. She turned to head back when standing in her path was none other than Neo Sailor Pluto, her former mother.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." The scout said approaching the girl.

"Trista…What do you want from me now?" She asked quietly.

The question wasn't answered because a hand wrapped around Rose's throat and lifted her up into the air. She didn't struggle or try to fight her off.

Two voices approached and a boy with tri-colored hair came into view as well as a blond boy.

"Hey put her down!" The small boy yelled while running towards Rose and Trista.

"So you've survived this encounter." The scout said throwing Rose roughly to the ground.

The blond followed his friend and both kneeled down before the girl. Wearily Rose sat up, rubbing her neck gingerly. `Trista… What did you mean? What are you planning?' She thought. ~Rose, Are you alright?? ~ Star's mental voice asked concernedly. **I'm fine Star…Had she held my neck any tighter I would have suffocated though…** She trailed off.

"Are you alright??" The smaller of the two asked.

"I'm fine." Rose replied standing up.

"Ya' could a' least say thanks." The blond said angrily. "After all we did jus' save your life!"

"Could you at least tell us your name?" The tri-colored hair boy asked.

"It's Rose." She said simply.

"My name's Yugi and this is Joey." The boy said standing up.

"Hn." Rose replied before walking off

And I'll post again soon, but I want 5 reviews before I continue. I need to know if this story is liked or if I should discontinue it.