Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 3
Lady Catherine
Rating: G

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon and I
unfortunately probably never will :(.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting
for a very long time now but what will happen
when they begin to see each other in a new

Author's Notes: I am really glad that people
like my story. It is really the first thing I
have attempted to write outside of school. It
is really gratifying to have people actually
like my first effort. Please keep the comments
"Finally it's lunch! After that quiz I
thought that it would never get here." As usual
Usagi's thoughts were centered on food. "I
think I actually did well on that quiz though.
It felt like I already knew the material just
like when I was doing my homework last night.
I guess I will find out after lunch."
"Hey Usagi. I couldn't believe it when I
walked into class and you were there before
me." This comment came from one of Usagi's
closest friends, Mizuno Ami. She was the
school brainiac and hadn't had many friends
before she met Usagi. "I about fainted and
poor Ms. Haruna actually did when you turned in
the full week of homework. What has got into
"I don't know. I just felt like doing my
homework. What were the answers you got on the
quiz? I think I might have actually gotten
most of them right." The two girls sat under
the oak tree where they usually and began to
compare answers. Makoto joined them after a
few minutes and found a very happy Usagi. Ami
had just confirmed that she had most likely
aced the quiz.
"Can this day get any better? I wasn't
late, Mamoru was actually polite. I haven't
klutzed out once, I got my homework done, and
to top it all I did well on my quiz!! Mom is
going to be so happy with me. I am going to
get a gooooooddddd dinner." She got up and
started doing a happy dance. Makoto pulled her
down and started laughing.
"Usagi, do you ever think of anything
other than food?" Makoto was laughing
hysterically now and didn't notice Usagi
wolfing down not only her own lunch but
Makoto's as well.
"Mmmm. Mako-chan you are the best cook
ever!" sighed Usagi as she licked her fingers.
"Usagi! I can't believe you just ate my
whole lunch! What am I supposed to eat now?"
Asked a rather enraged Makoto.
"You shouldn't leave your lunch unattended
if you don't want me to eat it" said a rather
sheepish Usagi. She zoned out as Makoto tried
to convince Ami to share her lunch.
'I wonder why Mamoru wants to meet me
after school today. Could he like me? NO!
That's impossible. We are enemies. We can't
like each other." She was so busy reassuring
herself of the improbability that she didn't
notice the resurgence of that pesky little
inner voice she had suppressed earlier.
'I'm BAAAACK! So have you realized that
you love Mamoru yet?'
'I DO NOT love Mamoru! We are enemies,
that's ALL. Can't you get it through your
'Honey, this is YOUR head too. That means
you can't get it through your head either.'
Her inner voice lapsed into maniacal laughter
at catching Usagi in her own trap.
'Will you please stop. You're starting to
creep me out. I will admit that I don't hate
Mamoru but that doesn't mean I love him.'
'Think about it Usagi...he did apologize
today. That made you think that he was being
really sweet and you also wished that he would
be like that always. You also have to admit
that the man is a 100% Grade A hunk. He is
probably the most gorgeous man in all of Tokyo.
Every other girl in this city is in love with
him (except Naru who likes Melvin (A.N.: sorry
I can't remember his Japanese name) blechh).
Why keep kidding yourself?'
'I do not love him!!!
'Can you really be so sure?'
'Of course I can. It's my heart isn't it?'
'Aha, I've got you now! It's my heart as
well so you can't use that excuse. I am a part
of you remember?'
Usagi began to really think about what her
inner voice was saying. What if it actually
was right? There was no way that he loved her,
was there?
'Oh Mamo-chan, do I really love you?'
'What was that little nickname you just
gave him?'
'Ok girl if you didn't believe me before
now you have to. You just gave him a very
personal nickname. Face it, you love him.'
Usagi just froze and stared straight
probably hates me. I think my good day just
died. How can I make him love me? Wait a sec;
he wants to meet me today. I can start being
really sweet and maybe he will fall in love
with me!'
'You go girl. I don't think that you will
have any trouble getting him to love you. I
think that he is already well on his way.'
Unfortunately Usagi didn't here this last
remark because she was so busy planning how to
make Mamoru fall in love with her.

That's all for today. I have to go to bed now
because I need to get up early cause it's
Christmas and my sister will wake me up at 8
o'clock if I'm lucky. I hope everyone is still
enjoying the story. I will try and write more
tomorrow night but I have a week and a half
before school starts again so I will finish it
by then. Keep reviewing and critiquing
Lady Catherine